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Gradient of a Straight Line

Gradient of a Straight Line

The gradient of a straight line is the ratio of the vertical
distance to the horizontal distance between any two given
points on the straight line.
Gradient, m=Vertical distance Horizontal distance


Find the gradient of the straight line above.


Gradient of the Straight Line in Cartesian Coordinates

Finding the Gradient of a Straight Line

The gradient, m, of a straight line which passes through P (x1, y1)
and Q (x2, y2) is given by,

Example 1:

Find the gradient of the straight line joining two points P and Q in the
above diagram.
P = (x1, y1) = (4, 3), Q = (x2, y2) = (10, 5)
Gradient of the straight line PQ

Example 2:
Calculate the gradient of a straight line which passes through pointA (7, -3)
and point B (-3, 6).

A = (x1, y1) = (7, -3), B = (x2, y2) = (-3, 6)

Gradient of the straight line AB

1. The x-intercept is the point of intersection of a straight line with the
2. The y-intercept is the point of intersection of a straight line with the

3. In the above diagram, the x-intercept of the straight line PQ is 6 and

the y-intercept of PQ is 5.
4. If the x-intercept and y-intercept of a straight line are given,

Example 1:

What is the x-intercept of the line ST?

The x-coordinate for the point of intersection of the straight line with x-axis is -0.4.
Therefore the x-intercept of the line ST is 0.4.

Example 2:
Find the x-intercept of the straight line 2x + 3y + 6 = 0.
2x + 3y + 6 = 0
At x-intercept, y = 0
2x + 3(0) + 6 = 0
2x = 6
x = 3

Example 3:
What is the y-intercept of the straight line 12x 15y = 60?
12x 15y = 60
At y-intercept, x = 0
12(0) 15y = 60

15y = 60
y = 4

Equation of a Straight Line

Equation of a Straight Line: y = mx + c
1. Given the value of the gradient, m, and the y-intercept, c, an equation
of a straight line y = mx + c can be formed.
2. If the equation of a straight line is written in the form y = mx + c, the
gradient, m, and the y-intercept, c, can be determined directly from the

Given that the equation of a straight line is y = 3 4x. Find the gradient and yintercept of the line?
y = 3 4x
y = 4x + 3 (y = mx + c)
Therefore, gradient, m = 4
y-intercept, c = 3
3. If the equation of a straight line is written in the form ax + by + c = 0,
change it to the form y = mx + c before finding the gradient and the
Given that the equation of a straight line is 4x + 6y 3 = 0. What is the gradient
and y-intercept of the line?
4x + 6y 3 = 0
6y = 4x + 3

Equation of a Straight Line (Sample Questions)

Example 1:
Given that the equation of a straight line is 4x + 6y 3 = 0. What is the gradient of
the line?
4x + 6y 3 = 0
6y = 4x + 3
y=4x6+36y=23x+12y=mx+cgradient, m=23

Example 2:
Given that the equation of a straight line is y = 7x + 3. Find the y-intercept of the
y = mx + c, c is y-intercept of the straight line.
Therefore for the straight line y = 7x + 3,
y-intercept is 3

Example 3:

Find the equation of the straight line MN if its gradient is equal to 3.

Given m = 3
Substitute m = 3 and (-2, 5) into y = mx + c.
5 = 3 (-2) + c
5 = -6 + c
c = 11
Therefore the equation of the straight line MN is y = 3x + 11

Parallel Lines
(A) Gradient of parallel lines

1. Two straight lines are

parallel if they have
the same gradient.
If PQ // RS,
then mPQ = mRS

2. If two straight lines have

the same gradient, then
they are parallel.
If mAB = mCD
then AB // CD
Example 1:
Determine whether the two straight lines are parallel.
(a) 2y 4x = 6
y = 2x 5
(b) 2y = 3x 4
3y = 2x + 12

(B) Equation of Parallel Lines

To find the equation of the straight line which passes through a given point
and parallel to another straight line, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Let the equation of the straight line take the form y = mx + c.
Step 2: Find the gradient of the straight line from the equation of the
straight line parallel to it.
Step 3: Substitute the value of gradient, m, the x-coordinate and
y-coordinate of the given point into y = mx + c to find the value
of the y-intercept, c.
Step 4: Write down the equation of the straight line in the form
y = mx + c.

Example 2:
Find the equation of the straight line that passes through the point (8, 2) and is
parallel to the straight line 4y + 3x = 12.

Example 1:

The straight lines MN and PQ in the diagram above are parallel. Find the value
of q.

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