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GROUP : EH2432




This chapter mostly cover on the formation of the earth that contributed to the
occurrence of oil and hydrocarbon wells. The earth is to be believed create with the beginning of
the star explosion that produce numerous type of atoms including hydrogen and helium
gaseous. Times fly by together with gravitational attraction help hydrogen contract and spin
which later form a star. This star died and explode to the supernova create atoms and solar
systems. Molten atoms and molecule begin to separate within 100 million years in the early
differentiation forming core, mineral and metal. Later in the late differentiation with the help of
hot temperature of the earth light atom melt and creation of crust occur companied with the
release of oxygen. Then the earth begin to structure and form solid inner core, liquid outer core,
rocky mantle, rocky crust, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The dynamic characteristic of the earth
help in providing needs to the living thing.
There are three type of rock that is put together in the rock cycle which are igneous
(basalt), sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock. The liquid magma coming out into volcanoes
are cooled to form mountain. Sedimentary rock are push down into deep level and here the high
pressure and temperature change it to metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rock then pushed
deeper and melt until it turn to magma. Change in magnetic field of the earth cause the crust to
changing either destroy or recreated. The phenomenon called as plate margin that can be
classed as divergent, convergent and transform. Further exploration of sedimentary rock give a
knowledge of it classification which are carbonate and silicate rock.Carbonate is the chemical
composition that layer down with contain remain living thing. This also called as limestone that
contain oil and other valuable minerals like gypsum, phosphate, salt, gold, silver and copper.
Other partition of sedimentary rock are siltstone, mudstone, shale, sandstone, conglomerate,
dolostone and limestone. Reef also a brunch of sedimentary rock that made of core and aquatic
animal which contain rich of oils. Reef platform are classified as lagoon, platform edge and
carbonate slope. Geologist classified rock into some type of geology structure which are joint,
folds and faults. Joint is a process of fracture or crack under high stress while folds is the ductile
deformation or band. This occur with enough heat and pressure. Folds under anticline can be
further classified as symmetrical, asymmetrical (different in size), angular (sharp angle), and
plunging (mountain type) while syncline never be found. Fault is the process of breaking or
moving apart of rock which change in formation. This eventually classed as hanging wall and
footwall which are two different side of rock. With the help of sound wave geologist record the
seismic data that measure location and type of faults.


The existence of the petroleum can be classed into two theory which are organic and
inorganic. Organic theory tells us that oil is developed over millions of years from the decaying
of remain animals and plants. Over a period of millions years this layer of remain, sand and silt
particles are buried and cover by more layer until the first of it get deepest. This help in starting
the press down presses which causing the increasing in pressure and temperature until the
formation of sedimentary layer into rock occur. Meanwhile, inorganic theory stated that oil is
formed from the chemical reaction between minerals. There are numerous type exist in all living
thing which the basic one is methane. The oil are different with the different place of origin. Oil
that buried in shorter time are like to be heavier compare to the others while the least viscous
and the lightest are the oil that buried over 6000 meters for long times. The such longest time
lead to the broken apart of molecules with the help of temperature and pressure. As result only
small hydrocarbon left behind.
Reservoir are including limestone which most discover in UAE, sandstone and dolomite.
The reservoir typically contain an open space to hold liquid which known as porosity that
determined by rock hold numbers and sizes. 100 % porosity usually refer to the situation where
the reservoir contain pure fluid while 0 % refer to the pure rock with no oils. The varying shape
of granule rock decreased its porosity. Reservoir engineer use flow radar of well in studying rock
porosity. The porosity of rock exist in numbers of types which are intergranular, vugular and
fractural porosity. Normally a good reservoir are reservoir that are porous, permeable, contain
fluid saturation and has a relative permeability. The saturation of fluid in reservoir vary to the
way how hydrocarbon displace sea water. This varying give measure to the economic value of
Migration of petroleum is referring to the movement of oil either verticals or horizontals.
Here the caps rock is needed to forbid further movement of oil and later trap it in a well. The trap
are classified as structural which cause by deformation of earth, stratigraphic which caused by
irregularity in the deposition of layer and combination which caused by both deformation and
Reservoir pressure is the pressure inside the reservoir which drive oils out. In the
reservoir with much water and least oils the oil is rise up to the space with resulting from density
different between oil and water and from different pressure between oil and space. This flowing
out of oil required no pumps as it occur naturally base on physically different. Reservoir which
abnormal pressure are very dangerous and can cause sudden explosion into the space from

reservoir. This abnormality caused by artesian water flow, plate folding, and unconsolidated

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