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02/24/2015 4: S2Houston chronicle (eur a2 2500 .co1v034 UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ‘Executive Summary (©) This reports submited in response to a June 18, 2014, etetive by the Speaker ofthe House of Repeetrtatives, Lieutenant Governor, sud Governor to submit fl port on Operation Strong Sefety to the 84th Texas Legislatre end the Office ofthe Governor detalling it cote and effectivenest, and to sake recommendations regarding the cost of continuing or expanding border security operations. To provide a mbre thorough accounting of he operation ad update ofthe creat stustin, this report Contains la enforcement sonsiive information. An uslasi—id version of this report wil be produced for pals dissemination at utr date (0) Adel casi information recive fom he US neligens Commi ras tothe ‘Stereo Operation Song Sty cul nb alae nhs prt howeves we be recived {torte ob menburs of be Teas Lepr ans lnarp end we pepo el Sone ean covet (U) Ther it ample and compelling evidence that the Texat-Mexico border mot secur, and this lack of Security undermines publi safety und homeland security in every region of the state. Crime has become Incressngly transitory, aneoatioal, rgenized, and dscreet, and tore bas become more {U/38) 1X DPS Borde Seruy Opentons Center Border Opertons Str Asseatment - ebrsry 2014 25 {UROUD) 4042 0028 IA/CBP. Mesias vel Guid Provide Information on as Alen Smuggling lean Sash Hoe Losatons, August 18,2013, 2 CGiuBs) 1 DPS Bode Senurty Operions Cena. Border Operaona Setar Assessment — August 2014 2 {UPLES) Border nident Antwort Repo. Taba #160448 Duly 42016. 2 (UIMRS) Bere nid ASsonsent Rep. Map # 187K May 23,2014, 2 {U) United Sis Army's Office. Souter Diss of Texan. Remalsng Defendants Seto Piss n Masive sth House Casein Hounon, September 42014 2S Uissy 1x Ps Border Sera Operas Center, Border Operation Sete Assessmeat- Octobe 4, 2013 ‘8 (Umtas) Tx DPS Border Seoul Opentions Centar Border Operron Sete Assist May 31, 2013 “Gy US. ipntion nd Customs Enforcement 2 Nexen natal plu ply fe hoxoge ukingorboring ete, 1/2920, hpllecegovlsewtene 211121 29houe2 sn ‘2 (GILES) IR 008 O65 13NCE. 26 Undocumented Alice Discovered ata Stash Hout in Houston, Ton “ (U)US tmmigaion nd Customs Enforcer 4 charged ia Hous huransmoggling cas iveving 2 “legal aliens 972572012. up:voreegovnewaeeses/1209/12092Shoutor2 im © (U) US. temigation and Customs Enforce Mevisua toa each etened to more thas 3 yer in federal pit folowing ir aman euaging ply plese. 1/2013. np egies! 304/1504 Louse ‘curt 3s) Tx DPS Borde Seruy Opens Centr Border Operation Secor Asus ~May 2014 ‘9 (ures) tx DPS Border Senuty Operions Center, oréer Operon Stor Aseatmest - Api 214 “| (UILBS) Tx DPS Border Senurty Opertans Cane. Border Operation Sector Assenment ~ November 20 {0} Una Sates Atomey's Often Souter Dimi of Texas 9 Monn or Iwo. tie Aiea Sapper wt “Asauled Border Patrol Agent. 942013. ‘nips sic govlsaoa/1News/Relass/201320Sepembed120904%20-%a0InqulerdoConzaez nt % (U)US. irmigrtion and Cosma Enforcer. Houron man sateced to 6 eats eel pion fr allen ‘enagaing 11142012, hrpurecegoveewblese21 11211 a Sm 5 (ULES) Tx DPS Bord Snurty Opertns Cater. Border Operations Sete Assesses ~ October 2012. 5 {U)US immigration nd Coram Enforcement. Accused hao sggsr apart aes by carer plas 182012. bape cegov/sewslese/ 207/207 Beale he 2» CummOUo) i 42142099 123 Los Zea lian smog operation between Hondus, Meson, amo, Teno DOK Janey 2012 Be Uimo Uo) tik «214354 1275, iesieaon of Gulf Cael personel operating In Reyna, Tamaulipas, erie, DOL uy 2012 BICGYU. tmmigntion nd Cooma Enfrcorn. CE ars neal 30 nivdulallegdt involved fn south ‘erat alien snagling rag. 97102013. htc goveweleass/1209/205[Semutonc him 2 GUitzs) n+ 0060339 13CE: ERO. Honduran Citizen Provider Deh on Alien Smoggee in Pidas ‘Nears, Mec, ad th Used Sta; Smugglers Aaocnted wits Lat Ze. DOI: Onober 2,201 2S CULss) Tx DPS Border Secuty Opertons Cente. BrdeeOpealioes Sets Assessment Api 2012. 5 (UROL) 40120263 14/TX.enifenton of Ssh Hosen Texas Falling Cartel Del Golfo (Qperions, uy, 2014 Giro tik 4214155 127, Enforcement of order rss fos by Los Zan in Matamors, Mexico (BO: tnaery 2012 (UMPOU) IR 4214 336212, Iertifeuton of USPER-Run Haman Seuggling Operation Between Notvo [sedo, Melo, nd Mouton, Tens. DOE: Sly 2012 ‘S(UimoUa) tin «2143614127, Jetlewion of Spc! Interest Alon Staging Orgeization with ‘Qpertion fom Sath Aare oH Pau, Tou a of Agu 2012, DOL August 22918 ‘S(ULas) tm «012 C267 147, Cre del GolfeFuling th Tavel of rmigacis fem Cental Amen, ‘South Ame, Aun, Aes, ad Burope tothe Uied Sates DOL 1 ly 2014 UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE PEC CECE CECECCCCCC CEC UCE CE CECCCCE LCE EEC CCECEE ee ee ee ee 02/24/2015 4:57 Houston Chronicle (ever a2 a0 P.ooavaae UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE © (umov0) tk 4214 171614 Los Zeus Alen Smuggling Operation Leder ard Associ in Nuvo Lareo, ‘ora, Mericy sof Mié-August 2016. August 2014 (UnmOUO) Tk 4214125214 lf Cael Operate of Numan Seuggling Acivites Tough Reyne, ‘omulin, Mic tobe United Ses DO: Apa 17, 2014 © UiOUO) UR € 0120180 14/TX. Gui Cane Faction Easing Monty by Ieesing Non-Drg ict Aves, BOL May 1, 2014. urmotsdy nw 012 018 47Fx. Gulf Cer Provides Cade to Merce Autharies Daring Alen Smuggling (Qpration to Avoid Apprhesion. BOI: May 21, 204 ‘(Uy IR4042 0116 CRT. Mexican Nigel Provides infomation onthe Kecny Alen Smugling Orgeiaton (Qpertlog wound La Joyand Peis, Teas. DOL: August 28,2014. ‘SGGimOL) IR «0040939 1ANCH:ERO, Oulf Cane! Ale and Nectcs Smogelig Activ fe Northeastern Mexico. DOL Apel 23,2014 ‘8 (UiROUO) Artona Couter-Tenam infrmaon Cente: Reponte to Request fo norman Regrting ‘Glial! impleaon of nruse in Heal Crossings. August 29,2014 8 CGizOUG) US, Deparment of Homeland Seury, Office of ineligence ad Aclyi. Refense Ald Meso: Drug Curel Operating Aras. 9 aps 2014 Gite) 2x DPS Border Secunty Opersians Coser. Border Operon SesarAteamant~ Ap 26,2013, 7 (Ukes) TX DPS Border Security Operaons Conte. orcerOpernon Sexor Abra! ~ May 2012 (UES) TX DPS Border Seely Operations Center Horde Opersons Senor Asetemest~ Ape 2012, (UES) Border Inident Assess Report TxMap #169080, Ocaber 11,201 2 (UicES) TX DFS Borde Seely Openians Center Border Opernon Secor Asennt ~ May 2014 % (WU. migration aod Customs Breen. Mes Ipsec govnewseeses/i21/12120compateis km 7 (US nmigtion and Curtors Enforcement Aon smuggling rnde sentenced to eal 1 yes in ‘Réel pisen fellowng the dens of in 2008, 32372012 puree govruwlelesn! 205) 20823pece tm 1 coy VssInmipnton eed Canam Snorer Landers oud Tera len smuggling organ sentnced apse. 3/2/2012, hp ies govaewalleasa/203120323meaie eh (GIn.E5) Data provided by CBPIOML. (ULES) Tebap Border Insite, Repon Number 16522. Augat 29,2014 § (ULES) Opartin Seong Satsty Even #3750 ~ Tenaa DPS TMU and AVN. Dy 30,2106 © (ULES) TX DPS Border SeeartyOpertons Ctr Borde Operon Seto Agee uly 2014 ' (Umas) TX DPS Border Seeuty Operon Cer Bode Opruons Sexor Assent - Ms) 23,2014 (Us) Teas Deparent of Pole Sey. "Asssig the Theat of Human Tracking in Texas” March pie ® (Gina) Texas Deparment of Public Softy. "Assessing the Thre of Human Trafficking in Texan" March pols # (U) Used Sass Dist Cour, Souter Dist of Text, Howton Divison, Cas :13-er 00628, Otoer9, 2013, (ILS) Alsbama Faron Center, apni Sex Treficking Ring Operations in Sever! Southern States (Updated. August 16,2013 ‘qd Tene Deprmest of Publi Salty, Suna of Sgufast Bardeen ‘pu cde sare subform docurent au Seen rénlert pf Co) Unie Sater Atorey+ Office: Souter Disc of Teas 3 Charged in Conspiracy to Trae Minas for Se Outer 16,204 (Gigs) R4 214 1431147 Consol by the Gulf Carel ofthe Pronindon Trade fn Chispas, Mele, nd Haman Taeing othe Unted Stes, DO Jane 2014. SCUimoU) FB Ase Feld Of ltligenoe Bulan. Macc-bard sx raters orhenrae acy ‘the Usted Sates via reo a evel ew enforcement p23, 2013. ' (UmoUo) IIR 4012029 14/TX. Cara det Golfo Ulan Cea and South Ameren Minor to Provide srt Along Rosts During Smugsling Operations. ly 1, 2014 ® (UUFOUO) IR 4012 0251 147K, Medien Fully in Reyose, Tmalps, Masco Poesy Being Used to Harve Coen of Cental nd South Ametan irigrnt Clr. aly 15,204, UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, 6s 12/24/2018 14: SoHouston Chreniele (rors 52 500 oozr034 UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 5 (u) beer Pal re Cone Sex Otendes— Toson Azone, Osober 9,204 {8 (Ueto Borer Paral Anes Sex Oto a Pas Mont ~ De Ri, Ten Spiembe 10, 2014 1 (U Barer al agents At Conve Sex Onde = Salvador Suet revouy Departed ~ Del Ri Fens ape atte 0 ai Pt Bors Pl Agents Are Conte Sex Onde — Dsl Ri, Teme. Septem 1,201, ‘(Usk 012 es 1/7. Undoumencd Alet Smug to Now Typo Sth Hose eg! (Genling nd Pore rotten inte Ri Grn Val. Deeb 2,20 Simctdoyik+214 os Pura! een Hendra cd Coys Sigg Udacaneid ‘Ales rom odunats he sed Sue drugh Gunter wed Meni DOL: 214 ‘carrovo) ik +o06 1397141. Gal Ca! Sugg Open Ro rede Vay, Teas. uy poole #5 (dirouo) nm «00613871418. Gu Cal Smug Operon inh Rlo Grade Vay, Teas. auary yg0,z0ie 12) TexsDeprat of ible Seley, Susu of iu Bore nie, September 2014 ‘© (0) Tea Deparnet of PbS Saray of iin Border relents Samet 2014 '*(UMLES)imnipeten et Con freemen, Evorenest e Ramevel Operant Ara { Ofselo8FapiveDaary 14,2013 *5(GrLe9) Tees Honeied Sty Unt ris o US, Cons nd Boke retin (CBP) data prvi in {prose oarequc for inoration Tea et ede he i Pu tv hh econ New Mos *2{rouey in so12 17 WX, Spe ert Ales om nn tag Dang Hoan Saag [pes a Houten, Tena DOT ney 13,2016 4B Cin) Boron nce TaMap 416111 Augus6,2014 ° (UME) Campion of na fom Reuly Dae cers Overview npr om he Terai Seeing eter Nove 015201, Suns cosas « Gap rines2-1207179 ™ aineapasse tt ‘(Grey nscar os0 10) US Deparment of Ste Forsgn Tors Orpnianons. gun sie gov ete Ste SEN tation sae by HSL agent 2012. "9S anon Sup Tey, Aller Sopot of Cia Cop, Baten Dist of Vigne, Cse JOar00122B, Docume, § era 200 () USA v Abed Mataned Dbskon, Govermes etesng Memo, Dosunet 7, Case No. 10- {GR186 OR}, Nena Dito oxy, | Deuba 2010 ‘Leste Deparment of ue acy Ign ray, al eon ove Southwest ore” 15 aby 201) (U) United Sate Borer Pato, To ep en aprchension by fc ye, ss jocumant/U 8.908 nor (CUILES) Dea provided by CBPOUL. '* (ULES) ICE-IQINT-AL-10075-16 Basle Assesment of Unaecompansd Alien Chien tering the plied Sates, August 15,201 S(UINBS) 1Ce-HQINT: AL 1007514. Basing Assesment of Unaccompanied Alen Chien Bering te pied Sates, August 1,204 ‘3 (UMBS) Customs an Border Proseton, Ofc of talline sad lvengve Lisbon “(U/LES) Upsecomponies Alien Chien Background, Treas and Impact on US. Border Consol” Mey 2014, +o (ULES) Dat provided by CBPONL, "+ (UFOUO) IR 4 O12 0227 14/TX. Ales Sougling Tactics, Techniguc, nd Procedure in tbe Ro Grande ‘Yay of Teas, DOL: uy 18, 2014 Utes 1cenQINT-AL 005. [pied Stas. Agus 13,2018 "3 (ULES) B Pas lnegence Car. “(U) Mipeceptons of US, Pllcy Key Drive in Cental American ‘Migrant Surge" 7 Duly 2014 ur Fling: Teese spar bret Bactioe Assment of Usocompenid Alin Chien Entig tbe UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 66 PEC CEE CCCCEECE CEC EC CCE EPEC CEE CCE CCCEEEEGEEEL fo Mee en Ace Me ene MMM RNIN Nae MRR RMR 02/24/2015 4: SaHoveton Chronicle enna 2 380 0247028 UNCLASSIFIED/ILAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1 (UiMBS) HSIR-RGV-14.2560412, Fotos Taencing OTM Femily Units to Ener Rio Grade Valley Seer ‘May 30,2018 i Be (UimoUd) uR 6 133 OL8S 14/EPD. El Salvador Inde Bullati. DOL: June 26,2014. | "3 (U/POUOILES) US. Department of Homeland Seoury. U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Offs of ‘gelignes ond Investigtve Liston, Unteconbpanied Aen Children: Background, Tred and Impact on U.S. Border Consol, May 2016. DBS (Uin.ES) 4 0€2 002814. CBP, Mexican Jovenle ulde Provides Informsion on an Allon Smugaling ‘Qraniztion and Stach Howe Locations DOT: Augat 18, 2013. SBICUiLES) 4 0120267 L4/TX. Carel dol Golfo Falling the Travel ofIuigrnts fom Cental America, Sguth Ameria, Asa, Aca and Europe tothe United Sises DOI: | Jly 2014 BY (UiroUo) ik 4 06 0939 M4ICELERO, Gulf Cane Alen and NareotesSougalingAetviy in Nonhanstern ‘Mexico, DOL Api 23,2014 ‘3 UIFOUO) Tihs 042 0028 i4/CBP. Mexican Juvenile Guide Provides Information onan Ais Sagging (Qeeaizaton and Stash Howe Locations. August 18,2013 ECU) Texas Departnent of Public Safer, Summary of Sigifinnt Border Incidents Ingpulworrtedpestatetx.uPublclformationdocumenieumsigieantrdeneidents pat 5(U) Texas Deparment of Puble Safety. Summary of Sigifiant Border Incidents, gunn eedpe stata x uPublcaformationdocumentveunSigaifantBrddacieat pat 8 (U) Texas Department of Poble Safety. Summary of Sigifiant Border Isiens, Insp dp stat sPublsnformatio/doedmanttunSipifenntBrdeneiens pat "(Uy Texas Deparment of Puble Safty. Summary of Sigiiant Borde: Inciens, agp txdps stax aPublclaformaiondocumentlunSigifieantBrérnoients pt ‘3 (UILES) Operation Suong Safety Eveot #13330, December 16,2014, "9 (WILES) Operation Swong Sefety Event #16585 ~ Hidalgo County. encary$, 2015, (ULES) Texas Department of Publi Safe, Ieligenee & Countereorsm Division, Jit Crime Information (Gyre. lnelieeace Atsessot- Drug Related Home Invasions ie the Rio Gnade Valley. Perutry 14,2014, ‘ee (CIiLBS) Border Ieent Assessment Repo Talay #170297. November 12,2014 © (U/FOUO) IR 4 214 O446 4. ldsneation of « Gulf Cael Affiliated Home Invasion Crew operaing {he Rio Grasde Valley, Teas. DOL: November 2013, "5 (ints) Operation Swong Safety Event #3422. August 18,2014. ‘4 (UMLES) Operation Suong Sfey Event #10382. Ober 13,2014. "8 (U/LES) Operation Stong Sefety Evert #13226, Noverber 19, 2034 "4 (ULES) Operation Suong Sefey Event #14500, Decsmbe 42014 4 (ULES) Operation Suong Safety Event #14774 - Phar PD, December 8, 2014 ° (U United States Bordar Pavol, ga alien sprehensios. epuirwn gvl O13 Drag pice dus caculsted based onthe 2014 US. Naonl Drag Coto Suntegy Data Supplement, which {cludes DEA STRIDE data rom 201 in Table 6,67, 68, nd 63, This ealeulation ofthe real wet price of ‘legal drug uses tha "Puchaes of 10 grams o ss rice pont multiplied by the "Seizures pret than 100 ‘rams’ purty percentage, wih the excepon of murine, for which ne puri or potent ajstment is made. Caner fom Mision PD Choo DPS. December, 2014 ° Lauer ftom Purr PD Chit to DPS. December 3, 2014 °5 (Uy Eu, Kevin "Medllen Plies erme rate lwer in 2016" NewsCenter 28, lnaary 16,2018, "8 (ULES) Infomation eeived Rom DPS ICT HUMINT. ° (U/LBS) Infomation tesived from DPS ICT HUMINT. 18 (U/LES) infomation recelved row DPS ICT HUMINT. "(ULES Infomation ecetvd from DPS ICT HUMINT. '8 (ULES) Operation Song Sfey Event Log. "9 (ULES) Operation Song Sfey Event Lop 1 (ULES) Information reseved ftom DPS ICT HUMINT. & (ULES) Information received fom DPS ICT HUMINT. "* (UILES) Information ecivedffom DPS ICT HUMINT. UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0 2/24/2018 4:sahauston cnronicle (ener a8 380 UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 5 (UI Information edved fom DPS ICT HUMINT "© (UME) Information received ffom DPS ICT HUMINT. (ULES) Information eevee fom DPS ICT HUMINT, 2° {ULES Information eevee rom DPS ICT HUMINT, (UI. Information eeived fom DPS ICT HUMINT, UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CEGCCCCCCCCUCECCUCCUCCGCC CCE CUP ECE COC CEC CCC C CY

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