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. Introduction: There are a number of languages spoken throughout the world.

Every person knows at least one

language. However, many people have the capacity to learn and speak a second language from another country.
This ability is called bilingualism. According Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development, bilingualism is the
ability to speak two languages. II. Attention Getting:
My name is Lotta Ntsame and I am from Gabon . I am bilingual because I am from a french speaking country ,so I
speak french and since I am in the United States I also speak English.
Preview Main Points: Today, I will explain how being bilingual is beneficial for people.
I. Cognitive Advantages According, bilingual people have some advantages in thinking
because they have two or more words for each idea and object. They can develop a creative thinking and an ability to
think more flexibly, and they are more sensitive to the needs of the listener. II. Curriculum Advantages
A. According Reshma Jirage in "Benefits of being Bilingual", a bilingual education offers better curriculum results.
Bilinguals tend to show a higher performance in examinations and tests. B. Binlinguals also find it easier to learn a
third language than monolinguals find it to learn a second language.
III. Cultural Advantages A. Bilingualism helps to understand other cultures.
Walthan Forest notes that bilinguals have two windows on the world. They have the opportunity to experience two
cultures. For example, they can easily listen music and watch movies from other countries. B. Bilinguals have a
greater tolerance of differences in creeds and customs .
C. Ashley Eidler adds that bilingualism helps when you travel. IV. Employment advantages Being bilingual offers
potential employment benefits. Bilingualism offers a larger choice of job in various fields. Many companies are looking
for bilingual employees because an employee fluent in more than one language could help to deal in other.

Being able to speak two different languages is one of the best abilities to have in todays
world. Especially living in the United States, which is such a diverse country, it really does
come in handy. Benefits of being diverse in languages are that you have a greater change
of getting that job that's extremely competitive, and you'll have a wider range of culturalism
in your life. As someone who is bilingual, I can say that I have experienced certain
advantages. Such as having a better ear for listening, and having a more positive growth for
The workforce today as we know it is extremely competitive. Bilingual constestants have
the automatically have the upperhand towards other competitors. Other contestants you
may be dealing with for jobs range with people that contain different skills, and types of
experience. For instance, if someone has a couple years on you of experience in a job that
deals with tourism, than chances are they are looking for people who can interact with more
potential customers. Living in Orlando, Florida, one of the most popular places for tourism,
being bilingual is a great advantage. There are job opportunities such as theme parks, and
other tourist attractions that require bilingual employees.
While switching on and off with your two languages, you are sure to have experienced
much culturalism in your life. Opporunities arise such as making new friends, and even
conversate with them on a wider range of topics. You have a certain bond with them, that
you wouldn't normally have with someone who was limited to one language. Even visiting
other countries who's main language isn't English can be more enjoyable. For instance,
whenver I visit Puerto Rico, I have the opporunity to convert with locals and family

How many opportunity doors can a language can open for you? Nowadays learning a different language
is very easy. Mostly all schools and college give the opportunity to their students for learning a second
language. Business companies are interest in people who can expand their lines, because internation

business is the most important thing for them.I believe is one of the best decisions you can take; learning
a new language is crucial for many things.
Many people nowadays learned a new language just for pleasure. Explanding they knowledge is
their purpose or just because they like how thay sound. I remember how fun is to learn words from other
languages to play with your friends and talk in code. People who are interest learning how to talk in 2 or
more languages dont know howmany doors they are opened to their future. Learn a language that you
like it would be easier.
An advantage from talking 2 or more languages is that traveling around the world would be easier.
This way you can communicate all your ideas and people would understand you better. Exactly the same
thing happen when you meet foreign people; for work or just for entertainment. Imagine you work in a big
company or you are receiving family or friends from other countries youll need to know a way to
understand them and for them to understand you to. Studying new languages increases your social
development in an incredible way.
If you are making a research youll like to know points of view from everybody in the world.
Nowadays with internet this is so easy to do so take advantage from it. Read points of view from all the
people you want to expand your knowlegde horizont. Im sure your research will become richer by reading
from many authors. Use this tool to get a good job or to applied to an scholarship, open your mind to
Expressing yourself in other language and learning from them makes you better in your daily
development. Many scientist believe that biligual people will have less probabilities of having alzhaimer or
other madness. Start learning a new language now that you know how many good things it brings you. Its
easy and very usefull not just today but for the rest of your life.

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