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Pipe flow calculations

The calculator is designed to solve quickly and accurately the rational formula for the
turbulent flow of fluids through pipes, this equation being:P = Q2 f S L K / d5
P = pressure loss, bar.
Q = flow in litre/s for liquids m2/h at 20C and 1016 mbar for gases.
L = length of pipe, metres.
d = dia. of pipe, mm.
f = coefficient of friction.
S = specific gravity, relative to water for liquids, and relative to air for gases.
K = a constant and is 3.25x l07 for liquids, 3.05 x103 for gases.
The coefficient of friction varies with viscosity, velocity of fluid and pipe roughness. The
velocity variation is built into the calculator and the variation with viscosity is taken care
of by the separate viscosity scale.
The values incorporated for the coefficient of friction are as given by the Colebrook-White
formula, using an absolute roughness of .045 mm for clean commercial steel or wrought
iron pipes as given by Moody, plus an allowance of 2% for pipe joints and a contingency
of 3% as it is accepted that the roughness factors for individual pipes cannot be known
with complete accuracy.
The value of the constant K in the above formula depends on the definition of the
coefficient of friction which Moody gives as half the value given by the Colebrook-White
formula as at present used. The formula is:
1 / f = - 4 log10 (KS/3.7d + 1.255 / R f)
where:KS = absolute roughness of pipe in mm
R = Reynolds Number

Gas Flow
The formula for the turbulent flow of fluids through pipes given above takes no account of
compressibility of gases and the calculator is only applicable so far as gases are concerned
to flow around atmospheric pressure, and pressure drops below 0.2 bar. For higher

pressures the flow will be larger for the same pressure drop.
On the back of the calculator are tabulated, in alphabetical order, the kinematic viscosities
in centistokes at various temperatures and also the specific gravities of over 50 liquids.
Scales are also given to convert Redwood No. 1 or Saybolt Universal viscosity to
centistokes. If viscosities for other fluids are available in absolute units namely
centipoises, then these can be converted to centistokes by dividing by the specific gravity.
It should be born in mind that the viscosities of liquids which are not chemically pure such
as fuel oils, crude oil, molasses, etc., are liable to vary appreciably from the average
figures given, according to the source of supply and the exact specification. Whilst a
variation of say 50% causes little error if the flow is turbulent, it would make a
considerable difference if the flow were streamline.
Turbulent or Streamline Flow
In nearly all practicable problems the flow is turbulent, but scales are provided on the back
of the calculator to check on doubtful cases. These scales determine the Reynolds Number
and turbulent flow should be assumed at all values above 2,000. The calculator does not
solve for streamline flow but the appropriate

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