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Lesson One

go / went / gone / going

The verb "go" is one of the first verbs to learn in English, but many
students make mistakes with it, especially in the past tense--"went."

1. He

usually goesshopping at
this store.
He went shopping here

Learn how to use "go shopping" in

the present tense, past tense, and
future tense.

2. They're going on a trip

to Chicago.

3. Bobby goes to see a lot

of movies.
He went with his friends
last week, but today he
decided to go by himself.

4. I have to go to the
In public places...
I have to go to the
restroom. or....'s room / ladies'
room / washroom

5. Water goes into a tea

The tea kettle goes on the
stove where the water is

6. The little girl can't

go into this section of the
She can only go to those
areas of the house that
are safe.

7. Where does my
name go? It goes on the
top line? Okay.


present tense: go / goes

past tense: went
future: will go
present continuous: am / are / is going
past continuous: was / were going
future continuous: will be going
present perfect: has / have gone
past perfect: had gone
future perfect: will have gone
present perfect continuous: has / have been going
past perfect continuous: had been going
future perfect continuous: will have been going
modal verbs: ______ go
past tense modal: ______ have gone
infinitive: to go
gerund: going
passive: no

Click here to learn about idioms using the verb


Purp le L e ve l Q uiz #5: go

Directions: Put the verb "go" into the correct verb tense or form.

1. He _________________ to a very good school. (present tense)

1. He goes to a very good school. (present tense)

1 . l va a una escuela muy buena . ( tiempo

2. She _________________ shopping last night. (past tense)

2. She went shopping last night. (past tense)


3. I _________________ to the post office this afternoon. (future

3. I will go to the post office this afternoon. / I am going to

2 . Ella se fue de compras ayer por la noche .


go to the post office this afternoon. (future tense)

(tiempo pasado)

4. They __________________ without electricity for several days.

4. They have gone without electricity for several days.

3 . Voy a ir a la oficina de correos de esta tarde. /

(present perfect tense)

(present perfect tense)

Voy a ir a la oficina de correos de esta tarde.

5. My wife and I ____________________ down to the hotel lobby to

5. My wife and I are going down to the hotel lobby to get

( tiempo futuro)

get some coffee. (present continuous tense)

some coffee. (present continuous tense)

4 . Se han ido sin electricidad por varios das.

6. That car _____________________ too fast before it came to the

6. That car was going too fast before it came to the curve

( pretrito perfecto )

curve and wiped out. (past continuous tense)

and wiped out. (past continuous tense)

5 . Mi esposa y yo vamos a ir a la recepcin del

7. Rachel ______________________ to the dance with Joe this

7. Rachel will be going to the dance with Joe this weekend.

hotel para conseguir un poco de caf . ( tiempo

weekend. (future continuous tense)

(future continuous tense)

presente continuo )

8. The survivors of the earthquake ____________________ without

8. The survivors of the earthquake had gone without water

6 . Ese coche iba demasiado rpido antes de llegar

water for three days before they were saved. (past perfect tense)

for three days before they were saved. (past perfect tense)

a la curva y aniquilado. (ms all de tiempo

9. How long __________ you ______________________ to that

9. How long have you been going to that doctor? (present

continuo )

doctor? (present perfect continuous tense)

perfect continuous tense)

7 . Rachel se va al baile con Joe este fin de semana

10. __________ I ____________ the right way, or should I turn

10. Am I going the right way, or should I turn around?

. (futura tiempo continuo )

around? (present continuous tense)

(present continuous tense)

8 . Los sobrevivientes del terremoto haban ido sin

11. You ____________________________ into the store now. It's

11. You can go into the store now. It's open. (modal verb:

agua durante tres das antes de ser salvos .

open. (modal verb: can)


( pasado perfecto )

12. Jennifer _____________________________ because she's

12. Jennifer isn't able to go because she's working.

9 . Cunto tiempo ha estado yendo a ese

working. (idiomatic modal verb: be able to, negative)

(idiomatic modal verb: be able to, negative)

mdico ? ( pretrito perfecto tensa )

13. You ____________________ to a doctor and get that cough

13. You should go to a doctor and get that cough checked

10 . Me voy de la manera correcta , o debo dar la

checked out. (modal verb: should)

out. (modal verb: should)

vuelta ? ( tiempo presente continuo )

14. Her new car _______________________ very fast. (present

14. Her new car doesn't go very fast. (present

11 . Usted puede ir a la tienda ahora . Est abierto.

tense, negative)

tense, negative)

(verbo modal : se puede)

15. My brother wants ___________________________ to China

15. My brother wants to go to China someday. (infinitive)

12 . Jennifer no es capaz de ir porque ella est

someday. (infinitive)

16. Did you go to that concert last night? (past tense)

trabajando . (verbo modal idiomtica : poder ,

16. ___________ you ____________ to that concert last night?

17. Where does the information go on this form? (present


(past tense)


13 . Hay que ir a un mdico y obtener esa tos

17. Where ___________ the information ____________ on this

18. This game isn't going very well for the home team.

desprotegido. (verbo modal : debe)

form? (present tense)

(present continuous tense, negative)

14 . Su nuevo coche no va muy rpido. ( tiempo

18. This game ____________________________ very well for the

19. Where has all the time gone? We have to leave.

presente, negativo)

home team. (present continuous tense, negative)

(present perfect tense)

15 . Mi hermano quiere ir a China algn da.

19. Where ___________ all the time ____________? We have to

20. Going to the dentist is not my favorite thing to do.

( infinitivo )

leave. (present perfect tense)


16 . Fuiste a ese concierto de anoche? (tiempo

20. _____________ to the dentist is not my favorite thing to do.



17 . De dnde viene la informacin vaya en este

formulario ? ( tiempo presente)
18 . Este juego no va muy bien para el equipo
local . ( tiempo presente continuo , negativo)
19 . Dnde ha ido todo el tiempo? Tenemos que
irnos . ( pretrito perfecto )
20 . Ir al dentista no es mi cosa favorita de hacer .
( gerundio )

Lesson Two
get / got / gotten / getting
The verb "get" is very idiomatic. It has many different meanings
and uses. Look in a dictionary and you will see hundred of
different possibilities. It's also used as a substitute for the verb
"be" in the passive voice--but not always. It depends on the verb.
Click here to learn about how to use "get" in the passive voice.

1. Professional athletes geta lot of

money for simply playing a game.
They get paid a lot. (passive)

2. A lot of leaves got into the

gutter, so now I have
toget them out of there.

3. When a tomato gets red, you

know it's ready to pick and eat.
I'll be getting a lot of tomatoes
from my garden this summer.

4. He got breakfast ready for his

wife very early in the morning.
She just got up.

5. He got tied up by someone

who broke into his apartment
and stole all his stuff. (passive)

6. They're working very hardto

get the dishes done.Getting the
dishes done by hand takes
longer than using a dishwasher.

Learn how to use "get to" in this video.

Learn how to use "get" + the past participle in this video.

present tense: get / gets
past tense: got
future: will get
present continuous: am / are / is getting
past continuous: was / were getting
future continuous: will be getting
present perfect: has / have gotten
past perfect: had gotten
future perfect: will have gotten
present perfect continuous: has / have been getting

past perfect continuous: had been getting

future perfect continuous: will have been getting
modal verbs: ______ get
past tense modal: ______ have gotten
infinitive: to get
gerund: getting
passive: possible but sounds a little strange

Purple Level Quiz #1 (ANSWERS)

Directions: Choose the verbs from the box below to complete each sentence. Please write the answers by hand in a notebook.











1. You will need to keep going to school if you want to get a good

1 . Usted tendr que seguir yendo a la escuela si usted quiere

1. You will need to _________ going to school if you want to get a good


conseguir una buena educacin.


2. How much did you get for your car when you sold it?

2 . Cunto se obtiene por su coche cuando lo vendi ?

3. It's very important to learn how to use a computer these days.

3 . Es muy importante aprender a usar una computadora en

4. Did she go shopping yesterday?

estos das.

5. Let's see a movie tonight at the Cineplex.

4 . Ella va a hacer compras de ayer?

6. Take the #45 bus to go downtown.

5 . Vamos a ver una pelcula esta noche en el Cineplex .

7. Could you please look up the phone number online?

6 . Tome el autobs n 45 para ir al centro .

2. How much did you __________ for your car when you sold it?
3. It's very important to learn how to __________ a computer these

4. Did she __________ shopping yesterday?

5. Let's __________ a movie tonight at the Cineplex.
6. __________ the #45 bus to go downtown.
7. Could you please __________ up the phone number online?
8. They don't __________ enough money to afford a new car.
9. What kind of shoes do you __________ on when you go running?
10. She didn't __________ any information to the person who called
her at home.
11. Do you __________ any of the other students in this class?

8. They don't make enough money to afford a new car.

7 . Podra usted por favor, busque el nmero de telfono en

9. What kind of shoes do you put on when you go running?


10. She didn't give any information to the person who called her at home.

8 . Ellos no hacen suficiente dinero para comprar un auto nuevo .

11. Do you know any of the other students in this class?

9 . Qu tipo de zapatos te pones cuando vas corriendo ?

12. Should she see a dentist for her toothache?

10 . Ella no dio ninguna informacin a la persona que le llam a

13. Sheila needs to make breakfast for her family every morning.

casa .

14. Try not to look at clothes for too long in that store. We have to leave

11 . Conoces alguno de los otros estudiantes en esta clase?


12 . Debera ver a un dentista para su dolor de muelas?

15. Do the kids need to go to the bathroom?

13 . Sheila tiene que preparar el desayuno de su familia cada

16. Can you get something from the store on your way home?


17. It's going to take about 30 minutes to drive to the city.

14 . Intenta no mirar a la ropa por mucho tiempo en esa tienda .

18. Why didn't he put the ice cream back into the refrigerator? It's melting

Tenemos que irnos pronto.


15 . Los nios tienen que ir al bao ?

19. Please give me more time to get this assignment finished.

16 . Puedes conseguir algo de la tienda de camino a casa ?

20. Do you use Spanish or English when you talk to your kids?

17 . Se va a tomar unos 30 minutos en llegar a la ciudad.

18 . Por qu no poner el helado de nuevo en el refrigerador? Se

12. Should she __________ a dentist for her toothache?

est derritiendo por todas partes.

19 . Por favor, dame ms tiempo para conseguir esta tarea

13. Sheila needs to __________ breakfast for her family every



20 . Utiliza Espaol o Ingls cuando hables con tus hijos?

14. Try not to __________ at clothes too long in that store. We have to
leave soon.

15. Do the kids need to __________ to the bathroom?

16. Can you __________ something from the store on your way home?
17. It's going to __________ about 30 minutes to drive to the city.
18. Why didn't he __________ the ice cream back into the refrigerator?
It's melting everywhere.
19. Please __________ me more time to get this assignment finished.
20. Do you __________ Spanish or English when you talk to your

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