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30th April, 2008

Staff Number


< Employee Name >


Dear Encik Imran,

RE :


We are in receipt of your explanation dated 28th April, 2008 in reply to our show-cause letter dated
25th April, 2008 and it has now been decided to hold a domestic inquiry into the charges leveled
against you as follows ;
1st Charge:
It is alleged that you as an Executive of the Company had on 21 st March 2008 at 7.56 a.m. and at 5.39
p.m., on 22nd March 2008 at 7.54 a.m. and at 1.36 p.m., on 13th April 2008 at 7.43a.m. and at 5.39 p.m
and also on 19th April 2008 at 7.50 a.m. and at 11.01 a.m. at < Company Name>., had swiped your
attendance card to indicate that you are working on those days but in actual fact you did not work on
those particular days except on 19 th April 2008 you only worked from 9.00 a.m to 11.00 a.m, and thus
you have provided the Company false attendance record thereby rendering you liable for disciplinary
2nd Charge:
It is alleged that you as an Executive of the Company had on 21 st March, 2008 between 8.00 a.m. to
5.30 p.m, on 22nd March, 2008 between 8.00 a.m. to 12. p.m., on 13 th April, 2008 between 8.00 a.m. to
5.30 p.m. and also on 19th April, 2008 between 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. at the Pressing Department, <
Company Name.>, were not present for duty and/or did not perform any overtime work but you had
misrepresented the Company based on false attendance record to pay you the overtime claims
submitted by you that is, on 21st March, 2008 amounting to RM 91.95, on 22nd March, 2008
amounting to RM 43.27 , on 13 th April, 2008 amounting to RM 91.95 and on 19 th April, 2008
amounting to RM 10.82, thereby rendering you liable for disciplinary action.
3rd Charge :
It is alleged that you as an Executive of the Company at < Company Name >, had committed a
fraudulent act by providing false information with the intention of defrauding the Company thereby
rendering you liable for disciplinary action.
By the above acts, you are alleged to have committed serious acts of misconduct in breach of your
express and/or implied terms and conditions of service and if the misconduct is proven you are liable
for a disciplinary action by the company.
Therefore, you are hereby required to attend the Domestic Inquiry (DI), which will be held as follows:


6th May, 2008 (Tuesday)

2.30 p.m.
< Company Name & Address >

At this inquiry you will be given the opportunity to conduct your defense by examining your
witnesses and cross-examining the Companys witnesses. You may bring with you any documentary
evidence that may help you in your defense.
If you have any employee/s of the company whom you wish to call as your witness or witnesses, you
are required to get their written consent and kindly furnish the undersigned with such letter/s stating
their name/s, employee number and department concerned latest by 12.00 p.m., 5 th May, 2008 for the
purpose of notifying them to be available during the DI proceeding.
If you fail to be present at this inquiry at the time, date and place specified, the inquiry will be held in
your absence (ex-parte).
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing on the duplicate copy and return the same to us.
Yours faithfully,

General Manager
Human Capital Department

Pressing Department
Personal File

I, the undersigned hereby acknowledge receipt of this letter and
confirm that I understand the contents and effects of the same.
Staff No.

Signed in the presence of :

Signature : ..
Name :
Position/Title :
Date :

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