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Mechanics of Solids- Formulae

Tension, Compression and Shear


Hooks Law
is the axial stress
is the axial strain
E is a constant of proportionality
known as the modulus of elasticity for
the material

Relation between Modulus of elasticity in Tension and


Bearing Pad in Shear

Poissons ratio

Dilation (Unit Change)

Prismatic bar in tension: (a) free-body diagram of

a segment of the bar, (b) segment of the bar before
loading, (c) segment of the bar after loading, and
(d) normal stresses in the bar.

Shear Stress

Hookes Law in shear

, for the analysis small parts

Factor of Safety

Fig. A bearing pad of the kind used to support machines and

bridge girders

d is the horizontal displacement due to shear
h is the thickness
V is the applied horizontal shear force
a, b are the dimensions of plate

is the shear stress
is the shear strain
G is the shear modulus of elasticity
Allowable Stress and Allowable Load

Ultimate Stress and Ultimate Load

Margin of Safety

Axial Members
Relation between f and k

Elongation in a tapered section


For a System in rotation

Fig. Change in length of a tapered bar of solid circular


Fig. Elongation of an axially loaded spring

where, k = Stiffness constant
where, f is flexibility

P = load applied on the section
l = length of the section
E = modulus of elasticity
dA & dB = diameter of the ends
For a prismatic bar,

Composite Structures

Thermal Effect
Thermal Strain (T)
= coefficient of thermal (depends upon the properties of the
T = change in temperature
Axial Stress
Temperature Displacement Relation

Fig. Statically indeterminate composite structure

Load acting on Material s

Load acting on Material c

Net Load acting on structure
Net Elongation

Sleeve and Bolt assembly with uniform temperature increase T

Stresses on Inclined Plane

Fig. Increase in the length of a prismatic bar due to a uniform change in


Assumption: The coefficient of thermal expansion of sleeve s is

greater than the coefficient of thermal expansion of bolt b i.e.
(s > b)

Equation of Compatibility


Equation of Equilibrium


Stresses in the Sleeve and Bolt


Net Elongation of the assembly

Strain Energy

Fig. Prismatic bar in tension showing the stresses acting on an inclined section pq



Normal Stress on a cross-section

P is the axial load acting on the centroid of the cross-sectional area
A is the cross-sectional area
Stresses acting on the section inclined at an angle
Normal Stress

Load Displacement Diagram

Strain Energy = Area under the load

displacement curve

Shear Stress
SI Unit: J (Joules)

Some Cases of Strain Energy

1. Linearly Elastic Behavior
Strain Energy stored in bar which follows Hookes law is

Linearly Elastic Spring

Replacing the stiffness
the spring

of the prismatic bar by the stiffness k of

Strain-Energy Density (u)

Strain Energy per unit volume

1. Strain Energy of a prismatic bar suspended from its upper end



Non-uniform Bars
Bar consisting of several segments
Total Strain Energy = sum of strain energies of individual

where, Ni is the axial force acting in segment i and Li , Ei , and Ai are

properties of segment i

Fig. (a) Bar hanging under its own weight, and (b) bar hanging under its own weight
and also supporting a load P

The weight of the bar itself

Bar with uniformly varying cross-section


where, N(x) and A(x) are the axial force and cross-sectional area at
distance x from the end of the bar.
Vertical displacement of the joint B of the truss

where, is the weight density of the material and A is the

cross sectional area of the bar
The weight of the bar plus a load P at the lower end

Impact Loading

W is the weight of the collar
L is the length of the bar
A is the cross-sectional area of the bar
h is the height from which the collar falls

Fig. Displacement of a truss supporting a single load P

Down displacement of the joint B (B)

Fig. Impact load on a prismatic bar AB due to a falling

object of mass M


Maximum Elongation of the bar (max)



Maximum Stress in the Bar due to Impact Loading

is the elongation of the bar due to the

weight of the collar under static loading
Impact Factor (IF)

Transformation of Stress
Stresses on inclined sections

Transformation Equations for Plane Stress


are the stresses acting on the x and y planes


Fig. Wedge-shaped stress element in plane stress: (a) stresses acting on the element, and
(b) forces acting on the element (free-body diagram)

Special Cases for Plane Stress

1. Uniaxial Stress

Pure Shear


Biaxial Stress

Principal Stresses
The maximum and minimum normal stresses, called the principal stresses.

where the angle P defines the orientation of the principal planes


Maximum Shear Stresses

Mohrs Circle

gives maximum shear stress

The plane of maximum shear stress occurs at 45 with the
principal plane.

Equation of Mohrs circle


R = Radius of the Mohrs circle = (

Centre of the Circle is at

Hookes Law for Plane Stress

fig. Element of material in plane

stress (

fig. Shear strain xy

fig. Element of material subjected

to normal strains x , y and z

The resultant strains in the x, y and z direction are


The Stresses are


Volume Change(V)


where V1 = Final Volume = Vo(1 + x + y + z) and Vo = Initial Volume

Volume per unit change =

Rate of twist

Shear Strain

fig. Deformation of an element of

length dx cut from a bar in torsion

fig. Shear stresses in a circular bar in


Torsion Formula
Polar Moment of Inertia(IP)

Circular Tube in Torsion

for circle,

Angle of twist
fig. Circular Tube in Torsion

Power Transmitted by Shafts

Torsional Stiffness and Flexibility

Non-Uniform Torsion
Case 1. Bar with prismatic section

Strains in pure shear

Strain Energy in Torsion and Pure Shear

Case 2. Bar with continuously varying

cross-section and constant torque

Strain Energy Density

Thin walled Pressure Vessel

Case 3. Bar with varying cross-section with

varying torque


Tensile stresses in the wall of a spherical shell


Stresses at outer surfaces


Stresses at inner surfaces


Cylindrical Pressure Vessels

1. Circumferential Stress



Longitudinal Stress


Stresses at the outer surface

Stresses at the inner surface

Maximum Stresses in Beams

Stresses in Beams
Longitudinal Strains
in Beams

Curvature of a Beam

Strain Curvature

where is curvature and is radius of curvature

Normal Stresses in beams

Moment Curvature Relationship

Flexure Formula

fig. Normal Stresses in a beam- Side view

fig.. Normal Stresses in a beam- Cross-Section

Section Moduli

Ideal Cross-sectional Shape

Shear Stress in Beams of circular crosssection

for standard wide

Maximum Normal Stresses

Shear Stress in beams

Shear Formula

For doubly symmetric cross-sections

Shear Stresses in the webs of beams with


Shear Stress in a Rectangular Beam

Required Section Modulus

Deflection of Beams
Differential Equations of the deflection curve

Slope of the Deflection Curve

since tan ,

Differential Equation

Critical loads, effective lengths, and effective-length factors for ideal columns
Pinned-pinned column

Fixed-free column

Fixed-fixed column

Fixed-pinned column

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