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iit =" ‘1st Edition Meee Hello slam Goodbye, Khods hafez Yes/No. bole/na Excuse me, bbebokhshid Ploase, loon Thenk you, ‘motashakkeram Do youmind? —_eshkal nadére? That's OK. khahesh mikonam Vm sorey/ rma’ zerat mikham | apologise Whottime sit? sa'at chand e® JAS) (PERSIAN) PHRASEBOOK How much? che ghodr? Where's the tollet® tuvalet koja a? Where's the ..8 koja st? Go straight ahead. mostaghim berin To the right/left. samt era2t/chop Wd lke [rman]. mikhm pals» ge (6) onowoy tckot ye belite ye tare © asus Sul erotumtickot ye belte do sare syuse hal S Vd like to book « room, please, 3 lotfan mikhém ye otagh ype ati rezerv konam S55 at! IS0N0- s0442 561-9 iM) Se \ | VETS ‘ so so4la25e 1st Edition Fast (Persian) phrasebook ‘sedition Apri 2001, Published by Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ld ABN 36.005 607 983 50 Maribyrnong St, Footscray Victoria 3011, Australia Lonely Planet offices Austalia Locked Bag 1 Footscray Vitola 3011 USA 150 Linden St Oakland CA 94607 UK 72-82 Rosebery Ave, London, ECR AAW Cover illustration by Angus McLeod (aN 086442581 3 ‘text © Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ld 2001, over ilustration © Lonely Planet Pubiations Pty Ltd 2001 987 54321 Printed through Coloerat td HongKong Printed in China Al ight reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in 2 retrieval system ot transmitted in any farm by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or atherwis, except brief extracts fr the purpose of review, without the witen permission ofthe publisher Loney Planet does not allow is name or logo t0 be appropriated by commercial establishments, such a tales, rstaurantso Noel Pease let us know af any misuses: www lonelyplanet. comp Lonely Planet and the Lonely Planet logo are trade matks of Lonely Planet and are registered in the US. Patent and Trademark Ofce an in other counties Although the authors and LonelyPlanet have taken alreasonable «are in preparing this book, we make no wetranty about the accuracy orcompletencssofltscontentand,tothemaximumextent permitted disclaim alltablity arising from itsuse. rs ABOUT THE AUTHOR ‘Yavar Dehghani was born in Iran. After compleceing a Bachelor degree in speech pathology and an MA in linguistics, he aught at universities in Tehran and Abia while writing several books fon speech disorders and related atess. He has also translated several books from English into Persian Yavar completed « PhD in linguistics in Melbourne, and has published his thesis, A Grammar of Azari Including Comparzon: ‘with Persian (published by Lincom Europa). He's currently lecturing at univerities in Tehran. FROM THE AUTHOR ‘Yavar gives his thanks to his parents and uncle, Bahram, who gave their support during his years of studying Persian, He ao thanks his Iranian friends in Melbourne for this encouragement ‘while he wrote this book, wich special chaoks to Dariush Salehi ‘who helped edic the Persian script. Thanks alsa ro his deae friend John Saliba for his continued help and suppor Yavar dedicates this book to his wife Mojgan, who helped with writing and proofteading, and who has always been an ingpitation, FROM THE PUBLISHER eter D’Onghia and Karin Vidstcup Monk co-ordinated: Dariush Salehi helped edie che script: Haya Hussein prooftead, researched and dreamed ofthe desert; Natasha Velleley produced the map; ‘Yuliyoshi Kamimura excelled in design while smoking his hubble Dubble; Vicki Webb edited and scoffed plenty of ghalve: Andrew MeLeod drew the cover and inside lusrations, and Fabrice Rocher ‘oversaw design. Thanks to Patrick Marts for his aen-like act of creation, and Par Yale for her suggestions CONTENTS I o Wn & Spoken Ses. 10._ How p Use Meer eee ii eee SNe 15 Nettles male ‘Consonants 15 Accents 6 Discs csccscun 18 Transtaroone 6 EOIN D Talegea Tele ace Exnpsind Va fenauicn Geesons = Novae: Tse You SHOWS KAM nn Nationa Greetings & Goodbyes Cala Dierences. Cialis Age Forms of Addison ceypatons Body ongooge Reigoe Fert Encounters Feelings < ‘Moling Conversion 39 Longuage Difedies CaN 49 Finding Your NOY neo A? Bas & Coe reid ai" tid = oo mss ca Sones c 38 3 CCIM a Finding Accomodation. ‘Checking Out on 58 Booking Aheod = Usetl Wore 5 Checkng In 7 Reqvedt & Complaints 7) Telecommnicaions 75 IIIT) Sigsosing 7 74 Guided Tur nnn 0 Going Out BI Arranging Mest 84 Quesons. 85. Fomly Member 88 Telling wih Presses 86 Taking wih Chien 8 Replies 86 INTERESTS 291 SIE 96 Common 108 ee Stoying n Tous 92° Ueretre 100 ring ater. 93 Hobbies. nn NO Cinema &Theate vannn93 Taking about Toveling. 102 Muse 99 rit ESE Es 107 Poles 107 Socal ines no) Envonmenl 109 Leaking For 1 Tollerias| na. ‘Maling a Purchase "112. For he Baby m Bergerning M13 Staton Esvensl Groceries ME Pablo nna WP Sewenia.- M15 Mure 120 Clothing Ng Photograny 121 Maori 117 Smoking’ iz Coleus SS? Ses & Comparisons 12k reo 125 Typical Dither. 129 Vogetaion & Special Meals 126 Sal Cotering 133 Eating Outen 127 Attho Monet 134 sell Words 128 ils a 135 Fintonee Ce ae aes ss eee ee ees ea eee a ees Ee a aoe ie Code REE Tere Ve co eee 5 EYE NST SNES ei IE e my ir = 251 data NI INTRODUCTION ‘The Persian people were once part of a wal family known as Iranians, nomadic wibes whose original homeland was the Eura- sian plains of Southern Russia. Persians began thei migration into the Middle East around 2000 BC, and within 1500 years had created the frst world empire which stretched throughout the entire Middle Ease, with Old Persian as the common language, For centuries, Persian ~ also known as Farsi (see page 10) — thas remained the language of ths civilisation. Ir belongs to the Indo-Iranian group of languages, which forms part of the large Todo-European language family. ‘Today, Modern Persian is spoken by around 70 million people in Tran. I¢'s an official language in Afghanistan and “Tajikistan, Persian is understood in parts of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, India, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, “Turkey and Unbekistan, A large number of Persian speakers have also emigrated to the US and Europe. Persian was writen in Pablavi script until che introduction ‘of Islam in Iran in 637 AD, when Atabic script was adopeed, “Although i uses the Arabic system of writing and has borrowed a large amount of ite vocabulary, Persian has no grammatical similarities to Arabic ~ ic belongs toa different language Family. aapalarsy orl perl aapsrasent Feb Set ensian sci is writen fom right lee and, unlike ix appearance sugges ite ey een, As the 3x vowels in FRcanareepecned by oly neler clef ~in ot cates you car onl ell hove proounce wove ys cone Tein ba sol ils inching Ethan, Shira, erat and Yn which il are mutal ineligible Thi phrasebook i based on the Teasdale, which considered ro be the Stand desc and i epoken by ros Peran speakers Fi vovmrcou JB v02r al ache ‘i in Seis oe peomblineea ac Ra BARE ofthe mouth a a gloral stop, pronounced inthe throat, marking teak nthe ow taper. As he sun mad bere] the words uh othe Win Cockney bot er eo 6 asthe Fins eae nies OE a zh asthe ‘2 in ‘Zhivago’ Abyphen berween swe lees in the transliteration indicates that they have two separate sounds. Inthe word: religion arab and j ate pronounced separately. In Japan on they'se pronounced asthe ‘ZI hivage STRESS Sizss is generally placed on the last syllable of words bakery ni-ne-vi-yi However, the sues on proper names isalways on the fir lable Darius diri-yush Bocauso the subject of a sentence is indicated in the verb, subject pronouns are optional. n this phrasebook, subject pronouns oppear in square brackels. & NoUNNNOU ACCENTS & DIALECTS There are several dialects in Pessian, including Esfahani, Kermani, Shirai, Tehrani and Yandi. The main difference be- tween these dialects is in intonation, word stress and in the reduction of syllables. Speakers ofthese dialects can understand ‘one another well (Other languages spoken in Iran which belong to the Iranian language family ae Baluchi, Gilaki, Lor, Kurdish, Mazandaran and Talysh. They al differ exensively from modern Persian, and cant eaily be understood by speakers of Persian. An uncelated language spoken in the north-west of Iran is Azeti, a Turkic language. Most Azeri speakers ca also communicate in Persian, GRAMMAR a ‘This ection proves a basic grammar of Persian, although ic cant cover allspects ofthe grammar in these few pages, Youll find that Persian grammar is regular, making ic elatvely easy to remember. In Modern Persian, exch verb changes its form according to person (I, you, she, and so on) and number (such as singular T’ as opposed to plural Wwe). As you can tell who or what the speaker is fering oy the form ofthe ver, the sbjer con ly be fe out of a sentence, 1 went home. ‘man be kine raftem (lt: Teo home went) be khane raftam (it: to home went-D) WORD ORDER ‘The basic word order in Persian is Subject Object-Verb, How- ‘ven this order isnt fixed, especially in the spoken style where the verb can come before the object ~ Subject-Verb-Object — a5, in English ‘As verbs indicate che subject of a sentence, even if you cant remember the word order, Persian speakers will understand you ‘no matter where you put the vetb ina sentence ARTICLES: Persian has diferene ways co expres articles ike ‘the’ and ‘an * Placing the word yel, meaning ‘one, before a noun gives the meaning ofthe indefinite articles’ and ‘an diruz be yek hotel raftarn (lit yesterday to one hotel went) Tent toa horel yesterday, B awe TE pow ‘© Placing the sound after a noun also makes the noun indefinites sat dar khiyabin didaon Cit: boy-ain the seeet sl) I saw a boy in the set. ‘© Nouns noc matked byyek ori are definite: ‘man mure ri didam (it: T museumra saw) (Gee page 21 for an explanation ofa.) T saw the museum. NOUNS Plurals Nouns are made plural by adding the sufi to che end of the book —ketib book car mishin cars smashinha In spoken Persian, is reduced toa books ketaba ‘However, nouns arent pluraised when chey appear aftera number fra quantity noun such as ‘some fone house yelckhiine (lit: one house) ‘wo houses do khane (lt: two house) ren houses dah khane (lit: three house) ‘A few nouns borrowed ftom Arabic dont follow this rule of pluralisation: festival eyd festivals a'yad i Cose as shows the function of nou oF pronoun in serene Gee page 22 for an explanation of grammatical tems). English fe eee ea dog bit che man’ means the dog did che biting, while‘the man bit the dog’ means the maa di Persian has five cass. It uses prepositions (before she noun) and postpositions (aie the noun) as labels to indicate che role of nota within 3 sentence + Nownarive Case “The Subject ofa sentence — who or what is peforming the action—isnever marked wit x preposition or portpostion “The bus left # Accuserie Case Placing rafter a noun shows thatthe noun is directly aflecred by the action ofthe Subject uwtubus raft (lit the-bus went-it) saw Shies2. rman shirke 14 didam (ee T Shiraz a save) © be Dave Case bbe shows thatthe noun i the receiver or goal ofan action be ehrin raftam (it: Ibe"Tehran went 1) I wene to Tehran, © dar Locanve Case dar before a noun to shows where an action takes place Can I meetyou in mitavinam shoma sa dar the hotel? hotel bebinam? (lc can-l you ra dar the-hote! see?) ear Antarive Case az indicates from where an action originated Tame ftom Tabriz man emruz az tabriz amadam today. (lie: today a2 Tabriz eame-) iq avinevas CMe In English, we're able to recognise the ‘tole! of @ noun in @ sentence {whether i's Subject, Direct Objector Indirect Objec!] brits position inthe sentence end/or by the vse of prepositions Persian hos five cases. It uses preposiions ond posiposions to indicate the role of « noun and is relationship to ather words within 2 sentence. 1. The nominative cote refers tothe Subject of a verb in a sentence, and is aio the form youl find ina dictionary indicates what or who i performing an ction: The singorcame from Kentucky to give presente his hens in New York. the singer ‘gave! 2. The accusative is the Direct Object of o phrase or sem fence. It indicates what or whom « verb refers to, Here i indicates what wae given ‘The singer came from Kentucky to give presents to his frends in New York 3. The dative casa isthe Indirect Object, or the person to) ‘whom something is given or shown: The singor came from Kentucky to give presents to his fiend in New York 4. The locative case describes where an action takes place The singer came from Kentucky fo give presents to his fronds in New York. 5. The ablative case shows rom where on action originated, Tho singor como from Kentucky to give presents to his fiends in New York Nea The Persion carpet is more than [ust « floor covering I's o display of wealth and aris. Carpets or rugs form €n integral part of religious and cultural festivities, a well fs in everyday life, such as prayer mats. Corpets have long been used as a form of currency, and weaving new ‘carpets is @ kind of savings account, which can be sold ‘off in times of need. ‘Some carpet names and varies: uttbulbul carpets feature birds and flowers. hheriz and mehriban carpets feck hunting scenes and tales gabbeh carpets usually contain sporting and hunting scenes, Tecal monuments or mosques. ADJECTIVES Adjectives in Persian appear after the noun they describe The vowel ¢, known as ezafe, appears between a noun and an adjective, to indicate chat an attribute ‘belongs’ to the noun. Ifthe noun ends ina vowel, iccakes the form ye. (See Possession, page 29, for other uses of exafe.) ‘good booke lketab e khub (lit: book e good) {good books eetabha ye khub (lit: books ye good) the pretty house kine ye 2iba (lt: house ye pretty) m Bem Comparatives ‘Comparatives (beter, hotter) ate formed by adding che suffix “2 10 the end of an adjective, which appa afer the noun the prewies howe khine ye zibfear (it: house ye pretties) Superlatives Superlatives (best, hotest) are formed by adding -tarin co the end of an adjective. Superlative adjectives appear before a noun, the pretiest house siba Jn khane (lt: pretest houss) PRONOUNS Because all Persian verbs show the person and number of their subject in a suffix artached to the verb (see page 25), subject pronouns can be omitted from sentence. In thie phrasebook, subject pronouns have been put in square brackers ro show that they are optional. “There are both informal and polite forms of the singular pronoun ‘you. The polite form, shoma, has the same form as ‘the plural form of you. The informal form co i only used among close friends and relatives, ‘The third person singular (he, she, it) has ewo forms ~ u ie used to refer to animate nouns (such at people and animals), ‘hile an refers to inanimate objects (things) ENN Ea peta) pert) Acne) (inanimate) VERBS ‘Verbs in Persian change thei form according tothe peccon and number of the Subject as well as for tens. Subject and tense ate indicated by che type of suffie which appears on a verb root ‘Verb roots are formed by deleting the suffix -dan from an infinitive. Ineawrnve toread khandan Vex Root read khan to agree focome fo-cost odepart rmovafegh budan amodon arziden tarekordon to know (someone) shendkhtan te know (something) daneston, to lke dust déshion sakhtan molaghat kardon iva dashion to prefer tarih ddan fe retum bbargeshtan fosoy offen fesse Sidon fo stay fo take ‘to undeistand to make fo mest fo noed méndon bordan, fohmidon ae Present tense ‘The present tense is formed by adding the prefix mi- before a verb root; and + a personal suffix to the end ofthe verb root. Present-Tense Personal Suffixes 1 “om we im you a youlpl) id he/she/it ed they ex khor Tear mmildhoram (lit: mi-eat-l) You eat (63) milehori (lit: mi-eat-you) Simple Past Tense ‘The simple pase tense is formed by adding « personal suffix to the end ofa verb root. Past-Tense Personal Suffixes 1 dom we dim you di you (pl) did he/she/it —-d they dond ex Khor She ate. Khord (ls ateshe) You (pl) ate. Khordid (lit te-you) Continuous Past Tense ‘To form the continuous past tense (was doing something), jase add the prefix mi- to the pase tense form (aee page 31), Late, Khordam (lit ate-D) was eating. mikhordam (litt mi-ate-) Future Tense In the future tens, che verb root khah, ‘wane, cakes a present- tense personal suffi (see page 33). It appeats before the main, verb in sentence. The main vetb is alvays in the past rense form for the third person singular ~ dha, i takes the suffix -< She wil eat, Khahad khord ( We will eat. khahim khord vwant-she ate) (Gee wane ate) In colloquial speech, the present tense can also be used in place ‘of the Furuse tense ~ if context makes i clear that you're talking about the Future Iwill ext tomorrow. farda mikthoram (lt: eomorrow eat) IMPERATIVES ‘To givean onder orcommand, the prefixbe-isadded roa verb root. Ikhordan (eat) Ikhandan (read) Eat Read! bekhor! (lit: be-eat) bbekhn! (it: be-read) ‘To order someone not co de something, add the prefix na- be- fore the verb root. Dont eat! nnakhor! (lit: ma-eat) Dont read! nak! (lic na-read)) ee avert Boe TOBE ‘The verb ‘to be’ is ireegular in Persian. The present tense form is hase, “i and the past tense form isbud, ‘was. Like other verbs, hast and ud cake personal sufix. There verbs can be used with nouns, adjectives of adverbs Vin thirsty, teshne hastam (lit: chirsty am-D) You were thirsty. teshne buddi (li: thirsty were-you) In colloquial speech hast can be omitted (excep with ‘he, she, i), but che personal sufix sil remains Tim thirsy. —_teshne am (lit thirsty D TO HAVE ‘The worddishtan has a similar function asthe verb to have! Icalways takes a personal suffix (ee page 32) atthe end of its verb rootdis, and appears directly after a noun in a sentence, have (dae) Ihave abook. man ketab diram (lt: book have-I) COMPOUND VERBS Persian has a large number of compound verbs. They ate formed with a verb, notin, adjective or adverb followed by a simple verb form likekardan, ‘o do’shodan ‘0 become, orraftan, to go ‘The simple verb takes a suflix to indicate tense, person and umber Tried. gen Idimbed. bi T stood up. lard (lcs xy did) raftam (it: up weat-) boland shodam (lt: long became-) Sao POSSESSION {A possessive relationship berween two nouns can be shown in either of eo ways 1, Thevowele, known as exafs conveys meaning of possession and ownership. Tn a sentence the possessor appears before wha is possessed, and the evo ae linked by the vowele Thelinking vowel takes the formye when che noun it follows ends ina vowel. (is: booke D Ali: houseye you) eetab e man Ikhane ye shoma my book: your house 2. Alternatively, a possesive suffix (see bor) can be attached to tlic end ofthe noun that is possessed, book b {ite book) mybook —ketabam (it: book-my) yourbook — ketibat {its booke-your) Possessive Suffixes my om our -omén your ‘ot your (oll stan his/her/its_-osh their shan ‘QUESTIONS Questions in Persian are formed by a tse i intonation at the end ofa sentence. Word order doesnt change. havapeyma harekat mikonad (lit: the-plane move does:it) bhavapeyma hatckat mikonad? its the-plane move does it?) “The plane is leaving, Ts the plane lewving? ‘To form a question in written Persian, the wordy’, ‘does, is used atthe stare ofa sentence. The form aya is never used in spoken Persian, Is the plane leaving? yl havapeymna harekat mikonad? Ulits does the-plane move does) Eten cegular ‘Where's the bank? ‘bank kojast (Wi: bank whereie?) ‘Whyis'the museum closed? ‘herd muze baste hast? [lie why museum closed is?) ‘When does the festival begin? jashn key shur’ mishee ead) C Frevent Post Continuous Post Fue ‘mkhanam — khndom wikhndom ——_thahom Khang you ithaei—khdndS—khnd Uhahi tnd he/she/it mikhdnod —khdnd— mikhnd hashed khand we mnitbdrin Keene kh youll mikhanid —khandid_mithandid they mikhdnond —khéndond_mikhindond {it Fria when st Become) Who’ hes obasalgived (ic Wedd eyes How do | go there? Froth Pat Contos asl chelot anja beravam® {i how here go! tmkhorom ithe | Who is shee you thor rikhord | Kiba? (i he who ied} e/se/itithorod mikhord Yeutelikond aed Youll thor mmo kedam behtar hast lit which beter is?) 4 mikhorand mikhordand __khahand khord mie se ee fot face NEGATIVES 1 per beat esa! ceed § To form the negative, the pref is placed before a verb, yeu mihort” Khor ihordi KRG Khoi Fesho/i khered Khord —mikharid ——_‘Khahod Khaid Hewent to Tehran, ube tchraa raft we nkherin hori raheridn hain Khoi (lhe to Tehran went-he) yeulell thera oral iar He dideit go to Tebran. ube tehrin narafe they ikherond—Khordond mithordand (it he to Tehran noswentche) a Bordon to bing Forth fast teen raed he is vr, an: nee miyaveram GvardommiyGvordam haha redoln ee Tea! > woeegad tam We yevor Beers wip Mesered hofsefh maptvarod Syed eye rahe avard was (heto Tehran wane wend) pee. Ee tone ey le work go to Tebran. ube tchrin nalnthad rae aie oo and mrad Peetead xara (eto Tehran no-wanche wens) | they iyoverand.verdand miyivordand _Khdhond rd a Paani Sao Irregular Verbs ‘buden (is bel = s dédon|to give) Frown Foe Coninaous Pst Faure Present CConioovs Feat Future 1 ee Mae cain eed mmidéhom — dédom —midadam ——_‘Khahom dad tee, Me mas Nace you mish bd ida hah ded ieee haw td firth Khahibud [ojehe/a midahad © dad ddd Withod dad wo aim bum bin Mhimbud | 2 midGhim dedi midedin Kishin dad yyoulpl) hastd ——budid ibid kid bud ete ie eae Mabid did By tesond —_bedand —ihedond hon | tF_ midshond end. midtdond _ththond dad fotion eg) os ce dénesan io ioow) 3 g Pronto Cong Past Fate = “Present Contnuovs Pos Foto 1 wricwom —rafom ivan Khahom at — fidnesiom Kocher dna you ‘ol mech rete ee midénesi——_Khahi dest Cashed cet fea Thahedrak ——te/thoft_midnod midorest_ Enh does eater i, oe One me ee Maan Imdanesim —Khahim donot youll miovid rad. «mrad. ‘Khahidrat_ | you'll middnid mmdinosid Kathi dnt E trirovond rohond ——miratand ——‘Kathond rot | they. midnand TidBnesond —Kithond dane dastan to hal esses Sees 3 NT Pratt Pot Comins Past mre Present Contavons Fost fuure 1 mine Baie seca | mitonom —tordam —miterdom —_—khthom bard you dat ashi mdash ahi dashy YOY eer ae eee Nabi kare hho/sho/t dared dasht———_middsht Hithod caddg Se/ Aa more hahod bord [oe be/the/t dad dash midge Eth dato mitonim Karim miter ‘Khim ord Youle) and ddahid_——ridauhid Ahad daant | oui mikonid | tard | ikordld hahid kord ap aed °° daationd "aidaitand"" Kichond dota 'brr_ ekonond bapa —ndesrdind = Wishond herd “Gvdnaion (6 bo abo) : eso ewe ‘ ve eet Past Contr Past Fre Present Post Continuous Fast Furo 1 Imiovdnom —tvénestam ritvBneslam —Ehahom tavéned | miththom —Uhistam —mithévtom —_Ehahom Ehdst Fier ted leiteen Minion) 3 ON Hee nthe habitat Cet atid ‘Sarnd «1 patveredl [Misheard Hite a Hhahod Khaw tmitav’nim —tavdne ritavinestin Khahimtovanes mith kali chitin {ehahin kn eueh tcrack] Oleareald, stevieey di heat oonnme Gp il ee Lome oe Fado Aisa oronn: Ra } x mithahand _Uhdstond _mithEstand __Ehahond ket ritvénond avinestond mievénestand —_Rrahond tine [MISTAKES TO WATCH FOR - PERSIAN SPEAKERS * Pronuncioton of some Englh wordsis more difiutfor speak: rs of Porson than olhers. The sound ‘ho inthis, 1s ofen pronounced ds in ‘ds, and Was in water, is olan pre- Tounced as o'V' asin voter + In words beginning with two contonants, Persian speakers ‘Sten add 6 vowel a ho start. student instead of student” + Because nouns in Persian don plurlise offer a number, Per sion speakers oem leave out the plural ‘in English: ‘nwo bool! intead of two books’ + Ip Raion, questions ore formed by arise in ntontion ol ho dod of sentence, Many Persion speakarshave a problem using ‘do, does’ and ‘didn forming quesions in English: “Did he came” instead of Did he comet” * Because Persian words are stressed on the last syllable, Per- sion speakers lten place stress onthe last syllable of English words: rary instead of Nibrary’ MISTAKES TO WATCH FOR - ENGLISH SPEAKERS 1 Speakers of Engish often have Nouba pronouncing some ounce in Persion, The sounds kh, gh,” glottal stop), @ ond h ‘re offen mispronounced “kune’instod of thine’ ‘motad’ instead of n'a’ {gand’insteod of ghand! ‘mom’ insted of ‘moherm ‘flam’istoad of clam” + Englth speckers often forgot to add a personal sufi to a ‘orb, or use the wrong one, 8 ‘man dmad’ instoad of'man madam’ (itseome) lia Tcomet). + English speakers eon placo srs onthe fis syllable of Persian word inslead of hela fr example ‘sobhune' instead of tobhuine MEETING PEOPLE If an ianen fly ivi your thi owe, hel mst ike take you to the guertroom ~ the best place fa the room it travel forthe guers Immediately the hosptaliy bps by feet ect eget eel ee foreigner: Knowing few forma Pesan words for ging hanks and tying goodbye wl help show you predation, YOU SHOULD KNOW Hell ali Goodbye. Who hafer walt Yes/No bale/na of Ene ne bebakhid pee Pl a a Thankyou rotasbaleram cy Matyas ley aman ote ox. bishe St Doyoumind? eal naire? tutu vissl Thats OK. Veh mikonam Sy ala en In Persian, there are both pole end informal forms of he singular pronoun ‘you'= the polite form is shoma while the informal sto Only close friends ond relatives address each other using to. The plural form of ‘you’ shomé, has the same form 1s the polite singular pronoun, =) GREETINGS & GOODBYES ladlalad. gu ll sa! Greetings in Persian are usually accompanied by a handshalee and someximes a kiss on the cheek ~ but only heeween people of the same sex. Kissing on the cheek usually takes place between fiends and relatives who havenit seen each other for along time. People only shake hands with or kiss the opposite sex when they are members oftheir immediace family, such as a brother for sister. When greeting someone of the opposite sex who isnt a family member, a more formal verbal gresting is wed. Good morning, sob bekheyr Good day (noon). raz bekheyr Se Good afeernoon. ast bekheyr aathcs Good evening shab bekheye as Hello Hi salam oe Goodbye. oda hates ate hs CIVILITIES Ghay eagle! ‘The usual form of greeting among fiiends and relatives is salim, ‘hello’ Hello. salam pe ‘May P/Do you mind? eshkal nadire? sey ba J How are you? hhilecun chetore? saga al Fine! Khubam ae Not bad! bad nistam aso Lets go. befarmayin berim gags sales Pleas sit down. befarmayin beshinin atti sulk Corzece! doroste! in That will do. kefiye ais Do you understand? — motavajjeh mishin? Say ge ene Yes, Tunderstand. bale mifahmam Med No, Idoric understand. a namifuhmam pee ‘Thank you (very much), (cheyi) motashakkeram pS (hd) Sale Eeeeeieey Gal na'erat mikhim Youve gone to alot of rouble Ley eakene Lakin - Please waita whi, Totfan kam sabr konin abe ye sue ans Se pS libs FORMS OF ADDRESS ala sLb laa (Only close frends and children are addressed by thie frst name. If people do call cach other by thee fist name, they generally add the tide ‘M? or ‘Ms’ before the name. Mose people are addressed by their uname Me agha Ms Khnom ‘The title dushize, which was once used to address unmartied ‘women, is no longer used, The word khanom is now used for all women. Tn very formal situations, the following titles are used (or men) (or women) ‘Other formal forms of address are sill used forthe hierarchy, expecially clergymen Ingovernment offices, especially in Islamic centres, the words bbaradar (li: brother) and khahar (lt: sister) are used instead of ‘ght and Khanom, Co-workers sometimes also address one another by putting igha or khanom before a job title: ‘ghd ye mohandes ichanom e modir jamabe agha sarkir khinom Mrengineet ‘Mrs manager 5 | = ers BODY LANGUAGE aguas MAKING CONVERSATION Alls gay Fecaiiveptah ca indicate ex by soni cet Caan Do you live here? down. In informal sicuations among close fiends and relatives, [shomé] inj zendegi mikonin? Sai ya 46.85 al (a) ite, the informal word for yes, iz used, ‘No’ indicaed by Where are you going? ‘nodding the head up and back or by shang i ftom side side, {shoma} koji mitin? Sas Abs (ee) “Alternatively che eyebrows may be razed. (Body language used What are you doing? i in informal scutions, and the polite way 0 indicate yer and {shoma} chiles mikonin? SoS IS (Lt) ip catenean en rel ‘What do you think (bout .)? {shoma] (dar mored e.) (sae 2) Pore cheb mining MS eG Because the subject of a sentence is indiated inthe Dwr aati 8) Se ssh verb, subject pronouns are optional inthis phrasebook, eee eee Zubject pronouns appear in squore brackets. seis xm ein chi ye? Sap al gal FIRST ENCOUNTERS Seen Beau iit eae Since there are few forcigners in Iran, people will generally be ee ateang eee a os ‘curious about yourkeshvar . ‘country’, and may ask a lot of Speen ea jpocsoeailouc oir chiens Ac hr seacttie Toatine te eey inj Kheyt Khub e a At hospitable toward foreigners and, even after a short conversation, onan may invite you to their home. pen tara do ie ee Glare bt naire ‘Wheca cate baby! low are you? che bachche ye ghashangi! See Taltan chetor «? sash ale A you wating, 002 Fine. And you? [shoma] m montazer in? Saskia pas Lat " Kubam, shoma chet Saag a pss Are you here on holiday? wy ie apo you eee areal Sub gl(t) pleet ena a gist cate trends Seth & | Meet Eo . Tee el see yo ” ee fee & az ashnayitun khoshbakhtam Sante Ob lil Pees pris 2 z E tm aftiend of Behzad) ‘S Garmusing) g a ‘man dust ¢ behzadam ple omgs oe Daten: Pee ia ping ge Ee ‘What’ your same? exmetun chi ye? foe asta foca holiday brie eile es abe My came cae ERT on busines baraye erat cutsabe & His/her name is ‘esmesh ... © ciel oe gh pad to study baraye tahsil ed PB scene rton: How long are you here for? cheghadr inja mimunin? Tm here for .. weeks/days rn. hafte/eus inj Do you like ic here? az inja khoshetun miyid? We like it here very much, leg lil Nes ats eee Sale SUA a! md az inja kheyli geal khoshemun miyd see oetae ‘Where are you staying? [shoma] koja mimunin? Sepa aS (Lat) How long have you been here? [shoma] che moddat ¢injayin? Sula cae 4 (Lat) Tye been here (chee days). ‘man (se ruze inja m ‘This is ray ist vse wo (Lea). in awalin mosiferate man be (iran) ¢ ‘Are you here on your own? {shoma] inja tanh hastin? 1m here with my fend, ‘man inj ba dure am hasta ‘Thanks. I dont smoke. ‘motashakkeram. man sigar nemikesham Teall you lace. ba’dan be shom zang mizanam Sd GI (0549 Ge) oe weskvalsed eal (aba) © asus bos (Lat) fie eb al tp Satie Ss (Sue Sis tik ley Useful Phrases Sore batman Justaminue. _yedaghighe abr honin 2 sua Ws OK. yb nade yt Fesimportant. —mohemm ¢ oe es not important. moheme nist a ae Tes possible. emkan dire shook [snot posible. emkin nadire shi gl Look! negah konin 5S Tica (thi! (bain) gush konin (od! ask AS Tom ready man amide am ladle ‘Areyou ready? shoma amade int sof al as Good luck! sor, afagh bishin wel ae Jase a second! yelahze shabr konin! iS yuo dal S NATIONALITIES youl Mose country names in Persian differ from English, and theie pronunciation is loser to French. “Where are you from? [shoma] kojiyi hastin? Sapen les (Let) Ym from ‘man able a onl ce ‘Australia ostaliya Uae! ‘Aust trish er) Canada wis England as Europe od Germany India Ireland Japan Spain Sweden she US [Bp etc rons Pm Tcome from... man az... miyam Ilivein the... man dar. zendegi smikonam city shah countryside rust ‘mountains Jeuhestin, seaside keenare dary suburbs of. home ye a village yedeh ‘CULTURAL DIFFERENCES How do you do this in your country? {shoma] dar keshvaretun in kar o chetori Is this local or national custom? in ye asm e mahalli ye yimelli? 1 dont want to offend you, ‘man nemikham be shoma bi chterimi bekonam Tm sorry its not che custom in my counery. ‘monssefam, in dar keshvar Tm not accustomed to this. ‘man be in lar Adae nadicam I dont mind watching, but Td prefer nos o participate. regi kardanesh eshlal nadie, vali tarjih midam daresh sherkat nakonam In my country, we dar keshvar € man, mi Aiveiioe Hue eat ota tt om (Sia kL ol Ge Bat 9a (lad) SS cash LoS el da pa Sl see talk ea oe bate 28S cal patie id pao pis tle IS oe Ge IS Bo $0 ost ubale SSS cl oe sat 5s My cultureteligion fashang/marhabe 4 ja abe/Sias Geearallow mero. man be man 22 sas yaSll ge ak do thi inlaro bekonam gy, J 5 Ghinueatthis in obekboram py ol AGE oe Hoy old ae you? Tehomalchand sleun & CS Tm yer old fansesilame ol aaoe How old do you thnk am? ee lieing tee Thine yore. ye oe ok: mikoaam sbomt] (us) ps ya alien mia ow ol isyoorson/daugher? Desa dokhear eshom thy Shand ees send tee She's. yao on ashe aiten (Sce Numbers & Amounts, page 175, for your age) ERMA When mesting someone forthe fics time, people may ask questions ‘about each other's personal life, such as marital status, number of children, occupation ‘ond even solery. ee ens rome OCCUPATIONS is ‘What (nok do you dr chi kar ikon? tes ee Where do you work? eee oft kar ikonin? sai pass Tm afan man am os cts hhonarmand OES businesspeson ier ee doctor doktor = engineer ‘mobandes : factory worker kargar a farmer kesbavare sus journalist runnime negir wa, lawyer wall us mechani smekinile se. nurse parastic o, office wotker Krmand sae cients dlineshmand wa secretary smonsbi 3 student dineshju ee teacher mofllem ae walter gatton ace weiter, fevisande as Tm man. am ee vetired bianeshaste pete unemployed biker = Tn selemployed than shoghlcSe8d diram poles oe Do you like your jok? shoghletua o dust darn? Sete cptl gE dat ‘What are you studying? [shoma] chi mikdsunin? tas bd ue te (lt) Ym studying are/hurmanivies business engincesing languages medicine Dersian reaching ‘man .. mikhunam sees hhonar De talum ¢ ensini aia gk bizargiai Sok mohandesi cai aban obs hhughugh ee peveshl = Bisi Seu ‘hum ae dabiri a RELIGION sptle/ igs The overwhelming majority of Iranians follow the Shite sect of Islam. Due to the political and religious climate in the region, ‘most Iranians have a good awareness of different nationalities and religions. Irnians usually wont ask a foreigner about chit religion, assuming they belong to & paricula eigion depending ‘on the country they come from, is generally OK to tlk about telgion, along as no attempt is made to persuade or influence others. Ifyou dont: have a religion, ies bewer nor to mention ths. ‘What's your religion? ‘maz-hab e shoma chi yet Tim @) « rman... am Buddhist buys Catholic katoi Christian asi Binds henda yahd ‘mosalmun heieve in God [man] be khod e'teghad dram ol ala 5 FEELINGS lawl Tm man am as 2 asabani cit ipey ieboshhal oes hunesy gorosne ang thitsy teshne os tired lehaste ae eye {shoma) <-hastin? ——saguan a (Lt) oie hosbhal a sad nicthat abt ae Kebbalud atl sorry (condolence) mouassef ae sorry (segred pashimun chate wortied negaran as you hot [shoma) garm erun sua nS (Les) Ret ina hurry? (ehoma] sale dirin? ty, is dna (U8) LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES obs See Jo you speak English? Deel gli lain? age Yes Io. bale, baladam No, I don't Balad nism ne here speak English? eat ingii ated ef speak lide frman] ye ami halad am Do you understand? Zotaajjeh mishin? 1 (dont) understand. (a) mifahmaa Could you speak more slowly? tmicuain yavash tar sohbat konin? ould you repeat tha? Cone unto kar kone? lease write i down Tocfan un o benevisin How do you say 2 "0 chetor migin? SS ASI ste ad Saad ge case by pa Songs Diicies | What docs .. mean? sma'ni ye chi ye? a ‘What languages do you speak? che zabdnhiyi baladin? 1 speak (English) and (German). ‘man (ingilsi) va (mani) baladamm T don't speak Persian. ‘man farsi balad nistam Do you have an interpreter? [shoma] motarjem darin? Please point to it in chs book, Totfan uno tu ye in ketab seshun bedin EIS Sata a alls 2 (i) et a Pa oh hoe tap (Lat) odes: tartans Jets OLS ts In Middl Person, espcialn the writen sy tere we iver nae oatering ferent cates of poop inteariFarian fy hove been educa few words ted for aKa people Es GETTING AROUND Since flights only land in large cities, youll need to travel by coach to get around Iran. Bus and minibus ate the main form of public ansport in cities, Bus cerminale are busy, so youll need To reserve ticker several days in advance for intercity travel FINDING YOUR WAY oh Ga S hag Where’ the 2 oj se S bus station terminal bus stop inegih e weubus city centre rmarkaz¢ shahr train station intgih e ghacir Ae Excuse me, can you help me, please? bbebakhshin, mishe lotfan Udy pe aut bbe man komak konin? TS ES ee Yo looking for ‘man donbil ¢ .. migardam p58 ieee dha ge How do I get to chetor micunam be .. Bera? Spyap oe 4 gl ge gob Isic far fom here? tun azinja dure ers Where are we now? smi hal koja im? psn aS He What's the best way to get there? bbehtarin rih eraftan be 4 aay ah Suni tunja kodum e? Sonal lat Can I wall there? {iman] mitunam piyide sly 3 ge (64) be unja beram? spanble Can you show me (on the map)? ‘mishe (eu naghshe) be? 4 (um es) ‘man neshun bedin? Sais LB Been | eT Whac time docs the che stati harekat 6a uel swleavelative?mikone/mirese2 Case il seroplane havapeyma oats bose ehayegh bus weubus teain ghacie What. isthi? in kodum ..e cy shahr sercet Lhiyabun village deh Directions ols Tun atthe. - bepichin ica next comer dat taghito’eba'di gas ells roundabout fu ye meydon eealic lights sare cherigh To the right. samt erst/chap Go straight ahead. mostaghim besia 1s two streets down, ddo kiyabun payintar € ‘You can go on foot ‘mitunin piylde berin a cal ULE sei myhdsld behind aghab et in fone of jelo ye oe far dur a near naadik 3 opposite ‘moghibel ii here inj Ga there unit G north shomal os south juoub ie east shargh aS were hab x ‘ADDRESSES Unlike in English, Persian addresses are given with city name ft, fllowed by the street, then the alley, and thea the number ‘The name of the addres is given lst ‘Tehran Pe JombusiSuce esse US Sa’adac A “ “ela co 1 oe ‘Third oor pedi McAli Ahmadi elt ott ‘This order is followed when giving an address, and you usually worit have a problem finding an addres, if you ask fori. BUYING TICKETS dea Sad Wher can Thuy ke? an] koji mitunam gS (ce erenee Ae ata) We want 9 g0 © ima mikhayim be . berim eee Do I need to book? izem e ee rezerv konam? Tike to book a seat to [man] ye ja baraye .. mikhim Can I get a stand-by ticket? man] mitunam ye bel liste enteric begiram? 5p 2032 S col 939 (al le a (6) bb Sls wa (G4) pablo EE i bers Tike {oman mikham canazn one-way ticket yehelit eye sre otis ks ‘return ticker ye belit e do sare Syucgs bale Se two tickers do tabelic ‘nb 3 TWradents are yebelie ineshjuyi ays ta SGhid fare yebeitbaaye bachche Sry al Istclass darsjeyek sags 2nd class darjedo jae0 How long does this wip ake? In mosilerat cheghade oily oils oa sul mikeshe? Sa lah Tike a window seat, please. lotfan, {man} ye sandalt IS sian Se (Gu) ibd Jeena panjare mikham Pry Tlie hor meal [man] ghesd ye garm mikhan pala ap S lit (0H) Tallike a meal wieh meat. [man] ghazd ye gushed mikham gale. 5,5 lit (<4) Talked iam hale amy ticket ©», bekonam aah Yeaeel lansel ohne change one confi pas AIR oily sae Be prepared for long queues at customs. Itmay take hours, and could be a good opportunity to try out afew Persian phases. Is there a flight to Esfahan tonight? temshab be esfahan par Ste 1 cata dacin? Sapte gaa Is this a nonstop fight? jn pervac bedun etavaghghoF e? — ¢aul Gi,3 ays Slax de! Wha’ the flight nurmber? shomare ye parviz chand e? Can Igo to the airport by bus? ‘man] mitunam ba utubus be furudgah beram? Is there a departure tx here? See 5 ap ala HL he ga (Se) Spratley inja avarer e khuruji dr When the next flight to Shirse? parvize ba'di be shirax heey hast? Hiow long does this flight cake? in parvdr cheghadr task arash vial bl Sahat Yea dae sk asin She oa “What time do I have to be at ef Sesion? che ari hayad dar dy ee fecdeee besteas tetas Wher the bgage claim? hesmace tv vase koji st? Seal lay da aad ra fete check in ny lagege rik bar ary otal Deda pie oss pe ald “What the charge for each exces ll? har kilo ezife bar chand My luggage hasnt arrived. bre man nareside siepore ex avareze furudgh Based aye aucvals wurud 3329 departure harekae Sm domestic dike ah exchange ‘avin as fight pare Sx ate dare Liburyj ae fhcernaional beynolmelal saline paspore goramimelpisport. — Sagulb/utin® plane Ravipeyma ar transitlounge salon e terinsc cenls lle ‘I 00 ‘AT CUSTOMS Thave nothing to declare. [man] chir e khissi nnadaram ke ettela’ bedam have something to declare. Iman] chic baraye extela’ ddan daram DoT have o declare this? {man} bayad in o etl bedam? “This is all my luggage oll e bar e man in © Can I go through? mishe rad besham? 1 didnt know I had to declare it ‘man] nemidunestam ke bayad in o exceli’ bedam Can I call my embassy/eonsulate? mish be sefirat! konsulgari am telefon kona? rath op (6H) re poll be ae (0+) pal sas Spdae goth ly Gal ah (Ge) ed Se Se oh Crone pts a (cH) passeillly oo a spe ee eS ot lg Sas BUS & COACH wot On 9 go cnssil ‘Where’ the bus sp? istgah e urubus koja st Which bus goes 00.2 kkodum utubus be .. mice? Do you stop at? [shoma} dar. avaghghof darin? (Fivo) tickets, pleas. Toxfan, (do ta) belie ‘Can we smoke on this bus? ‘mishe quye in utubus sight bekeshim? Does this bus go to? in utubus be .- mire How often do buses come? Tutubus Key be key min? tones pepsi lS Saas geo ee pis tase Sie pa lat) souls (5) Ud isl Sls ae ps Se Sonat en Saal ye pS eS sl Bat Bie iolenke ta gel ons bust aide ieee fant on m “ ah a = te oe Pohl Sie se larincben we perc Se ages pieces, ene So ‘Where do I get the bus for 2 [man] koja mitunam wtubuse gayi it ya laS (3a) ro savar sham? is wane to get of? ee {man} milchim piyide sham a ly pad go (4) TRAIN cn Train teavel is cheaper than aifares, bur more expensive than buses. All tains are operated by sate railways Where’ the tain station? isapah ¢ ghar koja x? only ld tinal Whats the next sation? a istgah e ba'di kodum & onl pany ta Does ths train stop at Maraghe? in ghatir dar maraighe ely 53 a, tavaghghof dire? sb is How long will it be delayed? che ghade elie dive? S10 St yuh How long does the tip take? mosiferst che ghade el mikeshe? tail gst ip cine Ie ehis seat taken? 3 in ja ye hes ye? Ie this the platform for .2 Do have wo change wins? [enan] biyad ghatar 0 svar konam? Lean find my... [man] nemicunam 6b 2 (04) am o peyda konam pili platform sakko ly ticker belie Ls tin hata He Do you mind if smoke? [man] eyb nadizesigie bbekesham? want co gee off ar See () te fran] mikharn dar Hage gets baer) piyide sham platform number shomire ye sakko te raikeay tah ahan aly ticker collezor izes belit uss THEY MAY SAY... ‘hota ta'khir dare harekot e ghatér laghy shod The train The tai delayed. coneelled TAXI St “Tats usually take more than one, and up 10 five passengers Obviously, its more expensive to hire a taxi just for youre Private ears also pick up passengers, but to be on the safe side, ts better to use a a Isthis taxi free? in edi Khdllye? fon lh ust Pleate take losfan man 0 one bd me to bebarin be this address in adres wulon the airport farudgth S53 the city centre markaze shahe AES the ralbvay station istghah e rah ahan ga dy oil How much isthe fare? Keeriye che ghade & Do you get extra for luggage? arly bi erie ye Sua sl als asl 1S sb be ign? Sah Are you going 10? Isom be. mii? tenes) Do you have change of 100 Toman? [shoma] sad toman khurd darin? Sau ay lat uw (La) Please don pick up any other passengers lotéan mosafere dig sav nakonin sii Jun So jae Gl How much do I owe you? cche ghadr bayad be shoma bedam? Spay La 4 a slp Instructions lal ‘The next stect to che lef right. ae [khiyabun e ba'di bepichin Sesh eaicliin, samt e chap/rast, Please wait here otfan inja montazer bashin Continue! cedime bedi Please slow down, lofian yavash berin Stop here! inji nogah daria! Stop acthe comer, in kende negah daria He tox driver asks you darbast mikhayin? they want 10 know whether you'd like the texi just for yoursell or whether you want to pi passengs pay th k up other ‘along the way. Ifyou say bale, ‘yos, you'll ference for missed passengers, | axnouy onus Jp. -00 CAR cpl Road rules in Iran ate unofficially flexible, butch general idea is to drive on the sight Perlis cheap, and so many Iranians drive a vehicle that there's usually a repair shop in even the tiniest villages. Car hire is only available in lager ccs. Where can Trent a ca [man] #2 kojé micunam ye ‘mishin keraye konam? Hor much i it daily/weekly? hhafieyifmah i che ghadr mishe? a5 ya shy ea e/g! a Does that include insurance? 'an shamel e bime ham mishe? ‘Where's the next petrol station? pomp e benzin e ba'di koja st? Please fill he tank. lotfan bak por konin Be ae BS I (64) SS ELS tle Sap pe ne el oF Soles ie Sb si td Tlie. irs of pete (ga). [mas] lite benzin mihi piled ye Gait (Ga) Please cheek the chekkonin a: 15 fi cil an tyre pressure bade tiyer aah water es Can I park here? [man] mitunam inja parc konam? Gp S,fladd p45 (04) How long can we park here? che ghadr mishe inj pie Kard? 52,5 lj tal ayo a yalp Does this oad lead to .? in idde be .. mire? ey eeaeay air bad ob batcery bisi pai brakes Ss lurch driving licence ‘engine gange indicator leaded (regular) ma’muli lights cherigh main road de ye asi punceure panchari radiator ridiyitor fing road jdde ye kamarbandi road map naghshe ye jadde seat bet kamarband self-service selfpervis speed limit add e aksar e sor'at tollway uuuban tyres ayer unleaded bedun e sorb windscreen shishe ye jelo DRIVE YOURSELF CRAZY In larger cites, road rage is rife. Expect hhornblats ond nals, ond drivers who folow a Car Problems We need a mechanic. ‘ma ye mekinik mikayim What make is i? imodelesh chi ye? ‘The car broke down at. ‘mishin dar... kharab shode The battery’ Hat. batei khaliy € ‘The radiator’ leaking. ridiyitor surakh shode Thave a flat gre. [man] ye charkh am panchar shode ve lose my car keys. [man] suvich e mashin am © gom kardam Tre runout of petrol [man] benzin am tamum shode jush avorde leit nemikeone Jp weve Tes overheating. Is not working, Bes pete gl tle et Sa cue Bl dae fa dk ow os cule oad yb ees sa ela uly thee (0) (ee game (5) perro sat al ol oa3i (G4) ysl, ayes ‘CAUTION DANGER DO NOT OVERTAKE ENTRY xT ive way NO ENTRY NO PARKING ONE WAY PEDESTRIANS ROAD WORKS STOP BICYCLE Isic within cylin distance? tishe ba dochackhe be nj af ‘Where can Tice a bicycle? {oan} koji mitunam ye dlochackhe keraye kona? Where can I find second-hand bikes forsale? {onan} koja mitunam ye dlocharkhe ye dast e dovwom bekdharam? Can you recommend a good place fora bike ride? {shoma] mieunin ye ja brave docharkhe sa Goon eegshate th St Se IS lS (54) WSdsene Ss bs (4) Stipes sa ase Kis le Sat ue (Lt) elo ons ale ose pishnchad konin? Sin clay Inte safe wo cycle around here? inja baraye docharkhe esl Gaps al bal saviri amne? Sod al How much sit erdye ye » che oie WE for..2 ‘ghadr mishe? ‘oie in hour ‘ye si'at ee the morning sob pes the afternoon bad az zohe eb so the day yeruz ja (Can you raiseflower the seat? mirunin zin o bali/payin oly a as biydrin? Sazasbe Init compubory to wesc a helmet? goddshtan ekolahe mani ea gas hac et teal gel ‘Where can T leave the bicycle? {man} koja micunam 25 eS (04) ddocharkhe 10 bezieam? SpdiSi Lhe Fh x one can ‘Can Leave the bicycle here? [man] mitunam docharkhe ro inj beairam? ‘Where ate bike repairs done? koja decharkhe ta’mir mikonan? apse ols (Oe) Spal laa ail asi despite bike docharlche brakes tormoz oa rooyele —docharkhe saviri lardan aS ssl Gage gearstick pedal Sus handlebars farmun helmet koolah ¢ imani inner tube tuyub lights ch ibe padlock ——_ghofl zanjir prere pump tolombe ot puncture panchari et racing bike docharkhe ye kus oS aoe saddle zin o8 wheel char te eZ ACCOMMODATION ‘Accommodation in Iran ranges from private rental flats to international luxury hotels, depending on your budget. FINDING ACCOMMODATION ei, Sou Joe Su $ lag Tm looking {oman] donbaleye —S.dtts (35) fora. hotel hotel e.. migardam pi S ye Jin» cheap aeaun oat lean tamiz Ses nearby nandik s3 Where’ the hotel? hotel koji? faa a hese behtaria ote cheapest srzuntaria oF sl Whats che adavess? Sdresesh koja 5 Coil you write down the addres, please? sishe lofan Ades o benevisin? seas!) ell ap ye Soules Bh nt BOOKING AHEAD eas ogee Oe like co book a room, please. z Toefan mikhim ye otigh SOS, pal yo itd rezery konam So Do you have any rooms avaiable? ‘otigh Khali darin? sauh Qe at postin ng se bbariye (se) shab et (ee) ole How much for? bariye om cheghadr mishe? San ge ple one night ‘ye shab ws a week: ye afte aes ‘wo people do afar she eT) Well be ariving ac. ma My names Is there hot water all day? ab e garm hamishe hast? Tm noc sure how long Tm saying. {man} motma'n nistim chghadr mimunam Welle staying fo (wo weeks). mma (do hale) nimanin peo fesm e man... € Sad egal Soak Cdk Sh habe (9) Oe ue pale po (Ga gs) CHECKING IN WE 3336 Ta international hotels you won't have a problery finding prople wo can speck Bal but you might nt be oust Do you have any rooms 2 otagh kali darin? Sats lla. Do yout have a room with rwo beds? cotagh e dokhabe dirin? sala adytgs GH Do you have a room with a double bed? otigh ¢ dotalhe dirin? Susle Gaiga Gl Talike a (mane otgh¢ git (os) 00m, smikhim oe shared smoshtarak Site single aki gts, ‘We want s.r00m mi ye otigh ba ye Sb sl with a mikhayim bathroom dastshuyi shower dush Vv televiiyon ‘window panjere Can see ie [xen] sisumam un o bebinaia suas biol ls yao) ‘Ate there any others? ‘otighi ye dige ham hase? sot pa Sos gle gt ‘Ace there any cheaper rooms? ‘otjghi ye arauntari ham hast? Do you change for the baby? bharaye nozid ham keriye migitin? Sps8 ga OS ga slit abe Can I pay by creditcard? (man) micunam ba kare ec tebari bepardizam? Do you need a deposit? bhey’ane ham mikhayin? How many Toman? Sot pa ob! ole gt Sb hie palin abil Sas ap la chand toman? Sols sp Where’ the manager? modir koja st Sola ae Wheie’ the bathroom? dasthuyi koja se Isthere hot water all dy? ab e garm hamishe hast? Saas goatee: font Se How much for..? bariye.. cheghadr ga yilp sh smishe? Saad cone night ye shab eS week ye hafte as ‘wo people do nafae abs Isthere a discount for children/students? bariye bachcheha/diehjuha Lape rar taki hase? Seat i Wsfine I'l eke i ‘hub © {man} an o milchamm dsc pbb I's costumary 1 remove your hoes in most homes and in public places such as mosques. & NouvaowNa22¥ Tea Resvess Complaints REQUESTS & COMPLAINTS 9D cual yaya Gees In Ian, mos oils are the squat type. Iranians normally we sre tasted of tllet paper Ifyou want eollx paper, youl probaly nod eo tsk at your haa Teed a(nother) [man] ye «. (dige) Heem diram Can T use the kitchen? (man) mitunam az pols 93! (Ba) 6 (64) Dott) SE ya (4) dashpazkhune estefide konam? peaetraets Is chee alte? ednsor hast? Sot gyal ve locked myself out of my room. dar € otigham ghofl shode ut Ji Btn Do you change money here? [shoma] inja arz migirin? Should I leave my key 3 reception? biyad kelid am o dar aziresh bezdram? Is there a message for me? peyghimi bariye man hast? ‘Can T send my leters fiom here? Sa ce 3a lo (A) oh gla ub i ea son oe ab alt [man] mitunam nimehi m pluie (0.22 inj beferestam? pasate I ‘The key for zoom (12), please losfan kelid © otigh © (shomare ye davindah) et ws ns (elsa ala Please wake me up at (six) o'clock, : Toxfan man 0 (si'te shish) (bb cele) be bd bid konin Sy "The room needs to be cleaned otigh niyiz be tamiz kardan dire 94 64.8 3es G53 Gt Please change the sheets, loxfan malafeha ro avaz konin aS ey Us Use [abd Can you give me an exra blanket, please? Totian mishe be man ye pata ye ezfe bedi? Deo'you hae safe where I can leave my valuables? [shoma]sandughi darin ke Liman] varayel e gheymasi mo beriram? (Gould Ihave a rede for them? ‘ithe bariye una be man resid bedin? Is there somewhere vo wash clothes? ity bariye shosan €lebast hase Can we ue the telephone? (ena]mivanim ae tlefon cstefide konimm? My room too dark ‘wigh © man kheyli trike es t00 coldfbor. un kheylisard/garm © les co noisy. un kheyli por sarosedi st leat openielas the window: ‘nemitunam panjere Sec ant ye li Sane GLE (o4) 6 ahs fran (8) SpE laa es Se la hy oo ye Cad le le Sout Unc iE I pil x (L) Spe wala Sa 8 la St eal SG Sel inn sp op oT 1 Hot (6) ps /S SU DINING ROOM RECEPTION TOILET FEMALE MALE pe 2 Gai a rable sie male we Please change itithem. Toefan una/un ro avaz kon I dont like this room, [man] in otigh o nemilchim ‘The roilee doesnt lush. sift e tavale kharab Seb oi/et lab ee eth alc (cH) col Sols la CHECKING OUT Can I pay by travellers cheque? [man] miunam ba chek e smosaferati bepardizam? ‘Could I have the bill, please? losfan mishe surat hesab BEI Sala asad Sb Ble (4) Spoliae iailee Laan crggun int Ud o bedin? Saas ‘There’ a mistake in che bill, yeceshtebahi dar surat as clan ospen ys gall S hhesab shode ‘When do we have to check out? key bayad ovigh o takhliye konim? Tim lewving nove [man] alan mikthim beram Sei lis, hat poe nals ye cil (Ge) Peemeteereee cece! Can Leave my luggage with you until 2) etdock? Honan] mitanam vasdyel am Ly hy ls ea ( a) 6 th sac e (do) psh eshoma Cb See besaram? te Please calla taxi for me. . Totfan ye taksi baraye man als ab Gu gly ust Ss Ld Ikhabar konin Baan adress ‘te of bith retonal Pest frofestion/wor Eeereteal pa mario vs ee hae single widowed customs diver’ cence identification immigration passport nimber purpose of vist holiday Viating rletives visting the homelend USEFUL WORDS duis ls OS aiscondtiningabiyeye mab thee ey hetid os face loch dasa tains Borde of water botri ye ab thy lamp limp a lock gholl a mosquito coil magas kosh ey soap stbun Salt wiles (paper) (Kighaz) cwvalet rowel hole aie (cold/hot) water ab (sard/garm) (¢S/am) ol osbel/aLs: Sa GS abe aa RENTING Do you have any rooms wren? ctaghi bartye eelye din? roses iie your od kek Seomtoan ima dc oscar lo) tun bari keriye yeotigh umadam (ari ga)-L5 lt ls there anything cheaper? hig € arma ham hast? So 5 OI) a Can Tsee ie rmishe un o bebinam? Seay b ola Tm looking for [man] donbale S153 ale dhs (6a) something close jayi nardik eee tothe be beach ate city centre ss es AROUND TOWN LOOKING FOR... seg noes ‘Whee’ the ..? Seas bank st ‘nema pee consulate oS denis embasy ii hotel sa market Bh police | polis out post office edie ye post el public telephone telefon e umumi ee oat public wilee ee tourist information stile ob office town square meydun ¢ shah set he ATTHE BANK Sk a Money can be exchanged atthe main branches of most banks, but you might have to waitin a long queue, Can use my creditcard to withdraw mon fa aes are see nL ahs beets, oN aa potest Sere Can Texchange money here? [man] miganam pul am eae ple oe (oe) inja tabdil ona? es dasa, (Can Ihave smaller noes? mishe eskenise kuchik var FB AS et be man bedin? ats “The automatic tlee machine (ATM) svallowed my card aber bank ldrce man okhord —— aygé lye oy! Sil le vant to [man] mikbim change tabdil konam cath pul a cheque ye chek. acravellers cheque _ ye chek.e mosaferati ‘Wha sime docs the bank open? bank key baz mishe? ‘Where can I cash a travellers cheque? man] koji mieunam ye chek e rmosaferati naghd konam? ‘What’ the exchange eate? nerkh ¢arz chand e? How many Tomans pet (oll)? ‘hand toman bariye har (dolar? ‘What’ your commission? omisiyon e shoma cheghadr et Please write it down, lotfan un o benevsin (Can I teansfer money here from my bank? {man] mitunam az bank e hod am be inj pul enteghal bedam? (Can I transfer money from overseas? {man} mieunam be Khare} pl enteghal bedam? How long will ie ake to arrive? cheghadr cul mikeshe ta berese? Has my money arrived yer? ppul e man hanuz nareside? Where do I sign? {man} koji 10 ema konam? fat US Oh Spee GS (cH) Sab ale sole ES she OS shy ya Sead ily Ld Gotan sesh oI Gd SUI Bs ye (Gs) dy bal pass Sets eI PS (ce) Ses dle SS oe Us ty Sao oan Sahe Se di pS baal AS (G4) cash ‘athier cheque cred card exchange rte identification foreign curtency money purchase fale signature bic e shenssyi arze kart ies pal dy | Khacid a | furush oa emai tat hl Et g exreance an cow for NO ENTRY NO SMOKING CLOSED (OPEN. PROHIBITED TOILET 7A the Fost fico] AT THE POST OFFICE cay fal 5a Expect a delay in sending ot receiving mail or parcels sent by ordinary mail, The safes option is to send mail ~ especially documents ~by registered, express mail se Se cee ee els) Reet cote cams stamp tambr aaa Twant to send a ieee) sae Se lsd ye (Gs), ee, aia oe ete = PEOPLE YOU SEE ms ie aie falbin furushande ye doregard Please send itby...._ lotfin un 0 ba. uy orl beferestin 2 ced express mail post ¢capres egaee regnmed mil postescfimahi | Su oat fice ll ene ‘Gad How much does i ost ro send this to .2 hhazine ye ferestadan ¢ in be... cheghadr mishe? Td lke an air mail seamp to (the US) [man] ye tambr e havayi a as bariye (Emrika) miki oe AOE et) abe How many Tomans send thisto (Ausalia? ‘Grand toman bariye ferestidan lad gly las ag, tin be (oserliya)? ‘(ula ol sir mail post e havayi aay envelope pale ot taal box fandoth port ae ace ate cu a kode ou | poncode od e post iin TELECOMMUNICATIONS: ol ylae Cotes uc a Seg a ertefade konam? wane al ae man] mika be. oe ebdale) 2 sang beranam oe g “The umbe “a 3 How much docs a (chree)-minure eal cost? ‘se) daghighe telefon cab zs (4) cheghadr mishe? Sissel T want to make a long-distance call to (Aus) {tmanl mulcham be (ostialiya) peel) telefon bekonam pois (sa) Tlie wo make a revere chs (colee) all 0. {man} mikham ye telefon it Ss pale (G4) cua’ Radiat aah dare aa st cd pardakh beshe dod olin V7 Telecommunicions Decor niccions 77 ‘What’ the area code for. 2 Please ell her fale ood etlefone chand ? foul ig gab as Tocfan bees bei man ies g wll Iesengsged sigan ee mashghul€ cu douae | Tal back ater Trepenened teden nang mizanam ue Sil telefon e man ghat shod a (A oe oat Internet cueghad dried eased (Glee) magic jd ye syah) (she) sae exrcrestiais — mavariortabie cuit hous ih fib ct dea © “alleg! behar mag Ss Saha maces mo'eett telepathy ‘clea UPO. boshghab parande Bears SOCIAL ISSUES POLITICS cols Derase of vatiout Middle Ease confic and Ira anigoe sian in the region, many people ae intersted in allng about poise. tn es poiac is ewe of the main thenca of thine ia tye oat popl wil be lncetl yor Although local politic ie a hot topic, ro he on the sae side is ese to avoid the subject, particularly sensitive and Did you hear the news about .2 [choma] alehbae © marbut shops sl (at) be. 10 shenidin? Sab yn ‘What do you think ofthe cueren/new government? shoma] dar mored e dolat sty ge ys (8) jadi chi feke mikonine sas Si te agree with their [man] ba siyisate i cuslue (Se) policy on tuna darmored © “pile agseye movafegham deus mavidde mokhadder jai dye education muzesh Bed internacional affairs masi’el eheynolmelali il aga military service nezim vazife stay lis privatisation Kehususi ea ile gonad social welfire rela eejtemayi alah, the economy eghtcsBd shes the environment mohit exist oie candidates speech sokhanran ye kandid corupt fased ounting of vores shomaresh ed demociay domokits demonstration tazahorirahpeymayi elections entekhabat rational nll clectorate hoz ye entechabi Sxplotaion __cxcsmiePbalrekeshi legislation phénun gorar parliament Inajes li iyseae pulls atk president ssc jamhuri Prime minister nakhost vazir racism ech parasti ally Bp off chinelis sek eestb term of office dove tunemployment —bikari vote ny Preeti ‘only used with very close ends, family members end children, ENVIRONMENT Pollution isa big problem in Tran, especially in Tehran, which has a population of more than 10 million and thousands of old vehicles. On the other hand, uc ares and the countryside are Unpoluted and full of natural beauty. Does (Iran) have a pollution problem? (isn) moshkel ¢aludegi Bish Ke (sto) eerie Tae ‘Arethere any inj. eefizat bia protected. here? shode hast? Wao parks pik Se fee Fangal species uncha Where da you maze’ e shoma dar a tmored ev. chi yez pelluion adel Eefoeacion ——_jangal vit clear testing” © erniyeh «haba antinuclear group guruh ezedd ehasteyi gl Gu 5 er lee iol ite thai disposable dor andahrani sald si drought Mosh wed ecosystem chose ee al endangered species guacht webas falena a ee indus pollion —aludeg ye sana Gao Sit pare ina lt fuckarenergy _enererhiyehasteyi gl aaa 3g tone layer liye ye can Sey pesticides rmavidd ehashare kosh iS eg ye Teoydable thabele tbdil seu reveling faba ab resenoit ian : tonic wate bile tnd nds swaresupply mane «abi ak sanssi 1vi00s. SOCIAL ISSUES else! Sil How do people fel about .? ‘mardom dar mored ¢ . che toe ee chsisi darand? Saks gel! ‘What do you think about ..? {shoma] dar morede sage 3 (Lad) che feke mikonint was eS Tm in favour of.» {man] erafiar€ am pat ab (ge) Tm against. [man] mokhaleF eam (at ~ ibe (3) abortion seghte janin animal rights hemayat azheyvinat — SUln= immigration mohijerat party poles siyisatehexbi os ole racism nechidparast Fag oe maliyit unions ctichadiyeha TOUGH DEALS Iran is one of the most active countries in fighting against drug use, and you won't eee drugs being used in public places. The smallest cmount of hashish can earry @ minimum Sicmonth jail sentence. In lean oll drugs are illegal and penalties for drug dealing are tough This drug is for medical use. in dérv boraye ala sib ol masraf e tebbi ye Es SHOPPING ‘Traditional market bazaars are still the main place to shop in Iran, The bazaar in each ci products and crafs, There is the best place to find local aso a lot of modern shopping ‘centres and stores which can be found in the city centre LOOKING FOR... Where ean Ibuy..? [man] koja mitunam bela Where’ the asdicaria nearest? tojase barber eayeshgth toakhop ben Beh camera shop dlubin Furushi chemist (pharmacy) diruldhune dlothing store lebasfurushi diy deaner dot sy general store furushgih tharkee banae nvewnagency ruznme Faruch opeea ynak farush ioe hop teh fru Souvenir shop kilo furush satoners aeveshe afer farushi travel agency hint e mosifeat at Files cl ‘ONIddOHS 12 Mckingc Purchase | ‘SHOPPING MAKING A PURCHASE os S ad ‘Most shops don't have refund or exchange policies. Ifin doubs, be sure to ak before making a purchase. How much? che ghads? ee Tihbs; {iman] un o mikharam pAb (o) Ta like to buy ese Ie Gaal irs Dezeuher oes? oe bekharam yoma} chizha ye dige Ses clase (Led) hham divin? Sil pt 1 dont ike it Tran] az un khosh am nem Can Took ati ‘nish neyah esh onam? 1m js looking [rman] faghat negth mikonam Can you wete down the price? {sitomal micanin gheymat ot csho benevsint Do you acepe ced cade? {ahora kare ee tei Het eto) SSS aste (Sg i (0) Us (es) galled eu15 (Lt) ghabul mikonin? SiS oo ak Please wrap it Totfan baste bandish konin Sa i egsip ay Li Can Ihave a receipt [shomé] mishe ye resid ‘he man bedin? Does it have 2 guarantee? in garanti dare? ‘Can Ihave it sent overseas! [shoma] mishe un o baray fam be kharej beferestin? Ta like to reeurn this. [man] mikham in o pas bedam — pass cul cul palsd y* (34) Sita go (2) Ssh ALS os! ele ae (Les) sits Tlike my money back. [shoma] mishe pul amo Saasy uly play at (a2) ae i ane ae vac gies ssa) REIN enno When asking 2 question in Persian, the ‘sno need to change the word order of a sentence, Just raise the intonation towards he end ofthe sentence, BARGAINING 35 Gly Bargaining is standacd practice in most shops and stalls except supermarkets, department stores and food markets. Usually there are no price tgs, but even ifyou see them you cn still bargain I think ies too expensive {man} fer mikonam un ae 1 price is very hi ‘heymat sh Kheyl bala st Can you lower the price? ‘mishe gheymat esh © kamtar konin? Do you have something cheap? eo asa) cud Yh yl ond Blend a gs was asl, Ia a (Lat) Says ps I doit have much money. [man] pul e ziyadi nadsram peel) 8 se Ernie, away. os woe i shoma ram esscntil Grocers ‘No more than (2500) Toman. bishtar az (do hezar o punsad) roman nemishe Give me be man bedin ‘kilogram ye kilo ale ye lite half ye nesfe ESSENTIAL GROCERIES Where can find ..2 [man] koja micunam peydi konam? Td like (a). Iman} .. mikthim batterie basi bread un butter kare cheese panier ‘chocolate shokolie ees tokhm e morgh flour ard gas cylinder keapsul e giz honey. asl smargatine margisin matches eebrit milk shie sale namak shampoo shimpst soap sibun sugar shekar toilet paper Ieighar euvalee toothpaste Ikhamie dandun swathing powder pude clebis shuyi yogurt mast (10>) 31 at J Shs es HS aoe sb Jsd pSll 1S ue FS (cn) Sp ly paled go — (G+) eh 38 “s SOUVENIRS basher sabad brasware vasiyel be cane warelfurieure Wobeman crafs "eda feerwork ‘monabbat Kiri handicrafe sanaye'e dati jewelery javaherie miniature sminiyivor paintings naghghishi posters, punter poxtery ative sofa rug cuped farsh vasiyel e noghreyi SEER T Hy yor maa boca er" AN i ts Mapa deity one” "ne Schon Neue ou ik merce te isch) PE a CLOTHING boots putin/chakme cchuddar chidor clothes lebas ‘oat palto coat ong wor by sae dress pirthan ¢ zanane jacket cot Jeans jin jumper (sweater) oliver pants shalvar pantyhose jurab shalvach raincoat baruni scarf sari shire pirhan shoes kafoh socks jurab scockings jrdb e zanine swimsuit myo umbrella hate This tishert underwear lebas zie Can Tery ton? [man] micunam emeahan eth bekonam? My sae is siyzeman.e Ie doesn fi. andize nist Iest00 keheyli..e big bozorg small Jeuchik shore Jeutah long boland ight rang loose ‘goshad sols ee Silghd hase wt le a 5 Sloe oe a ete Boll pS SLL he (O) ‘MATERIALS shss handmade leather metal ofborass of gold ofslver plastic sill stainless stcel synthetic ‘wool ‘wood COLOURS dock lighe Black blue browa green Evy range pink purple red shite yellow shishe dast saz charm felezi bere wal noghreyi pelastiki abrishami isl roshan siyah abi hahveyi sabz Ikhakestari the re ae el oniadons Ss ooo TOILETRIES STATIONERY & PUBLICATIONS etshave afiersh a ioe Isthere an English-language bookshop here? ‘condom kindom Linja ketab Fara eolim satan oes (inl ae : deodorant tedd earagh seus Senate higageasl eae baad ies oy heemat eke ye iS moistursee rem ¢ marub woh Jngibi laird feats nl konande St Do you have the latest novel by? pregnancy tesc kit kit e Szemiyesh e bs Tos yee edadin omen oes cual (Us) ee Do you have a copy of ..2 aa mor fish carlsh [phoeal| keusb 29 dizi aga = 6 (Let) favor blade ‘igh Testes treet rien sanitary napkins Persian book avallable in English? shampoo fehoma) mitunin ye ket al i 6 ails ye (Lt) ‘having cream fra ye khub pishnahad oe a oe ‘ap lonin le be ingilisi ham bl aa top ol | scissors sheyehi as tarjome shode bishe? ore sunblock Kerem ezedi esha ST'¢.$ Ie his author wanted into English? tampon ‘impon co etaba ye in nevisande be sans la ot tissues dastoal kighasi ts Jes ingilistarjome shode? Soak alg toothbrush mmesvik “Sloe Pane FOR THE BABY hs le + chador baby food ghazk ye bachche ee {it ten cn alkencompassng,headtore block covering baby powder” padre bachche a ‘wom by mod! raion women = ae vs eas cated iorantients iplieed d Aisposable nappies pushake yebar nae AS Soe it: mode! dros] he ganaral erm forthe type of hess o Eka ose rege yaw ones othe a en jummny (pucfe) pest ity mano Be Auney (eet) pashan suk ‘the most common form of dress for middle, and upper, feeding bore thishe sic wee ie noe nee fe A on leas Fenian worsen The mark ic sor Gf ogg Bs P fe trenchcoot, wor below the knee and butened fo tho nappy rash cream Kerem zedde | te2 uSthow a neck They're normally ofa dark, plain ealour, worn with sukhegi ye bachche trousers underneath, powdered milk shir ldhoshc Sah et Bz maou SHOPPING Do you sell? [shoma) sats oe (Ut) magazines ales newspapers wy posteals Ustad Aictionares 038/633 fahang eloghat English-language ruzoume inglish gh nl) 535 Tewepapers aban cemvelopes palat Sy paper Kaghar ais pens (ballpoint) Khodkar ce camps tambr a maps aaghshe ye en cy ‘shake ok onal rmantagheyi ods mel jadde ee music Tm looking fora (raditional music) CD. Tran] donbal ye sidiye Gs oo (6 (mosighi ye asil) mi ‘Do you have any (Shajary [shoma] naviri az (shajariyan) Bue (eal sie (shone) toate (Let) dicin? tals “Who's the bese singer? behtarin khdnande ki ye? toanyeihe oon What's hisfher best recording? bbehtarin navar ¢ wn kudum e2 ‘What music do you recommend 10 take back co (the US? [ehoma] che navar e musighi Soul (lS a sone esse J (ad) bariye bordan be (imrika) (cohenved pishnehid mikoniné Sa lea oo Tike the CD of a singer called [man] sii ye khinandeyi be GI ASBL st e (Ge) mee reuse eee ‘Can I listen to this CD here? dine es {man] mitunam in sidi ro - 195 es (G4) fe cpt ghaen pS 8 lly gs Do youhave his (shoma .yein ty ola (U8) alg cata? &® Be I sathe ae Tneed [man]... mika pasa spe (Se) cree eee tan fs yea helene (ute ae batteries batri abl PHOTOGRAPHY (Ke How much is it to process this film? aah etre fein Joa choghade Khar dace? can ‘When wl i be rexdy? (un) hey hizer mishe? Tike film for this camera man] ye film bariye in dlurbin milham (Can you put the film in, please? lotian mituain film o ws ye durbin besisin? Do you have one-hour processing? Sap ole 5 (al) 1 aa als Gas Sah it ot 1 pl aa (La) $5GS pals Gal Td like to have some passport photos taken [man] milcham chand 1 Bg pated a (5) aks e pasport begiram Ce tool Se ‘SNIddOHS This film is jammed, in film jam shode ‘This camera doesnt work in ducbin lr nemileone (Can you repair {shoma] mitunin un o ta'mir sa ce ald oa BS IS cess cl ua hs ae (Lat) konin? we baeery bate eat BAW film Filme sith osefid an soa aa camera durbin datas colour fila film e rangi Soe film film eS flash (bulb) felish ae lens lene # Tighe mecce sursagj cess slide cslayd ae videotape navat e vidio eta ls SMOKING obslas Appackee of cigarettes, please otfan ye baste sgie bedin Are these Cigarettes strong oF mil? in sig ghavi hastan ya molayem? Do you have a lighter/matches? (shoma] fandaldkebrie dasin? Do you mind i'l smoke? shal nadare (man sigar bekeshan Please dont smoke lotfan sigir nakeshin? Would youlikes cigarete? HOPPING shown dg ikhiyin? Quits mishe ye sigir be man bedin? a ebay No Gy Spe Laas st A Sul als oa S/S.k (Lad) fe Se (Se) ls Ue 8S 9 is Szabadi (Ld) Sates ne Sao Tm tying to give up. La SAS nan] sa'y mikonam tark konarm pS 652g sy a (Se) igaretics ‘igaretee papers filtered lighter matches pipe tobacco sight leighan © sigar filterdae A onwsoHs 24 Sizes comperions SIZES & COMPARISONS — Lt Guulie 5 La 0 5/at also am ui big bozorg sy enough afi it heavy sangin a lighe sabok litle (amount) kam - alliede bie yekami ea many kheyli a more siyad ene small leachike as too much/many key ziyad agus phe FOOD In Ian, lunch and dinner are the principal meals. Different provinces have their own specialities, but across Ian, bread, rice and meat form the basis af most meals. Serving, alcohol is illegal in Iran, fastfood isn't common, and you wort Find pork because of religious prohibition, breakfast i : lee lanch shu dinner shim it supper asrune ‘iia BREAKFAST dilaue Breakfast usually consists of cheese, butter, bread, jam, milk, hhoney, tea and cream, and sometimes serambled eggs, Iranians prefer their bread homemade and hot. iapackomere id ‘Many bakeries speciclse in certain kinds of broad, euch ax borberi isp ond sally, wth © glazed and finely laticed crust bai tread lovdsh fll ond very thin, folded tie into o square songak ily, ovalshoped break baked ona bed of sones 2S Vagctoricn & Spocil Mocls | VEGETARIAN & elsiies gl ‘SPECIAL MEALS uae Although meat isthe main ingredient of most meals in Iran, it is possible to find meals made only with vegetables. In Iran, vegetarianism is unusual, so you should explain what you can and cant ea. Yo a vegetarian, (il mbar oo ot Sake (04 T dont ea mea {enan] gute neikhoram sab et 28S (04) I dont eat chicken o fish, : {oman] morgh yi mihi wth bon (oe) remithorat oot Teant eat dairy products, man] nemitanam labaniyyat oll LF ot (64) bekhoram poke Do you have any vegetarian dishes? [shoma] az ghazahaye malthsus e sbazithira darin? Does this dish hawe meat? in ghaza gushe dice? (Can I ge this without meat? ‘mishe bedune gusht e in © be man bedin Does it contain eggs? [un] tokkim ¢ morgh dive? Ym allergic ro (peanuts). {man} be (badum zamini) npn glu (Lat) Sits ater Suse 6k od agi Sate ee suse bo p83 (00) (03 ib) @ (64) hhassisiyat dram fold Caen Is this organic? in bri Sena ral ol without mest edn e gushe oS aoe meatless dish ghazayebedune — shS au git gushe EATING OUT oe Tran has a varety of places co cat out. They ange fom traditional restaurants where roasted lamb with rice is the main dish, tea houses serving snacks and light meals, to modern restaurants with westernstyle feed on the menu. Sandwiches, burgers and plazas ae also readily avaiable, pias place piteayi tea hou ghahve khune traditional restaurant chelo kababi Table for (Give), plese imi bariye (panj nafar) lotfan ‘Can we se the menu? ‘mishe [mal] list e ghazi ro ona (Laat ; Spas (ae ey) alse Ho la (ca) Is servis included in the bP ite surat hesab shame! e servis ham mishe? Does the meal come with salad? intharsilad ham dive? ‘What’ the soup of the day? sup cemrut chi ye ‘What do you recommend? {shoma] chi pishnahad mikonin? tee se GE) RT Nags cua Sa dene) | Seng heb pee too Behera ousans | bane pwet sais | “Tohminm) 9 lee heme 2 fetotow Ghogtonien’ wea |" Cecin S04 | smepmar derbirton cy |fothnge in te te ta Ss | crane apes Smale eats Breage Se in fous darharton eth | buy teh re a ncaa [Pig meh “opener crowded), candle sho" 8 | nn ¥ wh a ec acne beet om te ime ei S2E, ie ae 7 to chot up haop hl coches! Cheat tagholbt focheck checkin (dest) Chelona ih ma checkpoat Cheon theition nome ‘heh flea ‘popes ports ‘eur ‘Step gop radon say alle orn sibs taghelob = enrol» eat hoklerdon ise petra cha ches total ye Beet aul oe * tone “ea sharon) ke satheye “ke thresh gk adie au ie oe Bockeho = sorighebot iy czbochche yd Bocheheh Se thot ice feiabhab sos) Kerdon Sed Kighor Saas siger Ser me sent ae a a Mien on shoe ee bos coe modaze x2 the eight hughighe 3a alee oe abaghe ~ Sawicalod fonare Sekt ae tel conical featre aah tears Sonne leon tos je Sleonhotel ote amir a Sleoing next a fetta’ aes ait ‘okive he fodinb —balbvohon cyte ook aba & oaticon foliton oy Sod Wetedvts we tecose ——baston e coved bast rm thing labs a ong sore obs furs tna oe Sod abe a ody Sh “ own dalghok s atch cor) el oo ‘zach rane) orebbi a oa ha pe oe pale = cake ekein exetoel fe thurs a nae cockooch sk ee on ‘alte of co ems at Tordest ‘old od) sod oa Weald (ova) sand © ine lehoveacld sams oink thordon cokiwolet abeserd aed fsleegi= hamkar oe colege ale oe colo © ‘sks te} rng s oo. Soe a foome radon a comedy Kom a confeble ‘ah = comer Narr ea Smart lowers ans conponion om pay conpery” irr 2 compen! ghobroni at Gomme bao oe ome Rinptet watt See eee ae Coauion viel Se teligows lectin leyyd out isboolng) Kardon Congres nebsrekel ae comaretie moh e ‘tor tebe pont dahain conapond Soden clon ut oe a sable come tonmigal afdnst Sodom zeta « Sta Kencilene ass aoe ogi Sleuth copton Beda Sauk come” arid = epee Hanh wi cmos gene US Seat oe ook = comer ae corm 2 fees ther donor sates How much dose cot to go! 2 choghodr Kho drat Toca ay Dts ENGLISH — PERSIAN cose ao hey Kh course eae coupon cou legal co oats aly ‘99 val ‘trot soa eat cord ae (aa) oe Troma (eigiouel, (era ecidile e cupboard sts tom ee coyeng geht doe cae tun os keshvar os yooh oe toc a thowerden Siac pails oe hun a dgah a rayon ee ee = fonsye'e nse aa saber ~ cre he ene tes kane aswel bi jak Soe ssl i boghal as Fenn ob gholoeye eae febes regahbon aly mmotel lh ome 6 Borden pa docharthe wim dae soveiberdon dochorthe gm nas tert ochanthe Joetinee exer to oy Dy D 4 tte % fae ons call ete oa Ree tees et an ee ot fees ieee Ta Fs A ete case les 2 ae iets aan er ie ace Bs tie wes ‘emny San oe eee es a eet oma, ane eer es Poy foe nated peas ee tees a a Khden eaters es Pei ran oe eae ieee. nue 7 seed pode one sede th on = ot cor re came ame ais et sees ic eet we a ae owe {shrescon degive dsby elentenen dein ena fo day ‘eodoront ‘edaper leorel eporinest eparie oe doing oon In home) ‘ena Sine hy “ jereal an rodiyh derae tt ean a hiro bie kage far as heen ge tie denobil gages finee. “Gaus ‘Bhpermsyi “a eg | ee endian poset Enksrkordan ous J edd erogh sno foktordon cakes seni daa Ferakot ais sid sna Jig iiyabun oe ‘oth mothed ce Hore ~ usin terdon Syabes oie coha Je Sohore itt dae Hoterat fetiterord spats ikshener «+ gate ferhorge | esa loghor worden oe rratfovet as mosh! a ee ghozskhon San ES mmowoghin pie firecor odie iy kes ‘dncbled —riovan + a teadvontogs mshvuniyat Second ith tedcower Kasi kerdon ‘iceman tb cee tea ‘arbor tt Honande ing ghowas hing ve Saupment phoviee day Bt todo Kardon Wa er you ding? 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Em | gerlenah o 5 | timwood asa se ‘et Soi tha SS oe ie it sey elke NS ae ue, | iisalle \prkeyss ml creer ci | wanes ditoden of see Gralla “West sep cchowe” rathear aes onaine {otlee) — Kirmond aus | Bee con fe nahi tego #8 | Gechde tow gait pe Trop Taina gauss eke uae ation eth a | benno ei tier zs NSE [ey wpe ye Shor yin oy ’ai | ee me ee: cvs | felon a os tro iiolr “S fs | Seba we |e al < gurekaye eS | oman neshundéden caocis | SEUY fee ot a sail dorhale “win J | SRbiion — pamdyethghth ssi terdan shore sabes a i eit | tgs Gatse sts | tp = cece ol (oe. et Oe | te eae rac cphhee Cactinin cae, ee | Rt = on Seal Be coer Eas F 2 | ome = | ee eo = sete | eimasnat potesat cg | feat tres saute | Roverelor Selionah uae =| oo os | eaten ce me | kspres ost fever S| Wstogoy |azz0t bord oo ate ~~ ow : kom | (hava) mehdhd © eel ashen (ts) Pep cleat a feat eben te ; ; leflow derby A Bee esky ile | F sil | ker tig ae a ee fel bs las ieee : a Er foot vindstodon sta: | fctry fake Ore elie, taet a Wieton” sae [eae Mier ou ig eee ri sttehng sons” Sef | woe Sic woe wef” a vad [eee lina pip polos fend ot | ee mvlope paler <4 | family Ehanewdde oxphe “124 | ooh rod epa es Soares at ee eee sage otha coer oe Titer maa = st me 2 prin ts el = eee secs fee eee mb ce oe fee Dechy mah Fond) Cpt ‘Sioow Seow ous ink equality be sats | fantnochinehuler as amet ea ee ian ee caet ewe, eh prensa | tom . vit eerie tin inoves fi “| ect fete orden Exropeon upd ce) | fase a mein ee res vary [a «aa Sorter ferme one [fom ee | dept “sty | foe cbont «oni a oa Sliema faa Eee. 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Soak a2 er Gea ri fect Gara os rote Sere atte baba eo sngin ase Helo ‘alan rs Flo omwoing wlophon) ao , helmet bloke inant a Heb kok! “ Yohap — honok pa foam he momgh be Neos Nae ate hee gyahe oll sara fhets Bae ae ean eee ee ed Wok aond = bala we WNghbood Faharelhun ova Pros bal * Giiesl aeteeteae he fobike pide revi sake Econ fing pero lg Wing boos pone gy siya ne king roves mosh ye ase pyedere Gacy at fos 2 Winds he = tohie i en) Teepe tardon soso iy pocive dia ye ayée able fey we ion Sue Reels ate fomoveial honjibés shines ony ova = eroymoon tndhe sel dense teow att e Remble ehibomak stag fovea = fore riding orb soci wae ad oop! Bindroia “Soy fer gm oe thovdl come si Yobebet garmbudon ane helwoler Sbegorm es fear” tao = fewmowork Hirekune ie ee air ae How do gat Iron] chetor be beam “yaa she on How do you say # Ghctelgh st Cie aly foo bend ie Nn is bepghe vase oo chindod sad s teary gore an ik [aes beakeed soba a ! “a \ mon e ie a 5 (en Glogs saya ‘osiselon iescsam boxer = iSeatecton hv! ae idstieoten ne a eel dor ohmogh ~ ‘ coor 3 i Se Ser Tinse x innigton tebe! ants aor hee = Wstmponan ihr ®t Teter sie dion Sales cat dori ane lobe Adeabudon Sy it comet maiyelter” pa Gormod “Ly Income gyre ehibl tu a ‘ene Sim ticoter Taino ENGLISH — PERSIAN a ee Pay” Soe re aiid “eae ee erie acres Seton ah a woe dala & Sees 2 facaee Dae ss fakin cant oe, Peis temo Bee = btemaion vege * make sc. inemosonl beyncimlal ie se ee ae tow” fd = = ne Sie Bere ere hee ior ae =o J ick rca ik ue eae i Bo! cata oe oc ae ue wae as ES os fe" ie . fee = ees: eta eae ptr erie. wis eee [Pee eee Waa ini ie ual aseton vassye ppelay asec dyad tery aoe fic lie wren pee Gib, soar terdon fain omine 8 a, ogo founey mortar ala, edge ie mee to mp dine bstee K labo shop ey eyboord we Bek foged Beko hero's sega rostbeghe ideay —_ Kolye fd fete logan logeran as Hore let a And erste “Shae ndee — Redakaiin gah er tr bee Ws ffl mach tok bedon s+ sa ImBch kardon Sug leche Bbposkbune “Cass leten—bociche gore sty Inopiock Kulepeat at ree xine a ele high a roknow Tromeore) shecdbhion ue [someting Soesan ey | donthaom ecleteeian eu sigh p bs where Ingaluaton ghtron 88) gauss ase" genie ace on eR ret cars Weban femmes Soran eames ‘ee & We her ed TSrhbet ne acho oy basis ice reer eh Sra aston” ah te fetes eae Wa) Sor toi weak ie light [ec sabok ~ ot ee ion) Wie hon a acetone = fine rerid ge a ena a Se rege ca Z a pobledin ae ae foe cat want wees 4 “s ra & Fetierdon sas ENGLISH — PERSIAN feppasc rmiton (Se) is =e os os SE | tem aS eeiets SSG Teitekte nor (Sgdaoes alessbon Ss | SO” po a Doe” oe eee Se one wet Settee enh = ce set Sepa Cae ‘moraghebotkarden auton | MARQUEE meydun eos hele were So Sa jostoju kordan WS ante aan AF foot echoes earn es el Be ee, 8 | ae ae ee es Se oT - Sea aees i |e Sa = eter gee |e ae lover bazande ‘esity | (pol) kargor St ee era ie ae roy balers ae a Se te i ait oe q es "22h | mini troghsbe be man neshon Biingiden sinase | PSA lover ‘mo’ shughe | Byte je Baa =e | ak nas Friood ihn an Jt | ogee Spain ait Sse eke wer sa SES oer ce oe lee te i> Baie aks sooo be =| ee | i Sar is tens een” ule a ee prea Se (Visor int M | i nad Meany matte one | BASE meee et sett |e ake = = |e oe as i a Gees | teehee arene an cep et = Trwon pried lag Py = Sethe) Bes rae o = smidright — ay ere ae aes a i Sor mer ae ae ei one " ter wotr Sb ma'dani el minis yedaghighe “ais. ‘hs a inte ys daghighe sob borin nn its a dor (pan) daghighe saucy) mir ane et Imicarigge ght = fons fee dellong gat sus ‘obsnce) shodon rita stiabth » +s hots erg Yom moth ges ae ) eae tomic(el) ghakardan 5 ih rreble Wlfone Salna ae Phone Ramrth » abit de rredam modem ne rovsasee bere norm oe rele rmenadery some'e tan Hidneghsh ae Monday Sothonbe ys rnonay be mech a monkey (Ss ren i ‘Remon sod rrenumest ae rove bitte ae ering sab = (am pa). iene Noa ~ rrolter mdr ei ‘atherilawe (husband) der shshar saps le (wes) adler sony ae rmoerboot ghayegh” wasn moore ator! i ae Potorwoy Unb a ano) soul ob ss ‘rounal but ponshash ty ‘rowan marelsh ee rn moun resbaloh ogc, rong smoinbin vhnovordi — aassase ne owe much oe rreuh chon eet rome hin oe mod gel a Mor ce Mash N reppy ‘aol pk ratory snewsogeney newspaper Engh langvoge newspaper New Years Bay, New Yor's New “asd ENGLISH — PERSIAN =a = Soe ot Siam doe Garvan gta ol = sy ee ie cet a = Satie a = os Dien oe cee oe genenbood “akg fezam désiton att Ties ae Wh veoh ois fixes add as shir “ia femme sya chin fo famimehd ye Sis faa nredlers sJeon thobestle gue fads riko ialindere sa bod bed gute Seyende aad (ae ae See aw Soa ees See Sor ides oc ‘hub: ae ee ae < en = : Bo pare ec od ee om Won oat ons Sees sas |enne woes ye | cok ak “2, | pononaty shot Ss ryun ‘pues iepat — potedon susy | fepenpee monhlordon Soe mn fe] rem a fee £54 | pace Stn aus Benhave aut | ovr oe | fr" Gina | pot ona oe cork SE | omy atm Se | pharmacy, Brome Sorry aes | ome SS | bey he se | Gewbcn delat elgei ues simone” “12 | cron meets ude ‘psi Fhonebon bejeyetelton Sey see’ ae wor per jevice br seejyn | pomerd Kar etn og moot AS |toone — gheredoion gauag | penger moxar “A | pha ote = ve galt | ome thus U2 [fae geretrat tat | Gan (Moyl laa pat toes ie |e ae se Panpot goremame “cL | ithe yo ks bogrem? ate ace : se cates foghat ts | o80ne yer lByeye orton atu posipor’ — shomdre ye jae a eat |p somos “ chorion ast pos geroe =o _ iy te | pair pwitmak | ca er = = ie one | eel p Se ee eee ba) “ eat picoge) bute = rena ee ae Scar seg) | pada tes e begescea calide mae | Poses —s 2, Sore SS gethcet IE | adock hee zeni et oe = ik ree eh ae | ees ee S| Rea ei aes z | a sc ik | amet mada wt a tes Af) ae Se va fue fami: | few tae ay nice ed | the neck es ‘penis. Blot (dei)

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