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The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation

Algebraic Properties

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

Walter Sosa-Escudero
Econ 507. Econometric Analysis. Spring 2009

January 19, 2009

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

The Classical Linear Model

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Social sciences: non-exact relationships.

Starting point: a model for the non-exact relationship
between y (explained variable) and a set of variables x (the
explanatory variables).

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Assumption 1 (linearity):

yi = 1 x1i + 2 x2i + + K xKi + ui ,

i = 1, . . . , n

yi : explained variable for observation i. Its realizations are

xik , k = 1, . . . , K: K explanatory variables. Observed
ui is a random variable with unobserved realizations.
Represents the non-exact nature of the relationship.
k , k = 1, . . . , K are the regression coefficients.
Assumption 1: the underlying relationship is linear for all
Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

The model in matrix notation

Define the following vectors and matrices:



= .
Y = .

K K1
yn n1





x21 . . . xK1

xKn nK

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Then the linear model can be written as:

x11 x21 xK1

. =

.. +



Y = X + u
This is the linear model in matrix form.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Basic Results on Matrices and Random Vectors

Before we proceed, we need to establish some results involving
matrices and vectors.
Let A be a m n matrix. A: n column vectors, or m row
vectors. The column rank of A is defined as the maximum
number of columns linearly dependent. Similarly, the row rank
is the maximum numbers of rows that are linearly dependent.
The row rank is equal to the column rank. So we will talk, in
general, about the rank of a matrix A, and will denote it as
Let A be a square (m m) matrix. A is non singular if
|A| =
6 0. In such case, there exists a unique non-singular
matrix A1 called the inverse of A such that
AA1 = A1 A = Im .
Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

A a square m m matrix.
If (A) = m |A| =
6 0
If (A) < m |A| = 0
X a n K matrix, with (X) = K (full column rank):
(X) = (X 0 X) = k
This results guarantees the existence of (X 0 X)1 based on
the rank of X.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Let b and a be two K 1 vectors. Then we define

(b0 a)
Let b be a K 1 vector and A a symmetric K K matrix.
(b0 Ab)
= 2Ab

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Let Y be a vector of K random variables:


Y = ...

E(Y ) = =

E(Y1 )
E(Y2 )

E(YK )

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

V (Y )

E[(Y )(Y )0 ]

E(Y1 1 )2 E(Y1 1 )(Y2 2 )

E(Y2 2 )2


E(Yk K )2

V (Y1 )

Cov(Y1 , Y2 )
V (Y2 )


Cov(Y1 YK )

V (YK )

Tthe variance of a vector is called its variance-covariance matrix,

an K K matrix
If V (Y ) = and c is an K 1 vector, then
V (c0 Y ) = c0 V (Y )c = c0 c.
Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Conditional Expectations
E(Y |X = x) =

y fY |X dy

Idea: how the expected value of Y changes when X changes. It is

a function that depends on X. If X is a random variable, then
E(Y |X) es una variable aleatoria.
E(g(X)|X) = g(X)
Y = a + bX + U , then E(Y |X) = a + bX + E(U |X).
E(Y ) = E [E(Y |X)] (Law of Iterated Expectations).

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Assumption 2: Strict Exogeneity

E(ui |X) = 0,

i = 1, 2, . . . , n

In basic courses it is assumed that E(ui ) = 0. Which one is


Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Implications of strict exogeneity:

E(ui ) = 0,
i = 1, . . . , n.
Proof: By the law of iterated expectations and strict
E(u) = E[E(u|X)] = E(0) = 0
In words: on average, the model is exactly linear.
E(xjk ui ) = 0,
j, i = 1, . . . , n; k = 1, . . . , K
In words: explanatory variables are uncorrelated with the error
terms of all observations.
Proof: as excercise.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Assumption 3: No Multicollinearity
(X) = K, w.p.1
All columns of the realizations of X must be linearly
Careful: this prohibits exact linear relations between columns
of X.
The model admits non-exact relations and/or non-linear

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Assumption 4: spherical error variance

Homoskedasticity: E(u2i |X) = 2 > 0,

i = 1, . . . , n

No serial correlation: E(ui uj |X) = 0, i, j = 1, . . . , n., , i 6= j .

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Homoskedasticity: by strict exogeneity

V (ui |X) = E[u2i |X] E(ui |X)2 = E(u2i |X)
so the assumption implies constant conditional variance for
the error term.
No serial correlation: also by strict exogeneity
Cov(ui , uj |X) = E(ui uj |X)
so no serial correlation implies that given X all error terms of
all observations are uncorrelated.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Assumption 4 in matrix terms: V (u|X) = E(uu0 |X) = 2 In

Recall that for any random vector Z of n elements:

V (Z) E (Z E(Z))(Z E(Z))0 ,
an n n matrix with typical element vij
vij = Cov(Zi , Zj ).
Homoskedasticity (V (u2i |X) = 2 ) implies that all the
diagonal elements of V (u|X) are equal to 2 .
No sereial correlation implies that all the off-diagonal elements
of V (u|X) are zero.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties


The Classical Linear Model


Linearity: Y = X + u.

Strict exogeneity: E(u|X) = 0

No Multicollinearity: (X) = K, w.p.1.

No heteroskedasticity/ serial correlation: V (u|X) = 2 In .

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Details and Interpretations

Fixed Regressors
In basic treatments X is taken as a fixed, non-random matrix.
This is more compatible with experimental sciences. It simplifies
some computations.

The Intercept
Consider the case x1i = 1, i = 1, . . . , n
yi = 1 + 2 x2i + + K xKi + ui ,

i = 1, . . . , n

Then 1 is the intercept of the model. Careful with interpretations.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

E(yi |X) = 1 + 2 x2i + + K xKi

If E(yi |X) is differentiable with respect to xki , which is

functionally unrelated to all other variables:
E(yi |X)
= k
Careful: this is a partial derivative. A constant marginal effect.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Dummy explanatory variables: Suppose xki is a binary variable,

taking two values, indicating that the i-th observation belongs (1)
or does not belong to a certain class (0) (male-female, for
example). We cannot use the previous result for an interpretation
Compute the following magnitudes
E(yi |X, xki = 1) = 1 + 2 x2i + + k 1 + + K xKi
E(yi |X, xki = 0) = 1 + 2 x2i + + k 0 + + K xKi

Then k = E(yi |X, xki = 1) E(yi |X, xki = 0)

Example: gender differences.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

The linear model is not that linear

yi = 1 + 2 x2i + + K xKi + ui
Linear in variables.
Linear in parameters.
For estimation purposes, what matters is linearity in parameters.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

A small catalog of non-linear models that can be handled with the

classical linear model
2 +u
Quadratic: Yi = 1 + 2 X2i + 3 X2i
Inverse: Yi = 1 + 2 X2i
+ ui

Interactive: Yi = 1 + 2 X2i + 3 X3i + 4 X2i X3i ui

Logarithmic: ln Yi = 1 + 2 ln X2i + ui
Semilogarithmic: ln Yi = 1 + 2 X2i + ui
We will explore interpretations and examples in the homework.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Least Squares Estimation

Goal: recover based on a sample yi , xi ,

Let be any estimator of .

i = 1, . . . , n.

Define Y X (our prediction of Y ).

Define e = Y Y (estimation errors).
Note that if n > k we cannot produce an estimator by forcing
e = 0. Why?.
We need a criterion to derive a sensible and feasible estimator.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Consider the following penalty function:



0 (y X )

e2i = e0 e = (y X )


is the aggregation of squared errors if we choose as an

The least squares estimator will be:

= argmin SSR()

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Result: = (X 0 X)1 X 0 Y
= e0 e = (Y X )
0 (Y X )

= Y 0 Y 0 X 0 Y Y 0 X + 0 X 0 X
= Y 0 Y 20 X 0 Y + 0 X 0 X
In the second line, note that 0 X 0 Y is a scalar, and hence it is
that is how we obtain the
trivially equal to its transpose, Y 0 X ,
result in the third line.
SSR can be easily shown to be a strictly convex, differentiable
so first order conditions for a stationary point are
function of ,
sufficient for a global minimum.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

First order conditions are:

e0 e

Using the derivation rules introduced before:

e0 e
= 2X 0 Y + 2X 0 X = 0

which is a system of K linear equations with K unknowns ().

Solving for gives the desired solution:
= (X 0 X)1 X 0 Y

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Some comments and details

Existence and uniqueness: guaranteed by the rank assumption
(X) = K.
Second order conditions: X 0 X is positive definite, also by the
rank assumption.
The role of the assumptions: which of the assumptions have
been used to derive the OLS estimator and guarantee its
existence and uniqueness?
e = Y Y (the OLS residuals).
Notation: Y X ,

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Algebraic Properties

Recall the FOCs from the least squares problem:

X 0 Y + X 0 X = 0
= 0
X 0 (Y X )
X 0 e = 0
These are the normal equations
The algebraic properties are those that can be derived from the
normal equations.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Sum of errors: if the model has an intercept, one of the

columns of X is a vector of ones, so X 0 e = 0 implies:

ei = 0


Orthogonality: X 0 e = 0. Implying that OLS residuals are

uncorrelated to all explanatory variables.
Linearity: is a linear function of Y , that is, there exists a
K n matrix A that depends solely on X, with (A) = K
such that = AY .
Proof: trivial. Set A = (X 0 X)1 X 0

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Goodness of Fit
First check some easy results, when there is an intercept in the

Yi = Yi
Start with Yi = Yi + ei . Take averages in both sides,
ei = 0 by the previous property.


i=1 (Yi

Y )2 = ni=1 (Yi Y )2 + ni=1 e2i

Start with (Yi Y ) = (Yi Y ) + ei . Take squares. Then

ei (Yi Y ) = e0 X Y
ei = 0 by previous

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

(Yi Y )2 =

(Yi Y )2 +

The total variation in Y around its mean can be decomposed in

two additive terms: one corresponding to the model and the
second one to the estimation errors.
If all errors are zero, then all the varation is due to the model: the
fitted linear model explaines all the variation.
This suggest the following measure of goodness of fit:
Pn 2
i=1 (Yi Y )
R n
= 1 n i=1 i 2

i=1 (Yi Y )
i=1 (Yi Y )
This is the (centered) coeficient of determination: the proportion
of the total variability explained by the fitted linear model.
Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Comments and properties (as homework)

0 R2 1.
maximizes R2 .
R2 is non-decreasing in the number of explanatory variables,
Use and abuse of R2 .

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

In some cases we will use the uncentered R2 :


P 2
P 2
= P 2 = 1 P i2

The last equality holds since:

Yi2 = Y 0 Y

(Y + e)0 (Y + e)

Y 0 Y + e0 e + 2Y 0 e
Y 0 Y + e0 e + 20 X 0 e
Y 0 Y + e0 e

by the orthogonality property.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

The Classical Linear Model

Least Squares Estimation
Algebraic Properties

Estimation of 2

We will need an estimator for 2 . We will propose:

Pn 2
e0 e
S = i=1 i =
Later on we will establish its properties with more detail.

Walter Sosa-Escudero

The Classical Linear Model and OLS Estimation

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