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What is infertility?
infertility may describe a woman who is
unable to conceive as well as being unable
to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are
many biological and other causes of
infertility, including some that medical
intervention can treat.Infertility rates have
increased by 4% since the 1980s, mostly
from problems with fecundity due to an
increase in age.About 40% of the issues
involved with infertility are due to the man,
another 40% due to the woman, and 20%
result from complications with both
Women who are fertile experience a
natural period of fertility before and during
ovulation, and they are naturally infertile
during the rest of the menstrual cycle.
Fertility awareness methods are used to
discern when these changes occur by
tracking changes in cervical mucus or basal
body temperature.

Objective of research about

human infertility
To study more about what is the factors nd
also symphtoms about human infertility
and the advance technology that had been
use to overcome it as nowadays many
couples are facing this major problem.

Reason and Factors of

human infertility
{males and females}

The reasons for infertility can involve one

or both partners. In general:
1.In about one-third of cases, the cause
of infertility involves only the male.
2.In about one-third of cases, the cause
of infertility involves only the female.
3.In the remaining cases, the cause of
infertility involves both the male and
female, or no cause can be identified.

1.Abnormal sperm production or
function due to various problems,
such as undescended testicles, genetic
defects, health problems including
diabetes, prior infections such as
mumps, trauma or prior surgeries on
the testicles or inguinal region.

Enlarged veins in the testes can

increase blood flow and heat, affecting
the number and shape of sperm.

2.Problems with the delivery of

sperm due to sexual problems, such
as premature ejaculation, semen
entering the bladder instead of
emerging through the penis during
orgasm (retrograde ejaculation),
certain genetic diseases, such as cystic
fibrosis, structural problems, such as
blockage of the part of the testicle that
contains sperm (epididymis), or

damage or injury to the reproductive

organs. Men who have previously
undergone a vasectomy and desire a
return of fertility will also need to either
have the vasectomy reversed (see
'vasectomy reversal' below) or have
sperm retrieved through a surgical
procedure for use in assisted
reproductive techniques.
3.Overexposure to certain chemicals
and toxins, such as pesticides,
radiation, tobacco smoke, alcohol,
marijuana, and steroids (including
testosterone). In addition, frequent
exposure to heat, such as in saunas or
hot tubs, can elevate the testicular
temperature, impairing sperm
4.Damage related to cancer and its
treatment, including radiation or
chemotherapy. Treatment for cancer
can impair sperm production,
sometimes severely. Removal of one
testicle due to cancer also may affect
male fertility

1.Ovulation disorders, which

hinder or prevent the ovaries from
releasing eggs. Examples include
hormonal disorders such as
polycystic ovary syndrome, a
condition that might relate to your
ovaries producing too much of the
male hormone testosterone, and
hyperprolactinemia, when you
have too much prolactin the
hormone that stimulates breast
milk production. Other underlying
causes may include excessive
exercise, eating disorders, injury or

2.Uterine or cervical
abnormalities, including problems
with the opening of the cervix or
cervical mucus, or abnormalities in
the shape or cavity of the uterus.
Benign tumors in the wall of the
uterus that are common in women
(uterine fibroids) may rarely cause

infertility by blocking the fallopian

tubes. More often, fibroids may
distort the uterine cavity
interfering with implantation of the
fertilized egg.
3.Fallopian tube damage or
blockage, which usually results
from inflammation of the fallopian
tube (salpingitis). This can result
from pelvic inflammatory disease,
usually caused by sexually
transmitted infection,
endometriosis or adhesions.
4.Endometriosis, which occurs
when endometrial tissue implants
and grows outside of the uterus
often affecting the function of the
ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
5.Primary ovarian insufficiency,
also called early menopause, when
the ovaries stop working and
menstruation ends before age 40.
Although the cause is often
unknown, certain conditions are
associated with early menopause,
including immune system diseases,

radiation or chemotherapy
treatment, and smoking.
6.Pelvic adhesions, bands of scar
tissue that bind organs after pelvic
infection, appendicitis, or
abdominal or pelvic surgery.
7.Thyroid problems. Disorders of
the thyroid gland, either too much
thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism)
or too little (hypothyroidism), can
interrupt the menstrual cycle or
cause infertility.

8.Cancer and its treatment.

Certain cancers particularly
female reproductive cancers
often severely impair female
fertility. Both radiation and
chemotherapy may affect a
woman's ability to reproduce
9.Medical conditions associated
with delayed puberty or the
absence of menstruation

(amenorrhea), such as celiac

disease, Cushing's disease, sickle
cell disease, kidney disease or
diabetes, can affect a woman's
fertility. Also genetic abnormalities
can make conception and
pregnancy less likely.
10. Certain medications.
Temporary infertility may occur
with the use of certain medications.
In most cases, fertility is restored
when the medication is stopped

Technology Advances Used To

Overcome Infertility
1. IVF to the rescue
1.There are numerous infertility treatments with
varying degrees of success. One of the most
successful and exciting breakthroughs in the

field of reproductive medicine is in-vitro

fertilization, commonly known as IVF. IVF is the
treatment of choice in cases of infertility when
both fallopian tubes are blocked. However, IVF
may also be used for unexplained infertility,
endometriosis, cervical factor infertility,
ovulation disorders, or when a man has a low
sperm count.

2.Basically, IVF involves taking mature eggs from

the woman, fertilizing them with sperm in a
dish in a laboratory and then transferring a
specific number of embryos back to the
womans uterus two to six days after
fertilization is confirmed. The remaining
embryos can be cryopreserved (frozen) for use
in subsequent cycles. Both Dr. Rakoff and Dr.
Smotrich use IVF for a significant number of
their female patientswhose average age is

3.More and more of the women we are seeing in

our fertility treatment program, such as our IVF
program, are now age 38 and above, Dr.
Rakoff says. By the time career goals have
been met, marriage has occurred and the
couple realizes a delay in pregnancy has
developed, the couple is often into their 30s
and beyond. He adds, We are always happy
to see younger patients as well.

4.Approximately 25 percent to 40 percent of

women who try in-vitro fertilization conceive.
However, the likelihood of success can vary
depending on factors such as the womans
age, the reason for the infertility, and the
experience of the IVF program.
5.As a woman ages, a decline in the rate of
success occurs, Dr. Rakoff says. In women
older than age 40, the success rates are often
3 percent to 10 percent at best per attempt.
6.Other women, he explained, have significant
reproductive problems and need various
treatments, such as hormonal therapies,

medications to promote ovulation or surgery to

repair fallopian tubes and endometriosis, and
often times, in-vitro fertilization.

7.Drs. Rakoff and Smotrich also caution that IVF

can be a lengthy as well as emotionally
draining process, so its important for the
couple to have a clear understanding of whats
involved. It can also be extremely costly,
especially if the woman has to go through more
than one cycle, which was the case for both
Maria and Donna Beadle.

2. Breakthrough Diagnostic

1.A major technological breakthrough in the field

of reproductive medicine that has the potential
to improve pregnancy rates with IVF is
preimplantation genetic diagnosis, known as
PGD. This technology enables the fertility
specialist to make a genetic diagnosis of an
embryo before its placed into the uterus, so he
or she can implant only those embryos that are
genetically normal.

2.PGD is not a first-line treatment, Dr. Smotrich

says, but is indicated for women with known
risks for inherited disorders, those who have
had recurrent miscarriages and IVF failures and
those who are age 35 or older. For women
over age 40, more than 50 percent of their
embryos will be genetically abnormal, he
3.PGD involves taking a single cell from the
embryo at day three and testing it for genetic
and chromosomal disorders. Both Dr. Smotrich
and Dr. Rakoff assert that the ability to look at
the genetic makeup of embryos prior to placing

them in a womans uterus is a tremendous


4.Because an abnormal embryo would not be

transferred to the uterus, PGD can prevent
women from getting pregnant with children
who have Downs syndrome and other genetic
abnormalities, Dr. Smotrich says.

Infertility is a man and a woman cant get a child
altough they had married about decades.the main
reason for this problem happened is because
sometimes one over third cases happening to male
and another one over third cases this problem
happened to females and the remaining cases this
problem happened to both females and males.the
factor for this problem happen to male are
abnormal sperm production and function,problem
with the delivery of sperm,over exposure to certain
chemicals or toxin and some more.meanwhile the
factors for females are ovulation
Disorder,uterine or cervical abnormalities,fallopian
tube damage or blockage and many more.But
nowadays proffesors had create an advance

technology to overcome in Invitofertilisation whereas this is one of the ost

successful treatment in reproductive field
commonly known as IVF.But there is one more
technology that breakthrough reproduction field
that is better than IVF it is preimplantation genetic
diagnosis or mainly called as PGD.

The conclusion is nowadays although many couple
are having a problem with infertility,they must
improve their daily routine so that they will not be
infertilise one day,but if they are infertilise they
can stillhave a child because nowadays there are
many advance technology that can overcome this
problem such as IVF and PGD and much more

Source Of Refrences



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