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"CRM is not part of a business strategy, CRM is the business strategy,"


Definirea unui CRM, functionalitatile acestuia

Definirea componentelor unui CRM si fluxul de lucru
Cum identificam o oportunitate?
How to sell CRM
Posibile impedimente
Abordare B2B/B2C adaptare CRM
Probleme specifice fiecarei industrii





Contacts or companies

CRM Contacts are the people that

generally an

that are essentially un-

your company will have or already

organization with whom kickoff of your companys sales

qualified sales leads. In

has an on-going relationship.

you do business (could

process with a potential or existing

be a customer, vendor,


general, there is no

The CRM Opportunity signals the

current or past

Any person that is qualified to

partner, etc). Accounts

relationship history with

professionally work with our

are usually tracked by

The history of Open, Won or Lost

these leads.


their industry

Opportunities can always be found in


the related Account or Contact

CRM Leads should be

CRM Contacts typically had been



qualified as a potential

qualified as a potential sales

etc.), their type (e.g.

All metrics related to the

customer before they are

opportunity at one point. Contacts

customer, competitor,

opportunity are measured here, such

promoted to a CRM

may also have different types of

partner, etc) and


Contact and/or CRM

relationships with your company,

sometimes many other


such as a vendor.

details like website,

revenue, number of

SalesForce, a CRM

CRM Contacts are synchronized

employees, etc.


with the Outlook CRM Client,

Multiple contacts

defines a lead object as a

therefore their contact

usually exist within a

person or a company that

information can be available in

single account (i.e. for

might be interested in

your Outlook Contacts.


your product or service.


departments, projects,

For example, someone a

sales rep met at a

Existing Clients.


Estimated Revenue.

Percent Probability of Closing.

Sales Stages.

Rating (Hot, Warm, Cold).

Follow-up activities related to

the opportunity.

opportunities represent potential

conference or who filled

out a Web form would be

through the sales process.

a sales lead
leads were designed to be
converted to new
accounts, to new contacts,
or to opportunities
associated with existing
accounts or contacts.

Potential Clients going

Vendor Contacts.

Any contact where your

company has the need to
record activities and

Any company that is

sales to people who are already

qualified to some day

tracked in your database as either

do business with our

accounts or contacts.

company. Each account

is defined by type:

Opportunities are the source of

prospect, partner,

sales forecasting and revenue

vendor, etc.

tracking. Opportunities are usually

tracked by their campaign
source(direct mail, internet
marketing, etc.), stage (e.g. needs

Because opportunities are

Contacts are usually tracked by

assessment, proposal, closed won,

linked or associated with

their (duh) contact information

closed lost, etc.), estimated revenue,

accounts or contacts, they

(address, phone number, email,

probability and closing

do not include the detailed etc). Once leads are qualified

and considered as potential
contact information
necessary in an account or

prospects then are usually

contact. Therefore, it is

converted to a contact/account

not possible to convert an

pair (and usually assigned to a

opportunity to an account


or contact.
Contacts are qualified leads. That
is, leads that have been vetted
and in the judgment of the person

date. Generally your sales team is

handed opportunities (not leads).

doing the checking have the

potential for turning into sales at
some point down the road.

Remember that the overall goal is usually for marketing to generate (and nurture) leads until an opportunity arises. They
then they pass along these qualified leads to the sales team to close. The overall process is running smoothly when
the sales funnel is filled with thousands of leads, which turn into hundreds of contacts, and finally into tens of
opportunities that keep your crack sales team fully occupied!
Not all Qualified Leads Convert to an Opportunity
Once the representative has determined that this is a contact and account that the company could some day do business
with, it becomes qualified. However, just because a lead has been converted, it does not mean that there is an immediate
opportunity. In this situation, the lead was converted to an account and contact, but an opportunity was not created. It is
now up to the sales representative to nurture this account over time so that when the situation arises, the account can be
moved to opportunity

Identifying an Opportunity
The three fundamental rules that are involved in recognizing the appropriate time to create an opportunity from a lead
include: Product Interest, Budget and Purchasing Timeframe.

An example is finding out that the client is looking for a product that your company offers

Common Issues with Undefined Opportunities

The most common issue that companies face with this is that they fail to fully establish the definition of
an opportunity. This results in their sales staff operating on different frequencies which results in
numerous lost opportunities or empty opportunities, opportunities that will lead nowhere, receiving too
much attention.

How to Sell CRM

CRM, or customer relationship management, is a type of software that helps businesses organize client
information, purchase records and provides product or order details. CRM sales has become a growing
industry as more companies try to find new ways to streamline client relationships. Here are a few
strategies on how to sell CRM.
Sell to the whole organization.

Your CRM tools will be implemented by all departments of a company, or at least impact each
department in some way. Meet with representatives of each major department and direct your sales
pitch to explain how your software can benefit their organization as a whole.
Focus on the sales department.
The sales or client relations department of a business is the one that will be most directly affected
by the implementation of CRM technology. Meet with this group separately or focus a section of your
sales talk toward the sales department. This will likely be the group that has the most questions and
reservations, so giving them more of your attention will help you appeal to them.
Outline the process.
CRM software has met with resistance, because many business owners are doubtful that instant
results can occur after the program is implemented. Take time to explain how the CRM software
program will be implemented gradually and what training will be put in place to teach employees how
to effectively use the software.
Explain how lost information hurts productivity.
Executives that feel like the current system of client management is sufficient will be better able to
understand the need for a CRM program if you show them how it will increase productivity. CRM
software can make old files or records readily available when they would have otherwise been locked
away in storage, giving salespeople more information to better understand the needs of the clients.

Consider the size of the business.

Large corporations will need streamlined CRM programs that will condense client information and
sales numbers into manageable data. Smaller businesses that have more hands-on relationships with
clients will need more access to individual purchase orders and requirements. Always evaluate the
size of the business when directing your CRM presentation, since it directly affects client
relationship needs.
Listen to client concerns.
Allow the sales staff of the company to tell you what problems are affecting sales or productivity.
Listening to the issues a business has in reaching customers effectively will help you choose products
that will be most effective in managing client relations.
Sell to new hires first.
Recent additions to the company will have more modern perspectives on client management and will
be more receptive to the benefits of CRM. Appealing to them first, and securing their support, will
help you sell to older, more established executives that will be more resistant to change.

Success Tip How to Sell a CRM Solution

How do you overcome the objection that Excel works fine as a CRM tool? Or that the out-of-date
copy of a desktop application installed a few years ago by someone on work-experience is too
difficult to move away from?
Understand The Financial Pain
How many times each year does an average customer buy from you? How many times each year does
your best customer buy from you? What difference would it make to the profit of the business if
you could get 10/20/30/40/50% of your average customers repeat buying like your best customer?
How much money is wasted with sales reps managing their diaries, forgetting to follow-up on calls,
not keeping in regular contact with their clients?
Step back from the business and think about its value and how it will grow. [br]Customer relationships,
customer data and the management of both are vital to increasing business value and developing business
Understand The Business Pains
Does your boss get frustrated when nobody can quickly produce the data that hes requesting? Does
the lack of visibility of KPIs around sales opportunities and customer service issues impact your

bosss ability to increase sales or customer satisfaction/loyalty? Setting up even a basic CRM
system will start to produce business metrics that can be used to make decisions upon.
Todays world is agile. Theres too much to do and too little time to do it so get started with the basics and learn as you
go. A basic CRM will let you track your accounts contacts and activities all in one place. When you realise that you need to
be able to do more like better segmentation, automation, different sales processes for different products, then make the
necessary changes and move up a gear.

!!!Traditionally CRM

solutions are sold to company management, with promised benefits such as:

improved productivity,

ability to make more with less,

shortened sales cycles,

increased close ratios,

eliminated competition,

and improved margins.

!!! Pushing the Management Benefits Wont Work

When presenting a CRM solution to salespeople, pushing the same benefits that sold company executives
isnt necessarily going to work with sales reps. In fact it can have negative repercussions.
!!! #1: Increasing Productivity

For example, increasing productivity probably means increased quotas without increasing sales support
to a rep. It could also mean the company turning to alternative sales channels and trimming down a reps
territory. Neither of these would be viewed by a salesperson as a happy circumstance.
2: Making More

Another example would be making more with less; to a sales rep that might mean that youre eliminating
sales administrative personnel and dumping these extra duties onto reps.
#3: Shorten Sales Cycle

Shorten sales cycle, improve closing ratios, and improve profit margins can all add up to filling up the
sales pipeline with great deals now so that they can be closed. But what about next period? Any
experienced sales rep knows that good deals arent that easy to come by. Hence next period cannot be
promised or counted upon, and many reps will solve that contingency by sandbagging some of this periods
deals for the next one.

What Does The Sales Force Want to Hear?

Salespeople have long been jaded against CRM solutions. CRM generally meant lots of data input by the rep
with little to no real selling assistance provided back. Hence there is always some sales rep resistance to
CRM that will have to be overcome.
The best way to do that is to leave aside the benefits to company management. Instead, address the
ways in which the CRM solution is going to benefit salespeople:
For example, salespeople are constantly asked, How are you doing? They can then reply that theyre
above or below quota. But such an answer is always based in the past instead of the present. The real
question a salesperson needs to be able to answer is, How will you be doing? (Translation: How are you
lined up to make quota?) In other words, looking over the number of leads and deals in the pipeline
weighed against closing ratio, average length of deal and other factorsdoes that rep have the raw
material and deals-in-progress to end up winning?
A salesperson needs to be able to easily view his or her sales pipeline and know whether or not sufficient
deals are there to end the year on a high note. It is not just the number of leads or deals, either; the CRM
solution must allow for rating each deal as to its potential value and likelihood of closing.

Fully demonstrate to a sales force that they can accurately forecast salesas well as easily manage those
sales in real timeand you will most likely have them closed on CRM. And, of course, make sure the CRM
solution chosen actually does fulfill those promises.



Smaller contact database

Larger contact database

Smaller number of sales (usually higher

Larger number of sales (usually lower priced)

Longer sales time (months, years)
More decision makers involved (2+ usually)
Fewer leads and fewer potential customers
Higher sale value/costs
Sales are a business decision
More customized product
More complex, long term relationships/sales
B2B CRM Software

Faster sales time (days, weeks, months)

Less decision makers involved (1-2 usually)
More leads and more potential customers
Lower sale value/costs
Sales can be emotional
More uniform product
Sales can be spur of the moment, impulse buys
B2C CRM Software

marketing activities

Built for long term management of a potential


Built for long term consistent sales through various

Capability to manage a higher amount of leads and

Stronger emphasis on automation of the sales


Emphasis on forecasting on customer behavior

based of buying history, bills, business success, etc.


More visibility for users to see status at any stage

Emphasis on running mass campaigns and updating large

amounts of data within the system, fast

Stronger emphasis on keeping all data organized and

managing specific parts of sales process

in sales process

Better integration with other company software

Stiati ca...

48% din vanzatori nu fac follow-up la ofertele trimise?

Doar 10% din vanzatori fac mai mult de 3 contacte dupa trimiterea unei oferte? In timp ce 80%
din vanzari se intampla intre al cincilea si al doisprezecelea contact?
44% din clienti isi apreciaza relatia cu furnizorul drept "banala"?
6 din 7 clienti care ar trebui sa se planga nu o fac, ei apeleaza la alticineva pe tacute?
70% din clienti ar face mai mult business cu un furnizor daca ar beneficia de servicii mai bune?
De fapt, 73% din clienti au schimbat furnizorul din cauza calitatii serviciilor?
Cu cat sunteti mai aproape de clientii dumneavoastra cu atat mai repede si mai usor le
identificati nevoile si va puteti diferentia de competitie?
Daca va surprindeti placut clientii, ei vor ramane mai mult alaturi de dumneavoastra?
Modul in care companiile interactioneaza cu clientii lor va schimba pozitia pe piata a companiilor
in fiecare industrie?

CRM - o strategie de crestere a performantei vanzarilor folosind o platforma CRM care permite optimizarea
activitatii echipelor de marketing, vanzari, servicii clienti, proiecte si suport tehnic permitandu-le sa lucreze in mod
integrat, ca o ECHIPA.


CRESTE VANZARILE identificand elementele/actiunile lipsa pentru a oferi clientilor Dvs o experienta care sa
va DIFERENTIEZE de competitie
Veti face mai MULT BUSINESS cu clientii Dvs intelegand ceea ce isi doresc
Veti colecta si gestiona INFORMATII STRUCTURATE despre clientii si prospectii Dvs pe care le puteti folositi
pentru a creste eficienta (rata de succes) si calitatea intercatiunii cu acestia
Veti CAPTURA datele de contact DIRECT de la sursa
Veti identifica si structura corect SEGMENTELE DE PIATA pe care le tintiti si va veti adresa lor in mod corect si
eficient pe orice canal de comunicare (telefon, e-mail, fax, materiale tiparite)
Veti tranforma departamentele de marketing, vanzari si suport intr-o ECHIPA care comunica si colaboreaza
Veti organiza, structura si masura actiunile de marketing folosind elemente vizuale care reduc efortul de
Veti creste CALITATEA INTERACTIUNII companiei cu clientii utilizand sabloane pentru orice mijloc de comunicare (oferte,
email-uri, comenzi, contracte, etc)

Ce pierzi daca nu folosesti un CRM?

posibilitatea de a avea ACCES la datele despre clienti si oportunitati ORIUNDE SI ORICAND prin
Veti continua sa IROSITI TIMPUL agentilor de vanzari cu activitati administrative si de operare
date in detrimentul activitatilor PRODUCTIVE care genereaza valoare atat pentru companie cat si
pentru persoanele de vanzari (Vanzari mai mare, bonus mai mare)
ISTORICUL interactiunii cu toti clientii si prospectii companiei va ramane un MISTER NEDEZLEGAT,
dependent de fluctuatiile de personal
Veti continua sa permiteti sa PIERDETI CLIENTI odata cu plecarea unor agenti de vanzari
Nu veti putea creste calitatea interactiunii companiei cu clientii utilizand sabloane pentru orice
mijloc de comunicare (oferte, email-uri, comenzi, contracte, etc)
EFICIENTA actiunilor de marketing va ramane O NECUNOSCUTA, o gaura neagra al carei impact
nu poate fi masurat.

Daca vi se pare ca SCHIMBAREA e grea sau periculoasa, probabil trebuie sa evaluati cat
de periculoasa si costisitoare este rutina actuala!

Fazele implementarii: echipa de proiect, analiza, configurare, training, import

date,intrare in productie, suport

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