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FSC-certified Wood Products

What is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Wood?

All wood products that are FSC-certified contain wood from FSC-certified
forests, controlled sources, or material that is 100% and post-consumer reclaimed
or recycled.

FSC-certified forests protect wildlife habitat and endangered species, ensure clean
water by respecting rivers and waterways, are not planted with genetically
modified (GM) trees, or converted into plantations. To become certified
companies must also involve local communities and Aboriginal Peoples in the
development of forest management plans, and respect their rights and beliefs.
FSC is the only forest certification standard supported by organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund of
Canada, Sierra Club of Canada and Greenpeace.

FSC also certifies the recycled content of wood products. The recycled/post-consumer waste content for
FSC wood products is verified, guaranteeing that is has come from recycled sources.

FSC wood products can also contain fiber from forest friendly, or controlled, sources. Controlled wood
means that it has been verified and cannot come from:

• Areas of social conflict and illegal logging;

• Genetically modified trees;
• High-conservation value forests; and
• Large scale conversions which replace native tree species with faster growing non-native species.

Do you know where your wood products come from? Are you using more resources
than necessary? Do you care? Do your customers care?

As world population surges and economies grow, the demand for wood fibre is rising accordingly. Not only
is 40% of timber harvested from North American forests, but the region's consumption of forest products is
equally high. Ensuring the sustainability of our forests and reducing the impact of our activities is therefore
of grave importance.

With the growing demand for eco-friendly spaces at home and in the workplace, consumers are choosing
products that will support a healthy environment both indoors and out. They are concerned with the where
their wood products are coming from, how they are being made, and how the forests from which they came
are being managed. By supporting the sustainable management of our forests, they can be enjoyed for
generations to come.

The need for the sustainable management of our forest resources is also of great importance for the building
sector, which accounts for 60% of raw materials used in the U.S. The environmental impact of the building
sector, where residential construction consumes almost half of North America's softwood, is of increasing
concern to architects, builders and consumers. New ways of reducing the ecological footprint of buildings
is being explored, and guarantees of responsible forest management practices being sought.

The question "where does my wood come from?" can only be answered if you are using or specifying FSC-
certified wood products.

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