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Marek Mark J. Wagner

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Please support an Open Letter to the UN and European Union

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Karty Praw Czowieka / Petycji do Unii Europejskiej (Human Rights Act).

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Marek Mark J. Wagner


Dolphins Ambassadors of Lesser Brothers

Dolphins engage human awareness and imagination since the beginning of time. One of my first
short story book I've read in third grade, was about dolphins, which are helping sailors stuck in the
frozen sea. Another story illustrates situation when dolphins rescue swimmers, who are in imminent
danger. Around the globe circling great, uplifting stories where man and dolphin became friends. Two
distant worlds, yet, not distant at all, when it comes to communication, and mutual sense of empathy,
and even social similarities.
Often, man is more inclined toward criticism or an attitude of disregard when it comes to
altruism, yet, in this case, people around the world, since ancient times (Greek sailors for example),
express not only empathy toward dolphins but unspoiled admiration.
This relationship reaches beyond typical inter species curiosity, but close emotional bond
between man and dolphin.
Dolphins learn from each other similarly as people, who obtain knowledge and experience
from the society. Dolphins express profound sense of abstract thinking, same as man does. Dolphins are
joyful, playful, social, intelligent, hierarchical, dolphins cooperate and communicate with each other,
same as men does. Yet, the most profound quality of dolphin is the sense of protection and even
Why untrained dolphins, which never had any encounter with human, rescue man from danger ?
I have no doubt, dolphins are aware, dolphins not only think, but those sophisticated mammals
recognize a sense of danger, suffering and they visualize, yes, visualize sequence. Dolphins recognize
themselves in the mirror, same as human being does. They play in front of the mirror. Dolphins risk
their own existence while trying to chase away much more powerful shark from men in distress.
Human society ought to reevaluate perception and an attitude toward animals, because this
relationship is often out of balance and even unfair. Animals are much more complex, than many
people think, yet, we ought to teach people of all ages, that animals are intelligent, and deserve respect
and protection. If animal is showing emotional complexity, including compassion toward man in times
of distress, toward different species, de facto, advanced social thinking pattern. Dolphins behavior
create a bridge between species, dolphins, de facto, initiated dialogue. Isn't time to say, we ought to
learn great deal of lessons from other species, yet, mirroring our own desires as well as instincts such as
preservation of life ?
Today echo sounds disrupt natural habitat of dolphins and other marine species. Today fishing
industry doesn't know, how extensively depleted schools of fish are. Today plastics, fishing nets, which
are not biodegradable, create silent, yet, profound havoc for strangled fish, small and the largest fish
in oceans and seas.
Today man has to learn that the interspecies bridge was created by fish, dolphins, to be precise.
COEXIST, human being and dolphin, fauna and flora. Coexist philosophy does change
everything around us, and more importantly, is expanding frame of awareness in all directions.

When frightened swimmer suddenly recognizes danger, when shore is too far, when all odds are
against the logic of survival, suddenly out of the blue comes rescue, dolphins who chase away
aggressor. Without any reward or recognition dolphins swim away, yet, to be found stranded on the
beach few weeks later, because echo sounds disrupted their sense of direction and the thinking pattern.
Dear friends, this is not interspecies dialogue, this is ignorance. Who would kill his, her own
friend, friend, who never ask for anything, friend, who is saving human lives over and over again with
so much humility.
Does dolphin has the soul ? Why wouldn't they . Dolphins are aware of their own being, very
much aware, and they like what they see in the mirror, dolphin knows, it's me in the mirror ! How
many more arguments you need to give dolphins and countless other animals what they deserve,
dignity, as well as safety in their own home, seas and oceans.
Dolphins, dogs, cats and many other species invented emotional, logical bridges between
species, between man and the creation.
As of today Native American Indians, Buddhist express profound respect toward nature and this
lesson shall be learned by us all. Perhaps some chapters of compassion were misplaced in other
cultures, religions, ethnic groups, yet, this lesson of compassion and humility shall not be misplaced by
the sense of superiority.
Biblical references: human vs animals.
Animals, like humans, were created as nefesh chaya-living souls. (Genesis 1:29,30; 2:7,19).
God's approval of the created world is expressed as follows: "and God saw that it was good."
God blesses the animals and at the end of the sixth day. God saw all that he had made, and it was
very good" (v. 31).
Jesus reaffirms the value of the animal world in Lu 12:6: "Are not five sparrows sold for two
pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God."
Isaiah speaks of the day of the Lord in the following terms: "The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child
will lead them" ( Isa 11:6). This is a vision of future transformation and harmony, when all creation
will be renewed, yet, this is what Adam and Eve had seen before they were expelled from Heaven
If animal manifest emotions, sense of danger, sophisticated thinking patterns and even
compassion or sense of danger there is obvious evidence of awareness, expressed through embedded
senasation of joy, other times suffering. Perhaps we shall say, man does not only harm animal, but self
awareness as well.
And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth
across the expanse of the sky." God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving
thing, with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its

And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number
and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." 23 And there was evening, and
there was morning-the fifth day.
I want to emphesize important to me aspect, that perhaps dolphins are remaining proof that once
on Earth man and living creatures lived in perfect harmony ... .
People, scientists are puzzled, why dolphins jump above the water, well, they jump toward the
light and because organic life was born (created) in the water. This is how they have learned how to fly
and became birds, another flock to join what had been created by the Divine.
A group of swimmers were confronted by a ten-foot great white shark off the northern coast of
new Zealand. A pod of dolphins herded them together, circling them until the great white fled
In another case in the Red Sea, twelve divers, who were lost for many hours were surrounded
by dolphins for the entire time, repelling sharks. When a rescue boat showed up, dolphins were
showing them where the divers were; they leaped up in the air in front of the rescuers, jumping toward
the lost people, as if to lead the boat onward.
I do not know if this stories are true or not, yet, people for thousands of years claim that
dolphins have helped the man (author)... .

Marine scientists are raising concerns about the Pres. Obama Administrations decision to use of
seismic air guns in the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists from around the globe urge President Barack Obama
to stop the use of the guns, which create powerful and harmful air blasts underwater and is, de facto,
significant threat to marine life throughout the region.
The air blasts fire every 10-12 seconds for weeks or months at a time, which can harm marine
A total of nearly three million whales were killed in the 20th century, according to a new
estimate, the largest hunt in human history. (Time Magazine and NBC)

Blue Serenade

Animals of the world are not an accessory in human world, but an integral, essential part of the
world, support system we live in. Animal world in general, fauna and flora need a Global Legal Status,
legislation, which would recognize species, their intelligence, abilities, profound complexities,
including emotions, compassion, sadness and even inter-species interaction. Examples are countless:
domesticated animals, dogs, cats, birds, as well as wildlife: dolphins are profoundly caring and attached
to humans, Other species such as elephants, monkeys, wild cats, large fish, and many other, manifest
very sophisticated social system including compassion, life time relationships, hierarchy and even an
ability in abstract thinking.

Dolphins initiated with humans inter-species relationship. Trully unprecedented development,

yet, this sequence is proving for centuries that Dolphins are serious about their natural behavior and
relationship with humans.
Dolphins through their natural ability toward dialogue fit perfectly, as I call it,
Ambassadors of Lesser Brothers. Well earned and deserved nobility. Lesser Brothers, who are
becoming more and more sophisticated with each passing year, demand adjustments in terms of
attitudes from humans, including Global Legal Status as the basis toward fair treatment as well as
protection, because by protecting Fauna and Flora, human civilization does, de facto, protects self
and the entire civilization. Buddhism and the Native American Indians emphesize unparalleled respect
toward natural world and we ought to learn from it.
Marek "Mark" J. Wagner

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