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What is

Bullying is any form of psychological, verbal or physical abuse occurred among

school repeatedly over a given both in the classroom and through social
networks specific name of cyberbullying
time. Statistically, the dominant type of
violence is emotional and occurs mainly
in the classroom and playground schools.
The protagonists of cases of bullying are
often children in process of entry into




percentage of girls in the profile of

Bullying is a characteristic and extreme form of school violence.

How to

Continually fighting with peers justifying his

Do not control their anger.
Regularly engage in all kinds of trouble.
They have aggressive behaviors; not control his

He mocks their peers.
Molest other children for no reason.
Solve their problems using violence.
They dont have feelings of guilt by arguing

a bully?

that "deserves another."


Often returns from recess with bruises or injuries.

Consistently show apathy or sadness.
Provoke laughter and jeers at his bandmates when

they participate in class enter the room.

Invent diseases or no pains to avoid attending

They do not concentrate at school or at home.
Speaking begin to stutter.
As much as they question, refuses to say what is

happening and show nervousness.

His academic performance decreases significantly.


Types of

Build: As the name mentioned is any type of physical abuse occurred, for example,
pushing, kicking, and punching, to assault with objects.
Verbal: Mainly based on insults and name calling, are also frequent
slurs in public or be highlighting and making apparent constant forms a
disability or disabilities (it is clear that not only drive direct questions
Psychological: They are actions to minimize individual's self-esteem and
foster their sense of insecurity and fear. The psychological aspect is in
all forms of abuse.
Social: Seeks to place the individual in isolation regard the group as a
bad concept and involve other individuals sometimes this action.
Cyberbullying: It is when the individual is disturbed, humiliated, threatened or
harassed by other (s) using the Internet or other interactive and digital technologies.


Consequences for the victim: The consequences of bullying are many and profound.
For the victim of bullying, the consequences are noted with an
obvious low self-esteem, passive attitudes, emotional disorders,
psychotic disorder, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, among
Also add to that, the loss of interest in matters relating to studies,
which may trigger a situation of school failure and the onset of phobic disorders
difficult to resolve.
Apart from that also corresponds to the physical plane having difficulty sleeping,
stomach pains, chest, headache, nausea and vomiting, constant crying, among others.
Consequences for the aggressor: For the aggressor, Bullying makes it difficult to
live with other children, makes him act authoritarian and violent, coming in many
cases to become a delinquent or criminal. Do not know how to lose, they need to prevail
through the power, strength and threat, get into discussions, catch companion material
without their consent, and constantly externalize an exaggerated authority.


To stop bullyingwhether verbal, written or cyberbullying

it can be helpful to tell someone that you are being bullied.

for help
This can seem scary at first, but telling someone can lighten

your load and help you to work out how to solve the problem.
Talking to someone is particularly important if you feel unsafe
or frightened, or if you dont have many friends. Asking for
help or talking to someone about your situation is not being weak or giving in. In
fact, telling someone can take a lot of strength and courage.

There are many people who might be able to help, including friends, older brothers
and sisters, teachers, family, counselors or parents. Teachers and counselors are

specially trained to help you. In the workplace, you could also talk to a human
resource manager or union representative.

If you are a constant victim of bullies, the most important thing you have to do is talk
to an adult. Start with your parents. That's not to accuse, is asking for help to the
people you want when you need it. Try your parents talk to someone at school, but not
with the parents of the aggressors.

And remember:
You're not to blame for being assaulted.
You do not have to deal with this on your own situation.
Remember it is the aggressor who has a problem, not you.
Treat others as you want them to treat you. Assistance in need and so when you need
help, you help.

Y recuerda:
T no tienes la culpa de ser agredido.
No tienes que hacer frente a esta situacin t solo.
Recuerda que es el agresor quien tiene un problema, no t.
Trata a los dems como quieres que te traten a ti. Ayuda al que lo necesite y as,
cuando t necesites ayuda, te ayudarn.
No te rindas.
No cedas.
Aunque el frio queme.
Aunque el miedo muerda.
An hay fuego en tu alma.
An hay vida en tus sueos.

Porque todas las personas merecemos ser felices. Nadie tiene el derecho de hacer

menos a nadie, porque T amigo mo, no eres perfecto.

No todo lo que perece ser broma lo es, a varias personas les afecta y mucho, entonces
antes de proseguir con eso piensa, y sigue consiente de qu:
Tu broma aun es divertida?

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