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Indonesia is an agrarian country, with the majority of the people living in rural

areas. Many Indonesian workers are engaged in agriculture, which contributes high
number of GDP percentage per annum. More than 50 million acres are under
cultivation, with 35% to 40% of the cultivated land devoted to the production of
export crops. Unemployment and poverty are strongly related to food insecurity.
This essay will discuss research of food insecurity, the crisis and trade liberalisation
in Indonesia and the solution to stop this problem.
The following headings/categories provide a suggested structure:
Introduction agriculture
This should be short (about 150 words) simply explaining your location and your
point of reference,
what you will discuss in the rest of the essay, and in less than 2 sentences, what will
conclusion be.
Factors of Food Insecurity
Research reported by Feeding America illustrates strong connections tied to hunger
and overall physical and mental health in children, adults, and seniors. Food
insecurity is linked to increased hospitalizations, chronic diseases, developmental
issues, poor oral health, obesity, stomach aches, headaches and colds. Children who
are food insecure are more prone to mental and behavioral problems while they are
in school such as truancy, tardiness, bullying, hyperactivity and aggression
(Kleinman, Murphy, Little, Pagano, Wehler, Regal & Jellinek, 1998). Food insecure
adults and seniors have a higher risk of developing diabetes and an array of chronic
diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and various cardiovascular factors
(Seligman, Bindman, Vittinghoff, Kanaya & Kushel, 2007). Mentally, food insecurity
in adults and seniors has shown to increase levels of aggression and anxiety and
has been associated with slower developing skills. Expecting mothers also face
critical concerns when suffering from food insecurity and hunger. When an
expecting mother is unable to provide efficient amounts of nutrients for the fetus
and herself, the health consequences are detrimental, long term and permanent
(Tarasuk. 2001).
The Global/Widespread Connection
Explain how the issue(s) youve identified affect a more wide-spread population
Explain what you think the solution(s) is/are to solve the issues.

One of the solution is writing an open letter for the government saying that
Indonesia agriculture should be supported by the world scientists to have farmers
using the latest technology and chemical substance that could improve the crops
quality and quantity since Indonesia has the potential to provide tones of crops for
the world. Most of the time, Indonesia is shy to ask for developed countries help on
solving problems such as the recent cultivation method.
CAMPAIGN No more dirty practices such as food production are being
controlled by stronger parties for politics.
Farmers need to be fully supported by the government especially on
equipment and knowledge/skill about cultivation methods, and also need to secure
the financial problem of farmers which is the main reason why the number of
farmers in Indonesia is decreasing. Farmers are not treated well and many of them
do not have adequate life.
Because the population is rapidly increasing, the government seeks to achieve food
self-sufficiency through expansion of arable acreage, improved farm techniques
(especially the use of fertilizers and improved seeds), extension of irrigation
facilities, and expanded training for farmers.

How would you use the Youth Ag-Summit to address and advance these
Through this Youth Ag-Summit, hopefully the issues of food insecurity could be
aware because people today, especially developing country citizen, do not aware of
the global issues which will affect the next generation.

Reference :

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