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of the Flag''

Speech by

Hon. Albert



Opening the Campaign

Delivered at Tomlinson Hall, September
Indianapolis, Ind

OCT 2 81915


of 1898,


"March of the Flag"
Beginning of Greater America.


of the

War Administration

the Issue.

American Voters

to Stand

Election on Other

by Their Government Effect of

Nations New Markets for

American Products


of the

Money Question
March of the Ameri=
can Flag.





Opening the Indiana Republican Campaign,

at Tomlinson Hall, Indianapolis,
Friday, September 16, 1898.

(Stenographic RtpoKT.)
I'l'UdW-Citizens: It is a iiolilc l.-ind that Coil has given us; a laud
that can IVorl ami clothi' the world; a laud whose coast lines would
en<Iose jiall' the countries of Kurope; a land set lilve a sentinel Ix'tweeii
the two imperial oceans ol' the globe, a greater Knglaud wiih a nobler
11 is a mighty people Iliat lie has planted on
this soil: a people sprung from the most masterful blood of history; a
people perpetually ri vitalized by the virile, man-producing workingfolk of all the earth, lapplauset; a people imi)erial by virtue of their
power, by right of their institutions, by authority of their lieaveu-directed purjjoses the propagandists and not the misers of liberty.
(Great cheering). It is a glorious history our God has bestowed tipon
Mis chosen people: a history whose keynote was struck by Liberty
Hell, lapplausei: a history heroic with faith in our mission and our
future: a hislor.v of statesmen who Hung the boundaries of the Uepulilic out into unexjilored lands and savage wildernesses: a history
of soliliers who carried the flag across the blazing deserts and
through the ranks of Ixistile mountains, even to the gates of sunset, (cheers): a history of a multiijlying piMijile who overran a continent in half a centiu'y; a history of prophets who saw the conse(luences of evils inherited from the past and of martyrs who died
to save us fi-om them; a liistoi-y divinely logical, in the jyrocess of
whose IremeiKlous i-easoning we lind oiu'selves to-day. (Cheers.)

issiK Nor




.\mi:i;i( a.n.

Therefore, in this campaign. Ilie iiueslion is larger than a party

It Is an Aniei'ic.-in question.
It is a world (piestion.
applause.) Shall the .\merican peoi)le continue their resisiless inarch
toward the comniercial supremacy of the world? Shall free institutions broaden their blessed reign as the children of liberty wa.\ in
strength, until the empire of our principles is (>stablishe(l over the
hearts of all mankind? (Applause.) Have we no mission to perform,
no iluty to discharge to oiu- fellow-man? Has the Almighty Father
endowed us with gifts beyond our <leserts .'ind marked us as, the
I)e<iiile of His i)eculiar favor, merely lo rot in our own seltishuess. as
men and n.-itions miisl. who lake cowardice for their companion Tind
self for their Deity as China has, as India has, as Egypt has?
Shall we be as the man who had one talent and hid it, or as
he who had ten talents ;ind used them until they grew lo riches?__'
And shall we reap the reward that waits on our discliaim' of our
high duty as the sovereign [jower of earth; shall we occupy new markets for whal our farmers raise, new markets for what our factories
make, new markets for what our merchants sell and, please
(Jod. new niarkets for what our ships shall carry?
(Prolonged cheering.)
Shall we avail ourselves of new soiu'ces of sujjply of what we
do not raise or m.ake, so that what are luxin'ies to-day will be necessi(juestion.


Shall our commerce be encom-aged
Oceanica, the Orient and the world, American traile shall b(> the imperial trade of the entire globe?
Shall we conduct the
mighli(St commerce of history with the best money known to man,
(u- shall
we use the paiiper money of Mexico, of China and of the
Chicago platform? ((Jreat applause.)
In a sentence, sh.-ill tlie .\me]-ic:in people endorse at the polls the
American .\dministralion of \Villi;im .McKinley. (great and prolonged
cheering), which, under the guidance of Divine I'l'ovidence, has started
the Hepubllc on its noblest ciin'er of prosperity, duly and glory, or
shall the .\)iierican people rebuke that .Vd)iiinislration. reverse the
wheels of hisloiy. hall the career of the Hag and tuiM) to thai pm'poseless horde of criticism and car|)iiig, (applausei. dial is assailing the
Government at \\':ishington? Sh.all it be .McKinley. sound money and
a world-concpieriiig commerce, or Kryau. Hailey. lUand and Blackburn, a bastai-d ciwrency and a pol'cy of retreat?
(Prolonged cheering.) In the only foreign war this Nation has had in two
generations, will you. \]u- votei-s of this Heiiubljc and the guardians


of its good repute, give tlie other nations of the world to understand
that the American people do not approve and endorse the Adminis(Applause.)
tratiou that conducted it.
In both peace and war, for we rely on the new birth of prosperity
as well as on the new birth of national glory. Think of both! Think
of our countrv two vears ago and think of it to-day!





Two years and more ago American labor begged for work; today employment calls from mine, factory and field. (Applause.) Two
years and more ago money tied troni the fingers of enterprise; to-day.
irioney is as aliundant as demand.
In IS'JC, bonds were sold to syndicates in sudden emergencies to save the Nation's credit; in 1898,
bonds were sold to the people in the emergency of war. to rescue the
oppressed and redeem benighted lands.
(Great applause.)
In l.SOG,
we exported gold in obedience to the natural laws of finance;
we export bayonets in obedience to the natural laws of

in 1898,

In 18'.)4, the American people fought each other, because of

misunderstandings born of the desperation of the times; in 1898.
united and resistless, capitalist and workingmau. side by side in
trench and charge, the American peoi)le fight the last great pirate of

the ^^orld, in a war holy as righteousness.

(Great cheering.)
years and more ago, error-l)liuded and hatred-maddened men sought
to create classes among the people, declared the decadence of x\.merican manhood, and proclaimed the beginning of the end of the Republic; to-day proves that patriots are the only class this country
knows, (applause); that American manhood is as virile under Santiago's sun as it was among the snows of Valley Forge, (applause),
and tliat the real career of history's greatest republic liffs only just
Two years and more ago. a lonely American Tresident sat in
the White House, disened by his jiarty and estranged from the people; to-day, in the chair of Washington and Lincoln, guiding God's
chosen people along the lines of their divine destiny, sits another
American President, William McKinley, (prolonged applause and
cheering), with a united nation around him.
A moment ago I said that the Administration of William McKinley had been guided by a providence divine. That was no sacrilegious
The signature of Events proves it. This Man of Destiny
has amazed the world. He was nominated as the apostle of protection; in six months he was the standard bearer of the Nation's honor.
He was elected as ,he representative of the conservative forces of the
Republic; in two years he filled the world with the thunder of the
Re])ublic's guns and the heavens with the unfurled flag of liberty.
(Applause ) This man. whom the world regarded as only a singleissue statesman, as a tarifl-scheilule expert, gave to his countrymen
the ablest argument in l.nance since Hamilton, caught up the tangled
lines of a diplomatic situation vexed with infinite complications and
inherited blunders, gave nianknd a noble example of patient tact,
taught the nations their first lesson in the diplomacy of honest
speech, (cheers), refused to be stampeded into conflict until the thunderbolts of war were forged, (applause), launched them at last when
time had sanctified our cause before the bar of history, and preparation
had made then) irresistible, and now. in the hour of victory, clear-eyed
and unelate. marks out the lines of our foreign policy as'the soon-tobe supreme power of the wm-Id. and gives to the flag its rightful dominion over tlie islands of the sea. (Cheers.) Who' dai-(>s say God's
hand has not guided him? Who will fail to say amen with his vote
to the Administration and career of the last American President
of the
Nineteenth Century. McKinley, the master-statesman of his time.
(Protracted and renewed cheering.)


Wiiat are the great facts of this Administration? Not a failure
of revenue, (applause); not a pr<ipetual battle between the

k'gislalive departments of governmeut; not a rescue from dishonor by Kuriipi'au syndicates, at tue price ul' lens of millions in cash
These liavi,' not niai'lced the
ai!(l national luimiliation unspealiable.
past two years the past two years, which have Idossomed into four
But a war has marked it, the
splendid montlis of glory! (Cheers.)
most holy ever wagea by one nation against another a war for civilization, a war for a permanent peace, a war which, under <;od, although we knew it not, swung open to the Republic the portals of the
commerce of the world. (Cheers.) And the first question you must
answer with your vote is, whether you endorse that war? We are told
that all citizens and every platform endorses the war, and I adBut that is only
mit, with the joy of patriotism, that this is true.
among ourselves and we are of and to ourselves no longer. This
election takes place on the stage of the world, with all earth's nations
If the Administration is defeated at the polls, will
for our auditors.
England believe that we accept the results of the war? Will Germany, that sleepless searcher for new markets for her factories and
fields, and therefore the effective meddler in all international complications will (Jermany be discouraged from interfering with our settlement of the war. if the Administration is defeated at the polls?


Will Russia, that weaver of the webs of commerce into

which province after province and ])eople after people falls, regard


us as a steadfast people if the administratiou is defeated at the

(Applause.) The world is observing us to-day. Not a foreign
oflice in lOurope that is not studying the American Republic and
watching llie .Vinericaii elections of ISitS as it never watched an
American election before. (Aindause.) Are the American ])eople the
chameleon of the nations? '11^ so, we can easily handle them." say
the dijiloniats of thi> world. Which result, say you. will have the best
effect for us upon the great Powers who watch us with the jealousy
strength always inspires a defeat, at the hands of the American people, of the Administration which has conducted our foreign war to
a wofld-embracing sticcess, (applause), and which has in hand the
most important foreign problems since the Revolution; or, such an
endorsement of the Administration by the American peoi)le as will
swell to a national acclaim? (Cheers.)
No matter what your views
on the Dingley or the Wilson laws; no matter whether you favor
Mexican money or the standard of this Republic, we must deal from
this day (Ui with nations greedy of I'ver.y market we are to inv.-ide;
nations with statesmen trained in craft, nations with shijis and guns
and money and men. Will they sift out the motive for your vote, or
will they consider the large result of the endorsement or rebuke of
the Administration? pl'lie world still rubs Its eyes from its awakening
to the resistless power and sure destiny of this Republic. Which outcome of this election will be best for America's future which will
most healthfully impress every peojile of the globe with the steadfastness of character and tenacit.v of purpose of the American jK'opli' the
triumph of the government at the polls, or the success of the Opposition ?J>(.\pplause.)
It is
I re])eat, it is luore than a party question.
an American question. It is an issue in which history sleeps. It Is a
situation which will iiilluence the destiny of the Rcitublic. (.\pplause.)
There is an issue in the war which affects oufselves.
Shall we
endorse the Administration on the conduct of the war?
What of the conduct of the war? In the first place the men who are
now defaming American soldiers before the world: the men who are
assailing the Government at Washington for not suflicienlly preparing, are the very same luen who tried to plunge the Nation into war
before we had prepared at all. (Tremendotis cheering, lasting several
minutes). Men declared tliat McKiidey was to<i slow: he w.-iited still.
Politicians willing to buy votes with some other man's lilood. (applause), called him coward: uiuuoved. the President plead with Spain
to let the oiipressed go.
Bass-drum orators and liDwie-knife editors
(great applaiise) denounced Jdni as ajmstate \n lilierty; he silently held
his course. A gr(>at party's unwise leaders lifted tiie slogan of, "On
to Havana:" the Chief Magistrate pursued the policies of peace.


..ile. in ana out of his
(applause) '^to""'^''!: ^l^.^'^^^t.J^'^UU.r McKinler"ilentl v


^^\^;^^^ ,eheers), and he knew

world looked on with
(Great cheering). He had ^'^f'^/" ;;'';., "^^'^'fl.e a gu". dn'olonged
"" ,.,^ feed soldiers,
l"'.**'.''^; 5\'"
that you must have powder
prov Mons be^o^e you
applause), you n^>>t have
^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^
5""^^'\, '',.,.,. let time and events
vou must have a cause

sue; then,


ships were j"""''^


"f' our

"1'^^ "vet^'havT we peac'f irs"no't\he cloud







linger on the

of a successful
at the moment he

Germany rebukins Bismarck


of ^*^
and folly? What
should do such a deed of mingled
the very midst of peace nego^
the wor d sav of America, if. in

fo France!


What would America


with jealousy fear and

ons upon whic-h the nations are looking
the Administration in
he American people should rebuke
House and Senpeace negotiations and place a hostile
God forbid! APl^''''"^''-^,^^ t^oir
ate in Washington''
such childish
p ople show sit^h inconstancy,
is a memory.
forwar Un-ks in the future, what then? Shall we




of glory
sake our leaders at the close of a campaign
that is yn'Jt |"e
Yet. --^^^^-^'H'^l^^l
it has prepared?
means. What is that
success of
horses "'bde "oss^
od saving about the idiocy of him who changed
'^ecau^e he
?ng a stream?
court-marti.aling ^raiU ^"^
was efficient
because th.'y took \ieksburg.
discharging his heroes in dislionor
(Great applanse.)

THE slandf:rers of our soldiers.

Atlanta, aiis-

Tree Creek,
Ah' the heroes of Vicksburg and Peach
those fields of glory, of suffering
sion Ridge, the Wilderness and all
generatmn has passed
and of death' (Cheers.) Soldiers of 18(31!
worthy of yonr blood-(proand vou have reared a race of heroes
San .Juan and Caapplause and cheers)-heroes of El Cauey,


hundred thousand more as

Ue of Santiago and Manila^aye! and two
.ngony of impatience he
brave as thev. who waite.l in camp with the
hellish hardship of the trenches the
call to battle, ready to count the
(Great and
for the flag.
very sweets ;f fate, if they could only fight
of Hobsons ot
renewed cheering.) For every tented field was full
kind of soldiers
Roosevelts of Wheelers, and their men; full of the
with barefeet in the snows of
that in regiments of rags, starving,
of the same kind
winter made Valley Forge immortal, (applause); full
hardships of the Civil War, (apof bovs that endured the hideous
marched through
Dlause) drank from filthy roadside pools as they
swamps of deatli. ate food alive with weevils, and even corn

from the liorscs' ciinip, slept in Ilic lil;iiikcts of the blnst with sheets
of sleet for eoveritis. Ineiikfiisted with danger and dined with death,
and eanie liack tliose who did come liack with ;i lati^n and n shout
and a song of joy, true American soldiers, pride of thiir country and
envy of the world. (Cheers.) For that is the kind of hoys the soldiers
of 1808 are. (prolonged and rejieated ch(>ering). notwilhslandiug the
slanders of politicians and tlie infamy of a leprous press that try
woto make the world believe our soldiers are suckling l)al>es and
manish weaklings, and our Coverunient, in war. a corrupt macliine.
fattening off the suffering of our armies. In the name of the sturdy
soldiery of America I denounce tlie hissing lies of politicians out of an
issue, "(applause), who are trying to disgrace American manhood
In the name of patriotism. 1 arraign these
the eyes of lie nations.
maliguers of tlie soldierhood of our Nation lief ore the bar of the present and the past. lApidause.) I call to the witness stand that Bayard
1 call that Hotspur
of our armies. Ceneral .loe Wheeler. (Applause.)
call the 200,n(X) men,
of the South. Fitzlmgli Lee.
((ireat apthemselves, who went to war for the business of war.
And I put all these against the vandals of poliplause and cheers.
(Aptics who are blackening their fame as soldiers and as men.
In the .Mexican the
plause.) I call history to the witness stand.


from every cause was


Tier cent.,




on incomplete


turns; in the present war the loss frmii every cause is only
(Creat apiilanse.) In the Mexican war the sick lay naked on
the ground with only blankets over tlicni and were Imried with only
a blanket around them. Of the volunteer force 5.423 were discharged
When Scott mtirched
for disaliility. and :',:22i) died frmii disease.
Mexico. (Uily ninety-six men were left out of one regiment
of one thonsaui'l. The average of a Mississippi company was re'

duced from !I0 to ?,0 men. From Ver.a Cruz to Mexico a line of sick
and dying marked his line of march, (ieneral Taylor publicly dedied from sickness for every
clarcMl that, in his army, live men
man killed in btittle. Scott demanded surgeons. The (iovernment
refused to give them. The three months men lost nearly ft per cent.;

the six inontlis men lost 14 per cent.: the twelve iiKUiths men 2'.) per
cent.; the men enlisted for tlie war lost MT per cent.: :!l.!n4 soldiers en7.3i!9 are
listed for the war, and 11.1)14 of tliese wi-re lost, of
unaccounted for. In the war for the T'nion no, there is no need of


Go :isk that
(!o to the field of Cettysburg and ask.
figures there.
old veteran how fever's fetid breath breati.ed on them and disease
And in the present war. thank (!od. the loss and
rotted their bloo<l.
suffering is li>ss than in any war in all the history of the world!
(Great applause.) And if any needless suffering there has been, if any
deaths from criminal neglect, if any hard condition not a usual incident of sudden war by a peaceful iieoide li;is been iiermitted. William
(TremenMcKinlev will see that the resixnisible ones are punishi'd.
Although our loss was less than the world ever
dous applause.)
knew before; although the condition of our troops w:is better than in
any conllicl of our histiu-y. McKinley the Just, has appoint(>d, from
both piirties, a commission of the most eminent men in the Nation
Let the investigation go
to lay the facts before him.
on. and when the ri'iKU-t is made the )ieoi)le of America will know
how black as midnight is the sin of those who. fiu- tlie imriioses of polithe
tics, have shamed the hardihood of the Am(>ricau soldiers before
world, ;ittempte(l to demoralize our army in the face of the enemy,
libelled the Government at W;(shiiigl(Ui to delighted and envious
(Grettt cheering renewed and prolonged.)
hundred and
And think of what was done: (Apiilause.)
fifty thiuisand men suddenly <-alled to arms; men unusial to the life




of "camps; nii'U fresh from the soft <'(unforts of the best homes of
Those men. equipped, transported to
the richest jx'ople (Ui earth.
camps convenient for instant call to battle; waiting there the command which any moment might have brought; supplies purchased
in every (lUiirter of the land and carried hundreds, even thousands of

miles; uniforms iirocured.

arms purchased, ammunition bought,



zens cirillerl into tlie finest soldiers on the slobe; n war fought in the
deadliest climate in the world, beneath a sun whose rays mean madness, and in Spanish surround inssfesterinj; with fever and yet the
least suffering: and the lowest loss ever known in all the chronicles of
What would have been the result if those who
would have plunged us into war before we could have prepared at
all. could have had their way?
What would have happened If these
warriors of peace, who denounced the rresident as a traitor when he
would not send the flower of our youth against Havana, with its
steaming swamps of fever, its splendid outworks and its l.")(,CMlO desperate defenders what would have happened if they could have had
their way?
The miiul shrinks and sickens at the thought. Those
regiments, which we greeted the other day with our cheers of pride,
would not h.ive nianlud back a,gain. All over this weeping land
the tender song. "We sliall meet but we shall miss him; there will be (me
vacant chair," would nave risen once again from desolated homes.
And the men who would h.-ive done this are the men who are assailing the Government at Washington to-day and l>laspheming tne reputation of tlie American soldier. (Applause and clieers renewed again
and again.) But the wrath of the people will pursue them. (Renewed cheering.) The scorpion whips of the furies will l)e as a caress
to the deep damnation of those who seek a political issue in defaming the maidiood of the Republic.
God bless the soldiers of 189S
(great cheering), children of the heroes of 18G1. descendants of the
heroes of 177i! In the halls of history they will stand side by s'de
witli tliose elder sons of glory, and the Opposition to the Government
at Washington shall not deny them.
((Jreat cheering.)



No! they shall not be robbed of the honor due them, nor sliall the
Republic be roblied of what they won for their country.
nnewed and prolonged.) For William McKinley is continuing the

policy that .lefferson besran. lapplausei.


continue<l. Si'wavd ad-

Grant promoted. Harrison championed, (ijieers), and the

growth of the Republic has demanded.
Applause.) (liawaii is ours:

Porto Rico is to be ours; at the pra.ver of the people Cuba will finally
be ours, (great applause): in tlie islands of the East, even to the gates
of Asia, coaling stations are to lie ours; at the very least the flag of
a liberal government is to float over the Philippines, and I pray God
it may be the banner that Taylor unfurled in Texas and Fremont
carried to the coast (cheers) the Stars and Stripes of (Tlory.
And the burning (juestion of this campaign is.'whether
American people will accept the gifts of events, (applause);
whether they will rise as lifts their soaring destiny: whether they
will proceed upon the lines of national development" surveyed by the
statesmen of our past; or whether, for the first time. th(> American
people doubt their mission, (juestion fate, prove apostate to the spirit
of their race, and halt the ceaseless inarch of free institutions.
The Opiiosition tells us that we ought not to govern a people without their consent. I .-inswer. The rule of liberty that all just government di rivi s its authority from the consent of the goveriied. npjilies
only to those who are capable of self-government.
(Great applause.)
I answer.
govern the Indians without their consent, (applause),
we govern our territories without their consent, (.applause), we govern our children without their consent. I answer.
do you assume
that our government would be without their consent? Would not the
people of the Philippines prefer the just, humane, civilizing government of this Republic to the savage, bloody rule of pillage and extortion from which we have rescued them?
Do not the
blazing fires of Joy and the ringing bells of gladness in Porto Rico
the welcome of our flag? (Applause.) And. regardless of this
of words m.-ide only for enlightened, self-governing pi'o])Ies.
do we owe
no duty to the world?; Shall we turn these i.iMipl(>s back to the
hands from which we have taken them? Shall we abandon them to their
fate, with the wolves of conquest all about
them^with Germany, Rus-



France, even Japan, hungering for them'.' Shall we save (hem from
those nations, to give them a self-rule of tragedy? it would be lilce giving a razor to a liabe and telling it to shave itself. (Applause and laughRenewed laughter.) It would be like giving a typewriter to an
Es(iuiniaux and telling him to publish one of the great dailies of the
world. This proposition of the Opposition makes the Declaration of
Independence pi'eposterous, like the reading of Job's lamentations
would be at a wedding or an Altgeld speech on the Fourth of July.
(Great applause and laughter.
They ask us how we will govern these new possessions. I answer: Out of local conditions and the necessities of the case methods
If England can govern foreign lauds, so
of government will grow.
can America. (I'rolouged applause.) If (Jermany can govern loreign
lands, so can America. (Applause.) If they can supervise protectorates,
so can America. (Very great applause.) Why is it more ditlicult to ndministir Hawaii than New Mexico or California? Both had a savage
and an alirn population; both were more remote from the scat of government when they came under our dominion than Hawaii is to-day.
Will you say by your vote that American ability to govern has decayeil; that a century's experience in self-rule has failed of a result?
/' Will
you affirm by your vote that you are an infidel to American
vigor and power and practical sense? Or, that we are of the ruling race
of the world: that ours is the blood of government; ours the heart of
dominion; ours the brain and genius of administration? (Great
applause.) Will you remember that we do but what our fathers did
we but pitch the tents of liberty further westward, further
southward we only continue the march of the flag. (Prolonged applause and cheers.)


The march of the flag!
republic waved over 4,000,ob()

In 1789 the flag of the

souls in thirteen states, and their savage territory which stretched to the Mississipni, to Canada, to the
'I'lie timid minds of that day said that no new territory was
needed, and, for the hour, they were right. But Jefferson, through
whose intellect the <'ent\n-ies niarclied: Jefferson, whose l)lood was Saxon but whose schooling was French, and therefore whose deeds negatived his words; Jefferson, who dreamed of Cuba as a state of the
nidii; Jefferson, the tirst imperialist
the Republic Jefferson
acciuired that imperial territory which swept from the Mississippi to
the mountains, from Texas to the British possessions, and the march
of (he flag began!
The infidels to the gospel of liberty
raved, but the flag swept on! (Cheers.) The title to that noble l.ind
out of wiiich Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana have been
carved was uncertain; Jefferson, strict constructionist of constitutional power though he was, obeyed the Anglo-Saxon Impulse within him, whose watchword then and whoso w.atchword throughout
the world today is, "Forward," (cheers), another empire was added
to the Republic, and the march of the flag went on!
Those who deny th(> power of free institutions to expand urged every
argument, and more, tliat we hear, to-day; l)ut the people's judgment
approved tlie conunand of their nlood, and the march of the flag went
on! (Appbnise.) A screen of land from New Orleans to Flori<la sliut
us from tlie gulf, and over diis and the Everglade Peninsula w.aved
the saffron flag of Spain; Andrew Jackson seized both, the American people stood at his back. and. \mder Monroe, the Floridas came
nnder the dominion of the Republic, and the march of the flag went
The Cassandras prophesied every prophecy of despair we hear, to-day, but the march of the flag went on!
Texas responded to the Imgle calls of liberty, and the march of the
flag went on!
And, ;.t last, we waged war with Mexico.
and the flag swept over (he Southwest, over peerless California, past
the Gate of CJold to Oregon on the north, and. from ocean to ocean
its folds of glory blazed.
((Jreat cheering.)
And, now, olieying the
the same voice that .lefferson heard and obeyed, that Jackson heard

and ol)eyea. lUut Jlouroe heard and obeyed, that Seward heard and
obeyed, that Ulysses S. Grant heard and obeyed, that Benjamin Harplants the flag
rison heard and obeyed, (cheers), William McKinley
over the islands ot the seas, outposts of commerce, citadels of
(Long continued cheersecuritv. and the march of the flag goes on!
iiryan. Bailey, Bland and Blackburn command it to stand still,
but the "march of the flag goes on! (Renewed cheering.) And the
question you will answer at the polls is, whether you stand with this
quartet of disbelief in the American people, or whether you are
marching onward with the flag. (Tremendous cheering.)
Distance and oceans are no arguments. The fact that all the territory our fathers bought and seized is contiguous, is no argument.
In 1819 Florida was further from New York than Torto Rico is from
Chicago to-day. (applause); Texas, further from 'Washington in 1845
is from Boston in 1898, (applause); California, more in(Great applause.)
accessible in 18-17 than the Philippines are now.

than Hawaii

further from London than Havana is from Washington;

further from Liverpool than Manila is from San FranThe ocean does not separate us from lands of our duty and
tlie oceans join us. a river never to lie ilrediied. a canal never
Steam joins us; electricity joins us the
to be repaired.
very elements are in league with our destiny. (Continued applause
and cheers.) Cuba not contiguous! Porto Rico not contiguous! Hawaii and the Philippines not contiguous! Our navy will make them
contiguous. (Great cheering, renewed again and .again.) Dewey and
Sampson and Schley have made them contiguous, and American
speed, American guns, American heart and brain and nerve will keep
them contiguous forever. (Renewed cheering.)
But the Opposition is right there is a difference. We did not need
the western Mississippi Valley when we acquired it, nor Florida, nor
Texas, nor California, nor the royal provinces of the far Northwest.
had no emigrants to people this imperial wilderness, no money
No trade awaited us in
to develop it, even no highways to cover it.
Our productions were not greater than our
Its savage fastnesses.
There was not one reason for the landlust of our statesmen
from Jefferson to Grant, other than the prophet and the Saxon within
But, to-day, we are raising more than we can
consume. To-day. we are making more than we can use. To-day,
our industrial society is congested; there are more workers than there
We do not
is work; there is more capital than there is investment.







more money we need more circulation, more employment.

Therefore we must find new markets for our produce,


new occupation for our capital, new worlv for our labor. (Great apAnd so. while we did not need the territory taken during
tne past century at the time it was acquired, we do need what we


have taken in 1898. and we need it now. (Long continued applause.)

Think of the thousands of Americans who will pour into Hawaii and
Porto Rico when the Republic's laws cover those islands with justice and safety!
Think of the tens of thousands of
Americans who will invade mine and field and forest in the Philippines when a liberal government, protected and controlled by this Republic, if not the government of the Republic itself, shall establish
order and equity there! (Great applause and cheers.) Think of the
hundreds of thousands of Americans who will build a soap-and-water.
comnion-scliool civilization of energy and industry in Piilia. when
a government of law replaces the double reign of anarchy and tyranny! (applause) thiniv of the prosperous mil'ioiis iii.-it Empress of
Islands will support when, obedient to the law of political gravitation,
her people ask for the liighest honor liberty can bestow, the sacred
Stripes, the citizenship of the Great Republic!

Order of the Stars and






for every one of us?

It means opportunity for .tJI the glorious young manhood of the Republic (applause)
the most virile, ambitious, impatient, militant manhood (cheers)




It lucaiis thut the rcs.nircrs :inil the comluis rvcr sit-ii.

these iiiinu'Usely ricli dominions will lie iiiere;ised ;ts niucll
as AnuM-ican eners.v is greater than Spanish sloth, laiiplaiise); for
Anierieaus henceforth will mouopolizf those resotn-ees and that coiuRenewed aiiplanse.l In l.'nba, alone, there are iri,(H)0.(Km
There are exhaustless
acres of forest unaciinainted with the axe.
mines ol iron. There are priceless deposits of niani;aiiese. millions of
dollars of which we must ouy, to-day. from the UlacU Sea districts.
There are millions of acres yet unexplored. The resources of Porto
The riches of the Philippines
Uieo have oidy been tritled with.
have hardly been touched by the tin.iier tips of modern methods. And they produce what we cannot, and they consume what we
produce the very predestination of reciprocity a reciproc-ity "not
made with hands, eternal in the heavens.'' (Protracteil applause.)
They sell hemp. silk, sujiar. cocoanuts. coffee, fruits of the tropics,
timber of price liki' mahogany: they buy Hour, clothiuf;. tools, implements, nmchinery and all that we can raise and nuike. And William
McKinley intends that their trade shall be ours. lOreat applause.)
Do you "endorse that policy with your vote? It means creative investiuent for every dollar of idle capital in the land an opportunity
for the rich man to do something; with his money besides hoarding
It means occupation for every workiufcit or lendinf; it.
man in the counti-y at wages which the development of new resource s. the launching of new enterprises, the monopoly of new marCuba is as large as Pennsylvania,
kets always brings.
and is the richest sjiot on all the globe. Hawaii is as large as New
Jersey: Porto Kico half as large as Hawaii; the Pliiliiipines larger
than all .New ICngland. New York, New .Jersey and Helaware.
these ar(> larger than the British Isles, larger than France, larger
The trade of these islands, dethan Germany, larger than .Tapan.
velo]ied as we will develop it by developing their resources, monopolized as we will monopolize it. will set every reaper in this Republic
singing, every spindle whirling, every furnace spouting the flames of
industry. iCriat applause.) I ask each one of you this personal quesi)o you believe that th(>se resoiu'ces will be better developed
and that commerce best secured; do you lielieve that all these priceless ndv.-inlages will be lieller availed of f(U- the benefit of tliis RepubUlackburn .-ind Ihe Opposition; or.
lic by liryan. I'.ailey. Illand and
by William McKinley and a House aii<l Senate thai will help and not
(Long continued applause.) Which do yon thiidc will
hiiKler himV
get the most good for you ami the .\merican peojile out of the o)i))ortunities whicli Providence has given us the (Jovernment at Washington or the (>|iiHisition in NelirasU.a. Texas. Kentucky and Mis(.\pplanse).
Whicli side will you belong to those who pull
forward in Ihe traces of National iirosperity and destiny, or those
who pull b.-iel; in those traces, balk at every sti^) of advancement,
and bi'.-iy al exery mile posl of jiiMgress? ll^aughler. cheers and ap-






and not on
If any man tells you lliat li-ade depends on cheapness
goveri'meni influence.' ask him wliy Kiigl.-md does not abandon South
Why does France seize South
Africa, Egypt, India.
China. Cei-many the vast region whose |iort is Kaouchou? jApConsider the <-oninn>rcc of the Siianish isl.-inds. In 18!l7 we
bought of the Philippines .-|;4.:;S.-,,71(. and we sold them only ;f!)4.597.
Great Britain, that national expert in trade, did little better, for. iu
But Spainl.SliC.
she bought .S(;.-'-J:!4-Ji; and sohl only ifL'.nta.-iP.S.
Spain, the paralytic of commerce Spain bought only .$4.S1S.:U4 and
Fellow-citizens, from this day on that proportion of
sold .'4.'.i7:{.."iS'.):
trade, increased and nniltiplied. must belong to the Anu>rican Repul>I
repeat, increased and multiplied, for with
iGreat apjihuise.)
American brains and energy, with Anu'rican methods and American
goverrmiiil. dots any one here, to-night, doubt that .\merican exports
will exceed Spain's imports twenty times over?
any one of yon doubt that .floo.ood.ood of food and clothing and tools


and implements and machinery will ultimately lie shipped evei-y year
from the I'nited States to that archipelago of tremendous possibiliAnd will anyone of you refuse to welcome that
golden trade with your vote?
Wliat lesson does Cuba teach V Cuba can raise no cereals no
wheat, no corn, no oats, no liarley and no rye. What we make and
raise Cuba consumes, and wliat she nialces and raises we consume:
and this order of commerce, is fixed forever by the unalterable decrees of nature. And she is at our doors, too only an ocean river between I's. (Applause.) Yet. in 1800. we bousht .$40,017.7(13 of her
products, and we sold her only .$7,103,173 of our products; while Spain
bought only .$4.2.j7,3(;0 and sold her .$2(J,14.5,S0(V-and that proportion
Fellow-citizens, from this day on,
existed before the insurrection.
that order must be reversed and increased. (Cheers.) Cuba's present
population is (Uily aliout 1.00().00(; her proper population is aliout
10,000.000. Tens of millions of acres of her soil are yet untouched l)y
enterprise. If Spain sells Culia $21,(IOO.O(IO in IS'.ll. and $2il.(ltK),000 in
1890, America will sell Culia .$20(1.000.000 in lOOd
1800 we bought of Porto Itico .$2.21i(;,C,."i:!. and sold lier only $1,085,888.
and yet Spain boujrht only $5,423,700 and sold her $7,328,880. William McKinley proposes that tliose fi.cures shall be increased and reversed, (applause), and the (juestion is, whether you will endorse him
The ])ractical queslion. for each one
In that resolutiini of prosperity?
whetlier we had better leave the development of all this
tremendous commerce to the Administration wliicli lilierated these
island confine nls and now lias tlie settlement of their government
under way: or, risk the future in the hands of those who oppose the
Gov( rnment at Washington and the commercial supremacy of the

of us.




Our trade with Porto Rico

will all (his help each one of us.
and Haw;iii will lie as free as between the States of the Union, (applause), because they are American soil, while every other nation on
(Apearth must iia.v our tariff before' tliey can coni]iete witn us.
Tfntil Culia and the Philippines shall ask for annexation,
our trade with them will, at the very least, be like the preferential
trade of Canada with England a trade which gives the Republic
the pri ference over the rest of the world (applause) a trade which
colonial commerce (cheers)
applies the principle of protection to
the )irini-iple wliich all
the world employs, to-day: the jirinciple which Kngland uses whenever she fears for a market and which
That, and the ex.she has put into practice against us in Canada.
cellence of our goods and products: that, and the convenience of
traffic; that, and the kinsliip of interests and destiny, will give the
monopoly of these markets to tlie American people. (Apjilause.) And
then then, tile factories and mills and shops will call again to their
hearts of fire the workingmen of the Repulilic (great applause), to
receive once more the wages and eat once more the bread of prosperous times, (cheers): tlien the farmer will find at his door, once
more, the golden home marlvet of those who work in factory and
mill, and wlio want flour and meat and butter .'ind cgsrs and garments
of wool, and who have once more the money to pay for it all. (Oreat
applause.) It means now employment and lietter wages for ever.v laboring man in tlie I'nion.
It means liigher prices for every liushel
of wlii'.'it :\ui] corn, for every iiounil of liutter and meat, for every item
that the farmers of this Repulilic jiroduce.
It means active, vigorous, constructive investment of every dollar of mould.v and miserly
capital in the land.
It means all this, to-morrow, and
all tliis forever, because it means not onl.v the trade of the prize
provinces, but the beginning of the commercial (unpire of the Republic.
(Renewed and continued applause.) And. amid these great
events, will you niarcli forwar<l with the endless column of prosperit.v, or. sit with Rryan. Bailey. Bland and Blackliurn on the rotten
and crumbling rail fence of dead issues and hoot at the procession as
it passes by? (Laughter and great applause with cheers.)




Ibe comiiieic-ial euipirc of the Republic. That is the greatest

Aud tliat is wliy these islands in(Apiilause.)
ui tlu' future.
The comvolve considerations larger than their own commerce.
mercial supremacy of the Reiniblic means that this Nation is to bt
the sovereign factor in the peace of the world. (Applause.) For the
conflicts of the future are to be conflicts of trade struggles for markets coniuicrcial wars for existence. And the uuUleu nde of peace
So. we
Is impregnability of position and invincibility of preparation.
see England, the greatest strategist of history, plant her Hag and her
cauncin on (iibraltar, at Quebec, the Bermudas, Vancouver, everywhrn-, imtil, from every point of vantage, her royal banner flashe.s
he sun. So Hawaii ftirnishes us a naval base in the heart of the
Pacific, (applause); the Ladronos auother. a voyage further into the
region of sunset and commerce; Manila, another, at the gates of
Asia Asia, to the trade of whose hundreds of millions American
merchants. American mannfaeturers, American farmers, have as good
a righi as those of Germany or France or Russia or lOnglaud. (great
applause); Asia, whose commerce with England alone, amounts to billions of dollars every year; Asia, to whom (iermany looks to take the
sur|dus (if her f.actories and foundries and mills; Asia, whose doors shall
(Applause aud cheers.) WithMot be shut against American trade.
in two decades the bulk of Oriental commerce will be ours, (renewed applause) the richest commerce in the world. In the light of
that golden future, our chain of new-won stations rise like ocean
sentinels from the night of waters, (applause) Porto Rico, a nobler
(libraliar; the Istlmiian canal, a greater Suez; Hawaii, the Ladrones,
Ah! as our
ihe Philippines, commanding the Pacific!
ciminieree sjireads, the flag of liberty will circle the globe, and the
highways of the ocean carrying trade of all mankind, be guarded by
the gun.s of the Republic. (Applause.) And, as their thunders salute
the flag, benighted peoples will know that the voice of Liberty is
speaking, at last, for them; that civilization is dawning, at lasl. for
them Liberty and Civilization, those children of Christ's gospel, who
follow and never precede. Ihe prejiaring march of commerce!
It is the tide of (lod's great purposes made manifest in the
insiiiicis of our race, whose present phase is our personal profit, but
whose far-off end is the redemjitlon of the world and the Christianization of mankind.
((Jroat applause.)
Aud he who throws himself
before tliat current is like him who, with puny arm, tries to turn the
gidf stream from lis eoui'se. or stay, by idle incantations, the blessed
processes of the sun.
Shall this future of the race b"
left with those who, under Cod, began this career of sacred duty anil
immorf::! ghiry; or, shjill we risk it to those who would scuttle the
ship of ludgress and build a dam in the current of destiny's large
No wonder that, in the shadows of coming events so great, fre(>sllver is already a memory.
(Laughter and applause.) The mighty
current of history Inis swept past that episode.
undersland. to-day, that the greatest commerce of Ihe world must be
conducted with the steadiest standard of value and most convenient
uiediem of exeliaiig(> human ingenuity can devise. (Applause.) Time,
that unerring reasoner, has settled the silver (luestion.
The Amirican iieojile are tired of talking about money they want li>
make il. (Cheers.) I'rofit Is an unanswerable argument. In a year
or two thousands of Demoeratic Investors will be making fortunes
developing our island interests, (gi-eat aiijilause and laughter); tens of
tlousanils of Democnitic farmers will be selling their pork and beef
and wheat to the teeming millions that will pour into the Antilles
and the gardens of the Pacific, and to the home-market our foreign
liade Will create, (applause); tens of thousands of Democratic workInginen will be weaving fabrics jind forging implements of industry
and carrying trade from port to port, and not a man of them will consent to be paid in any money but the best.
clears the brain.
Why should Ihe farmer get a half-measure dollar


more fban he should pive :i half -measure bushel of grain? (ApThe American people have graduated from the tinancial
kindergarten, and free-silver is. to-day. as innocuous as fiat money.







should not the proposition for the free coinage of silver be

as dead as the proposition of irredeemable paper money? It is the
same proposition in a different form. (Applause.) If the Goverumeni
stamp can make a piece of silver, which you can buy for 45 cents,
pass for 100 cents, the Government stamp can make a piece of pewter, worth one cent, pass for lOO cents, and a piece of paper, worth a
fraction of a cent, pass for 100 cents.
Free-silver is
the principle of fiat money applied to metal. If you favor fiat silver,
you necessarily favor liat paper, just as you necessarily approve alcohol



you prefer whisky for your daily drink. (Applause.) "For fiat
free-silver is, and to fiat money it shall return," saith the laws

of finance. (Applause.)
And the American people have learned the fallacy of fiat money.
(Applause.) Thej- have asked fiatism these questions. If the Government can make money with a stamp, why does the Government borrow money? (Great applause.) If the Government can create value
out of nothing:, why is not all taxation abolished? If revenue can be
turned out of a printing press or stamp machine, why have a tariff
for ei(her revenue or proliction? (Great and long-continued applause,

with cheers.)
if (he Government can fix the ratio between gold and silver at 16
to 1 by law. when it is Oo to 1 in the market, why not fix the ratio at
1 to 1, nmke the silver dollar a more convenient size and sixteen
times more plentiful? lAiJplause.)
If free coinage makes -i'j cents'
worth of silver really worth 100 cents, how will ithat raise the price
of anything but silver? (Applause and laughter.) And how will that
help anybody but the silver mine owner?
(Applause.) And if free
coinage will not make 45 cents of silver really worth 100 cents;
if that piece of silver still remains worth only 45 cents, notwithstand
ing the lie stamped on its honest face, and will buy only 45 cents'
worth of groceries or clothing or shoes or hats, is that the kind of a dollar you want your wages paid in? (Applause.)
Is that the kind of a
dollar you iv.-int to sell your crops for?
If it is. where will yon be
better off? And if it is not the stamp of the Government they claim
that raises the value, but the demand which free coinage "creates,
why has the value of silver gone down at a time when more silver

was bought and coined by

the (Jovernment than ever before in thj

world? (Great applause.) And if the people want
more silver, why do they refuse what we already have? (Applause.)
And if free silver makes money more plentiful, how will you get any
of it? (Great cheering.)
Will the silver-mine owner give it to you?
Will he loan it to you? Will the Government give or
lean it to you? lApplause.) Where do you or I come in on this freehistory of the

silver i-roposition?

to yourself as well ;is to the Government.
you are to be paid in a dollar worth (wo-fifths of its face, why not
slip a false bottom into your bushel luf asure and sell two-fifths'
of a
bushel for a full bushel of grain? (Applause.) Why not work three
hours and call it a day. if they give .you 45 cents' worth of silver and
call it a dollar? Why not lie all round and cheat all round, if
the lie
and the cheat begins with the Government? (Applause.) And if the
Government lies three-fifths in declaring lliat 45 cents is 100 cents,
why not lie five-fifths and declare that nothing at all is 100 cents^
( applause.)
Why not make a fiat dollar? And if they pay you
a fiat dollar, why not give a fiat bushel of wheat or a fiat day" of
labor? Why not just quit altogether, make money, like Hell's
pavements, out of good resolutions, stamp ourselves Vich (laughter
applause), pitch silver and l'oM into the sea, abolish hunger
by statute and solve the money question by the imagination
and the wilP

Apply the principle

lAppIausc !ind cheers.)


do .vol! think il is suli' to lampur with llie standvast and delicate luachiuery of our couiiuercial civilizatitn is adjusted? Is it safe to disturb the measure with reference
to which every contract is made, every policy of insurance issued,
Is it safe to again experiment
every value estimated? lAiiplause.)
Have times not been hard enough?
witli our returning prosperity?
Have we not learned our lesson well enough in the terrible scliool
I'"cllow-iil izt'US.






of a iienple's

((ireat applause.)


I thank (Jod for the financial baptism of tire the American people pass: d through in ISiHi. Why? Because it started them to
thiiikiuj:, and the American people never start to tliiid-iing and sloj)
haif-way tlirough Ihe syllogism. And the American people are going
to think this money (juestion clear through and settle it forever.
the Aiiieri<:in lai.(_.rrr wants his wages [laid in the best nioney: if the
farmt r wants the best money for his cattle and hogs and wheat, he
wants that fact fixed in the laws of the Nation. (Applause and
No man wants any mistake about the kind of standard ve
have; no uiu-ertainty, no sudden or capricious exchange. We all want
to know just where we are^just what we can rely on.
we want it written in the laws of the Uepublic. that a dollar of gold
is this Nation's standard of value, which no President can dishonor,
no caprice of politics unsettle, and nothing but the sovereign people
of the United States in Congress assendiled can change.
(Creat .-ipplatis .)
To-day we have nothing but a resolution that all our money
shail be kei)t as good as gold a resolution no President is bounil to
obey. When Cleveland was President, Stevenson was Vice-Presid<'nl
and Oln .v was Secretary of State. Our whole financial system rested
on the life of (irover Cleveland. If he had died. Stevenson, a freesilver man. would have become President, and would have hurled us
to a silver basis in a da.y.
If Stevenson had died. ()lney. a gold
man, wonld have become President, and would have lifted us to a
gold stand.ird by the dip of a pen. No pecple on earth could endure


all that,



.\ nation of angels could not stand that.
(Apaiid famine would be blessings beside that catastrophe.


And now, thank Cod! now.

Ihe .\nierican iieojile .are .aroused to

<langer, and they will lix their slaiKlard by law. where no conspirac.v of mine owners ;ind demagogues will ever be tem]ited lo dislodge it b.v the election of a President (great applause); they will lix
thi ir standard, b.v law, where no power c.-in alter it but the people
themselves. Antl whoever is oiijiosed to that i)roi)osition is ojiposej
to a "government of the pen|)le. for the people and by tlie people,"
(IJenrwed ajiplause.)
The heart of our linancial system to-day is the Nation's resolution
to keep all our moiie.v just as good as gold.
Hack of that resolution
stands the (Jovi'rnmenl's reserve of gold, ready lo make th;il resolution good, just as the reserve of cash in .v(ntr bank makes good its
promise to pay your check. (Appl.-iuse.l That gold reserve, and thv
Niition's pledge to maintain it, gives ihe whole world conlideni'C in all
the variegated mone.v of Ihe Itepublic (applause). Just as your bank'.s
till ir

reserve gives you confidence in its present solvency.

When you can
no longer gel gidd for your greenbacks or treasury notes, they are
no longer good as gold. To-day. practically, a gold dollar ultimately
stands back of ever.v dollar of the Republic's money. And so, upon
gold reserve; \ipon Ihe (iovernmeiit's ability lo ]):iy out gold
upon demand rests the honor of the Nation and the safely of every
dollar In the land.
And. yet, that gold reserve is to-day in danger from every buccaneer of finance in the world.
I'<ir. when greeiiliaeks are redeemed
in gold by Ihe treasury, they must be issued again in p;iynient of the
Government's expenses, and so they go back finally to the hands of
the man who drew gold out of the Ireasury with them.
.\nd when
the gold reserve goes down by redeeming those greeidiacks. the Government niu^t sell boiuls to get fjold to rejilace that hic!i the green-


backs have drawn out, uuless the tariff puts euough gold into the
treasury to Iveep the reserve lutaet: and so, when the financial spiders
of the world see our revenue so reduced that it cannot lieep our gold
reserve full if attacked, Ihey gather the greeul)acks into their hands,
get gold for them at the treasury, force the Government to borrow
gold on the Nation's bonds to replace the gold they have just drawn
out with those greenbacks, then buy those bonds with that very gold,
and so secure the best investment known to man. And then those
greenbacks once more go into circulation, once mure get into the pirates' hands, and once more serve as the tools of financial villainy.
Fel ow-citizens, the American people are too smart to permit that
condiiion to continue. (Cheers.) William McKinley says that it shall
William McKinley says that, if any man
not ciiiitiiiue. (Applause.)
gets gi Id out of (he treasury by paying a greenback into the treasury,
he shall i;ot j^ct that greenback out of the treasury again, until he pays
And the
go d back into the treasury for it. (Prolonged cheering.)
question is, whether you agree with your President in that statesmanship of commcin sense. William JIcKinley says that the revenue Laws
of the Nation shall be so framed that a ceaseless stream of gold, pouring into the treasury, will prove to the gandilers in the Nation's honor
that any raid on the Nation's gold will meet inevitable defeat. (Great
applause.) He favors such a tariff as will prevent Hill Sykes and the
Fagirs of finance from trying to open the Republic's treasury with a
greenback for a jimmy. (liaughter and applause.) And the question
is, whither you :igree with your president in this the elementary principle of financial prudence.
(Renewed applause.)

The American people want this money question settled for ever.
They want a uniform currency, a convenient currency, a


currency that grows as business grows, a currency based on science

and not on chance. (Cheers.)
And now, n the threshold of our career as the first Power of earth,
is the time to periuanently adjust our system of finance.
The American |)eople have the most tremendous tasks of history to
perform. They have the mightiest commerce of the world to conduct.
They cannot halt their imperial progress of wealth and power and
glory and Christian civilization to unsettle their money system every
time ome ardent imagination sees a vision and dreams a dream. (Applause.) Think of Great Britain becoming the commercial monarch of
the W( rid with her financial system periodically assailed! (Applause.)
Think (if lliill.ind or Germany or France bearing their burdens, and,
yet. send ng their flag to every sea. with their money at the mercy of
politicians out of an issue! (Laughter and applause.) Let us settle the
whole linancial question on principles so sound that a revolution cannot shake tlieir firm foundations. (Cheers.) And then, like men and
not like children, let us on to our tasks on to our mission and on to our
destiny. (Applause.) We are speeding up the shining rails of an immortal history: yonder, in the rear, is the nightmare swamp of free
Why go back to it, like the victim of opium to his deadly pipe?
Why not accept the gifts of nature and eventsevents,
which have made the oceans our servants, the trade winds our allies, and the stars in their courses our champions?
Nature, which has thrown the wealth of Klondyke. the new found gold
of the Philijipines, the unsuspected and exhaustless mines of Colorado
and the Cape into the crucible of financial agitation, and thus dissolved the last excuse for war upon the golden standard of civilization,
(tremendous applause) the excuse that the gold supply is insuflicient
and is failing. (Cheers.) Now. when new rivers of gold are pouring
through the fields of business, the foundations of all silver-standard
arguments are swept away. (Applause.) Why mumble the meaningless phrases of a tale that is told, when the golden future is before us.
th'> world calls us. its wealth awaits us, and (JckI's eonunand is upon
us? (Cheers.)
Why stand in the fata! stupor of financial fallacies
muttering old sophistries that time has exploded, when opportunity
beckons yo>i all over the world in Cuba, Hawaii, the Philippines, on
the waters of commerce, in every market of Occident and Orient, and


cities to



1i"il'l '''\''"' ''?''^^\'



to this



"^' .'


' to the

ai hour

to \vaste

it is a



servant of the 1?^P>%=;"'\

bo saved, civilization
e= ger air of every




iGnai applause.) It is " """, \"



be ^>"";1;,"^
be rroolainuMi a.ul '1'''
.N-ou. sbil^s to




triflers ^vith

bethink you


r,^. ^,^h





God. who. patiently,

fo ,1 e -cean of world

afain renewed.)

<^osen pec^le^ Voude,-_at BunUer
Pollow-Auunicaus. we are God's
Hill an.l

Yoriuowu His

and on ensan;_nnned






o e us.


(appl:."se,. the


His power
into our

^tl^M^ <Applause.)
hoys m blue ^''\"'\,'\""'"
''',,, delivered the Spanish fl.'et

the t^e f
hands on 'H'"'';-e

i^J 's

n ^'



applaus..). as


,. Kn-lisli sires
turles ago.
= im^s. and

which surpasses the intentions of



.. "




two cen
leads us

Vmerican people can




nmnkind the





and h..iiie.
-Ela? of the free heart's liope
Thv stars have lit the welkin dome.
in heaven.
Vnd'all their hues were l>orn

Where breathes the foe but falls befor..

With freedom's soil beneath our
And freedom's banner streaming o'er

(Prolonged cheering.)

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