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I have done a lot of research in the past month on how we could restructure the

system to create a stabled economy and an efficient government around the world.
I have found what I judge to be the solution, the answer and that is the [u]New
World Order[/u].
Yes, I know what you are thinking: "Oh, it's that Illuminati Conspiracy shit inn
Well, yes and no.
[size=medium][i][b]"What is the New World Order?"[/b][/i][/size]
The New World Order is a system that would rely on a Meritocratic political phil
osophy where leaders are chosen based on their skills, intelligence, etc... and
not on the feelings or opinion that voters have towards a candidate.
Predatory Free-Market Capitalism would be replaced with a productive Social Capi
"A New Social Order: The Replacement, through 100% Inheritance Tax and the aboli
tion of all means for private individuals to pass on overwhelming financial adva
ntages and privileges to other private individuals (family members) at the expen
se of the Commonwealth, of the Dynastic Family Elites that rule the world. Any t
ransaction between private individuals that involves a vast transfer of wealth w
hich allows unelected, unaccountable people to wield decisive influence over the
Commonwealth is a subversion of the Commonwealth, and the precise means by whic
h the 1% (rich people) have come to rule the 99% (average and poor revenue). Any
one who is on the side of the people must oppose private inheritance. If you sup
port inheritance, you are a supporter of the dynastic elites, a traitor to, and
an enemy of, the people. You believe that people should get something for nothin
g, that people should be rewarded not for their own efforts but for those of oth
ers (their parents). You believe in parasitism and rewarding failures, incompete
nts, people with no backbone who can't stand up for themselves and make their ow
n way in life. No one who accepts an inheritance has any self-respect, or is wor
thy of any respect. They are family versions of welfare scroungers, taking money
for nothing.
A New Dispensation: The World must be Rebooted. The only way to reboot it is to
bring to an end the control of the vast bulk of the world's assets by a tiny pri
vate elite who stand outside the political process and yet completely dominate t
hat process. Capitalist Democracy has nothing to do with democracy and everythin
g to do with the capitalist control of the people. In other words, capitalist de
mocracy is rule by rich capitalist oligarchs. The ancient Athenians invented dem
ocracy precisely to overthrow such people. They would be spinning in their grave
s if they could see what "democracy" now is - rule by the super rich cynically a
nd wickedly being presented as rule by the people.
[b]The Old World Order has utterly failed. It's time for the New World Order. An
yone who opposes a new way of doing things is a conservative, a reactionary, a c
ounter-revolutionary, and a friend and ally of the ruling elites. The current wo
rld is designed in their image. If you want a new image that reflects you, you m
ust support the Meritocratic New World Order that ends inheritance, nepotism, cr
onyism, privilege and "who you know" and replaces these with talent, "what you k
now" and "what you can do.[/b]; ([url=]Source[/url])"
[align=center]The New World Order delivers the second and final Enlightenment. I
t enshrines reason, not money or God, at the apex of human values. It's about gu
aranteed equal opportunities for all. The Meritocratic State makes a social cont
ract with every citizen to optimize each and every one of them. The Meritocratic

State is committed to positive liberty and the transformation of humanity and t

he world. It's time to cast down the old gods and rulers and, for the first time
ever, build heaven on earth for the whole human race.[/align]

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