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Problems [or Student Investigation


Newton's fuvestigation of Cubic Curves

Autho r :

Jeffrey Nunemacher, Ohio Wesleyan University

Problem Statement: This project explores a portion of the classification of cubic curves, which
was carried ou t by Isaac Newton in the late sevente nth century. The general cubic curve in two
variables is defined by the equation

ax3 + bx2y + exy2 + dy 3 + ex2 + ixy + jy2 + mx + ny + p = 0


where a to p are real constants. We assume that at least one of the initial coefficients a to d is nonzero so
that the curve is a legitimate cubic. There are many more varieties of cubics than of quadratics (ax2 +

+ cy2 + dx + ey +[= 0) which turn ou t to be conic section usually , although the degener te ases

of single lines, two parallel or intersectin g line , single points, and the nu ll set can also occur. Newton
classified nondegenerate cubics into 72 different species according


their asymptotic behavior.

Actually, according to his scheme there should be 78 pecie; Newton missed ix which were found by
later authors. Although it is too complicated to look carefully at hi s compl te classification, we can learn
quite a bit by using calculus and algebra to redo a portion of his investig. tion. Proceed as follows:
1) To get an idea of the range and beau ty of cubic curves, draw graph s of he famous c urves
listed below which have occurred in particular geometric or algebraic setti ngs (and thus acquired names).
You will find it u eful to use a computer algebra package which can solve such equations for y in terms
of x and then produce a graph of the result. Howe er, be careful wi th the folium; you will need to do a
parametric plot to get at this one properly. Be sure that your graph shows all fe atures of the curves; you
may need to zoom outwards to see the global picture.
a) y (1 + x 2 ) = 1, the witch of Mari a Agnesi;
b) y2(2 - x )
c) x 3 + y3

= x 3 , the cissoid of Diocles;

= 1, the Fermat cllrve for n = 3;

d) x 3 + y3 - 3xy
2) Consider the special case y

= 0, the folium of Descartes.

=[(x) = ax 3 + bx 2 + ex + d, where a "1= 0, b, e, and d are fixed

real numbers. Determine the possible shapes for the graph i n tenns of appropriate fu nctions of

= O. Sketch the various possibilities.

explore the shapes of the curves xy =[(x ) = ax3 + bx2 + ex + d for a "1= O.

coefficients. It will be helpful to consider the solutions of [,(x)

3) In the same way

Again determine the shapes in terms of the coefficients. YOll will need to decide when the equation[ (x)

= 0 has three positive or three negative solutions.

4) Continue your look at special cases by considering curves of the fonn y2 =[ (x) = ax 3 + bx2 +
ex + d for a t= O. This time you should find fiv e quite different shapes depending on the nature of the






Newton's lnvestis.ation o/ Cubic Curves

roots of lex). Two of them look very si mil ar but there is a crucial difference (what?). Find simple
examples of each type, e.g., y 2 = x 3 - x for the case of three distinct real roots. Sketch a graph of each
5) Newton was able to reduce the general cubic equation (1 ) to one of four simpler types of
equations by a suitable change of coordinates. These four types are:

a) y =l ex) = ax3 + bx2 + ex + d;

b ) xy

=I(x ) = ax 3 + bx2 + cx + d;

c ) y2

=I(x) = ax 3 + bx2 + ex + d;

d) xy2 + ey =/ (x ) == ax 3 + bx2 + ex + d.

As you see, the first three types are those which we studied in parts 2) - 4). The first two types each
contribute one species to the 78 species of nondegenerate cubic curve, the third type five species, and the
fourth type the remaining 7 1 species.
Given the results of parts 2) and 3) above, you may be surprised that Newton counted these
curves as contributing only one species each to his catalog. The reason lies in the fact that "bumps" can
be smoothed out by a li near change of coordi nates, which Newton allowed, so they cannot be
distinguished within his classification scheme. As an example, start with the curve y

= x 3 x and

perform the change of variables x' == x, y ' == y + x. Sketch the curve in the Oliginal x, y coordinates and
i n the new x ' , y' coordinates. What do you observe?
6) We have studied the firs t three types of cubic curves in parts 2-4. The fourth type is quite
complicated in general, but notice that it is possible to solve for y in terms of x. Newton did this by
multiplying through by x and then completing the square. Make any general statements possible about
this fourth type of cubic. For example, how many points on the curve can lie above each x value? How
many intervals on the x-axi s can have no points above them? How many asymptotes are possible?
Another way for the curve to be degenerate (aside from having no cubic terms) is if the defining
equation factors nontrivially into a product of terms, e.g., xy2 + y = x 3 - x, which factors as (x + y)(1 +
xy - x 2)

= O. Give a complete list of the types of cubic curves which are degenerate in this way .

Finally, use a comp uter to explore the nature of the type d) cubic. Try to find examples which
have 1, 2,3, and 4 branches. Can you find ten sll bstantially different examples?


Problems fo r Student Investigation

Information for the instructor only:

Problem a bstract: Curves are one of the glories of elementary mathematics. Calculus students

encounter lines and the conics but the next most complicated case, that of cubics, is rarely dealt with.
One reason, of course, is that the cubic case is muc h more complicated, but a good deal of the difficulty
can be swept away with the enlightened use of a computer. The goal of this project is to examine
Newton's classification of cubics in so far as this is reasonable to do with elementary algebra, a
computer, and some thought. The student will deal with a complex problem which has a pleasing
solution involving many pretty pictures. For a complete catalog of the possible graphs (except for the six
which Newton missed) see his paper mentioned in the bibliography.
P rerequisite skills and knowle dge:

For parts 1, 2, 3 and much of 5, it suffices to have a

knowledge of calculus at the curve sketching level together with reasonable facility with a symbolic
manipulation computer package (or a graphing calculator). Part 4 requires nothing but high school
algebra, but the calculations will make more sense if the student has seen the reduction of the general
quadratic in two variables to the standard conics using rotations and translations. It would be very
reasonable to assign only parts 1-3 and 5 in a first year calculus class,
Essential/useful library resources:


Essential/useful computation al r esou rces : This project requires the use of a graphing and
symbolic algebra package.
Example of an acceptable approach :
1. These curves are sketched below. For the case of the folium (Figure 4) some care is needed
in solving for y in terms of x. The usual algebraic solution of a cubic in terms of roots involving
complex numbers is not suitable for drawing a real graph. A good equation solver will recognize this
"irreducible" case and employ a trigonometric solution. Most students will not have encountered this use
of trigonometry before and are likely to ask for an explanation. Consult an older book on the theory of
equations, such as [3], or a good mathematical encyclopedia. An alternative which may make better
sense to more advanced students is to use y

= tx to put the folium in parametric form.

tools will produce the proper graph from the parametric fonn x


3: 1 ' Y = t 33:


Most graphing

- "I'


Newton's Inve.sligp tion of Cubic Curves






';(2 - x) = x3

y(l + x 2 ) = 1

.J + y3= 1

.J + y3 -

3xy =

2. The shape is completely determined by the discriminant off '(x), D= 4b 2 - 12ac. The curve
has two humps if D > 0 (Figure 6) and no humps otherwise (Figure 5). The sign of a controls the
direction in which the curve approaches +00. Notice that we require that a "# 0 so as to have a legitimate
cubic. This curve is sometimes known as a cubical parabola.


y= x 3

(D ~ 0)

y = x3 - x

(D > 0)

3. For this class of cubics there are three general shapes depending on d and the number of
positive or negative roots of the equation fix)
y-axis (Figure 7). If d
asymptote at x


= O.

If d

= 0 the graph is the union of a parabola and the

0 the graph is known as the trident of Descartes or Newton. It has an

= 0, two humps iff(x) = 0 has three positive or three negative roots (Figure Y), and no

humps otherwise (Figure 8). It is interesting to find conditions on the coefficients which guarantee this
root condition. First note that a necessary condition is that the discriminant D of

r is positive. Let r < R

denote the roots of r(x) (when D > 0). T henf(x) will have three real roots if f(r) and fiR) have opposite
signs. Another approach is to use the discriminant of the cubicf, which is discussed in [3]. In this case
the roots will have the same sign if r > 0 and d andf(r) have the opposite signs or if R < 0 and d and

(R) have opposite signs. The sign of a, of course, has the same effect on the graph as in problem 2


]9 2

Problems f or Stude nt I nvestigation




xy = (x - I)(x- 2)(x- 3)

(including the y-axis)

4. The shapes are classified by the nu mber and location of the roots of f(x). There are fi ve
cases: case 1: 1 real and 2 complex roo ts (Figure 10), case 2: 1 real root of m ultiplicity three
(Figure 11), case 3: three distinct real roots (Figure 12), ase 4: 1 real root of multiplicity two with
another of multiplicity one which is greater than the root of multi plicity two (Figure 13), case 5: 1 real
root of multiplicity two with another of multiplici ty one whic h is less than the root of multiplicity two

(Figure 14). These five cases can be determi ned from the coefficients as follows. We use the same
notion as in problem 3 above. Then case 1 occurs when D < 0; case 2 when D

= 0; case 3 when D > 0

and f(r) andf(R) have opposite signs (recall that rand R denote the roots off '(x)); case 4 when D > 0
andf(r) = 0; and ase 5 when D > 0 and f(R) = O. Simple examples of the five situations are indicated
below the appropriate figure.




Figure 11 is known as the semicubical parabola. The graphs in Figures 10 and 13 look quite similar, but
Figure 13 has an isolated point in addition to the main part of the curve.
5. This needs no explanation.
6. There are many species of cubic curves of type d) (7] in all). Newton studied these curves by

completing the square to obtain the equation

(xy + e/2)2 = g(x) =

axil + bx 3 + cx2 + dx + e2j4.


He then divided these curves into classes according to the sign of the leading coefficient a and f urther
broke the classes into genera and species according to the behavior of the roots of g(x)

= O.

We give

some representative examples below. We obtained some of the se examples by choosing simple values
for the coefficients in equation (2) and others by selecting particular val ues for parameters in Newton's


-- -- --

~~-.-',J .... _ _ _ _ _

1 1'


Newton's i nvestigation 01 Cubic Curves

paper [4]. In some cases drawi ng a good graph requires zooming out to get the big picture or zooming
in to see details. It i s easy to miss a branch of the curve or an asymptote if the wrong scale is used. See
Figure 23 below.
None of these curves can have more than two points above any given x value, since the original
curve is quadratic in y. There are intervals on the x-axis with no corresponding (real) y values when
g(x) < O. This can happen on at most three intervals, since g has at most four real roots.

The degenerate cases (which are not counted in the 78 species) are any union of a conic with a
line, a point with a line, or of three lines, some of which may coincide. Two of these are drawn below
as Figures 25 and 26. Notice that a single point, which is a degenerate case for a quadratic curve, is not
one for a (legitimate) cubic. Neither is the null set.
Any cubic of type d) will have from one to three asymptotes. Findin g the asymptotes of a
general algebraic curve seems to be a lost art. One needs to look in an older book, such as [5], to find
the theorem that completely specifies them. Suppose that the curve is defi ned by an nth order polynomial
equation !ex, Y)

= 0, and let l k(x, Y)

denote the pure k-th order part of I so th atl = l n + I n- 1 + . . ..


has ax + by as a simple factor so thatin = (ax + by)gn-l, then the curve I = 0 has the asymptote
(ax + by)gn- l (b, -a) +In-l (b . -a)

= O.

If ln has ax + by as a repeated fa ctor and ax + by is also a factor of ! n- l so that!n = (ax + by)2gn_ 1


= (ax + by)hn_2> then the curve has the pair of asymptotes

(ax + by)2gn _1(b, --a) + (ax + by )hn_l (b, -a) + in- 2(b, -a) =


Finally, if /n has ax + by as a repeated factor but!n_l does not have ax + by as a factor, then there is no
asymptote of the fonn ax + by = c for any consta nt c. Notice that the top three fk' S are necessary for a
complete determinatio n of the asymptotes, bur the very top one I n suffi ces to specify the (at most n)
possibi lities. The proof of this theorem relies on the notion of points at infinity-a line is an asymp tote
to a curve if and only if it is tan gent to the curve at infinity. See [5, p. 7]. In the cubic case, at most
three asymptotes are possible.
New ton's fun classifications scheme shows that it is not possible to have more th an four
branches in any cubic curve. E xamples of curves with these four possi bil ities are given below along
with examples of other interesting sh apes which occur for cubics of type d). Compare Figures 21 and
22 and Figures 24 and 25. In Fi gure 22 it is necessary to use several digi ts of accuracy for -.J8 to obtain
the graph shown, which has a node.

19 4

Problems for Student Investigation




(1 7)


xy2 - 2.45y = x J -

xy2 +y=-X3



sx2 + 8.7Sx -

xy2 + 1.73y =_x3 + 2XL + .25x - 2



xy2 + {8y


=- X3 + 3XL -

x- 3

xy2 + 2.45y


= _x3 -

xy2 + lOy = X3 -IOXL + 35x- 50


5XL + 8.7Sx - 6.25

xy2 + ll y = X3

X3 + XLy-xy2- y -x+y =0

- IOXL + 35x -




Newton's Investigation of C ubic Curves

Questions for further exploration:

1. The following could be added to problem 5:

5.b) Obtain Newton's reduction to the four simpler types as follows. Rename x, y as u, v to
avoid confusion with the coming transformations and consider the function defi ning (l)
hell, v)

= au 3 + bu2v + cuv 2 + dv 3 + eu2 + i uv + Jv 2 + !flU + nv + p,

where at least one of a to d is nonzero. Let k(u, v)

= au3 + bu.2v + CLtV 2 + dv 2 denote the purely cubic

portion of h. It is reasonable to work first with k, since it detennines what the possible asymptotes are
(although lower degree terms affect whether the possibilities are indeed asymptotes) , and Newton based
his classification on this asymptotic behavior.
Show that keLt , v) is always divisible by some linear term mu + nv , w here m and n are real
constants, such that either

= (mu + nv)3, or
v) = (mu + nv)(ru 2 + suv + tv 2 ), for real constants,

(i) k(u, v)
(ii) k(u,


x , and

with mu + nv not

dividing the second factor.

Let x = mu + nv be a new coordinate. In case (i) let y = p u + qv be any other coordinate which is
independent of x , Le. , so that it is possible to solve for u and v in terms of x and y. Then in the x, y
coordinate system k (u, v ) reduces to x 3 . In case (ii) again let y

= pu + q v but show th at a particular

choice of p and q results in a coordin ate system x, y so that k(u , v ) reduces to.xy2 - ax 3 for some real
constant a.
The fin al step in the reduction is to make some of the other terms in h vanish. Show that further
linear ITansfonnations or translations can be perfom1ed to arrive at a), b), or c) in case (i) and d) in case
(ii). This proves that the general cubic equation can be reduced to one of these four simplified types.
The algebra here can be extremely unpleasant if approached blindly. But if tackled from the
proper poi nt of view, this simplification can be perfonned with only a few elementary calculations. We
follow the approach of Brieskom in [2, p. 91]. Studen ts may well need some additional explanation for
this part beyond that written in the problem statement. To achieve this considerable simplification of the
general cubic, Newton allowed a general affine change of coordinates. The orthogonal transformations
which can be used to reduce conics to their standard forms do not suffice to simplify cubics.
We begin by considering the pure cubic form k

Cu, v) . To see that k Cu , v) has the stated

factorization, set z = ulv. (If v is absen t, this first part of the reduction is unnecessary.) There is at least
one real root z of the resulting cubic in one variable, so II

zv divides k(u, v) by the factor theorem. If it

divides it once or three times, this factor will do as mu + nv. If it divides k(u, v) twice, use the linear
quotient as mu + nv .
W hen k is a perfec t cube (case i , y can be chosen to be any other linearly independent

1 96

Problems/ or Student Investigation

coordinate, but in case ii) a calculation is necessary to determine an appropriate y to yield the
result xy2 - ax2. We set y equal to pu + qv and compute y2 - ax2 in terms of u and v. Here p, q, and

a are to be determined


y2 -

ax2 to be equal to ru 2 + suv + tv2 , three equations need to be satisfied:

-J r + am 1 and q = -J t + an 2
(temporarily we allow p and q to be complex), so that -J r+ am 2 -J t + an 2 - mna = s!2 . Sq uaring

p2 _ am 2 = r , p q - mna
gives (r + am 2 )(t + an 2 )

/2, and q2 - an 2

= t. Then

= (s/2 + mna)2, hence (m 2t + n2 r )a

- mnsa

= s2/4 -

rt. This eq uation can be

solved for a so long as m2 t + n2r - mns i= O. But this condition is equivalent to the requirement that mu

+ flV does not divide ru2 + suv + tv2 To see that p and q can be chosen to be real, notice that p q - mna
=s/2 impli s that one of p or q is real if the other is. Otherwise, both are pure imaginary, but in that case
a factor of - 1 can be removed from ru2+ suv + tv2 and i ncluded in the mu + nv term, which now makes
p and q real. Thus we have shown that appropriate real constants p, q, and a always exist in case ii).
Hence there is always a su itable linear change of coordinates to simplify the pure cu bic part of equatior
to one of the two forms ax 3 (in our approach a rum s out to be 1) or _')12 - ax3 .
To arri ve at Newton's four types, another tran formation mu t be performed to remove some of
the lower degree terms. If lex, y ) = ax 3 + py2 + qxy + ry plus lower degree terms in x , then let x ' =

x - m and y' = kx + y - n. Direct substitution into / shows that if p


0 then suitable choices of m, k,

and n can be made to cause the xy' and y' terms to vanish, which produces an equation of type c). If p

but q


0, then y' can be made to disappear. which yields type b). If bo th p and q are zero, the

ax3 + py2 + qxy + ry plu . terms of

lower degree in x, then a translation x' = x - m, y ' = y - n can be chosen to remove the y' and x 'y'

equation i already of type a) . On the other hand, if I(x, y )

= xy2

terms. Thu s we concl ude that it is always possible by an affine transformations to reduce th general
cubic (1) to one of the four types a) to d).
II. Special plane curves have always had an enthusiastic foJlowing among amateur and profession al
mathematicians. An attractive treatment of several special curves can be fou nd in Simmons [7]. In
particular, note his treatment of the folium of Descartes as a parametrized curve and as a polar curve (pp.
512, 548). These techniques, together with simply solving for y as a function of x, give three usefu lnd
complementary approaches to the study of this beautiful curve. Note also Simmons' descriptio n of how
cenain special curves can be used to olve famous geometric probl ms of antiqui ty (p. 493). Other good
referenc es for special curves are Stillwell [8] and Brieskorn [2]. A us ful order treatment of curves,
which also partly classifies quartic curves, is Salmon [6].
It is possible for an industrious student to examine Newton's complete classification of cubics.
The best way to do this is


look at Ball's comm ntary [1], which explains what is going on in

(somewhat) modern language and at the same time to 10 k at the pictures in Newton's paper [4] .
Newton's criteria for the classification are the nature of the asymp totes and the extremal behavior
of the curves. This scheme was criticized by later au thors, since it resulted in so many different cases.
Ac tually, Newton showed a way


simplify the classification with an (unproved) remark in his paper.


----- ---

Ne wton's Investi8..aJio ~ofCubic Curves


He claimed and later authors proved that each cubic is a projective image of one of the five species of
cubic of type c). In more modern language his assertion is that every irreducible cubic is i somorphic as a
curve in real projective space to one of these five species. Worki ng in projective space amounts to
adding points at infinity and enlarging the group of permissible transformations from the affine group,
which Newton used, to an appropriate larger one, the projective linear group. It has been noted earlier
that adding points at infinity allows one to deal with asymptotes as ordinary tangent lines. It is also clear
that branches of a curve which share a common asymptote will be joined with the addition of these extra
points, so this device will reduce the number of br anches.
Another simp lification occurs if the curves are viewed as complex curves, or putting both ideas
together, as curves in complex projective space. In this more general space the number of distinct types
of irreducible cubic s reduces to three, o ne with a cusp , one wi th a node, and the third nonsingular.
Newton's study dealt with the fi nite real portions of these curves. By looking at the "entire curve" later
mathematicians achieved this tremendous simplification.
All three types of complex projective cu bic curves tu rn out to be connected; i.e., they have
exactly one branch. In fact, topologicall y they are either a sphere, a sphere with two points identified, or
a torus. In real projective space a cubic curve has either one or two branches, as can be seen by
examining the five species of type c). In the ordinary real plane Newton's full classification scheme
shows that no c ubic curve can have more than four branches. I know of no way to deduce this
maximum of four without examining the 78 cases.
A good general reference for the ideas discu ssed in the last several paragraphs is Stillwell [8] (see
pages 69, 80, 208, 23 1). For an excel1ent modern but reason ably elementary discussion of plane
curves, projective geometry, and the beginnings of algebraic geometry, see Brieskom [2].

Refe rences/bibliograp hy/rela ted top ics:

1. Ball, W. W. R.: Newton's classification of cubic curves, Proceedings of the London Math. Society
22 , 104-1 43 (1890).
2. Brieskorn, Edgert and Knorrer, Horst: Plane Algebraic Curves, Birkhiiuser, Boston, 1986.
3. Dickson, L. E. : New First Course in the Theo ry of Equations, Wiley, New York, 1939.
4. Newton, Isaac: The Mathematical Works of Isaac Newton, edited by Derek Whiteside, vol. 2 and 7,
Cambridge University Press, 1967-1981.
5. Primrose, E. 1. F.: Algebraic Plane Curves , Macmillan, London, 1955.
6. Salmon, George: A Treatise on the Higher Plane Curves , Hodges, Forster, and Co., Dublin, 187 3.
7. Simmons, George: Calculus with Analytic Geometry, McGraw Hill, New York, 1985.
8. Stillwell, John: Mathematics and Its History, Springer Verlag, New York, 1989.

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