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After determining the format of the label, you are now ready to create a mailing label.
1. Open the Payroll Database. Select the Employees Info table and click the Create tab.
2. Click Labels button.
3. The first screen of the label Wizard appears. In this dialog box, access displays a predefined
set of label sizes and Select the Product Number 5160 from the list.
4. Click Sheet feed or Continuous. (Sheet-Fed labels are single sheets; continuous labels are
joined to the previous and next sheet at the top, and they have perforated strips on the side
that feed through a dot-matrix printer.) And then click the Next button.
5. Next youre asked about the appearance of the text. Choose a font from the Font Name
drop-down list, and choose a font size from the Font Size drop-down list.
Dont Make the Font Too Big! If you need to print multiple lines on each label,
make sure that the font size you select is small enough that all lines will fit. For
mailing labels, 8 or 10 point type works well: it is large enough to be read by U.S.
Postal Service machines, but its small enough that you can fit several lines on
each label.
6. With some fonts, you can choose a font weight. Open the Font Weight drop-down list and
choose a different weight if you want. Normal will work well in most cases.
7. If you would like color labels (and you have a color printer), choose a different color from the
Text Color List. To do so, click the button next to the Text Color box, choose from the Color
dialog box that appears, and then click OK to return.
Avoid Light Colors!
If youre making labels to be sent through the U.S.
Postal Service, keep in mind that their machines cant read light-colored ink such
as yellow or pale pink. Choose a dark color to ensure that your addresses will be
read correctly.
8. Click the Italic and/or the Underline check box if you want the text formatted with either or
both of those attributes. Then click Next> to continue.
9. In the next dialog box, you are going to create a template for your labels. As you can see this
box contains a list box called Available fields and another box called Prototype label. To
create the template for your labels, follow these steps:
Select the Lastname field in the Available field list and then click the > button. Type, and
press the Spacebar key.
Select the Firstname field in the Available field list and then click the > button. Press the
Spacebar key to create a space.
Select the Middlename field in the Available field list and then click the > button.
Press the Enter key.
Select the Address field in the Available field list and then click the > button.
Press the Enter key.
Select the Town/City field in the Available field list and then click the > button. Type, and
press the Spacebar key.
Select the Province field in the Available field list and then click the > button.
10. Click the Next button.
11. In the next dialog box, you can specify the sort key of the mailing labels. You can sort the
labels by one or more fields. To sort the mailing labels, select the Lastname field as the sort
key and then click the > button. Select the Firstname field and then click the > button again.
This process tells Access to sort the mailing label by Lastname and then by Firstname.
Click the Next button to move to the last dialog box in the Label Wizard.
Order Is Important!
If you pick more than one field to sort by, Access sorts
the records first by first field you select, then by the second, and so on. So its
important to choose the field first that you want to sort by first. If theyre in the
wrong order, click the << button to remove them all from the Sort By list, and then
start over.
12. In the last screen, youre asked for a title or name. Enter Employees Info Label and click
the Finish. Your labels appear in Print Preview, just like any other report.

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