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Name: Block: Date: GROUP ASSIGNMENT: Each group wil be assigned ONE pillar. In your group, you must create a poster about the pillar you were assigned. On your poster, you must include the following: a) The name of your pillar in English and Arabic (transliteration is fine) ) A description of what the pillar instructs Muslims to do ©) Why the pillar is important to the Islamic faith ) ACleast2 visuals thatare important to understanding your pillar A quote from the Quran which discusses your pillar Imaddition to the poster, your group must be prepared to present a five minute presentation explaining your pillar to the class. Everyone in your group must either contribute to the design of tie poster or presentation. ‘The rest ofthe class will be taking notes based on your presentation, so make sure you are READY, PREPARED, and KNOWLEDGABLE! ‘Name: Block: _ Date: Exit Ticket: Predictions for tomorrow's class ‘Tomorrow we will study life after the Prophet Muhammed’s death. Answer the following question and provide a reason for your opinion: After his death, who should have followed in his footsteps asthe leader ofthe Islamic faith? a) A close family member ») A follower who was close to Muhammed ©) Afollower who had the ability to take control ofthe region and maintain Jaw and order ¢) Othe Bloct Date: Exit Ticket: Predictions for tomorrow's class ‘Tomorrow we will study life after the Prophet Muhammed’s death. Answer the following question and provide a reason for your opinion: After his death, who should have followed in his footsteps as the leader of the Islamic fait? a) Acose family member ») A follower who was close to Muhammed 9) A follower who had the ability to take control ofthe region and maintain Taw and order 4) Other: a Nome: Block: Muhammed is tom in Moca, Muhamed begs preaching in Meca Hira (hei, “igrtion” rom Mecca to Medion (Yathrit) Muhammed returns io Mecca. Muhammed dies, and is teachings are collect and recorded in he Quran Four Rightly Guided Caliph rule and continue expansion of Islamic empite. TD How did the Catiphs gain control ofthe region? What was wating abou Islam? 2) Who are the 4 Righily Guided Caliphs and which group of Muslims accepted them as the religious and political leaders? How did they gain power? Umayyad Dynasty rules; capital is moved to Damascus. DT) Who was the first Ummayad Dynasty ruler? Dome of the Rock becomes an important monument. ‘1D What isthe Dome ofthe Rock and why is it important? Block: ‘Muslims invade Spain, 1) Why isthe Islamic invasion of Spain important? Wheu are some legacies of the Islamic empire? Muslims advance into Westem Europe; they are halted atthe Betile of Tours Abbasid Dynasty begins, lasting until 1255, D How would you describe the Abbasid Dynasty? Capital of the Abbasid Empire is moved to Baghdad, 1) How di shis move affect the Abbasi Dynasty? ‘Mongols pounce on Baghdad, kill te last Abbasid ruler, and destroy the city, © D) What are some reasons the Abbasid Dynasty ultimately fel? UNIT FINAL ASSESSMENT Instead ofa fina test, you will be creating. final project. This project will be due FRIDAY OCTOBER 12°. It must include the following: Origin of Islam/Story of Muhammed ___A description ofthe Five Pillars of Islam and why they are important __ Description ofthe difference between Sunnis and Shiites, _ Description of the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties ___ Atleast 3 legacies ofthe Islamic Empires Atleast 1 famous Muslim HOW you include all of this information is completely up to you! Here area few ideas: ‘A formal essay discussing the rise of Islam and the rise ofthe Islamic Dynasties (aprox. 3-4 pages typed, double spaced, 12 point font) __-A trifold board explaining Istam to people (think ofitas a poster presentation ‘Bout Islam 102) ___Aletter from someone currently on hal). This requires creativity, because you ‘wil still ned to incorporate all the ideas above! But you could discuss how you met ‘famous Muslim on the read, or marvel at the wonders of the Abbasid Empire as ‘you travel through. __Aprojectyou design on your own, but you will need my approval by Friday, October S". Nuts and Bolts: Rough Draft DUE FRIDAY OCTOBER 5 Computer Lalb Work Day: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10 Final Draft DUE FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 Your final project must be typed, double spaced, 12 point font. ‘You MUST staple this assignment sheet f0 your final project for me to use asa checklist. So what doesan A project ook like? 1+ Allofthe required details are clearly present and additional information is provided as evidence of deeper student understanding + Allofthe historical evidence is accurate + ‘The writing presents the information in a compelling manner. The reader ‘wants to continue reading, even if he/she already knows zbout Islam + "There are few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or speling, Word choice is precise and appropriate tothe format of te project (ie: formal or creative, depending on the project) So what does. B project ook like? * All ofthe required details are clearly present ‘+ ‘Allofthehistorical evidence is accurate ‘The writing presents the information in an effective, but not compelling manner, The reader may be interested in he/she does not know about Islam, + ‘There are a few minor errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. ‘So what does a € project look like? ‘+ Afew ofthe required details are missing + A few historical inaccuracies are present + The writing requires some editing for clarity and organization + There are numerous ervors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. ‘So what does a D or below project look like? ‘Several of the required details are missing, + Several historical inaccuracies are present + The writing requires significant editing for clarity and organization There are significant errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling

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