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Duty to Comply psychology Subjects

class 1B

Dr. . Sudjiwanati SH , M. Pd
by :
Silvia Dewi ( 13.1.111 )



Praise the presence of God who has given His grace and hidayat me . With the
grace and guidance of His psychology paper " influence attitudes toward consumerism
behavior " can be resolved with proper waktu. Makalah I created to fulfill the duties of a
psychology class .
Our thanks to all those who have helped in terms of materials and advice , and made
with all inputs and shortcomings that have been helpful in all input and shortcomings
that have been given to me so that this paper can be completed .
I look forward to all parties with all the criticisms and constructive suggestions , I
really look forward to in the future even enhance this bias , because there are still many
shortcomings .

1.1 Background
In the consumer know we need to study consumer behavior as the embodiment of
all the activities of the human soul sendiri.Suatu method is defined as a representative
of that in sederhanakan.Model realitias dafat consumer behavior is defined as a sekema
or in simplified framework for describing aktiviras - aktiviras consumers . models of
consumer behavior can also be interpreted as a framework or a representing what is in
convincing consumers in making purchasing decisions .
The factors that influence consumer behavior namely : social forces, culture consists
of cultural factors , social level , klompok fad (small referebce grups ) and family.
Whereas pisikologis force consists of learning experiences , personality , attitude and
purpose and function keyakinan.Sedangkan capital and consumer behavior makes it
very useful in studying what you already know
about consumer behavior .
Analyzing consumer behavior will be more profound and successful if we can
understand what aspects of human pisikologis overall . Ability to analyze consumer
behavior means success in the consumer psyche greet to meet their needs . Thus the
entrepreneur also means success , marketing experts , leaders , and store clerk in
marketing a product that brings satisfaction to the consumer and personal self

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1 . What is the purpose of the consumer behavior ?
2 . Right thinking about the consumer ?
3 . Consumer research as a dynamic field ?
1.3 Tujuan discussion
1 . To find out what is the purpose of the consumer
2 . Knowing Right thinking about consumer
3 . Knowing consumer research as a dynamic field

2.1Pengertian Consumer Behavior
Consumption and Consumer Behavior In Microeconomics is a consumer activity
consumer is a person or group that conducted a series of consumer goods or consumer
jasa.Pengertian about a person or something that requires , using and utilizing the
goods or have habits and regular jasa.Konsumen tikah different behavior . In contrast to
the village customs in the city , the amount of revenue their tergantug . Consumer is a
person who consumes a good or service . So it depends on one's consumption : income
, education, habits and needs . The pengetrian consumer behavior , the behavior of
consumers , where they can illustrate to buy , use , and evaluate and improve a
depressing memoerbaiki peroduk and their services .
2.1.1 The theory according to some figures
1 James F Engel Consumer Behavior in a follow - defined individual action
directly terlibata in an attempt to obtain and use economic goods including
services that mendahuli kepustusan making process and determine the action
action ( 1988:8 )
2 Gerald Zaltman Consumer behavior is the actions , processes and social
relations will be undertaken by individuals , groups and organizations and
obtain , use or other product as a result of a depressing experience with the
products , services and dumber - other sources . ( 1979:6 )

3 Gerald Zaltman Consumer behavior is the actions , processes and social

relations will be undertaken by individuals , groups and organizations and
obtain , use or other product as a result of a depressing experience with the
products , services and dumber - other sources . ( 1979:6 )
Of some of the above definition , it can pull in a conclusion that consumer
behavior is the actions performed by individum , groups , or organizations
involved in the decision-making process in mendapakan , use of goods or
services that an early slow start dafat influenced environments .

2.1.2 Factors influencing consumer behavior :

A. cultural factors
Culture , sub - culture , and social class are very important for determining
the behavior of a desire pembelian.Budaya and forming the most basic behaviors
. Children who are growing to get a set of values , perceptions , preferences ,
and behaviors of families and institutions important cultural lainnya.Masing each
consisting of a number of sub - culture that is more revealing specific
identification and socialization for its members . Sub - cultures include
nationality , ethnicity, religion , race , group for its members . When the sub culture into a large and prosperous enough , companies will often design a
marketing program that careful there .
B. Social Factors
In addition to cultural factors , consumer behavior is influenced by social
factors , such as reference groups , family , roles , and social status . Reference
group consisted of all the groups that have direct or indirect influence on the
attitudes or behavior of consumers purchasing organization tersebut.Keluarga
bore the most important in the community and the members of the family to be
the primary reference group most berpengaruh.Peran and social status shows
the position of the that every social group that he occupied . Role includes
activities that are expected to be done by someone . Each role generate status .

C. Personal Factors
Buying decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics . These
characteristics include age and stage in the life cycle , occupation , economic
circumstances , personality and self-concept , as well as the value and lifestyle
buyers .
D. Psychology
The starting point for understanding consumer behavior is the outside
marketing stimuli such as economic , technological , political , cultural . The
device combines psychology with certain consumer characteristics to result in
decision -making and purchase process . Marketers task is to understand what is
happening in the consumer consciousness between the arrival of the outside
marketing stimuli final purchase decision . Four psychological processes
( motivation , perception , memory and learning ) fundamentally affect consumer
responses to marketing stimuli .

2.1.3 Methods Research Consumer Behavior

Various studies konsumen.Ada two kinds of consumer research , research that is
exploratory research and exploration Research : Methods used in research on
consumer conclusion :exploration is a method of influencing consumers and focus
group methods .Method affect consumers : By giving suggestions to consumers or
mempokuskan sepontan.Metode focused consumer groups . The consumer group
kanya associate freely to the problems that exist in the article .

2.1.4 Types of approaches

Approach to consumer research unplanned exploratory study to answer the
research questions conclude the given consumer . Therefore , researchers megenai
conclusion to a depressing consumer products , their services and the importance of
consumer research conclusions can also be used to determine what influences
Approach There are two approaches to consumer research studies , namely the
research approach and longitudinal cross - soctional .
cross - sectional research approach : This approach in order to investigate
aspects of consumer behavior which uses the relatively short time such as examining
changes in consumer behavior in particular Watu learn values and attitudes kosumen
terhadaf a certain time moment preformance product .
Pendektan longitudinal studies : This approach is intended to examine aspects
of consumer behavior - which occurs in some period of time, for example : conducting
research on the approach of a product can last for some time . Approach to longitudinal
research conducted at a relatively long period of time , while the cross - study approach
sctional menggnakan relatively short time or instantaneous .
Information gathering methods konsumen.Ada three kosumen information
gathering methods , the method of observation , and survey ekspresimen .
1 . Methods of observation : One mempelajair consumer is to observe behavior that
looks , for example, observe the habits of a particular brand product consumer
members , and penilaiyan consumer attitudes toward a product or brand , the types
most favored by consumers .
2 . Ekspesimen method is a method of collecting this method by conducting
experiments on ekspresimen or situation . For example : measuring
the influence of the special situation of the attitudes and buying behavior . Ekspresimen
method consists of laboratory experiments , and field experiments .
Laboratory Experiments : The experiments were conducted at the lab is to
control the variables from the outside .
Mass : conduct experiments on consumer preferences .

Field Experiment : Perconaan was conducted to determine consumer

response to a depressing product , a new brand being introduced or marketed . Can
also to determine the effect of pricing, advertising to product marketing , or brand new .
3 . Survey Method : The method of data or information pengumpukan consumers do
actively partisipsi . There are three techniques in survey methods , namely personal
interview (personal interview) , the survey by telephone ( teleponsuveys ) , and the
survey by mail ( mail surveys )
Wawcara personal : information collection techniques in lakikan with infrmasi
directly , face to face between the interviewer ( interviewer ) with consumers .
telephone survey : consumer information collection techniques over the phone
is to determine consumers' opinions on the use of goods that have been bought .
Survey by mail : by mail collection techniques intended to disseminate the
questionnaire hello to consumers via the post method . Purpose of the survey by
mail , among others, is to medapat perilain information on response and consumer
of a product .
2.1.5 The three main approaches in researching consumer behavior
The first approach is the approach interpretif.Pendekatan delve deeply into
consumer behavior and the underlying matter . The study was conducted through
interviews with the length and focus group discussion to understand what the meaning
of products and services for consumers and what is perceived and experienced by
consumers when buying and using it .

The second approach is the traditional approach that is based on the theory and
methods of science pisikologi cognitive , social and behaviorial sciences and of

sosiologi.Pendekatan aims to develop theories and methods to explain perliku and

consumer decision -making . Studies and surveys conducted through experiments to
test the theory and find an understanding of how consumers process information , make
decisions , and the influence of social environment on consumer behavior .
The third approach is referred to as the science of marketing is based on theories
and methods from economics and statistical approach is done by developing and
testing a mathematical model based on the hierarchy of human needs according to
Abraham Maslow to predict the effect of marketing strategy on choice and consumption
pattern , which is known as the moving rate analysis .
2.1.6 true understanding of consumer
Consumer is a person or group of people who buy a product for their own use
and not for resale . consumer is the real king , therefore as a manufacturer that has the
principle of holistic marketing are supposed to pay attention to all that a consumer rights

2.1.7 Consumer Research as a Field of Dynamic Science

Consumers as a dynamic science because the process of thinking , feeling , and
action of each individual consumer , consumer groups , and associations of consumers
is always changing constantly . Dinamis.ikian properties led to the development of
marketing strategy to be very challenging and difficult . A strategy can be successful at a
particular time and place but failed at the time and another place . Therefore, a
company must constantly make innovations to reach customers on a regular basis .

3.1 Conclusion
Of some of the above definition , it can pull in a conclusion that consumer
behavior is the actions performed by individum , groups , or organizations
involved in the decision-making process in mendapakan , use of goods or
services that an early slow start dafat influenced environments .
Consumer behavior is tinkat behavior of consumers , where they can
illustrate a depressing their products and services / single action , the process
of social relations by individuals , groups and organizations to obtain , use a
depressing or other products as a result of the experience , by studying 3
consumer behavior variables .
The factors that influence consumer behavior namely : cultural and social
forces pisikologis strength .
The method used in the study of consumer behavior and methods
concentrate or focus groups of consumerism .
Theory to explain consumer behavior of consumer behavior in the market ,
namely consumer attitudes menerangakan in buying and selecting items to
be bought . This theory dikembangka in two forms : utility theory and analysis
of the same satisfaction .
3.2 Advice
Penilis suggest to the reader , that the consumer has the attitude that it's
okay as long as it does not surpass the limit and not until being consumerism
The author also realizes that in this paper are far from perfect , for it is the
authors hope constructive criticism and suggestions from readers , in order to
refine further papers .

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