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MB0039 Business Communication

Q1 As a speaker you are addressing a group of people. Explain the elements involved in this

Key elements of communication

Key elements of communication
Communication is an important component for success in our personal and professional lives. It is the key
to building favorable relationships. It is a part of soft skills,
The elements involved in communication are:
Sender or encoder This is the person who transmits a message. For example, a manager writes a
letter to a consultant after a meeting or a sales manager making a presentation to the sales team. Here the
manager is the sender.
Receiver or decoder The person who notices and decodes, or attaches some meaning to a message.
Decoding may not always be accurate and a wrong meaning may be attached to a message. For example, a
friendly joke might be taken as an offence, or feedback given to a subordinate by a superior might be taken
in the wrong sense.
Message This is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver. Messages may be intentional (as
in the example of the sales presentation by a manager to the sales team) or unintentional (nonverbal signals
such as yawns that convey the message of boredom).
Channel This refers to the medium or the method used to deliver the message. As a business
executive, you will often have a choice of channels. For example, you could communicate with a customer
through a letter, email or telephone.
Feedback Most communication is two-way. Receivers generally respond to messages. For example,
students may ask questions during a lecture session and an employer may tell an employee that he has to
think about his proposal. This response to a senders message is called feedback. This kind of feedback is
oral. Sometimes feedback can also be given in a written form. For example, a manager can send a written

response to a customers letter of complaint. At other times, feedback could be non-verbal, as in smiles and
nods of appreciation during a talk or presentation. Even failure to respond could be considered as feedback,
since it may indicate a lack of interest or indifference to the senders message. Due to the element of
feedback, people are simultaneously senders and receivers of information in face-to-face communication.
Context This refers to the setting in which the communication takes place and could sometimes
determine the success or failure of the communication. Context can be classified as follows:
o Physical context This refers to the physical surroundings. For example, a work or social environment,
in which the communication takes place. Asking your boss for a promotion might be received differently,
depending on whether the communication takes place in your office, your boss office, at a company party or
over lunch at a restaurant.
o Social context This refers to the relationship between the sender and the receiver. Taking the same
example, asking for a promotion is likely to be received differently, depending on how well you get along
with your boss and whether you are personal friends or not.
o Chronological context This refers to time related factors that could influence the communication.
For example, is your request made first thing in the morning or at the fag end of the day? Is it made during
or after work hours? Is it made at a time when the company is going through problems such as a strike in the
factory, or major losses?
o Cultural context This refers to the similarity of backgrounds between the sender and the receiver,
such as age, language, nationality, religion and gender. These factors could influence the communication
favorably or unfavorably. Each of these key elements contributes to the success of the communication. In
other words, communication can go wrong if any of the following elements go wrong:
The wrong person sends the message. For example, a junior accountant in a company writing a letter to
a bank, asking for a loan for a project worth several crore, is not likely to get the banks approval.
The message is unclear or badly worded. There may also be too many messages, leading to confusion
and information overload.
The wrong channel of communication is chosen. Placing an ad for a liquor product in a religious
magazine for example, is not likely to be received favorably.
The message is wrongly interpreted, i.e., the receiver attaches the wrong meaning to the message.

The feedback is not adequate to ensure understanding.

Physical, physiological or psychological noise distorts the message.
The communication takes place in the wrong physical, social, chronological or cultural context.


Email Id:

Q2 What is the importance of Kinesics and Proxemics in communication? Explain with

(Kinesics with example, Proxemics with example)
Kinesics with example
Kinesics is the most often studied and important area of non-verbal communication and refers to body
movements of any kind. Different body movements can express inner states of emotion. The different body
movements are:
Facial expressions Facial expressions can convey feelings of surprise, happiness, anger and
sadness. If you meet a long lost friend and say I am very happy to meet you again, but with a sad facial
expression, it conveys the exact opposite meaning.
Eye movements The eye movements such as wide open pupils express feelings of surprise,
excitement or even fear. The importance of eye contact with ones audience was pointed out earlier. Direct
eye contact is an indication of intensity and interest, while lack of it can convey feelings of nervousness and
guilt. As prolonged eye contact can intimidate people, it is not a good idea to stare at people. Different

cultures perceive eye contact differently. In Asia, Latin America and Africa people avoid direct eye contact to
show respect. Arabs use prolonged eye contact to measure trustworthiness.
Gestures The gestures such as movement of the hands while giving a lecture or presentation
indicates a high level of involvement in what you are saying. On the other hand, shuffling of the feet is a sign
of nervousness and speaking with ones hands in ones pockets is considered to be casual or even rude.
Head movements The head movements like nodding the head can convey interest, appreciation,
agreement or understanding.
Posture Posture, refers to carriage or attitude. Our posture can indicate our feelings. In formal
settings such as job interviews or classroom settings, it is essential that you maintain an erect posture to
convey that you are attentive, since slouching or a relaxed posture conveys a casual attitude. Movements can
express inner states of emotion. The different body movements are:
Facial expressions Facial expressions can convey feelings of surprise, happiness, anger and
sadness. If you meet a long lost friend and say I am very happy to meet you again, but with a sad facial
expression, it conveys the exact opposite meaning.
Eye movements The eye movements such as wide open pupils express feelings of surprise,
excitement or even fear. The importance of eye contact with ones audience was pointed out earlier. Direct
eye contact is an indication of intensity and interest, while lack of it can convey feelings of nervousness and
guilt. As prolonged eye contact can intimidate people, it is not a good idea to stare at people. Different
cultures perceive eye contact differently. In Asia, Latin America and Africa people avoid direct eye contact to
show respect. Arabs use prolonged eye contact to measure trustworthiness.
Gestures The gestures such as movement of the hands while giving a lecture or presentation
indicates a high level of involvement in what you are saying. On the other hand, shuffling of the feet is a sign
of nervousness and speaking with ones hands in ones pockets is considered to be casual or even rude.
Head movements The head movements like nodding the head can convey interest, appreciation,
agreement or understanding.
Posture Posture, refers to carriage or attitude. Our posture can indicate our feelings. In formal
settings such as job interviews or classroom settings, it is essential that you maintain an erect posture to
convey that you are attentive, since slouching or a relaxed posture conveys a casual attitude. Therefore, it is
important to take care of your appearance, so that you convey the right meaning to others.

Proxemics with example

Proxemics is derived from the word proximity or closeness and is the communication term for personal
space and distance. The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is also part of non-verbal
communication. Each of us has our own inner and outer circles, which differ for different people. The
different types of spaces are as follows:
Intimate space Our inner most circle is an intimate space, into which we generally admit only
select people such as family and close friends.
Personal space A personal space might include other friends and colleagues or co-workers. The
intimate and personal spaces involve communication of an informal nature.
Social and public space The social and public space includes official or workplace relationships,
where the communication is of a more formal nature. In a business context, it is more relevant to
understand the concept of the following spaces:
Fixed space Fixed space means that the physical features of the work environment such as
furniture, room size and seating arrangement are permanent. This conveys an impression of formality.
Semi-fixed space Semi-fixed space means that certain elements of the environment can be
changed. For example, changing the seating arrangement conveys an impression of informality. Sometimes,
use of space at the workplace can determine leadership positions. For example, seating at the head of the
table conveys leadership or authority. A round table meeting, however, conveys the idea of equality, since no
one can be seated at the head of the table. All points of a circle are the same. That is why when heads of state
meet (as in UN Security Council meetings), it is always a round table discussion, since all heads are equal.
Space should therefore be used carefully in a work environment, so as to convey the right impressions.

Q3 How does internal business communication affect the organization? Discuss the role of
each stakeholder in this.
(Importance of internal business communication, Stakeholders role)
Importance of internal business communication:
Internal business communication is the exchange of information within a Company internal business
communication; internal business communication involves interaction with the following stakeholders:


Good communication practices help maintain these intricate business dealings. Bad communication
practices can cause loss of business and even international tension among countries. Communication is
intricately blended with non-verbal communication and etiquette.
It is also often necessary for separate teams to communicate in order to discuss important issues that may
possibly overlap departments. Since it is important that every team have a specific purpose, the
communication between each will ensure all efforts are being concentrated on different individual aspects of
the business.
Employees will also need to talk to one another about different customer-related concerns or issues. These
may even stretch from one department to another, but there will be situations that will require the
communication of two or more people from different locations within the company. This will promote
efficiency and make overall business operation run more smoothly as everyone learns to work together.
Communication will be a very important part of the process. Each team will need to communicate with the
others to ensure the product is conceived, manufactured, and offered to the public in a manner that appears
seamless. This is what makes businesses gain good reputations, and is what ensures those good reputations
will stick.
Stakeholders role

1. Stakeholders are groups or individuals who have an interest in the decisions of the company
and its business. Stakeholders can be internal to the business, such as employees, or
external, like suppliers, customers or the public. Internal communication planners need to

plan for diverse stakeholder groups maintain both upwards and downward communication.

Stakeholders may be responsible for voting on significant changes in the business. Voting
can take place annually based on the corporate structure of the business or during any
meeting. Stakeholders such as board of directors may vote to elect management that will be
entrusted to make all the major decisions on his own.

3. Stakeholders can hold significant management positions where they may report directly to
the president, CEO or chief financial officer.
4. Stakeholders are commonly responsible for maintaining or achieving a return on
investment. Sometimes, the investment can be made on a consistent basis over time. For
example, consistently investing in stocks through one company is an example of a
stakeholder that is continuously increasing her stake in the company.
5. Stakeholders must continuously ensure that decisions they are making for the business are
doing little to harm society and the environment. They may choose to use an alternate
resource if they realize that current resources are becoming scarce. Stakeholders can donate
money to a country that is in need or they may choose to limit their depletion of resources or
exploitation of the workers in a certain location (such as a third-world country).

Q4 Imagine a new product from food industry. Write a persuasive letter to customers,
persuading them to buy your companys product.
(Choosing the product and describing in letter, Persuading the customer to buy it)
Choosing the product and describing in letter
Here we choose Special Costa Coffee as a food product. The following is a persuasive letter for the same:

Caf Coffee Day

36# 2/10 civil Line

Special Costa Coffee

[Subject: Try our Special Costa Coffee]
Dear Customer,


Email Id:

Q5 You are going to face a job interview for the post of Manager-operations. Which aspects
you will keep in mind while facing the interview?
Aspects to be kept in mind during job interview
Aspects to be kept in mind during job interview
When the interview is for recruiting for manager, it is definitely going to be a tough task. A manager, most
significantly, should have good leadership, strategic planning, business communication, and interpersonal
skills in order to be able to shoulder all necessary responsibilities given to him. An individual who is about to
face an interview for the position of a manager is required to be well-prepared with the answers that he
needs to provide to the interviewers or the human resource management personnel.
Research the Target Company: To be well prepared is half the victory. Do your homework, e.g. go to the
company's website and read about their vision, mission, strategy, products, finances, departments,
competitive advantages, competitors etc.etc. If the company does not have a web presence look them up at
the library, call the Chambers of Commerce, and find out everything you can about them.

Prepare your Introduction & Key points: The introductory speech is your two minute opportunity to
enlighten the interviewer about yourself and what you have to offer.
- Be prepared to talk about any career changes you may have had.
- Make a list of your main strengths and the things you are currently working on towards your professional
growth, with examples of each.
- Be also prepared to talk about your weaknesses and how you are trying to overcome them.

Smile, be natural and speak with confidence. Practice in front of the mirror if necessary.
Good Timekeeping is Essential: Arrive at least 15 minutes early for your appointment. Besides ensuring
you are not rushed, use this time to learn more about the companys ambience. Observe the company's
employees as you sit in the lobby.
How do they look? Do they greet one another and say hello to you?
Are they smiling and happy or frazzled and frustrated?

Be Open and Honest

When responding to the employer's questions, tell the truth! If you made a mistake, say it in a positive way,
accept responsibility for it, and explain how you have benefited from the experience & what you have learnt.
Do not pretend to be something that you are not, it will not work!
Take Responsibility: Remember, 50% of the responsibility for the right job match is yours. You
are interviewing the employer just as they are interviewing you. After all if you are selected, you will be
spending at least half of your waking day in this environment. So ensure that this is what you really want!
Dress for Success: The way you dress makes a statement about yourself. Avoid bright colours and loud
jewellery. Regardless of the job that you are applying for, it is a good idea to wear a neat and clean suit, even
in a casual business environment.
Finish The Interview In Style: The last part of a good interview usually starts with the candidate asking
some smart final questions. For example questions about the more overall strategy of the company, about
what the interviewer considers as being crucial for being successful on the job (if not covered beforehand),
or if clarification is needed about the role and its specifics.
Two More Things Many Candidates Forget About: Firstly, nothing wrong with, if you send to the
interviewers or at least to the principal interviewer a short mail after the interview and thanking again
for the interviews and mentioning that you would be looking forward to receiving their answer. This should
be done, however, in a short and non-hyperbolized manner. Secondly, and this is very relevant in case you
had not gotten the job, you should contact the company to ask for a personal and detailed feedback of your
interview and about your performance. This is very helpful in order to improve for the next interview. In
addition, you should reflect on the previous interview(s) and go through it step by step. Reviewing what
went well and not so well. Focus on the improvement areas and write down specific action steps on how to
better prepare and execute in the future.

Q6 Write short notes on:

a) SQ3R technique of reading
b) Circulars
(SQ3R technique of reading , Meaning and role of Circulars )
a) SQ3R technique of reading
SQ3R stands for the initial letters of the five steps in studying a textSurvey S
Question Q
Read R
Recall R
Review R
Let us briefly go through these steps in the given order.
1. Survey: Survey refers to a quick glance through the title page, preface and chapter headings of a text. By
surveying, you will be able to gauge the main ideas of the text. Besides, the authors name, date, place of
publication and title page can give you an idea of the general subject area. The table of contents, preface or
foreword in a book would give you an idea of the themes and how they are organized. A survey of the index
or bibliography tells you immediately whether the book contains what you need.
2. Question: The second step in the SQ3R technique of reading is question. A survey of the text will surely
raise a few questions in your mind regarding the text. Some of the questions could be- Is the book useful or
relevant to my study ? Does it provide some guidelines/information on the subject at hand?
3. Reading: After surveying and questioning, you begin the actual reading. You need to develop a critical
approach to reading anything for that matter. Read the text over and over again, each time with a different
question and a different purpose in mind. "I read it once and understand everything" kind of attitude is
nothing but a myth. Hence, while reading for the first time, you should just focus on the main points/ideas
and supporting details.

4. Recall: The fourth stage in reading comprehension is recalling. Reading is not an isolated activity. Every
reading exercise increases your background knowledge. You should be able to connect the information
gained with the already existing background knowledge. Recalling whatever you have read will enable you
to connect and relate the content with the previous and future learning of the subject. This leads us to the
next stage in reading i.e., review.

5. Review: Reviewing is nothing but checking whether we have followed the earlier stages promptly and
efficiently. Have we surveyed the book, article, or magazine properly? Have we asked the appropriate

b) Meaning and role of Circulars

A circular is generally understood as a written communication addressed to a circle of persons and
customers. A circular may cover a notice or advertisements, etc., reproduced for distribution. The process of
sending circulars is referred to as circularizing. Circulars are generally meant to be followed, whereas
memos are noted. Circulars are in the nature of instructions or guidelines and are expected to be followed
mandatorily. Major importance of a circular letter can be explained in the following manner:
1. Gain support:
Circular letters help the firm to gain support of a large number of people for its products or services.
2. Promote goodwill:
Through circular letter people become aware of the service offered by a company. As a result it helps
to promote the goodwill of the firm.
3. Increase of sales:
Another significant aspect of a circular letter is, it also helps to increase the volume of sales.
4. Cost saving:
As a large number of people can be informed through a circular letter, it is also helpful for saving the
cost of publicity.
5. Expansion of Business:
As goodwill can be promoted through a circular letter, thus the scope of the business cab be
6. Introducing new products:
Circular letters play vital role in introducing new products or services to people.
7. Creation of consciousness:
Circular letters are renowned for creating consciousness among the people.

8. Establish Mutual Relationship:

Mutual relationship between the producer and consumers can be established through circular letters.

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