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Future Cars Dont Need Drivers

Directions: Practice saying the words with your

0-1 driver /drv /

0-2 activity /ktvi /
0-3 window /wndo/
0-4 technology /teknldi /
0-5 machine /mn /
Audio Pronunciation Guide

Its hard to do several things at once while driving.

EXERCISE 1: Unlocking Word Meanings

Directions: Read and learn new words and expressions with your tutor.

1-1 future [noun] period of time after the present

[Example:] In the future, cars will be able to fly.

1-2 destination [noun] a place where someone or something goes to

[Example:] This trains final destination is Paris.

1-3 scenery [noun] the beautiful view of nature

[Example:] We climbed a mountain to enjoy the scenery.

1-4 control [verb] to make something do what you want

[Example:] Its hard to control the kite in the strong wind.

1-5 espresso [noun] strong coffee-based drink

[Example:] I bought a cup of espresso at the caf.

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EXERCISE 2: Article
Directions: Read the article per paragraph.
After each paragraph there is a statement, identify if this is TRUE/FALSE.

Future Cars Dont Need Drivers

In the future, a driver wont need to control his vehicle. A self-driving car will be able to drive itself to
its destination. Car makers and technology companies such as Google are developing this type of car.
2-1 TRUE/FALSE: According to the article, a person is needed to drive a self-driving car.

Self-driving cars are considered safer than regular cars. Car makers will improve the technology of selfdriving cars to prevent accidents. You wont need to worry while riding a self-driving car. You can also do
other things because you dont have to drive.
2-2 TRUE/FALSE: Car makers will build better technology for self-driving cars.

A lot of fun activities can be done while riding a self-driving car. When youre on the road, you can
enjoy the scenery outside your window or catch up on work. Another is to watch movies or talk to a friend
through video chat. You can also put an espresso machine in your car for a cup of coffee on the go. Riding a
self-driving car can be a fun and relaxing experience.
2-3 TRUE/FALSE: There are a lot of activities that you can do in a self-driving car.

EXERCISE 3: What is the correct word?

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word or expression.






3-1 I get _____ during long trips.

3-2 On a road trip, I _____ by taking a nap.

3-3 What _____ of car do you drive?

3-4 I drank two cups of _____ before the trip.

3-5 Traffic signs can prevent road _____.

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Directions: Read the statements below.
Decide if you AGREE or DISAGREE and tell your tutor WHY.

4-1 In the future, people will prefer self-driving cars over regular cars.

You can say

I agree because
I disagree because

4-2 Self-driving cars will encourage laziness.

You can say

I agree because
I disagree because

4-3 The journey is more important than the destination.

You can say

I agree because
I disagree because

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