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At its 1373rd meeting, on 9 November 1967, the

C ounc i l de c i de d t o i nvi t e t he re pre se ntati ves o f
the United Arab Republic, Israel and Jordan to par ticipate, without vote, in the discussion of the item
entitled "The situation in the Middle East: Letter dated
7 November 1967 from the Permanent Representative
of the United Arab Republic addressed to the Presi dent of the Security Council (S/8226)"."

At its 1375th meeting, on 13 November 1967, the

Council decided to invite the representative of Syria
to participate, without vote, in the discussion of the

A sa 1373* seance, le 9 novembre 1967, le Conseil a

decide d'inviter les representants de la Republique arabe
unie, d'Israel et de la Jordanie a participer, sans droit de
vote, a la discussion de Ia question intitulee "La
situation au Moyen-Orient : Lettre, en date du 7
novembre 1967, adressee an President du Conseil de securite
par le representant permanent de la Republique arabe unie

A sa 1375* seance, le 13 novembre 1967, le Conseil a

decide d'inviter le representant de la Syrie a participer,
sans droit de vote, a la discussion de la question.

Resolution 242 (1967)

Re sol uti on 242 (1967)

du 22 nove mbre 1967

of 22 November 1967

Le Conseil de securW.,
Exprimant l'inquietude que continue de lui causer
le grave situation au Moyen-Orient,

The Security Council,

Expressing its continuing concern with the grave
situation in the Middle East,
Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition
of territory by war and the need to work for a just
and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in
Emphasizing further that all Member States in their
acceptance of the Charter of the United Nations have
undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with
Article 2 of the Charter,

Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles

requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace
in the Middle East which should include the applica tion of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict

Soulignant l'inadmissibilite de l'acquisition de

territoire par la guerre et Ia necessite d'oeuvrer pour
une paix juste et durable permettant chaque Etat de la
region de-vivre et securite
Soutignanl ca outre que tous les Etats Membres, en
acceptant la Charte des Nations Unies, ont contracts
l'engagetnent d'agir conformement a l'Article 2 de la

1. Affirme que l'accomplissement des principes de la

Charte exige l'instauration d'une paix juste et du rable au
Moyen-Orient qui devrait comprendre l'application des deux
principes suivants :
i)Retrait des forces armees israeliennes des territoires
oceupes tors du recent conflit;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of beiligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of
the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political
independence of every State in the area and
their right to live in peace within secure and recognized
boundaries free from threats or acts
of force;

ii)Cessation de toutes assertions de belligerance ou de

tous etats de belligerance et respect et reconnaissance
de in souverainete, de l'integrite territoriale et de
l'independance politique de chaque Etat de la
region et de leur droit de vivre en paix a
l'intetieur de frontieres stares et reconnues a l'abri
de menaces on d'actes de force;
2. Affirm en outre la necessite

Affirms further the necessity


For guaranteeing freedom of navigation through

international waterways in the area;


For achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem;

For guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and
political independence of every State in the area,


a) De garantir la liherte de navigation sur les voies d'eau

internationales de Ia region;
h) De realiser un juste reglement du probleme des
c) De garantir l'inviolabilite territoriale et l'inde pendance politique de chaque Etat de la region, par


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