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Nico Carballal

Ms. Gardner
English 10 Per 2
22 October 2014
Tyranny of the exlclusion of gays
Describe the type, nature, and scope of this tyranny: Class, we have
come from segregation to integration, from patriarchy to womens rights, from
dictatorship to democracy, but apparently all of these forms of injustice and
inequality are not sufficient enough to accept two people who love each other of the
same gender to be wed, to have the same rights, and to not be judged. The tyranny
of the exclusion of gays is horrible. People, based on other texts formed a long time
ago, say that gay couples and marriages are incorrect. Marriage rights are steady: in
the homeless shelters, on the farms in the countryside, in the apartments of the
city, in the suburbs of the town, in the richest of homes, even in the White House.
However, in these places, either legally or opinionatedly, gays are treated
unconstitutionally and unjustly; consequently, they cannot have equal rights.
Gays rights have always been disputed and only now changing. They have always
been segregated; they have always been judged; they have always been put off to
the side. Only until recently in our very state have gays had the right to marry. The
simple, wonderful, joyous, unquestioning act of marriage was temporarily
introduced to gays in 2008 until it was voted against by the people. How can so
many people be against the happiness of same-sex marriage-- their happiness will
not affect the voters lives? Fortunately, some people continued to fight against this
ban of same-sex marriage. They are inspirational. In 2010, Chief U.S. District
Attourney Judge Vaughn Walker spoke publicly about his opposition, specifically
depicted on, he states Proposition 8 singles out gays and lesbians
and legitimates their unequal treatment. Proposition 8 perpetuates the stereotype
that gays and lesbians are incapable of forming long-term loving relationships and
that gays and lesbians are not good parents." These fights along with others helped
inspire the people to reinstil the marriage laws in 2013.
Talk about tyranny of the maority- as Prop 8 says how the majority of people can
decide how the minority(the gays) should be able to live.
Ask not how your one vote will impact the discrimination of a group of people, but
how the discrimination of a group of people should impact your one vote.
The key to fixing this problem is to bring an awareness to people. While I dont have
many opportunities to share my opinions on this, this was the perfect opportunity.
Take these types of opprotunities.
Acknowledge why some people might not embrace the plan:Articles and
politicians debate over this idea of marriage rights, whether gays should be

included, but I ask Why should they not be? Many religious people refer to the
Bible and His word and His commands which I respect and admire, but we have to
form our own ideas and take from our own personal experiences and be reasonable
and treat everyone equally. Some others say that homosexuality is unearthly, or
unnatural, and harmful for two people of the same gender to be together because
of its uselessness to humanitys progression as a race. This is thoroughly
inaccurate; the discontent and unruliness of a disunited people is potentially more
harmful than the inability to have a baby.
Propose a plan to end this tyranny:
Stand with me against the mistreatment of the innocent, . Correct the ill-treatment
of gays from those you spend everyday with. Innappropriate phrases such as
Thats so gay or Faggot are small steps to this to bring an awareness to others,
but also go beyond the obvious and speak publicly. Dont be afraid to voice your
opinion. Let it be heard. Let us begin this difficult but rewarding work; working
together; together unified; unified against the mistreatment of gays. The question
isnt what we cant do together, but what we can do together. We can stand tall. No,
not can. We will stand tall.

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