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After spending three years living in the African bush, award-winning

wildlife photographer Suzi Eszterhas has captured unique photographs

that give an intimate view into the lives of Cheetahs

2014 2014




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he Cheetah is walking two worlds in its race for

survival: facing problems both inside and
outside protected areas.
Borders are lines on maps that separate
countries and people. They are part of our
world which wildlife, of course, doesnt recognise. Animals
follow ancient migration patterns and seek suitable habitat
that contains the right elements for survival. This often puts
them in conflict with people who inhabit the same land.
For the Cheetah and other species, living within the
borders of protected parks or game reserves can mean the
difference between life and death. The individual animals
that live within protected lands are photographed by tourists
and protected by rangers. However the majority of Cheetahs
are not found in protected areas due to conflict with other
larger predators. In protected game reserves Cheetahs often
lose their kill or their cubs to something larger and more
aggressive. When Cheetahs move out of protected lands,
though, this leaves them vulnerable to humans whose first
priority is to protect their livelihoods.
Human-wildlife conflict and habitat loss are the biggest
threats to Cheetahs. As the human population increases,
there is a higher demand for land rights. Agricultural
pressure and subdivision of land mean a decrease in habitat
for the Cheetah and other species.
Understanding these challenges, the Cheetah Conservation
Fund (CCF) is dedicated to saving the Cheetah in the wild. Its
new book, A Future For
Cheetahs, illustrated
with the breathtaking
photography of Suzi
Eszterhas, offers a
detailed insight into the
life of the Cheetah along
with the challenges
they face in a rapidly
changing world.

Running hot
(Opening spread) During its
short, sharp burst of speed
in pursuit of prey, the
Cheetahs body temperature
elevates quickly. It has been
measured at 105 F, or 4 F
higher than normal
temperature. After a chase,
therefore, the animal needs
to rest and cool down for up
to half an hour.

Suzi Eszterhas is a wildlife photographer specialising in

documenting the family lives of endangered species. In order to
capture these unique photos of Cheetahs, she spent nearly three
years living alone in a bush camp in Africa. Her patience,
dedication and long hours in the field have yielded some of
the most intimate imagery of Cheetahs ever captured.

special care
The Cheetah Conservation Fund, founded in
1990 (, cares for an
average of 45 to 50 Cheetahs at its Centre in
Namibia. Each year orphaned Cheetahs are
brought to the CCF centre where some will
stay their entire lives. Others will be suited to
return to the wild. All of them receive the best
care, good diet, and regular exercise.
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dedicated parent
Female Cheetahs raise their cubs on their
own and keep a watchful eye for the
dangers of the bush: mainly other
predators, or even baboons. The female is
everything to the cubs; she feeds and
grooms them, and shows them how to
behave. The cubs soon learn that it is
important to keep an eye out in the same
direction their mother is looking.

learning process
Growing cubs need to learn
many life skills including how to
recognise dangers in their
environment. Playful
experimentation is one way to
learn. By poking at it and trying
to chase it, this cub will discover
that while this tortoise poses no
threat, he cant eat it and it
doesnt run. He will soon move
on to more amusing
educational opportunities!

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game of life
At about six weeks of age, the cubs begin
following their mother on her daily travels
looking for prey. During these first few
months she cannot move far or fast as this is
when cub mortality is highest. It is also the
time when life skills are taught. Playtime
appears to be constant, but as the cubs play
they are developing motor skills and
coordination, and they are finding out about
the speed and agility of their bodies. There is
so to learn about life in the wild.


lasting legacy
Despite all the problems facing the
Cheetah, including their genetic
uniformity, competition with other
large carnivores, and human wildlife
conflict, this magnificent animal has
survived thousands of years. These
icons of speed and grace continue
to fill their ecological role as the
worlds fastest mammalian predator.
Intregated conservation
programmes across large
landscapes will assure the survival of
the Cheetah for future generations.

speed over stamina

Cheetahs hunt in the early morning and early evening.
Their speed and agility make them the best hunters on
the savanna; however their lack of endurance and timid
nature impede their hunting success. They capture their
prey by stalking as close as 10m before beginning the
chase. This pursuit lasts for as little as 20 seconds,
though, and rarely longer than a minute. Consequently,
only about 10 per cent of chases are successful.

branching out
In East Africa, Cheetah cubs use tall trees to play in. In
Namibia, these trees are actually called playtrees by
local farmers. Learning to climb trees is dangerous,
however, as Cheetahs have fragile and lightweight
bones that could break easily if they fall.

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