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A Stochastic Jitter Model for Analyzing Digital

Timing-Recovery Circuits
James R. Burnham Chih-Kong Ken Yang Haitham Hindi
High-Q Design, Los Altos, CA UCLA, Los Angeles, CA PARC, Palo Alto, CA

1. ABSTRACT Reference
This paper describes a stochastic jitter model for analyzing the DLL Integrator Digital Phase
Filter Det.
performance and bit error rate (BER) of digital timing recovery
circuits. The model uses parallel interconnected Markov chains to Digitally-Controlled Delay Line
simulate the behavior of the system in response to both random Input Output
and deterministic jitter. Unlike conventional Markov-chain models
that require the system to be stationary, the parallel-chain model Probability of
approximates deterministic changes in conditions with transitions State State State State
between sub-chains. To verify the accuracy of the model, an 1 2 3 N
No Probability of
analysis was performed on a digital delay-locked loop, and the Delay Decrement
results compared to measured data. The resulting transition Figure 1: Block diagram and equivalent state-transition diagram
probabilities and BER predicted by the proposed model are more of a basic digital DLL.
than three orders of magnitude more accurate than those predicted
involve the use of circuit or system-level simulators to model
by a conventional Markov-chain model.
behavior under worst-case conditions [2]. These models can be
Categories and Subject Descriptors driven with pseudo-random waveforms to observe the response of
B.7.2 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids – Simulation the system over an extended period of time. Unfortunately, it is
rarely possible to simulate long enough time periods to accurately
General Terms determine the BER.
Algorithms, Measurement, Performance, Design, Reliability Stochastic techniques, such as those based on Markov-chain
models [3,4], offer a more efficient method for estimating the BER
Keywords of a system. They can be used to calculate the probability that the
Jitter, timing margins, timing recovery circuits, mean-time- system will occupy a particular state from statistical properties of
between-failures (MTBF), bit-error-rate (BER), stochastic model, the input signals and the deterministic behavior of the system.
Markov chain, delay-locked loop (DLL) These models are based on the assumption that the system is
stationary, and that transitions between states are purely
2. INTRODUCTION probabilistic. These restrictions exclude many practical systems,
Digital timing recovery circuits (DTRCs), such as delay- including those that operate under changing conditions and those
locked loops (DLLs) and phase-locked loops (PLLs), are widely that experience significant levels of deterministic noise and jitter
used feedback circuits that maintain alignment between clock and [5].
data signals [1]. Their performance is often measured in terms of In this paper, a model that combines stochastic and
bit-error-rate (BER) or mean-time-between failures (MTBF), deterministic elements to predict the behavior of a synchronous
which provide an estimate of the overall reliability of the system. system in the presence of noise and jitter is introduced. The model
Both measures are strongly affected by random and deterministic is based on a series of interconnected recurrent Markov chains,
fluctuations in signal phase (jitter), and, both can be difficult to with each chain representing a distinct set of operating conditions.
measure directly. This is especially true in systems where the A sample analysis of a digital DLL is also presented, including a
required MTBF is on the order of a year or more, and errors are comparison to a conventional Markov-chain model.
rarely observed.
There are a number of techniques for estimating the BER (or 3. CONVENTIONAL MARKOV-CHAIN
MTBF) of a system. They generally fall into one of two categories: MODEL
deterministic and stochastic. Deterministic techniques typically To understand the limitations of a conventional Markov-chain
model, it is useful to go through a simple example. A block
diagram of a basic digital delay-locked loop (DLL) is shown
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for together with the equivalent state-transition diagram in Figure 1. In
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are this circuit, the digitally-controlled delay line (DCDL) can only
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies occupy one of N states at any given time, and only one unit (gate)
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, delay (UD) can be added or subtracted per clock period. The
to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
probability of transitioning to an adjacent state is determined by
specific permission and/or a fee.
DAC’09, July 26-31, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA properties of the DLL and by the phase difference between the
Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-497-3/09/07....10.00 output and reference.

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n-2 n-1 n0 n1 n2 State 0 Max. Delay

Probability of Occupying State

100 Number 10
Range Spec.
Probability of Occupying State

Worst-Case 10
10 Single-Chain
1010 Phase Model

BER Actual
Phase 10
20 Probability
1020 Window
(=4 UDs)

1 0 1 2 3 4 5
30 DLL State Number
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 3: Probability of occupying DLL state when supply levels
Delay From Input to Reference (unit delays) periodically spike (freq.= f s 200k , 0.5% duty cycle, =1/4 UD).
Figure 2: Probability of occupying each state in the DLL as the range) is sufficient to cause a timing violation, then the BER of the
input signal phase is swept (  = 1 4 UD).
system is equal to the probability that one of the outer two states
Under ideal conditions, the DLL reaches an equilibrium state will be occupied ( 2 × 10 – 30 ).
and remains there indefinitely. However, in the presence of noise
3.1 Limitations of Conventional Model
and jitter, the output may diverge from the reference far enough to
cause a timing error. The probability of an error occurring can be As mentioned earlier, many practical systems can not be
determined by modeling the system as a recurrent Markov chain, considered strictly stationary, and are difficult to model with a
and calculating the probability that the phase of the output clock conventional Markov chain. An example is a system where a bank
will vary enough to violate the timing requirements of the system. of drivers turns on and off at regular intervals, modulating power
To perform this calculation, the probability of occupying each supply levels across the chip. As the supply fluctuates, the
state in the system must first be determined. From the basic limit propagation delay of each gate in the DCDL changes, altering the
theorem for Markov chains, the equilibrium probability of behavior of the system.
occupying each state in the system is It is possible to approximate a non-stationary system with a
stationary Markov chain by modifying the input signal
 = lim P •  0 , (1) distributions. For example, when supply levels fluctuate, the
i probability density function (pdf) of the input signal phase can be
where P is a matrix of transition probabilities,  0 is some made bimodal or multimodal to compensate for changes in
arbitrary initial state vector, and each element  n in vector  is propagation delay. Unfortunately, this approximation breaks down
the average or equilibrium probability of occupying the n th state when the supply levels change at rates low enough to be tracked by
in the chain [6]. the system (which is often the case in practical designs).
The transition probabilities are calculated from the reference- To illustrate this point, a conventional Markov-chain model is
clock jitter probability density function (pdf), the timing of the used to calculate the probability of occupying each state in a digital
phase detector (PD), the state number, and the spacing between DLL with periodic spikes on the power supply. The spikes occur at
states. For a two-state phase detector, which generates an 0.0005% of the DLL sample rate ( f s 200k ) and last long enough
increment or decrement when the output clock edge transitions to cause a state change (0.5% duty cycle). The calculations are
before or after the reference-clock edge, the probability of going performed at the worst-case input phase, where the probability of
from state n m to state n m + 1 is occupying the adjacent states is highest. For comparison, the
probabilities are also calculated separately at each supply level,
p ( nm nm + 1 ) = – fJ ( t – m  du ) dt, (2) and then normalized and combined into a single histogram. The
combined histogram is then used as a reference to evaluate the
where f J ( t ) is the jitter pdf between the reference and input accuracy of the conventional model. Both histograms are plotted in
clocks, m is the state number, and d u is the propagation delay Figure 3. As shown in the plot, the conventional model
through the unit delay element in the delay line. The probability of underestimates the BER by nine orders of magnitude.
moving from state n m to state n m – 1 is Another limitation of the conventional model is its inaccuracy
in modeling the behavior of the system in response to certain types

of deterministic jitter. For example, the conventional model can
p ( nm nm – 1 ) = 0 fJ ( t – m  du ) dt. (3)
not distinguish between short, frequent bursts of jitter and long,
infrequent bursts. Yet the system responds quite differently to these
Using (1), (2), and (3), the probability of occupying each state
in the DLL is calculated, and the results plotted as a function of
To illustrate the difference, the probability of occupying each
input signal phase in Figure 2. As shown in the plot, the worst-case
state in a digital DLL with long, infrequent bursts of jitter on the
input signal phase, where the probability of occupying the largest
reference clock is calculated (frequency= f s 100k , duty
number of states reaches a maximum, occurs half a unit delay from
cycle=0.1%). In one case the conventional model is used, and in
the center of the phase detector window. At the worst-case phase
the other the probabilities are calculated separately for each jitter
there is a 10 – 30 probability that the n – 2 and n 2 states will be
level and then combined in proportion to their overall rate of
occupied. If a delay variation of four unit delays (a five-state

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4.1 Transition and State Probabilities
Probability of Occupying State
0 Actual
10 Single-Chain
Model Probability
Max. Delay
The transition probabilities in the two-chain model are similar
Range Spec. to those of the single-chain model, except now there are six non-
zero transition probabilities for each state instead of three. If
p ( n 0 n 1 ) is the probability of transitioning from state n 0 to state
n 1 , and p ( c1 c 2 ) is the probability of transitioning from chain-1

to chain-2, then the complete set of transition probabilities for state
n 0 are2
{ p ( n0 n – 1 )  p ( c1 c 1 ), (4)

1 0 1 2 3 4 5
DLL State Number p ( n0 n 0 )  p ( c 1 c 1 ),
Figure 4: Probability of occupying DLL state when ref. clock p ( n0 n 1 )  p ( c 1 c 1 ),
jitter slowly toggles (1=1/8 UD, 2=1 UD, freq.= f s 200k ). p ( n0 n – 1 )  p ( c 1 c 2 ),
p ( n0 n 0 )  p ( c 1 c 2 ),



1 p ( n0 n 1 )  p ( c 1 c 2 ) }.
The probability of transitioning between states is calculated as
before, by integrating the jitter pdf over the appropriate range for
   Q 1 the system. The probability of transitioning between chains is
determined by the relative and absolute amount of time spent in
Figure 5: Markov-chain model of bimodal system. each chain. The relative amount of time spent in chain i is3
occurrence. In the resulting histograms, plotted together in -----i , (5)
Figure 4, the conventional model underestimates the BER by six
orders of magnitude. where t c is the average amount of time spent in the i th chain
during a time period T . The absolute amount of time spent in
4. PROPOSED MODEL chain i is proportional to n c , the average number of consecutive
sample periods spent in chain i . The overall probability of
An alternative to conventional Markov-chain models that more
remaining in chain i during any single period is then given by
accurately tracks changing conditions and deterministic noise and
jitter is a model based on parallel interconnected Markov chains. p ( ci c i ) = ( 1 – 1 n c ), (6)
Each sub-chain in the proposed model is used to represent a
and the probability of transitioning out of chain i is
distinct set of conditions, and the probability of transitioning into a
particular chain is proportional to the amount of time spend under p ( ci ) = 1 nc . (7)
the corresponding set of conditions. Each set of conditions can
The probability of transitioning from chain i to chain j is equal to
include different supply levels, temperatures, jitter levels, or other
the probability of transitioning out of chain i multiplied by the
parameters that affect system behavior.
proportion of time spent occupying chain j relative to all chains
The parallel chain approach is mainly useful for modeling
other than i :
changes that occur at rates slow enough to be tracked by the
system. If conditions change at rates too high to be tracked1, then it 1  t cj -
may be necessary to either alter the pdf of the input signals, or use p ( ci c j ) = ------ ------------- . (8)
nc T – tc
a conservative, worst-case model for the system. The first i i

approach can be used when the phase of the input signals is The equilibrium probability of occupying each state in the
changing rapidly, but the system remains stationary. In this case, parallel-chain model is calculated as before, using the transition
the effect can be approximated by distorting the jitter pdf of the matrix and an arbitrary initial state vector. However, the transition
input signals to create an equivalent distribution. The latter matrix now has M × N rows and columns, where M is the number
approach is necessary when the behavior of the system changes in of modes (chains) in the model. Also, instead of having three non-
ways that can not be approximated by simply altering the input zero transition probabilities for each row, there are now 3  M non-
signal phase. zero probabilities. The overall probability of occupying a state can
An example of a parallel two-chain model of an N -state be calculated by summing the individual probabilities for each
system is shown in Figure 5. For simplicity, the system is limited mode.
to transitions between adjacent states. In this model, each chain
represents the system under a different set of operating conditions, 4.2 Limitations of Proposed Model
and states n 1 and n 2 together form the probability of occupying The parallel Markov-chain approach has several important
state n in the physical system. The diagonal arrows represent the limitations. First, conditions may vary over a continuous range,
probability that the system will simultaneously change states and making it difficult to identify discrete sets. The model is based on
transition to the other chain. the assumption that changes occur in discrete steps, and that on

1. This assumes the changes are not correlated with the sample rate 2. The transition probabilities are slightly different for the end states.
of the system, and will not alias to lower frequencies 3. Assume T is long enough to capture the average behavior of the system.

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Probability of Occupying State
100 Max. Delay power supply toggles slowly between two levels. The probabilities
Range Spec. were calculated using a parallel two-chain model, and, for
comparison, using the combined method described earlier. As

10 Single-Chain shown in the plot, the probabilities are now much more closely
matched to the expected distribution, and the error in the BER has
Actual been reduced from more than nine orders of magnitude to
20 Probability
approximately 10%.
The calculations were repeated with long, infrequent bursts of
30 jitter on the reference clock. The resulting histogram is plotted

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 together with the reference histogram in Figure 7. As expected, the
DLL State Number
probabilities match the reference very closely, with the BER now
Figure 6: Probability of occupying DLL state when supply levels matching to within 5%.
periodically spike (freq.= f s 200k , 0.5% duty cycle, =1/4 UD).
Probability of Occupying State

Single-Chain Actual The proposed parallel-chain model can be derived using

Model Probability Max. Delay simulated results, or it can be fit from measured data after the
Range Spec.
circuit is fabricated. In both cases the structure of each Markov
chain is determined by the circuit architecture, and can be modeled
using a procedure similar to that described in Section 3. The
procedure for determining the number of chains and the
parameters for each chain is more involved, and depends on the
BER noise and jitter characteristics of the system.

1 0 1 2 3 4 5
DLL State Number 5.1 DLL Model Derivation
Figure 7: Probability of occupying DLL state when ref. clock jitte In DLLs, noise sources contribute to timing uncertainty, which
slowly toggles (1=1/8 UD, 2=1 UD, frequency= f s 200k ). then combines with signal jitter to create an overall jitter
distribution. One of the key steps in creating an accurate DLL
average they repeat over time. If, however, the operating timing model is to determine the combined worst-case jitter
conditions continually change, then it may be difficult to construct distribution for the input and reference signals. This can be done
an equivalent model. The parallel-chain model is still strictly through simulation, or based on experience with similar circuits.
stationary, and can only approximate non-stationary systems. This Once the jitter distribution is known, it can be separated into
limitation can often be overcome by using enough chains to stochastic and deterministic components. The deterministic
capture the average behavior of the system without reproducing components then need to be further broken down into those that
every detail. are within the tracking bandwidth of the DLL, and those that are
Another limitation of both parallel and single-chain models is not. For those that are within the tracking bandwidth, the dominant
that conditions are assumed to vary over a finite range. In other components are assigned individual Markov chains. Each
words, the system is assumed to be trend-stationary [7]. This component has a mean and variance, as well as a probability of
limitation is rarely encountered in practical circuits, which tend to occurring, which together define the parameters for the chain. The
operate under conditions that repeat over time. remaining components, both deterministic and random, are then
Another potential source of error comes from modeling the combined in a composite jitter distribution that is used to define
transitions between chains as being stochastic, when in fact they the reference clock.
may be deterministic. As a result, only the average behavior is As an example, if a DLL with a tracking bandwidth of 20 clock
modeled, and some information on the precise sequence of events cycles experiences 200-cycle bursts of supply noise every 1000
may be lost. For example, if the power supply voltage in an ideal cycles, then the system can be modeled as two parallel chains.
system is steady for 100 cycles and then drops far enough to cause Assuming each burst causes the mean and variance of the
a state change for the next 100 cycles, there is a zero probability reference clock jitter distribution to increase by 20%, chain-1 will
that the system will transition for the first 99 cycles, and a 1.0 have nominal mean and variance and a transition probability of
probability that it will transition on the 100th cycle. However, in p ( c1 c 2 ) = 1 800 , while chain-2 will have 20% higher mean
the stochastic model there is a 1/100 probability that the system and variance with p ( c2 c 1 ) = 1 200 .
will transition during any cycle.
Despite these limitations, in most cases of practical interest the 5.2 DLL Model Fitting
parallel-chain model is significantly more accurate than a single- There are several techniques for fitting parallel-chain models
chain model in simulating the effects of changing conditions and to measured data. The most rigorous is to measure jitter between
deterministic sources of noise and jitter. the input and reference clocks under worst-case conditions, and
then follow the procedure above to derive the model. This
4.3 Digital DLL Example technique is reliable, but it requires accurate jitter measurements
To compare the accuracy of the single and parallel-chain made on internal circuit nodes.
models, the examples from section 3.1 are reanalyzed. Figure 6 A less accurate but more practical way to fit the model is to use
shows the probability of occupying each state in the DLL when the a logic analyzer to measure state transition probabilities (STP) in

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Jitter Probability (normalized)
Trimodal1 1
101 0.9
Probability of DLL State Change

Trimodal2 0.6
10 0.4
Pure Gaussian 0
105 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400
PD window Reference-Clock Jitter Magnitude (ps)
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 9: Measured cycle-cycle jitter on the reference clock.
Delay From Input to Reference (unit delays)
Table 1: Cycle-to-cycle jitter distribution statistics.
Figure 8: Calculated probability of generating a jitter-induced
state change in the DLL. Jitter Component % of Total Variance ()
the DLL while sweeping the phase of the reference clock. The Random 97.54% 51 ps
Deterministic 2.46% 291 ps
resulting probability curve shows the response of the DLL to noise
Total 100% 68 ps
and jitter on internal circuit nodes without requiring sensitive
analog measurements. The STP curve can then be used as a and parallel-chain versions of the model, which were then
reference to adjust the model until the measured and calculated compared for accuracy.
transition probabilities match. Transition probabilities can be
measured over a fairly wide range ( ~10 – 13 -1) in a reasonable 6.1 Reference-Clock Jitter
amount of time, and the remaining tail regions typically follow a A plot of the jitter distribution between the input and reference
predictable (Gaussian) roll-off and can be extrapolated. clocks is shown together with a breakdown of the jitter
In many cases it is possible to identify the dominant components in Figure 9 and Table 1. The jitter measurements were
deterministic jitter components in the STP curve and model them made through a system of debug busses, which contributed
as separate chains. Each deterministic component causes the significantly to the measured noise and jitter. Consequently, the
probability curve to deviate from an ideal Gaussian shape, and the data is not reliable enough by itself to derive a model. However,
distortions can be reproduced by adding parallel chains and some useful information can still be gleaned from the data. In
adjusting the phase and variance of each until the probability particular, the distribution appears random with a Gaussian
curves match. For example, in Figure 8 the variance of the distribution. But when the data are analyzed 1 , significant
reference clock jitter in all three curves is identical, but the deterministic components are found. Furthermore, the variance of
trimodal curves have additional modes 1/8 UDs before and after the deterministic components is significantly larger than that of the
the nominal phase. The effect of the additional modes is to widen random components. It turns out that most of the deterministic
the main lobe without significantly altering the slope of the tail jitter is caused by relatively large periodic phase steps on the
regions. reference clock, which are infrequent enough that their effect on
Even if individual components are difficult to identify, it is still the overall jitter distribution appears small.
possible to add parallel chains until the overall shape of the STP
curves match. The BER and MTBF are calculated from the 6.2 Transition Probabilities
probability of occupying outlying states, which in turn depend on The transition probabilities in the DLL are plotted as a
the tail portions of the STP curves. Thus, as long as the tail function of reference-clock phase in Figure 10. The asymmetries
portions of the curves reasonably well matched, the BER and visible in the curve were consistently present in the measurements,
MTBF should also match. and are caused by the large deterministic phase steps described
To illustrate this point, three different transition probability earlier.
curves with different main lobes but identical variance are plotted Five distinct modes were identified in the plot, each resulting
in Figure 8. The BER of the two trimodal systems are relatively in a slight peak in the STP curve and a widening of the main lobe.
closely matched ( 1.2  10 – 26 and 1.9  10 – 26 ), despite significant Separate chains were assigned to each peak, with the means
differences in the main lobes. In contrast, the BER of the purely roughly aligned with the center of the peak. The variance of the
Gaussian system is more than seven orders of magnitude lower jitter distribution for each chain was set to 0.3 UDs to fit the slope
( 8.9  10 – 34 ), even though the slope of the tail regions is identical. of the tail portion of the curve on the left. The mean of each
The key to accurately calculating BER and MTBF is making sure distribution was then adjusted together with the probability of
that both the slope and the phase of the tail regions of the measured transitioning into that chain until the best overall fit was achieved.
and calculated STP curves match. For comparison, a conventional single-chain model and a
parallel three-chain model were also fit. In all cases the reference-
6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS clock jitter distribution was assumed to be Gaussian with between
To evaluate the accuracy of the parallel-chain model, one and five modes. The slope of the tail portion of the single and
measurements were performed on a clock-alignment DLL three-chain unimodal models matches the measured result, but it
implemented in a large, complex ASIC with numerous sources of
noise and jitter. The measured data was used to derive both single 1. The data was analyzed using Tektronix TDSJIT3 jitter software

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0 Max Delay
Mode2 10

Probability of Occupying State

Probability of a Coarse Increment

10 2 Mode3

10 Model
Single-Chain BER
Unimodal Five-Chain
10 4 Mode4 Model
Three Chain
10 6 Measured
Five Chain 10
1 0 1 2
Delay from Input to Reference (unit delays)
1 0 1 2 3 4
Delay Line State Number
Figure 10: Measured and calculated probability of generating a Figure 11: State probabilities and BER using fitted five-chain
jitter-induced state change in the DLL (PD width = 4 UDs). model and single-chain unimodal model.
wasn’t possible to match both the slope and the width of the main
lobe with fewer than five chains. recovery circuits. The parallel Markov-chain structure overcomes
The parameters used to calculate the five-chain probability limitations in conventional stochastic models that make it difficult
curve are listed in Table 2. The relatively low probability of to model non-stationary systems and systems with substantial
switching between chains implies that the transition rates among deterministic noise and jitter.
the various modes in the reference-clock jitter distribution are The accuracy of the parallel-chain model has been verified by
significantly lower than the sample rate of the DLL. This result is calculating the state probabilities of a digital DLL, and comparing
consistent with the jitter measurements listed in Table 1. The them to the expected results. Two systems were modeled, one that
relatively low transition rate also explains why the single-chain is non-stationary, and one with deterministic jitter. In the first case,
model is less accurate at reproducing the tail regions of the the BER predicted by the parallel-chain model is approximately
probability curve. twelve orders of magnitude more accurate than the conventional
single-chain model, and in the second case the improvement is
Table 2: Parameters used in unimodal five-chain model. almost six orders of magnitude.
Probability of The proposed model was also fit to measured data, and was
Model Type
Mean Variance
Number (UDs) found to match the transition probabilities to within approximately
Into Chain ()(UDs) 5% over the full range. In contrast, the single-chain model had
1 0.00224 -1.18 0.21 errors as large as four orders of magnitude in the tail regions of the
Five Chain 2 0.032 -0.53 0.21 distribution. The BER predicted by the five-chain fitted model is
Unimodal 3 0.04 0.58 0.21 9.6  10 – 27 under typical operating conditions, which is 32 orders
Gaussian 4 0.004 1.05 0.21 of magnitude higher than that of the conventional model.
5 0.00004 1.66 0.21
6.3 State Probabilities and BER [1] T. H. Lee and J. F. Bulzacchelli, “A 155-MHz clock
Using the five-chain model, the probability of occupying each recovery delay- and phase-locked loop,” IEEE Journal
state in the DLL was calculated, and the result plotted in Figure 11. of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, pp. 1736 - 1746, Decem-
ber 1992.
For a maximum delay variation of six unit delays (beyond which a
[2] A. N. Lokanathan and J. B. Brockman, “Efficient worst
timing violation will occur), the BER of the system is 9.6  10 – 27 . case analysis of integrated circuits,” 1995 IEEE Custom
For comparison, the state probabilities were also calculated Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 237-240, May 1995.
using the single-chain unimodal model. In the resulting histogram, [3] J. R. Burnham, Design and Analysis of jitter-tolerant
also shown in Figure 11, the single-chain model significantly digital delay-locked loops and fixed delay lines, Ph.D.
underestimates the probability of occupying the outer states. For Dissertation, Stanford University, June 2007.
the same maximum delay variation, the BER is 8.8  10 – 59 , or 32 [4] A. E. Payzin, “Analysis of a Digital Bit Synchronizer,”
orders of magnitude lower than that predicted by the five-chain IEEE Trans. on Comm., Vol. Com-31, No. 4, April 1983.
model. [5] V. Stojanovic and Mark Horowitz, “Modeling and Anal-
ysis of High-Speed Links,” 2003 IEEE Custom Inte-
The MTBF calculations described above are based on grated Circuits Conference, pp. 237 - 240, Sept. 2003.
measurements taken under typical conditions. To calculate the [6] D. G. Luenberger, Introduction to Dynamic Systems,
worst-case MTBF, the same model can be used with slight Theory, Models, & Applications: John Wiley & Sons,
modifications to reflect worst-case operating conditions and jitter Inc., pp. 224-245, November 1979.
levels. [7] M. Qi and G. P. Zhang, “Trend Time-Series Modeling
and Forecasting With Neural Networks,” 2008 IEEE
7. CONCLUSION Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 19, no. 5, pp.
808-816, January 2008.
The stochastic jitter model presented in this paper provides a
useful tool for estimating the BER and MTBF of digital timing

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