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48 The Middle East ‘Asie ra abt erin of te formation of oreo! afar WH th Fat ral onion of te reionin most US. history textsypealy comes nthe content of the Non adit, when OPED et back.on ot peodeton retain for US. euppertot rae Throushout these textbooks, stents are ay to £00 tho Muto Gack faouesad in sectors wih Bie that have decliecly negtve cOn- ‘otavons:"Eeanamie Preble," “Wort Trove Spot," “Volence in ho Mito {ant sran Hoctage Ceti," Reigous Confit ne Mido Eas." “Teroriam” snd“Prosleme inthe Mie East" The ony polve mention comes when the US. treat brokacapoaco settemontbebteon Arbo andleracte, with te rea ‘uate photo ot U.S. Proddentstanang botwoen two ones challng hands, te the US" rela inthe Mice East aa heraased, sharply dvergent accounts ‘ts egionalrle may Be found tho tatbooka of td Basie counties. Nowhere ete, paps the polos ctriatry textbook wring SO apparent. SAUDI ARABIA Fart Sau to. to eatalanment of no Jewish presence ny Pete by i LUmteanatone esa sesous bow to Musinunyinthe Mike East fates recomrzey ve Saud goverment) The US. ayedapencsa ab hea by Lapbrratcaly ecogreng sxactandeunpotng he now Jove ea uso ‘The Jews managed during WWI to obtain the Balfour Declaration i 1836 AHA917 CE" which stipulated the establishment of a national ‘home forthe Jou in Palestine, The Balfour Declaration contradicted the promises made by the English to Sharif ussin Bin Alito the effect that Syria, including Palestine, would belong to the Arabs felling its liber: tion fiom the Ottoman Turks. When Sharif Hssin asked the English lout that, they sent to him somebody who reassured him thatthe site: ment ofthe Jews in Palestine didnot contradict the Arabs independence in that county The deception was effective on Sharif Huss Inthe peace conference that was convened in San Rem Kay in 1359 AH[1920] Britain was cntrusted with the mandate ovr Paleitine,on con