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Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves

from an interface of Chiral and/or Chiral-Nihility

metamaterial in Non-integer Dimension Space

Arooj Hameed
Supervised by
Dr. Q. A. Naqvi

Department of Electronic
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan.
February 2014

Certificate of Approval

It is certified that the research work presented in this thesis, entitled Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves from an interface of Chiral and/or Chiral-Nihility metamaterial
in Non-integer Dimension Space was conducted by Mr. Arooj Hameed under the supervision of
Dr. Q. A . Naqvi.

Dr. Q. A. Naqvi. (Advisor),

Dr. Farhan Saif ,

Associate Professor,


Department of Electronic

Department of Electronic.

This thesis is dedicated to my rst teacher, my father

Abdul Hameed
who taught me that, everything worthwhile in life is work. But if it puts a smile on
your face, it doesnt feel like work.


First of all it is obligatory to thank Almighty ALLAH, the most Merciful and the Benecent, who gave me health, thoughts and co-operative people to enable me for achieving this
goal. I oer my praises to Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) and his companions who
laid the foundation of Modern civilization and paved the way for social, moral, political,
economical, cultural and physical revolution.
I would like to thank Dr. Q. A. Naqvi, my supervisor, for his valuable suggestions and
consistent support during my work. He guided me in right direction which made me able
to accomplish my work. He showed a remarkable patience and believed in my ability to
complete the task. I pray for his health and prosperous life. I would also like to thank
Dr. Farhan Saif (Chairman) for his appreciation and support. I would like to thank management of Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad for providing me such a good environment
and labs. May ALLAH make me able to fulll my duty and commitment towards the institute sincerely and devotedly. I am also grateful to my mother, my Uncles Mr. Abdul
Aziz, Mr. Abdul Majeed, Mr. Tariq Pervaiz and Mr. Bashart Mehmood, my brothers
Mr. Umer Hameed, Mr. Usman and Mr. Wahab, Finally, I would like to thank my all
teachers, colleagues and seniors especially to Dr. A. A. Rizvi, Dr. Musarat Abbas, Dr.
Aqeel Ashraf, Dr. A. A. Sayed, Dr. Hassan, Omar, Abbas, Usman, Zeeshan and Waqas
for their counseling and motivation in my academic activities. May ALLAH give them all
successful and peaceful lives.

Arooj Hameed
February 2014


I declare that this is my own work and has not been submitted in any form for
another degree or diploma at any university or other institution for tertiary education. Information derived from published or unpublished work of others has been
acknowledged in the text and a list of references is given.

Arooj Hameed
February 2014


Fractals provide a workable new middle ground between the excessive geometric
order of Euclid and the geometric Choas of roughness and fragmentation.

(Mandelbrot, 1989)

Fractional space formulation concept is useful in solving many real time problems in the
area of physics. Mandelbrot introduced the concept of Fractal for complex structure
which cannot be described by the Euclidean geometry [?]. Fractal has found an important
place in science as a representation of some of the unique geometrical features occurring in
nature. Many shapes (geometries) in nature that are highly complex like the roots of the
trees, dust particles, geometry of clouds or even galaxies in space are considered as fractional
dimension. Hence fractals are an excellent way of describing highly complex shapes which
cannot be described by the Euclidean geometry. Fractional calculus has gained a signicant
footing to study various problems regarding fractals which is very useful to solve many
real time problems regarding electromagnetic (EM) theory in fractional space. To model
these complex structures at both microscopic and macroscopic level, fractional dimension
D is used to characterized these fractals [?, ?]. Media of high complexity can be dened
by small number of parameters. Self-similarity is another important feature of fractals. In
order to get maximum benets of these fractal models, it is vital to simplify the theories of
electromagnetics in fractional spaces. In this dissertation, behavior of electromagnetic waves
in Chiral and/or Chiral-Nihility interface in non-integer Dimension Space is studied. The
coecients of reection and transmission for the chiral-chiral interface in fractional space,
when the fractal interface is excited by circularly polarized plane wave, are presented. A
new parameter D, is introduced and eect of dimension on tunneling and rejection of power
is also studied. It is found that dimension of media has strong eect on tunneling and
rejection of power. This analysis is further extended to chiral-nihility and reection and
transmission of electromagnetic waves in Chiral-Nihility interface for non-integer dimension
Space is studied and eect of dimension on tunneling and rejection of power is studied. It is
found that dimension of media has eect on tunneling and rejection of power. The classical
results are recovered when integer-dimension space is considered i.e., D = 2.


1 Introduction


Naturaly existing Fractals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fractional Dimensional Space and Electromagnetic Theory in Fractional Space


Axiomatic Basis for Non-Integer Dimension space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chiral medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chiral Nihility Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Thesis Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 General background of Electromagnetics wave propagation in Non-integer

dimensional space


wave propagation in fractional space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Parallel Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Perpendicular Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



3 Electromagnetic Wave Behavior Of Chiral-Chiral interface in Fractional




Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 Chiral nihility-Chiral nihility interface in fractional space




Chiral Nihility-Chiral Interface In fractional space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Impedance matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Impedance mis-matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chiral-Chiral Nihility Interface In fractional space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Impedance matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Impedance mis-matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chiral Nihility-Chiral Nihility Interface In fractional space . . . . . . . . . .



Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



5 Conclusion and Future Work



List of Figures

Parallel polarized wave at dielectric fractal-fractal interface.

. . . . . . . . .


Perpendicular polarized wave at dielectric fractal-fractal interface. . . . . . .



Reection and transmission in fractal chiral-chiral media: Incident RCP

(solid lines), reected LCP (dotted dashed line), reected RCP (double doted
dashed line), refracted LCP (dashed line), refracted RCP (long dashed line).


Co component of reected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer

dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.25 .



Co component of reected power verses chirality of the media 1 for non-integer

dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 2 = 0.25, inc = 45 .



Cross component of reected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer

dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.75 .



Co component of reected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer

dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.75 .



Cross component of reected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer

dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.25 .




Cross component of reected power verses chirality of the media 1 for noninteger dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 2 = 0.25, inc =
45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Co component of reected power verses chirality of the media 1 for non-integer

dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 2 = 0.25, inc = 45 .



Cross component of reected power verses chirality of the media I for noninteger dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 2 = 0.25, inc =
45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.10 Co component of reected power verses chirality of the media 2 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, inc = 45 .


3.11 Cross component of reected power verses chirality of the media 2 for noninteger dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, inc =
45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.12 Co component of reected power verses chirality of the media 2 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, inc = 45 .


3.13 Cross component of reected power verses chirality of the media 2 for noninteger dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, inc =
45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Reection and transmission in chiral nihility- fractal chiral nihility medium

( Wave vector representation ): Reected backward wave (double dotted
dashed line), refracted backward wave ( dotted line). . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Co-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching. .



Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching. .



Co-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching. .



Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching. .



Co-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence mis-matching. 29


Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence mis-matching. 30


Co-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching. 30


Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching. 31

4.10 Co-component of reected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.


4.11 Cr-component of reected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.


4.12 Co-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching. .


4.13 Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching. .


4.14 Co-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching. .


4.15 Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching. .


4.16 Co-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence miss-matching. 36

4.17 Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence mis-matching. 36
4.18 Co-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching. 37
4.19 Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching. 37
4.20 Co-component of reected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.


4.21 Cr-component of reected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.


4.22 Co-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching. .


4.23 Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching. .


4.24 Co-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching. .


4.25 Cr-component of reected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching. .


4.26 Co-component of reected power verses theta, for impendence matching. . .


4.27 Cr-component of reected power verses theta, for impendence matching. . .



A. Hameed , M. Omar, A. A. Syed and Q. A. Naqvi,POWER TUNNELING AND


Chapter 1

The behavior of electromagnetic waves in fractal media has been studied theoretically . Motivation of this work is to simplify and mutate the problems related to complex structures
using self-similarity property of fractals. Highly complex media can be expressed using less
number of parameters, where fractional dimension, D is one of those important parameter
.Earlier, such structures were categorized using numerical and experimental methods. However, using the concept of fractional space, it is possible to nd the analytical solution of
fractal structures.


Naturaly existing Fractals

There are some structures occurs in nature which are examples of fractals like., mountains,
roots of trees, snow , dust particles, oor of sea, trees and even our galaxy. First it is very
important to ponder what is fractal. If one takes an example of a leave. Many leaves to
gather makes a branch, branch makes a tree and many trees together makes forest. Hence
one can say that the basic unit of a forest is leave. Similarly, our planet earth is made of
sand. Many planets together forms galaxy. Hence one can say that a sand particle is basic
unit of galaxy.

Concept of fractal is equally important in the eld of biology, as there are many biological
examples of fractals which includes Bronchial Tube, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Arteries, Mitochondrial Membrane (inner and outer), Blood vessels, Bronchial Tube, Alveolar Membrane,
lungs, alveoli and Brain. All these anatomical structure exhibits non-integer dimension.
Fractal dimension of our bran is 2.73 2.79. Similarly, fractal dimension of Arteries is 2.7.
Previously, they treated cell membranes as simple surface or plane.


Fractional Dimensional Space and Electromagnetic Theory in

Fractional Space

The idea of fractional dimension space is used to transform many real world problems, as
it is easy to characterize them using fractional space expression. It is signicant to specify
here that world is a good example of fractal. The dimension of world is not accurately 3,but
it is about 3106 [?].
There are many structures like., Sierpinski carpet , Menger sponge,etc., are good examples of fractals. If one wants to nd the behavior of EM waves for these fractals. They can
not use the expressions of elds in integer dimension space., hence it is very important to
nd the elds expressions in fractional space.
Solution of Laplaces and Poissons equation for non- integer dimension space has been
discussed in [14, 15]. ].Moreover, the equations of motion for non- integer dimension space
has also been expressed [11].Solution of EM waves in non-integer dimension space was proposed by Zubair et al.[16-21]. Also Faradays and Amperes laws for non- integer dimension
space were derived by Martin et al. [13].
The reection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at an interface for non-integer
dimension space, will enable us to examine slabs and behavior of waves in wave guide for
non integer dimension.


Axiomatic Basis for Non-Integer Dimension space

Axiomatic basis for non-integer space are provided by Stillingers [4]. Four topologies are
used in order to generate any fractional dimensional space. Where D represents the fractional
dimension space. Assume SD denote non-integer dimension space having points x, y, ...,
then the topological arrangement can be described by following axioms:
Axiom1: SD is a metric space.
Axiom2: SD is dense in itself.
Axiom3: SD is metrically unbounded.
Axiom4: For any two points y, z SD , and any > 0, there exists an x SD such that:

p(x, y) + p(x, z) = p(y, z)

|p(x, y) p(x, z) < p(y, z)|

The complete implication of Axiom 4 is that two points in SD are joined by a continuous
line surrounded in that space. So, star domain in SD will be shrinkable. A method with
which any function with non -integer dimension is transformed into integer dimension, was
introduced by Muslis [14],. Using this relation, transformation of non-integer to integer
dimension, Zubair et al. presented solution to wave equations for non-integer dimension
space [17].


Chiral medium

Chiral media have been known for a long time by researchers. An object is chiral which
has a non- superimpose able mirror image of itself, It bears a phenomena of optical activity
and circular dichroism [10-24]. The turning of the plane of linearly polarized wave about
the direction of propagation of EMT wave is due to chirality of media. Chiral media are
categorized by right and left circularly polarized waves with dierent phase velocities and

refractive index. The two refractive indices of chiral media are,

n =

The polarization vectors of left circularly polarized (LCP) waves in chiral media are as


Likewise, the polarization vectors of right circularly polarized (RCP) waves in chiral media
are as follow,

R = x



The superscript + and - denote two eigen waves i.e., LCP and RCP waves respectively.
. Therefore, it is inspiring to study the reection and transmission of EM waves for such
merged materials at fractal interface.
constitutive relation for a chiral media are as follow,
D = E + iH


B = H iE


By using these constitutive relations in Maxwells equations with no source,

E = iB


H = iD


we get the following dispersion relation for the two wavenumbers :

k = ( )


where is the chirality of media and - and + denote two eigen waves i.e., LCP and
RCP waves respectively.


Chiral Nihility Medium

The concept of chiral nihility was introduced by Lakhtakia [?]. Nihility is assumed as a
special case of chiral medium for which both the permeability ( = 0) and permittivity
( = 0) approaches to zero simultaneously at certain frequencies. The constitutive relations
for chiral nihility medium are,




= kz(1,2)


= k(1,2)


Thesis Plan

The thesis is divided into ve chapters. In Chapter 2, wave propagation and the expressions to planar wave equations in fractional dimension spaces is presented. In Chapter 3,
transmission and reection coecients for chiral-fractal interface are derived and eect of
dimension on power rejection and tunneling is discussed. It is also shown that if integer
dimension is considered in the proposed expressions, exact classical results can be recovered
. This is helpful for other multiple interfaces and will enable us to examine slabs and behavior of waves in wave guide for non integer dimension. In Chapter 4, reection coecient
for fractal chiral nihility interface are investigate and some new expressions of reection and
transmission coecient are found. Future work and conclusions are discussed in Chapter 5.

Chapter 2

General background of
Electromagnetics wave propagation in
Non-integer dimensional space
Electic and magnetic eld for non-integer dimension space., can be found out from Helmotz
equation, [?]:
2D E + 2 E = 0


where D is dimension of the media, 2D is the scalar Laplacian operator rst given by Palmer
for fractional space [?],and dened as:
2D =

1 1
2 1
x x y 2
y y

3 1
+ 2+
z z


In order to describe the measure of distribution of space, the parameters 1 , 2 and 3 are
used . where 0 < i 1,, for i = 1, 2, 3. Total dimension D = 1 + 2 + 3 . If same

fractionality exhibits in all directions then, the value of D = 3. In cartesian coordinates

E = xEx + yEy + zEz


Hence the electric eld in D dimensional space is [16],

Ex = xm1 y m2 z m3 [F1 Jm1 (x x) + F2 Ym1 (x x)]


[F3 Jm2 (y y) + F4 Ym2 (y y)] [F5 Jm3 (z z) + F6 Ym3 (z z)]

where m1 = 1 1 /2, m2 = 1 2 /2 and m3 = 1 3 /2. Jm1 (x x) and Ym1 (x x) are Bessel
functions of order m1 . Standing waves are represented using Bessel function of rst and
second kind. Similarly solutions for Ez and Ey are obtained .


wave propagation in fractional space

Consider two dielectric-fractal media [?]. (1 , 1 , 1 < D1 2) and (2 , 2 , 1 < D2 2),

where the fractionality exist in z-direction and boundary is assumed to be innite. To
study propagation of wave in fractional space,two cases can be considered. i.e., reection
and transmission at an oblique angle of incidence, two components of electric eld are .
i) Parallel polarization
ii) Perpendicular polarization


Parallel Polarization

If a parallel polarized plane wave is incident at a dielectric fractal interface, Figure 2.1 shows
the geometry of the problem . The electric and magnetic eld equations are as follow

Figure 2.1: Parallel polarized wave at dielectric fractal-fractal interface.

Einc = Ei (
x cos inc
z sin inc ) exp(i1 sin inc x) AD


Eref = Ei (
x cos ref +
z sin ref ) R exp(i1 sin ref x) BD


Etra = Ei (
x cos tra
z sin tra ) T exp(i2 sin tra x) CD
Hinc = Ei y
exp(i1 sin inc x) ED
Href = Ei
exp(i1 sin ref x) FD
Htra = Ei y
exp(i2 sin tra x) GD



AD = (1 cos inc d)n1 Hn21 (1 cos inc d)


BD = (1 cos inc d)n1 Hn11 (1 cos inc d)


CD = (2 cos tra d)n2 Hn22 (2 cos tra d)


ED = (1 cos inc d)nh1 Hn2h1 (1 cos inc d)


FD = (1 cos inc d)nh1 Hn1h1 (1 cos inc d)


GD = (2 cos tra d)nh2 Hn2h2 (2 cos tra d)


where 1 = 1 1 and 2 = 2 2 are wave numbers. 1 = 1 /1 and 2 = 2 /2

are the wave impedance of the two fractal media . Hankel functions of rst and second kind
of order n are used to represent backward and forward traveling waves. [?]. The value of
ni = |3 Di |/2 and nhi = |Di 1|/2 for i = 1, 2, and D is dimension of media. T and
represents the unknown transmission and reection coecients. According to boundary
conditions, continuity of tangential components of electromagnetic elds across the interface
(z = d), i.e.,
+ Eref
= Etra


+ Href
= Htra


The required transmission and reection coecients are as follow,

2 cos inc (AD FD + BD ED )
2 cos tra CD FD + 1 cos inc BD GD
1 cos inc AD GD + 2 cos tra CD ED
T =
2 cos tra CD FD + 1 cos inc BD GD
R =


Brewsters angel (inc = brw ) can be determined by taking Eq. (2.14) equal to zero,
R =

1 cos brw AD GD + 2 cos tra CD ED

2 cos tra CD FD + 1 cos brw BD GD


and required Brewsters angel is,

brw = sin1

1 CD ED /2 AD GD 2 AD GD /1 CD ED


Perpendicular Polarization

If a perpendicular polarized plane wave is incident, as shown in Figure 2.2. The elds
equations are expressed as:

Figure 2.2: Perpendicular polarized wave at dielectric fractal-fractal interface.


Einc = Ei y
exp(i1 sin inc x) AD


Eref = Ei y
R exp(i1 sin ref x) BD


Etra = Ei y
Ei T exp(i2 sin tra x) CD
Hinc = Ei (
x cos inc +
z sin inc ) exp(i1 sin inc x) ED
Href = Ei (
x cos ref +
z sin ref )
exp(i1 sin ref x) FD
Htra = Ei (
x cos tra +
z sin tra )
exp(i2 sin tra x) GD


By following same procedure as for parallel polarization, transmission and reection coecients are given by [?],
1 cos tra AD GD + 2 cos inc CD ED
2 cos inc CD FD + 1 cos tra BD GD
2 cos inc (AD FD + BD ED )
T =
2 cos inc CD FD + 1 cos tra BD GD

R =




Transmission and Reection coecients at dielectric fractal interface were discussed in this
chapter. The eect of non-integer dimension on the magnitude of transmission and reection
coecients was investigated. The purpose of discussion was to give the basic concept of wave
propagation for fractional space, which would be helpful to understand work discuss in later


Chapter 3

Electromagnetic Wave Behavior Of

Chiral-Chiral interface in Fractional


In this chapter, the expressions for transmission and reection coecients are derived for
fractal interface of chiral-chiral and chiral nihility-chiral nihility are discussed. The general
solution of plane waves for non-integer dimension is used to formulate the expressions for
electric and magnetic elds. Classical results are formulated from fractional results, when
integer dimension space is considered. Section 3.2 covers the coecients of reection and
transmission at chiral-fractal chiral interface. Reection and transmission coecients at
chiral nihility-fractal chiral nihility interface are discussed in section 3.3 and summary of
the chapter is concluded in section 3.4. (1 , 1 , 1 , D1 ) , where 0 < D1 < 1. While the
half space z > d, is lled with chiral media having constitutive parameters (2 , 2 , 2 ) and
D2 = 2. Figure 3.1 shows the geometry of chiral-fractal chiral interface,
For simplicity, it is assumed that the fractionality of media 1 exists only in z direction and


Figure 3.1: Reflection and transmission in fractal chiral-chiral media: Incident RCP (solid lines),
reflected LCP (dotted dashed line), reflected RCP (double doted dashed line), refracted LCP
(dashed line), refracted RCP (long dashed line).

time dependency exp(it) is omitted throughout the paper [?]. If right circularly polarized
(RCP) plane wave is incident at fractal chiral-chiral interface, the eld expression for left


fractal half space in term of eigen vectors are expressed as,

Einc =
Eref =

Hinc =
Href =


+ i
z exp(iky y)(kz1
z)ne Hn2e (kz1
i y


AD x
+i y
z)ne Hn1e (kz1
+ i
z exp(iky y)(kz1
+BD x
i +y
i +
z exp(iky y)(kz1
z)ne Hn1e (kz1


i y
z)nh Hn2h (kz1

+ i
z exp(iky y)(kz1


[AD x
+i y
+ i
z exp(iky y)(kz1
z)nh Hn1h (kz1
BD x
i +y
i +
z exp(iky y)(kz1
z)nh Hn1h (kz1




Hankel function of rst and second kind of order ne and nh are used for propagation of waves
in z direction. Where ne = |3 D1 |/2, nh = |D1 1|/2 and D1 is the dimension of media

1 [?]. i = i /i , for i = 1, 2 is the impedance of both media. The elds expressions for
integer dimension right half space can be expressed as,




= CD x
i y
+ i
z exp i(ky y + kz2
i +
z exp i(ky y + kz2
+DD x
+i +y


= [CD x
+ i
z exp i(ky y + kz2
i y
DD x
+i +y
i +
z exp i(ky y + kz2





= (
(1,2) (1,2) (1,2) )



(1,2) , is chirality of media, where subscripts 1, 2 represents dierent media. AD , BD , CD

and DD are unknown reection and transmission coecients to be determine. By imposing
boundary conditions i.e.,
(z = d) + Eref
(z = d) = Etra
(z = d)


(z = d)
(z = d) = Htra
(z = d) + Href


the unknown coecients AD , BD , CD and DD are as follows:





(a1 a3 12 + b1 b3 22 )(kz1
k1 k1 kz1
k2 + k2 kz2

+1 2 (a3 b1 + a1 b3 )(k2+ (k1 kz2
kz1 + kz1
k1 2k2 kz1
+(2k1 kz2
k1 + k2 (kz1
k1 + k1 kz1

= 1 (k1 kz1
(a1 a2 12 b1 b2 22 )(kz2
k2 + k2 kz2
2 +
2 +
kz2 ))
k2 + k1 kz2
1 2 (a2 b1 a1 b2 )(k2 kz1
2 + +
2 + +
2 k2 [(kz1
k2 k1 + k1 kz2
kz1 )(a2 b1 a1 b2 )(a3 1 b3 2 )
+ +
+ +
k2 k1 kz1 + k1 kz2
kz1 k1 )(1 (a2 a3 b1 + a1 a3 b2 + 2a1 a2 b3 )



+2 (2a3 b1 b2 + a2 b1 b3 + a1 b2 b3 ))]
2 +
2 +
kz1 )(a2 b1 a1 b2 )(a3 1 + b3 2 )
k2 k1 k1 kz2
2 k2+ [(kz1
k2 k1 kz1 k1 kz2
kz1 k1 )(1 (a2 a3 b1 + a1 a3 b2 + 2a1 a2 b3 )
2 (2a3 b1 b2 + a2 b1 b3 + a1 b2 b3 ))]


XD = k1 ((a2 a3 12 + b2 b3 22 )(kz1
k1 + k1 kz1
k2 + k2 kz2

+1 2 (a3 b2 + a2 b3 )(kz1
(k2+ (kz2
k1 + 2k2 kz1
) + k2 k1+ kz2
+ +
k1 k2 kz1
k2 k1 + (2kz2
+k1 (kz2




a1 = (kz1
d)ne Hn2e (kz1


a2 = (kz1
d)ne Hn1e (kz1


a3 = (kz1
d)ne Hn2e (kz1


b1 = (kz1
d)nh Hn2h (kz1


d)nh Hn1h (kz1
b2 = (kz1


b3 = (kz1
d)nh Hn2h (kz1


In the next section,integer dimension space results are recovered using proposed fractional
space expressions for D1 = 2.


Simulation Results

The classical results can be nd out by inserting integer values of dimension i.e., D1 = 2. By
setting D1 = 2, the order of Hankel function becomes, ne = nh = 1/2. For large arguments,
the expression of Hankel function of rst kind is given as,


2 j(z)


and the expression of the Hankel function of second kind is,


2 j(z)



Figure 3.2: Co component of reflected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.25

by inserting (3.15) and (3.16) in (3.10-3.13),


e2ikz1 d +

[k (1 2 )2 (k1 k2 k1+ ) (41 2 (kz2
kz1 +
XD=2 2

(1 + 2 )2 k1 kz2
) + ((1 2 )2 k2 kz1
41 2 k1 kz2
+ +
+ +
+ +
+21 2 (2(kz1
kz1 k2 k2 + kz2
kz2 k1 k1 ) + kz1
kz2 k1 k2

k1+ (kz2
(1 2 )2 k1 k2 kz1

BD=2 =

)d 2
2k1+ kz1

22 )(k2+ kz2


k2 kz2


i(kz1 kz2 )d
42 k2 kz2
(1 + 2 )(k2+ kz1
+ k1+ kz2

+ i(kz1
42 kz1 k2 e
(1 2 )(kz2
k1 k2 kz1
2 +

= k2 ((1 2 ) kz1 kz2 k1 + (41 2 k2 kz1


+(1 + 2 )2 k1 kz2
) + (((1 + 2 )2 k2 kz1

)k1+ + (1 2 )2 k1 k2 kz1
+41 2 k1 kz2


These were also discussed by Taj et al. [?], for LCP incident in integer-dimensional space
of chiral-chiral interface at z = 0. For inc , relations are taken from [?]. Both co and cross

Figure 3.3: Cross component of reflected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.25

component of reected power for non-integer dimension is studied. For each component,
two cases are disused rst for impedance mismatching (1 = 2 ) and second for impedance
matching (1 = 2 ). Dierent colors are used for plots, it can be seen in all the plots that
for integer values of dimension i.e., D1 = 2, classical results are recovered which are the
same as those obtained by Faiz et al. for chiral-chiral interface for integer dimension [?].


Figure 3.4: Co component of reflected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.75

Angular dependence of reected power is shown in Figure 3.2 through Figure 3.5. Figure
3.2, shows the co component of reected power for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space. For both
matching and mismatching power rejection (|RCO |+|RCR | = 1) occurs at inc = 90 . Where
the values of constitutive relations are taken arbitrary as 1 = 4, 2 = 1, for impedance
mismatching and 1 = 1, 2 = 1 for impedance matching. The eect of dimension can be seen
on the co component of reected power. There is no eect of dimension on the magnitude of
reected power for inc = 0 19 but from inc = 19 90 magnitude of reected power is
decreases as dimension of the media decreases and nally it approaches to 1 at inc = 90 as
shown in Figure 3.2. Results are taken for dierent values of dimension. Cross component
of reected power are shown in Figure 3.3, the magnitude of cross component of reected
power increases as the dimension of the media decrease for all values of inc and nally all
plots approaches to 0 at inc = 90 . Angular dependence of reected power for (1 = 2 )
are shown in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5. In the case of impedance mating for non integer
dimension power rejection occurs after inc = 19 as in the case of integer dimension. Co
component of reected power for (1 = 2 ) are shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.5 shows the
cross component of reected power for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space.


Figure 3.5: Cross component of reflected power verses angle of incidence for non-integer dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, 2 = 0.75

The variation in magnitude of co and cross components for (1 = 2 ) and (1 = 2 )

in fractional space verses chirality of media 1, are shown in Figure 3.6 through Figure
3.9. Rejection and tunneling of power with dierent dimensions for wide range of chirality
parameter has been observed for xed value of inc = 45 . Power rejection is observed for
whole range of chirality except from 1 = 1.22.7, where power tunneling is observed shown
in Figure 3.6. Dimension of the media has strong eect on tunneling, with the decrease in
dimension tunneling eect also decreases. Where as the magnitude of cross component of
reected power increase with decrease in dimension for all range of chirality of media 1 as
shown in Figure 3.7. Case of impedance matching for chirality of media 1 variation with non
integer space is shown in Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9. Minor reection of power is observed
from 1 = 0.75 1.25. For all range of chirality of media 1, magnitude of co component
of reected power decreases as the dimension decreases except for 1 = 0.75 1.25, but
power rejection holds for all values of dimension shown in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.9, shows the
variation of magnitude of cross component of reected power, as the dimension decreases
magnitude of cross component of reected power increases.


Figure 3.6: Co component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 1 for non-integer dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 2 = 0.25, inc = 45

Figure 3.10 through Figure 3.13 shows change in magnitude of co and cross components
of reected power verses chirality parameter of media 2 with non integer dimension space,

where 1 and inc

are kept constant. Case of impedance mismatching for 2 variation with

non integral space is shown Figure 3.10 through Figure 3.11. Power rejection is observed
form 2 = 0.5 1.5. From 2 = 0 2.25, magnitude of co component of reected power
decreases as the dimension decreases shown in Figure 3.10. Where as the magnitude of
cross component of reected power increase with decrease in dimension for all range of
chirality of media 2 as shown in Figure 3.11. Total rejection of power for small values 2 is
observed, from 2 = 0.4 1.6 magnitude of co component of reected power decreases as
the dimension decreases shown in Figure 3.12. Figure 3.13 shows the change in magnitude
of cross component of reected power verses 2 , as the dimension decreases magnitude of
cross component of reected power increases for all range of chirality of media 2.


Figure 3.7: Cross component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 1 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 2 = 0.25, inc = 45

Figure 3.8: Co component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 1 for non-integer dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 2 = 0.25, inc = 45

Figure 3.9: Cross component of reflected power verses chirality of the media I for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 2 = 0.25, inc = 45


Figure 3.10: Co component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 2 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, inc = 45

Figure 3.11: Cross component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 2 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance mismatch 1 = 0.25, inc = 45


Figure 3.12: Co component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 2 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, inc = 45

Figure 3.13: Cross component of reflected power verses chirality of the media 2 for non-integer
dimension,when 1 = 2 = 1, for impedance matching 1 = 0.25, inc = 45


Chapter 4

Chiral nihility-Chiral nihility

interface in fractional space
Chiral nihility is assumed as special case of chiral media with both permittivity ( = 0) and
permeability ( = 0) are zero. Under the assumption of chiral nihility, relations for waves
number simplies to,



= kz(1,2)


= k(1,2)


An interesting property of chiral nihility is that it produces a backward wave as one of their
two polarizations as shown in Figure 5.2. Backward wave is a reected wave that lies on
the same side of the normal to the boundary as the incident wave.


Figure 4.1: Reflection and transmission in chiral nihility- fractal chiral nihility medium ( Wave
vector representation ): Reflected backward wave (double dotted dashed line), refracted backward
wave ( dotted line).


Chiral Nihility-Chiral Interface In fractional space

Impedance matching

The variation in magnitude of co and cross components for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space

verses chirality of media 1, are shown in Figure 4.2 through Figure 4.10. Rejection and
tunneling of power with dierent dimensions for wide range of chirality parameter has been
observed for xed value of inc = 45 . Dimension of the media has strong eect on tunneling.
The magnitude of co-component of reected power verses chirality of media 1 as shown in
Figure 4.2. Where as the magnitude of cross-component of reected power verses chirality
of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.3. Change in magnitude of co and cross component of


verses chirality of media 2 are given in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5

Figure 4.2: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching.

Figure 4.3: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching.


Figure 4.4: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching.

Figure 4.5: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching.


Impedance mis-matching

The variation in magnitude of co and cross components for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space

verses chirality of media 1, are shown in Figure 4.6 through Figure 4.11. Rejection and
tunneling of power with dierent dimensions for wide range of chirality parameter has been
observed for xed value of inc = 45 . The magnitude of co-component of reected power
verses chirality of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.6. Where as the magnitude of cross28

component of reected power verses chirality of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.7. Change in
magnitude of co and cross component of verses chirality of media 2 are given in Figure 4.8
and Figure 4.9. Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.11 shows the change in magnitude of co and cross
components of reected power verses incedent angle inc

Figure 4.6: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence mis-matching.


Figure 4.7: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence mis-matching.

Figure 4.8: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching.


Figure 4.9: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching.

Figure 4.10: Co-component of reflected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.


Figure 4.11: Cr-component of reflected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.



Chiral-Chiral Nihility Interface In fractional space


Impedance matching

The variation in magnitude of co and cross components for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space

verses chirality of media 1, are shown in Figure 4.12 through Figure 4.15. Rejection and
tunneling of power with dierent dimensions for wide range of chirality parameter has been
observed for xed value of inc = 45 . Dimension of the media has strong eect on tunneling.
The magnitude of co-component of reected power verses chirality of media 1 as shown in
Figure 4.12. Where as the magnitude of cross-component of reected power verses chirality
of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.13. Change in magnitude of co and cross component of
verses chirality of media 2 are given in Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15

Figure 4.12: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching.


Figure 4.13: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching.

Figure 4.14: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching.


Figure 4.15: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching.


Impedance mis-matching

The variation in magnitude of co and cross components for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space

verses chirality of media 1, are shown in Figure 4.16 through Figure 4.21. Rejection and
tunneling of power with dierent dimensions for wide range of chirality parameter has been
observed for xed value of inc = 45 . The magnitude of co-component of reected power
verses chirality of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.16. Where as the magnitude of crosscomponent of reected power verses chirality of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.17. Change
in magnitude of co and cross component of verses chirality of media 2 are given in Figure
4.18 and Figure 4.19. Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21 shows the change in magnitude of co and
cross components of reected power verses incedent angle inc


Figure 4.16: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence miss-matching.

Figure 4.17: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence mis-matching.


Figure 4.18: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching.

Figure 4.19: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence mis-matching.


Figure 4.20: Co-component of reflected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.

Figure 4.21: Cr-component of reflected power verses theta, for impendence mis-matching.



Chiral Nihility-Chiral Nihility Interface In fractional space

The variation in magnitude of co and cross components for (1 = 2 ) in fractional space

verses chirality of media 1, are shown in Figure 4.22 through Figure 4.28. Rejection and
tunneling of power with dierent dimensions for wide range of chirality parameter has been
observed for xed value of inc = 45 . Dimension of the media has strong eect on tunneling.
The magnitude of co-component of reected power verses chirality of media 1 as shown in
Figure 4.22. Where as the magnitude of cross-component of reected power verses chirality
of media 1 as shown in Figure 4.23. Change in magnitude of co and cross component of
verses chirality of media 2 are given in Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25.Change in magnitude of
co and cross component of verses inc are given in Figure 4.27 and Figure 4.28.

Figure 4.22: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching.


Figure 4.23: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 1, for impendence matching.

Figure 4.24: Co-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching.


Figure 4.25: Cr-component of reflected power verses kappa 2, for impendence matching.

Figure 4.26: Co-component of reflected power verses theta, for impendence matching.


Figure 4.27: Cr-component of reflected power verses theta, for impendence matching.




The coecients of reection and transmission for the chiral Nihility interface in fractional
space were studied, when the fractal interface is excited by circularly polarized plane wave. A
new parameter D, is introduced and eect of dimension on tunneling and rejection of power
were also studied. Major focus of studies was to found the eect of dimension on tunneling
and rejection of power. It is found that dimension of media has strong eect on tunneling
and rejection of power. The classical results are recovered when integer-dimensional space
is considered instead of non-integer dimension.


Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Work

In this dissertation, wave propagation in Chiral and/or Chiral Nihility is being studied for
non-integer dimension space. Some new expressions are found analytically. In rst problem,
The expressions for transmission and reection coecients are derived for fractal interface
of chiral-chiral. The general solution of plane waves for non-integer dimension is used to
formulate the expressions for electric and magnetic elds. Behavior of electromagnetic waves
in Chiral-Chiral interface in non-integer Dimension Space is studied. The coecients of
reection and transmission for the chiral-chiral interface in fractional space, when the fractal
interface is excited by circularly polarized plane wave, are presented. A new parameter D,
is introduced and eect of dimension on tunneling and rejection of power is also studied. It
is found that dimension of media has strong eect on tunneling and rejection of power.
In second problem, this analysis is further extended to chiral-nihility and reection and
transmission of electromagnetic waves in Chiral-Nihility interface for non-integer dimension
Space is studied and eect of dimension on tunneling and rejection of power is studied. It is
found that dimension of media has eect on tunneling and rejection of power. The classical
results are recovered when integer-dimension space is considered i.e., D = 2. Moreover,
these solutions can also be used for other fractal cubes.


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