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January 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
As you are aware, John Mason School will soon be converting to an Academy and we are
keen to maintain the schools high expectations with a renewed focus on the standard of
student uniform. We are very proud of our uniform and the manner in which the majority of
our students wear it; however there are occasions when a minority of students wear their
uniform inappropriately.
We would ask that you, as parents/carers, support us in ensuring the highest possible
standard of dress for all of our students.
To support you with this we have copied our uniform code onto the reverse of this letter;
however I would particularly like to draw your attention to the expectations regarding the

Hooded tops are not permitted on school site

Denim is not permitted
Trousers must not be worn turned up and should be long enough to meet the shoe
Shoes must be completely black in colour
Leggings are not permitted
Student may only wear one plain stud in each ear lobe
Retainers or piercings covered with plasters are not permitted
Students must ensure they are wearing a John Mason tie at all times

Students have been made aware of the expectations in recent assemblies and from
Monday 3 February, there will be a rigorous monitoring process to ensure all students are in
the correct uniform; students who are not, will be expected to borrow uniform from the
schools stock on a temporary basis until the situation is rectified.
Tutors will be checking uniform daily and addressing any infringements in line with the
school policy.
If there are any reasons that you consider will prevent your child adhering to the
expectations outlined above, then please contact their Head of Year by Friday 31 January to
discuss the situation.
We would also be grateful if you could ensure that your son/daughter arrives into school by
8:25am in time for registration at 8:30am. If there is an occasion when your son/daughter
cannot make it to school on time, or is ill could you please phone our absence line on
01235 524678.
We greatly appreciate your support in these matters; we have had a very positive start to the
new term and we look forward to further achievement and success in the future.
Yours sincerely

Mr Russell Langdown
Assistant Headteacher


School Uniform Inside & Outside the School Buildings



Plain white collared shirt / fitted blouse

A plain white T-shirt may be worn underneath the shirt

Other than a fitted blouse, all shirts must be tucked in at all times and
fastened to the neck line.
Summer uniform white polo shirt with John Mason School logo.
The school tie must be knotted and hide the top button. It needs to be of a
reasonable length [ covering at least four buttons ] and look smart.

Plain white collared shirt

A plain white T-shirt may be worn underneath the shirt
Shirts must be tucked in at all times and fastened to the neck line.

Summer uniform white polo shirt with John Mason School logo.
The school tie must be knotted and hide the top button It needs to be of
a reasonable length [ covering at least four buttons ] and look smart.

No tie required when summer uniform commences.

John Mason School jumper, to be worn except when given permission by a
member of staff.

John Mason School jumper, to be worn except when given permission

No jumper required when summer uniform commences.

Plain formal black skirt of knee length or black tailored trousers. No
skinny/super skinny trousers. No jean material.

A small / thin black belt may be worn only if the trousers / skirt are fitted with
the appropriate loops.
Plain black low heeled shoes

No tie required when summer uniform commences.

by a member of staff.

A small / thin black belt may be worn only if the trousers are fitted with
the appropriate loops.

[ boots / mules / backless shoes / trainers / coloured laces are not allowed ]

Plain grey, white or black socks or black or natural tights

In the interests of safety and security jewellery must be kept to a
minimum and not exceed the following:
Watch all students are recommended to wear a watch every day
Earrings one simple metal, non-jewel plain stud may be worn but
only in the ear lobe of each ear. No other jewellery or body piercing is
allowed. Inappropriate jewellery and plastic retainers must be taken out,
NOT covered with a plaster.

No jumper required when summer uniform commences.

Plain black tailored trousers. No jean material.

Plain black shoes.

[ boots / trainers /coloured laces are not allowed ]

Plain grey, white or black socks

[ orange PE socks may only to be worn during PE lessons ]

Coats & Jackets

Make up / Hair

Hooded fleece jackets [ hoodies ] and

denim jackets are not allowed to be worn
and coats must not have large writing on
them. Only hoods attached to raincoats
may be worn.

Make up, if worn, should be minimal

and discreet.

Hats / caps are not allowed and may only

be worn for specific events during the
height of the summer

No extreme hair styles are allowed e.g.

shaved head, shaved patterns

Hair should be within the natural range

of colours.

All jewellery is to be removed when taking part in PE.

Parents are asked to support the school by ensuring that their son / daughter has all of the above uniform and that it is named and worn correctly.

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