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Catching the Drift: Probabilistic Content Models, with Applications to

Generation and Summarization

Regina Barzilay Lillian Lee

Computer Science and AI Lab Department of Computer Science
MIT Cornell University

Abstract discourse”. Advantages of a distributional perspective in-

clude both drastic reduction in human effort and recogni-
We consider the problem of modeling the con- tion of “topics” that might not occur to a human expert
tent structure of texts within a specific do- and yet, when explicitly modeled, aid in applications.
main, in terms of the topics the texts address Of course, the success of the distributional approach
and the order in which these topics appear. depends on the existence of recurrent patterns. In arbi-
We first present an effective knowledge-lean trary document collections, such patterns might be too
method for learning content models from un- variable to be easily detected by statistical means. How-
annotated documents, utilizing a novel adap- ever, research has shown that texts from the same domain
tation of algorithms for Hidden Markov Mod- tend to exhibit high similarity (Wray, 2002). Cognitive
els. We then apply our method to two com- psychologists have long posited that this similarity is not
plementary tasks: information ordering and ex- accidental, arguing that formulaic text structure facilitates
tractive summarization. Our experiments show readers’ comprehension and recall (Bartlett, 1932).1
that incorporating content models in these ap- In this paper, we investigate the utility of domain-
plications yields substantial improvement over specific content models for representing topics and
previously-proposed methods. topic shifts. Content models are Hidden Markov
Models (HMMs) wherein states correspond to types
1 Introduction of information characteristic to the domain of in-
terest (e.g., earthquake magnitude or previous earth-
The development and application of computational mod- quake occurrences), and state transitions capture possible
els of text structure is a central concern in natural lan- information-presentation orderings within that domain.
guage processing. Document-level analysis of text struc- We first describe an efficient, knowledge-lean method
ture is an important instance of such work. Previous for learning both a set of topics and the relations be-
research has sought to characterize texts in terms of tween topics directly from un-annotated documents. Our
domain-independent rhetorical elements, such as schema technique incorporates a novel adaptation of the standard
items (McKeown, 1985) or rhetorical relations (Mann HMM induction algorithm that is tailored to the task of
and Thompson, 1988; Marcu, 1997). The focus of our modeling content.
work, however, is on an equally fundamental but domain-
Then, we apply techniques based on content models to
dependent dimension of the structure of text: content.
two complex text-processing tasks. First, we consider in-
Our use of the term “content” corresponds roughly
formation ordering, that is, choosing a sequence in which
to the notions of topic and topic change. We desire
to present a pre-selected set of items; this is an essen-
models that can specify, for example, that articles about
tial step in concept-to-text generation, multi-document
earthquakes typically contain information about quake
summarization, and other text-synthesis problems. In our
strength, location, and casualties, and that descriptions
experiments, content models outperform Lapata’s (2003)
of casualties usually precede those of rescue efforts. But
state-of-the-art ordering method by a wide margin — for
rather than manually determine the topics for a given
one domain and performance metric, the gap was 78 per-
domain, we take a distributional view, learning them
centage points. Second, we consider extractive summa-
directly from un-annotated texts via analysis of word
distribution patterns. This idea dates back at least to 1
But “formulaic” is not necessarily equivalent to “simple”,
Harris (1982), who claimed that “various types of [word] so automated approaches still offer advantages over manual
recurrence patterns seem to characterize various types of techniques, especially if one needs to model several domains.
rization: the compression of a document by choosing Iyer and Ostendorf, 1996; Wu and Khudanpur, 2002). In
a subsequence of its sentences. For this task, we de- fact, the methods we employ for learning content models
velop a new content-model-based learning algorithm for are quite closely related to techniques proposed in that
sentence selection. The resulting summaries yield 88% literature (see Section 3 for more details).
match with human-written output, which compares fa- However, language-modeling research — whose goal
vorably to the 69% achieved by the standard “leading n is to predict text probabilities — tends to treat topic as a
sentences” baseline. useful auxiliary variable rather than a central concern; for
The success of content models in these two comple- example, topic-based distributional information is gener-
mentary tasks demonstrates their flexibility and effective- ally interpolated with standard, non-topic-based n-gram
ness, and indicates that they are sufficiently expressive to models to improve probability estimates. Our work, in
represent important text properties. These observations, contrast, treats content as a primary entity. In particular,
taken together with the fact that content models are con- our induction algorithms are designed with the explicit
ceptually intuitive and efficiently learnable from raw doc- goal of modeling document content, which is why they
ument collections, suggest that the formalism can prove differ from the standard Baum-Welch (or EM) algorithm
useful in an even broader range of applications than we for learning Hidden Markov Models even though content
have considered here; exploring the options is an appeal- models are instances of HMMs.
ing line of future research.
3 Model Construction
2 Related Work
We employ an iterative re-estimation procedure that al-
Knowledge-rich methods Models employing manual ternates between (1) creating clusters of text spans with
crafting of (typically complex) representations of content similar word distributions to serve as representatives of
have generally captured one of three types of knowledge within-document topics, and (2) computing models of
(Rambow, 1990; Kittredge et al., 1991): domain knowl- word distributions and topic changes from the clusters so
edge [e.g., that earthquakes have magnitudes], domain- derived.3
independent communication knowledge [e.g., that de-
Formalism preliminaries We treat texts as sequences
scribing an event usually entails specifying its location];
of pre-defined text spans, each presumed to convey infor-
and domain communication knowledge [e.g., that Reuters
mation about a single topic. Specifying text-span length
earthquake reports often conclude by listing previous
thus defines the granularity of the induced topics. For
quakes2 ]. Formalisms exemplifying each of these knowl-
concreteness, in what follows we will refer to “sentences”
edge types are DeJong’s (1982) scripts, McKeown’s
rather than “text spans” since that is what we used in our
(1985) schemas, and Rambow’s (1990) domain-specific
experiments, but paragraphs or clauses could potentially
schemas, respectively.
have been employed instead.
In contrast, because our models are based on a dis-
Our working assumption is that all texts from a given
tributional view of content, they will freely incorporate
domain are generated by a single content model. A con-
information from all three categories as long as such in-
tent model is an HMM in which each state s corresponds
formation is manifested as a recurrent pattern. Also, in
to a distinct topic and generates sentences relevant to that
comparison to the formalisms mentioned above, content
topic according to a state-specific language model ps —
models constitute a relatively impoverished representa-
note that standard n-gram language models can there-
tion; but this actually contributes to the ease with which
fore be considered to be degenerate (single-state) content
they can be learned, and our empirical results show that
models. State transition probabilities give the probability
they are quite effective despite their simplicity.
of changing from a given topic to another, thereby cap-
In recent work, Duboue and McKeown (2003) propose
turing constraints on topic shifts. We can use the forward
a method for learning a content planner from a collec-
algorithm to efficiently compute the generation probabil-
tion of texts together with a domain-specific knowledge
ity assigned to a document by a content model and the
base, but our method applies to domains in which no such
Viterbi algorithm to quickly find the most likely content-
knowledge base has been supplied.
model state sequence to have generated a given docu-
Knowledge-lean approaches Distributional models of ment; see Rabiner (1989) for details.
content have appeared with some frequency in research In our implementation, we use bigram language mod-
on text segmentation and topic-based language modeling els, so that the probability of an n-word sentence x =
(Hearst, 1994; Beeferman et al., 1997; Chen et al., 1998; w1 w2    wn being generated by a state s is ps x ( )
Florian and Yarowsky, 1999; Gildea and Hofmann, 1999; 3
For clarity, we omit minor technical details, such as the use
This does not qualify as domain knowledge because it is of dummy initial and final states. Section 5.2 describes how the
not about earthquakes per se. free parameters k, T , Æ1 , and Æ2 are chosen.
The Athens seismological institute said the temblor’s epi- Note that the contents of the “etcetera” cluster are ignored
center was located 380 kilometers (238 miles) south of
at this stage.
the capital.
Seismologists in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province Our state-transition probability estimates arise from
said the temblor’s epicenter was about 250 kilometers considering how sentences from the same article are dis-
(155 miles) north of the provincial capital Peshawar. tributed across the clusters. More specifically, for two
The temblor was centered 60 kilometers (35 miles) north- clusters and 0 , let D( ; 0 ) be the number of documents
west of the provincial capital of Kunming, about 2,200 in which a sentence from immediately precedes one
from 0 , and let D( ) be the number of documents con-
kilometers (1,300 miles) southwest of Beijing, a bureau
seismologist said.
taining sentences from . Then, for any two states si and
Figure 1: Samples from an earthquake-articles sentence sj , i; j  m, we use the following smoothed estimate of
cluster, corresponding to descriptions of location. the probability of transitioning from si to sj :
D( i ; j ) + Æ2
j j
p(sj si ) = :
i=1 ps (wi wi 1 ). Estimating the state bigram proba- D( i ) + Æ2 m
bilities ps (w0 w) is described below.
Initial topic induction As in previous work (Florian Viterbi re-estimation Our initial clustering ignores
and Yarowsky, 1999; Iyer and Ostendorf, 1996; Wu and sentence order; however, contextual clues may indicate
Khudanpur, 2002), we initialize the set of “topics”, distri- that sentences with high lexical similarity are actually on
butionally construed, by partitioning all of the sentences different “topics”. For instance, Reuters articles about
from the documents in a given domain-specific collection earthquakes frequently finish by mentioning previous
into clusters. First, we create k clusters via complete-link quakes. This means that while the sentence “The temblor
clustering, measuring sentence similarity by the cosine injured dozens” at the beginning of a report is probably
metric using word bigrams as features (Figure 1 shows highly salient and should be included in a summary of it,
example output).4 Then, given our knowledge that docu- the same sentence at the end of the piece probably refers
ments may sometimes discuss new and/or irrelevant con- to a different event, and so should be omitted.
tent as well, we create an “etcetera” cluster by merging A natural way to incorporate ordering information is
together all clusters containing fewer than T sentences, iterative re-estimation of the model parameters, since the
on the assumption that such clusters consist of “outlier” content model itself provides such information through
sentences. We use m to denote the number of clusters its transition structure. We take an EM-like Viterbi ap-
that results. proach (Iyer and Ostendorf, 1996): we re-cluster the sen-
tences by placing each one in the (new) cluster i , i  m,
Determining states, emission probabilities, and transi-
that corresponds to the state si most likely to have gen-
tion probabilities Given a set 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; m of m clus-
erated it according to the Viterbi decoding of the train-
ters, where m is the “etcetera” cluster, we construct a
ing data. We then use this new clustering as the input to
content model with corresponding states s1 ; s2 ; : : : ; sm ;
the procedure for estimating HMM parameters described
we refer to sm as the insertion state.
above. The cluster/estimate cycle is repeated until the
For each state si , i < m, bigram probabilities (which
clusterings stabilize or we reach a predefined number of
induce the state’s sentence-emission probabilities) are es-
timated using smoothed counts from the corresponding

f i (ww0 ) + Æ1
cluster: 4 Evaluation Tasks
psi (w0 w) j def ;
f i (w) + Æ1 jV j
We apply the techniques just described to two tasks that
where f i (y ) is the frequency with which word sequence stand to benefit from models of content and changes in
y occurs within the sentences in cluster i , and V is the topic: information ordering for text generation and in-
vocabulary. But because we want the insertion state sm formation selection for single-document summarization.
to model digressions or unseen topics, we take the novel These are two complementary tasks that rely on dis-
step of forcing its language model to be complementary joint model functionalities: the ability to order a set of
to those of the other states by setting pre-selected information-bearing items, and the ability

i:i<m psi (w0 jw) :

to do the selection itself, extracting from an ordered se-
psm (w0 w)
j def P
1 max
quence of information-bearing items a representative sub-
maxi:i<m psi (ujw ))
u2V (1 sequence.
Following Barzilay and Lee (2003), proper names, num- 4.1 Information Ordering
bers and dates are (temporarily) replaced with generic tokens to
help ensure that clusters contain sentences describing the same The information-ordering task is essential to many text-
event type, rather than same actual event. synthesis applications, including concept-to-text genera-
tion and multi-document summarization; While account- Domain Average Standard Vocabulary Token/
ing for the full range of discourse and stylistic factors that Length Deviation Size type
influence the ordering process is infeasible in many do- Earthquakes 10.4 5.2 1182 13.2
mains, probabilistic content models provide a means for Clashes 14.0 2.6 1302 4.5
handling important aspects of this problem. We demon- Drugs 10.3 7.5 1566 4.1
strate this point by utilizing content models to select ap- Finance 13.7 1.6 1378 12.8
propriate sentence orderings: we simply use a content Accidents 11.5 6.3 2003 5.6
model trained on documents from the domain of interest,
selecting the ordering among all the presented candidates Table 1: Corpus statistics. Length is in sentences. Vo-
that the content model assigns the highest probability to. cabulary size and type/token ratio are computed after re-
placement of proper names, numbers and dates.
4.2 Extractive Summarization
Content models can also be used for single-document
To produce a length-` summary of a new article, the al-
summarization. Because ordering is not an issue in this
gorithm first uses the content model and Viterbi decoding
application5, this task tests the ability of content models
to assign each of the article’s sentences a V-topic. Next,
to adequately represent domain topics independently of
the algorithm selects those ` states, chosen from among
whether they do well at ordering these topics.
those that appear as the V-topic of one of the article’s
The usual strategy employed by domain-specific sum-
sentences, that have the highest probability of generating
marizers is for humans to determine a priori what types
a summary sentence, as estimated above. Sentences from
of information from the originating documents should be
the input article corresponding to these states are placed
included (e.g., in stories about earthquakes, the number
in the output summary.6
of victims) (Radev and McKeown, 1998; White et al.,
2001). Some systems avoid the need for manual anal-
5 Evaluation Experiments
ysis by learning content-selection rules from a collec-
tion of articles paired with human-authored summaries, 5.1 Data
but their learning algorithms typically focus on within- For evaluation purposes, we created corpora from five
sentence features or very coarse structural features (such domains: earthquakes, clashes between armies and rebel
as position within a paragraph) (Kupiec et al., 1999). groups, drug-related criminal offenses, financial reports,
Our content-model-based summarization algorithm com- and summaries of aviation accidents.7 Specifically, the
bines the advantages of both approaches; on the one first four collections consist of AP articles from the North
hand, it learns all required information from un-annotated American News Corpus gathered via a TDT-style docu-
document-summary pairs; on the other hand, it operates ment clustering system. The fifth consists of narratives
on a more abstract and global level, making use of the from the National Transportation Safety Board’s database
topical structure of the entire document. previously employed by Jones and Thompson (2003) for
Our algorithm is trained as follows. Given a content event-identification experiments. For each such set, 100
model acquired from the full articles using the method de- articles were used for training a content model, 100 arti-
scribed in Section 3, we need to learn which topics (rep- cles for testing, and 20 for the development set used for
resented by the content model’s states) should appear in parameter tuning. Table 1 presents information about ar-
our summaries. Our first step is to employ the Viterbi al- ticle length (measured in sentences, as determined by the
gorithm to tag all of the summary sentences and all of the sentence separator of Reynar and Ratnaparkhi (1997)),
sentences from the original articles with a Viterbi topic vocabulary size, and token/type ratio for each domain.
label, or V-topic — the name of the state most likely to
have generated them. Next, for each state s such that 5.2 Parameter Estimation
at least three full training-set articles contained V-topic Our training algorithm has four free parameters: two that
s, we compute the probability that the state generates indirectly control the number of states in the induced con-
sentences that should appear in a summary. This prob- tent model, and two parameters for smoothing bigram
ability is estimated by simply (1) counting the number probabilities. All were tuned separately for each do-
of document-summary pairs in the parallel training data main on the corresponding held-out development set us-
such that both the originating document and the summary ing Powell’s grid search (Press et al., 1997). The parame-
contain sentences assigned V-topic s, and then (2) nor- ter values were selected to optimize system performance
malizing this count by the number of full articles con-
taining sentences with V-topic s. If there are more than ` sentences, we prioritize them by
the summarization probability of their V-topic’s state; we break
Typically, sentences in a single-document summary follow any further ties by order of appearance in the document.
the order of appearance in the original document.˜regina/struct
on the information-ordering task8 . We found that across 5.3.2 Results
all domains, the optimal models were based on “sharper”
language models (e.g., Æ1 < 0:0000001). The optimal For each of the 500 unseen test texts, we exhaustively
number of states ranged from 32 to 95. enumerated all sentence permutations and ranked them
using a content model from the corresponding domain.
5.3 Ordering Experiments We compared our results against those of a bigram lan-
guage model (the baseline) and an improved version of
5.3.1 Metrics the state-of-the-art probabilistic ordering method of La-
The intent behind our ordering experiments is to test pata (2003), both trained on the same data we used.
whether content models assign high probability to ac- Lapata’s method first learns a set of pairwise sentence-
ceptable sentence arrangements. However, one stumbling ordering preferences based on features such as noun-verb
block to performing this kind of evaluation is that we do dependencies. Given a new set of sentences, the latest
not have data on ordering quality: the set of sentences version of her method applies a Viterbi-style approxima-
from an N -sentence document can be sequenced in N ! tion algorithm to choose a permutation satisfying many
different ways, which even for a single text of moder- preferences (Lapata, personal communication).9
ate length is too many to ask humans to evaluate. For- Table 2 gives the results of our ordering-test compari-
tunately, we do know that at least the original sentence son experiments. Content models outperform the alterna-
order (OSO) in the source document must be acceptable, tives almost universally, and often by a very wide margin.
and so we should prefer algorithms that assign it high We conjecture that this difference in performance stems
probability relative to the bulk of all the other possible from the ability of content models to capture global doc-
permutations. This observation motivates our first evalu- ument structure. In contrast, the other two algorithms
ation metric: the rank received by the OSO when all per- are local, taking into account only the relationships be-
mutations of a given document’s sentences are sorted by tween adjacent word pairs and adjacent sentence pairs,
the probabilities that the model under consideration as- respectively. It is interesting to observe that our method
signs to them. The best possible rank is 0, and the worst achieves better results despite not having access to the lin-
is N ! 1. guistic information incorporated by Lapata’s method. To
An additional difficulty we encountered in setting up be fair, though, her techniques were designed for a larger
our evaluation is that while we wanted to compare our corpus than ours, which may aggravate data sparseness
algorithms against Lapata’s (2003) state-of-the-art sys- problems for such a feature-rich method.
tem, her method doesn’t consider all permutations (see Table 3 gives further details on the rank results for our
below), and so the rank metric cannot be computed for it. content models, showing how the rank scores were dis-
To compensate, we report the OSO prediction rate, which tributed; for instance, we see that on the Earthquakes do-
measures the percentage of test cases in which the model main, the OSO was one of the top five permutations in
under consideration gives highest probability to the OSO 95% of the test documents. Even in Drugs and Accidents
from among all possible permutations; we expect that a — the domains that proved relatively challenging to our
good model should predict the OSO a fair fraction of the method — in more than 55% of the cases the OSO’s rank
time. Furthermore, to provide some assessment of the did not exceed ten. Given that the maximal possible rank
quality of the predicted orderings themselves, we follow in these domains exceeds three million, we believe that
Lapata (2003) in employing Kendall’s  , which is a mea- our model has done a good job in the ordering task.
sure of how much an ordering differs from the OSO—
We also computed learning curves for the different do-
the underlying assumption is that most reasonable sen-
mains; these are shown in Figure 2. Not surprisingly, per-
tence orderings should be fairly similar to it. Specifically,
formance improves with the size of the training set for all
for a permutation  of the sentences in an N -sentence
domains. The figure also shows that the relative difficulty
document,  ( ) is computed as
(from the content-model point of view) of the different
domains remains mostly constant across varying training-
S ( )
 ( ) = 1 2
N ; set sizes. Interestingly, the two easiest domains, Finance
2 and Earthquakes, can be thought of as being more for-
mulaic or at least more redundant, in that they have the
where S ( ) is the number of swaps of adjacent sen- highest token/type ratios (see Table 1) — that is, in these
tences necessary to re-arrange  into the OSO. The metric domains, words are repeated much more frequently on
ranges from -1 (inverse orders) to 1 (identical orders). average.
See Section 5.5 for discussion of the relation between the
ordering and the summarization task. Finding the optimal such permutation is NP-complete.
Domain System Rank OSO  100

pred. 90

Content 2.67 72% 0.81 80

Earthquakes Lapata (N/A) 24% 0.48 70

Bigram 485.16 4% 0.27

OSO prediction rate


Content 3.05 48% 0.64 50

Clashes Lapata (N/A) 27% 0.41 40

Bigram 635.15 12% 0.25 30

Content 15.38 38% 0.45 20

Drugs Lapata (N/A) 27% 0.49 10
Bigram 712.03 11% 0.24 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Content 0.05 96% 0.98 Training-set size

Finance Lapata (N/A) 18% 0.75

Bigram 7.44 66% 0.74 Figure 2: Ordering-task performance, in terms of OSO
Content 10.96 41% 0.44 prediction rate, as a function of the number of documents
Accidents Lapata (N/A) 10% 0.07 in the training set.
Bigram 973.75 2% 0.19
its location within the text, namely beginning third, mid-
Table 2: Ordering results (averages over the test cases).
dle third and end third.10 Hence, relationships between
sentences are not explicitly modeled, making this system
Domain Rank range a good basis for comparison.
[0-4] [5-10] > 10 We evaluated our summarization system on the Earth-
Earthquakes 95% 1% 4% quakes domain, since for some of the texts in this domain
Clashes 75% 18% 7% there is a condensed version written by AP journalists.
Drugs 47% 8% 45% These summaries are mostly extractive11; consequently,
Finance 100% 0% 0% they can be easily aligned with sentences in the original
Accidents 52% 7% 41% articles. From sixty document-summary pairs, half were
randomly selected to be used for training and the other
Table 3: Percentage of cases for which the content model half for testing. (While thirty documents may not seem
assigned to the OSO a rank within a given range. like a large number, it is comparable to the size of the
training corpora used in the competitive summarization-
system evaluations mentioned above.) The average num-
5.4 Summarization Experiments
ber of sentences in the full texts and summaries was 15
The evaluation of our summarization algorithm was and 6, respectively, for a total of 450 sentences in each of
driven by two questions: (1) Are the summaries produced the test and (full documents of the) training sets.
of acceptable quality, in terms of selected content? and At runtime, we provided the systems with a full doc-
(2) Does the content-model representation provide addi- ument and the desired output length, namely, the length
tional advantages over more locally-focused methods? in sentences of the corresponding shortened version. The
To address the first question, we compare summaries resulting summaries were judged as a whole by the frac-
created by our system against the “lead” baseline, which tion of their component sentences that appeared in the
extracts the first ` sentences of the original text — de- human-written summary of the input text.
spite its simplicity, the results from the annual Docu- The results in Table 4 confirm our hypothesis about
ment Understanding Conference (DUC) evaluation sug- the benefits of content models for text summarization —
gest that most single-document summarization systems our model outperforms both the sentence-level, locally-
cannot beat this baseline. To address question (2), we focused classifier and the “lead” baseline. Furthermore,
consider a summarization system that learns extraction as the learning curves shown in Figure 3 indicate, our
rules directly from a parallel corpus of full texts and their method achieves good performance on a small subset of
summaries (Kupiec et al., 1999). In this system, sum- parallel training data: in fact, the accuracy of our method
marization is framed as a sentence-level binary classifi- on one third of the training data is higher than that of the
cation problem: each sentence is labeled by the publicly- 10
This feature set yielded the best results among the several
available BoosTexter system (Schapire and Singer, 2000) possibilities we tried.
as being either “in” or “out” of the summary. The fea- 11
Occasionally, one or two phrases or, more rarely, a clause
tures considered for each sentence are its unigrams and were dropped.
System Extraction accuracy Model size 10 20 40 60 64 80
Content-based 88% Ordering 11% 28% 52% 50% 72% 57%
Sentence classifier 76% Summarization 54% 70% 79% 79% 88% 83%
(words + location)
Leading n sentences 69% Table 5: Content-model performance on Earthquakes as
a function of model size. Ordering: OSO prediction rate;
Summarization: extraction accuracy.
Table 4: Summarization-task results.

good performance on the other. These findings provide
80 support for the hypothesis that content models are not
70 only helpful for specific tasks, but can serve as effective
representations of text structure in general.
Summarization accuracy

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we present an unsupervised method for the
induction of content models, which capture constraints
on topic selection and organization for texts in a par-
ticular domain. Incorporation of these models in order-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ing and summarization applications yields substantial im-
Training-set size (number of summary/source pairs)
provement over previously-proposed methods. These re-
sults indicate that distributional approaches widely used
Figure 3: Summarization performance (extraction accu- to model various inter-sentential phenomena can be suc-
racy) on Earthquakes as a function of training-set size. cessfully applied to capture text-level relations, empiri-
cally validating the long-standing hypothesis that word
distribution patterns strongly correlate with discourse
sentence-level classifier on the full training set. Clearly,
patterns within a text, at least within specific domains.
this performance gain demonstrates the effectiveness of
An important future direction lies in studying the cor-
content models for the summarization task.
respondence between our domain-specific model and
5.5 Relation Between Ordering and Summarization domain-independent formalisms, such as RST. By au-
Methods tomatically annotating a large corpus of texts with dis-
course relations via a rhetorical parser (Marcu, 1997;
Since we used two somewhat orthogonal tasks, ordering Soricut and Marcu, 2003), we may be able to incorpo-
and summarization, to evaluate the quality of the content- rate domain-independent relationships into the transition
model paradigm, it is interesting to ask whether the same structure of our content models. This study could uncover
parameterization of the model does well in both cases. interesting connections between domain-specific stylistic
Specifically, we looked at the results for different model constraints and generic principles of text organization.
topologies, induced by varying the number of content- In the literature, discourse is frequently modeled using
model states. For these tests, we experimented with the a hierarchical structure, which suggests that probabilis-
Earthquakes data (the only domain for which we could tic context-free grammars or hierarchical Hidden Markov
evaluate summarization performance), and exerted direct Models (Fine et al., 1998) may also be applied for model-
control over the number of states, rather than utilizing the ing content structure. In the future, we plan to investigate
cluster-size threshold; that is, in order to create exactly m how to bootstrap the induction of hierarchical models us-
states for a specific value of m, we merged the smallest ing labeled data derived from our content models. We
clusters until m clusters remained. would also like to explore how domain-independent dis-
Table 5 shows the performance of the different-sized course constraints can be used to guide the construction
content models with respect to the summarization task of the hierarchical models.
and the ordering task (using OSO prediction rate). While
the ordering results seem to be more sensitive to the num- Acknowledgments We are grateful to Mirella Lapata
ber of states, both metrics induce similar ranking on the for providing us the results of her system on our data, and
models. In fact, the same-size model yields top perfor- to Dominic Jones and Cindi Thompson for supplying us
mance on both tasks. While our experiments are limited with their document collection. We also thank Eli Barzi-
to only one domain, the correlation in results is encourag- lay, Sasha Blair-Goldensohn, Eric Breck, Claire Cardie,
ing: optimizing parameters on one task promises to yield Yejin Choi, Marcia Davidson, Pablo Duboue, Noémie
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