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A woman, 27 years old, amenorrhea

3 months with last menstrual 1
September 2010. Having nausea and
heavy vomiting with blood pressure
90/70mmHg, pulse 110x/min.
Examination date 10 November 2011,
and estimation of delivery?
A. 4 August 2012
B. 8 August 2012
C. 17 August 2012
D. 7 August 2012
E. 10 August 2012
2. On physical examination, the
uterine fundal height expected is.
(Examination on 17th April 2012).
Shes due somewhere in August.
A. not palpable
B. 2 fingers above umbilicus
C. 1 finger above umbilicus
D. As high as the os pubis. Half of the
umbilicus - os symphisis pubis (above
umbilicus for sure, but not sure how
many fingers, sorry.)
3. Hyperemesis gravidarum is usually
found in patient with history of:
A. Anxiety and depression
B. Anorexia Nervosa
C. Morning sickness
D. Psychosis
E. Premenstrual Syndrome
4. Blue discoloration in vagina and
cervix is called
A.Hegar sign
B.Piscoseck sign
C.Hartmann sign
D.Chadwick sign
E.Braxton Hicks
5. In transvaginal USG, the gestational
sac for pregnant women can be
detected as early as:
A. 6 weeks
B. 8 weeks
C. 4 1/2 weeks
D. 10 weeks
E. 13 weeks

6. In gynecology USG, when can be

seen fetal heart beat?
A. at gestational age 6 weeks
B. at gestational age 7 weeks
C. at gestational age 8 weeks
D. at gestational age 9 weeks
E. 10 weeks
7. When do the placental form
a. at gestational age 10 weeks
b. at gestational age 12 weeks
c. at gestational age 14 weeks
d. at gestational age 16 weeks
e. at gestational age 18 weeks
8. The placenta is formed from:
A. chorion decidua palietalis with
B. decidua to chorion frondosum
C. chorion decidua basalis with
D. decidua basalis with the chorion
E. decidua to chorion leave kapsilaris
9. At the moment there is corpus
luteum in the ovary, uterus and
fallopian histologist looks uterine:
A. Proliferation phase in the uterus,
uterine tubal ciliated cells, long
cilianya and active
B. Proliferation phase in the uterus,
uterine tube active secretory cells,
long cilianya
C. Secretory phase in the uterus,
uterine tubal ciliated cells, passive
short cilianya
D. Secretory phase in the uterus,
uterine tube active secretory cells,
short cilianya
E. Premensis uterus, fallopian passive
short cilia
10. Which of the following structure
produce progesterone hormone during
unprepared placenta?
A. Decidua

B. Chorion
C. Corpus alba
D. Corpus rubra
E. Corpus luteum
11. What hormone that maintaining
the structure above (corpus luteum)?
Answer: D. hCG
12. On vaginal examination, head
descent in Hodge III, baby head is as
high as:
A. Spina ischiadica
B. Os coccygeus
C. Not enter pelvic inlet
D. Upper border of symphysis pubis
E. Lower border of symphysis pubis
13. For case above we hope that
internal rotation has been perfect, the
minor fontanelle must be:
A. Below symphysis on 12 hour
B. Below symphysis on 6 hour
C. Below symphysis on 3 hour
D. Below symphysis on 9 hour
E. below symphysis on 7 hour
14. Fetal assessment should be done
but non-routine on normal
a. antepartum assessment of fetal
heart rate
b. assessment of amniotic fluid
c. assessment of fetal lung maturity
d. ultrasonography of umbilical artery
for convelliance
e. assessment of fetal movement
15. Management of non- routine care
for antenatal care at health center:
a. multiple dipsticks for urine test
b .free iron and folic acid for pregnant
c. antibiotic treatment for those
pregnant women that need the
d. umbilical cord Doppler ultrasound

e. women with high risk for

complications during deliver or those
with history of intrapartum
complications should be prepare for

16. Woman 28 years old, pregnant 10

weeks went to physician with
complaint of being unable to eat or
drink because she will vomit so her
body weight decrease rapidly. In
physical examination she is founded to
be pale, dirty tongue, and tachycardia
What is the diagnosis of this patient?
A. Gastritis
B. Apendisitis
C. Hyperemesis Gravidarum
D. Diarea
E. Emesis gravidarum
17. What is the main cause of this
A. Increase of HCG hormone
B. Decrease of estrogen hormonen
C. Increase TSH
D. Increase peristaltic
E. All of the above
18. An 18 year-old woman, G1P0A0,
third trimester comes to the policlinic
with fatigue and dizziness. What is the
physical examination that must be
A. blood pressure
B. color of skins and gums
C. flow .......
D. Urinalysis
E. P.....
19. Supportive test needed
A. Peripheral blood smear
B. Flow cytometry
C. Schilling test
D. Blood group type
20. If lab result reveal leucocyte,
possible condition is?

A. lack of lactic acid in body tissue

B. increase oxygen delivery to tissue
C. infection
D. decrease oxygen delivery to tissue
E. increase body metabolism
21. A women G3P1A1 28-30 weeks of
GA come to emergency room with
dyspnea-more in supine position,
fundal height 36cm, tone shiny skin
over the abdomen with large striae,
fetal heart sound cannot be heard.
What is the supporting examination
for the case above?
A. abdomen CT scan
B. abdomen photo RO
D. cytogenetic
23. Cord blood should be obtained at
delivery for
A. hemoglobin concentration and
direct coombs test
B. hemoglobin concentration and
indirect coombs test
C. ferritin concentration and direct
coombs test
D. blood group and direct coombs test
E. blood group and indirect coombs
24. A 35 y.o. women P0A0 with main
complaint of pain during menstruation
the blood discharge more than usual.
She have been married for 5 years.
The doctor suggested her to do
endometrial biopsy.
What is the function of endometrial
A. To detect ovulation.
B. To detect pregnancy.
C. To detect rest tissue.
D. To detect the growth of the cancer
E. To detect any presence of blood in
peritoneal cavity.

A woman, 38 years old came to the

hospital with complaint of spotting for
2 days and lower abdominal pain.
From the anamnesis, she do not have
menstrual for 2 months and plano test
(+), Physical examination show vital
sign normal, fundal height cannot be
palpate, pain cervical motion and
abnormal bulging from a far. Doctor
suggest to do coldosentesis.
25. What is the purpose of
a. To detect pregnancy
b. To detect function of hormone
c. To detect the presence of blood
peritoneal cavity
d. To detect the growth of malignancy
cells area deeper than cervix
e. Definite examination for diagnosis
of growth of malignant cells in cervical
26. Imaging modality which is mostly
used to detect the abnormality of
reproductive organ is?
B. Conventional X-ray
C. Nuclear medicine
E. CT scan
A pregant woman admitted and
diagnosed with G2P1A0 39 weeks
second stage of labour. in vaginal
examination you found 10 cm cervical
dilatation, amniotic membrane (+)
station at hodge 3-4, one contraction
in 10 minutes (duration 30 seconds),
she had been told to push her baby for
2 hours at midwife place.
27.the possible cause of stagnant
delivery in this case:
A. powers
B. passenger
C. passage
D. physics

28. The progress of labor is evaluated

by monitoring of
A. Fetal Heart rate
B. Fundus of uterine contraction
C. Cervical Dilatation*
D. Amplitude of uterine contraction
29.if this patient's baby is a breech,
you can do external version if :
A.cervical dilatation >5
B.amniotic membrane (+)
C.footling presentation
D.lowest part has engaged
30. In IUFD case, we should find image
of overriding of fetal cranial bones in
its examination. It is called:
A. Robert's sign
B. Spalding's sign
C. Chardwick's sign
D. Quintero's sign
31. Intra uterine asphyxia caused by :
a. endothelial dysfuction
b. shock
c. intra uterine growth restriction
d. preterm pregnancy
32. Intra uterine asphyxia can be
detected by checking
a. level lactate acid
b. level uric acid
c. fetal heart rate
d. fetal blood ph >7.2
33. Probable indication of fetus for this
A. cardiac failure
B. intrapartum infection
C. preeclampsia
D after coming head
E. fetal distress
34. What is the complication may be
present to the fetus?
A. Laceration of vagina
B. Shock
C. Aphyxia
D. Sepsis
E. Dehydration

35. A woman, 35 y/o G4P3A0 with

gestational age 38 weeks was send to
Puskesmas with prolonged labour with
stage II. From anamnesis theres
history of myomectomy. From physical
examination: vita sign normal,
imminent uterine rupture sign, and
fetal heart 140x/min and irregular
lower part is head, station 1+ but the
position is at horizontal.
What is the best management for this
A. Embryotomy
B. Cesarean section
C. Vacuum extraction
D. Forceps extraction
E. Version extraction
36. A mother 38 years old G2P1 came
to Puskesmas with abnormal bleeding.
Pregnancy week: 34 weeks. The doctor
at the Puskesmas said that she has to
be referred to the main hospital at
town because lack of suitable
What is the type of referral system
done by the doctor?
A. Horizontal reference
B. Diagonal reference
C. Vertical reference
D. Operational reference
E. Internal reference
37. 26 yrs old, G1P0 came to
puskesmas for routine check-up, with
chief complaint of low back pain and
white vaginal discharge. Further
examination involve test on the
discharge. Based on the scenario
above, a good referral system at the
Reproductive Health Service should
I. time component
II. risk component
III. stream component
IV. complaint component
A. I, II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. II, III and IV

D. II and IV
E. I and III
38. A health baby born vaginally with
vacuum extraction, no immediately
cry, examine baby under radiant
What is the important question before
you make decision:
a. how many the mother age?
b. term gestation ?
c. good muscle tone?
d. score apgar
e. term gestation? and good muscle
39. What is the next step after initial
process of this baby?
A.initial step
B. provide warm
C. routine care
D. calculate Apgar score
E. measure body weight
40. A healthy term baby girl is born
vaginally without instrumentation.
before early initiation of breastfeeding,
what preparation that u have to do?
A. measure baby weight
B. give vit K 11mg I.M.
C. give oxytetracyclin eye ointment
D. dry baby body and hand
E. dry whole baby body from amniotic
41. What is the primitive reflex for
baby to brestfeeding?
D.Sucking and rooting
E.Non of the above
42. A baby , was born at 32 week of
GA with 1600g of body weight. The
baby body weight is appropriate if it is
plotted on the intrauterine Growth
Curve. On physical examination, you
can found
A. long nail

B. breast engorgement
C. Abundance of scalp hair
D. Abundance of lanugos
E. Increased alertness
43. On day 7, 34 weeks gestation
mothers went to u to check the baby
who develop yellowish up to thighs.
The mother has O+ n the baby is A+.
otherwise the baby is normal and
active which is the following is the
following cause this disorder.
A. ABO compatibility
B. rhesus factor
C. septicemia
D. biliary atresia
E. physiologic jaundice
44. A 4 day old baby develop of
neonatal septicemia , most likely
cause is :
A) infection trough umbilcal cord
B) Local nursery environment
C) Exclusive breast feed baby
D)Infection by GIT bacteria
E) Infection by mother transmission
45)classification of jaundice phisiology
of the baby :
a)happen in first 24 hours of birth
b)total bilirubin serum > 5 ml
c)total bilirubun concentration > 15
d)self limiting after 7 days
e)direct bilirubin above 1
46. The mother 37 weeks of gestation
with baby girl ask about bloody
vaginal on 4th day. What do you
explain to her ?
A. Its normal
B .Obtain estradiol level on d baby
C. Give vitamin K
D. Obtain LH and FSH on the baby
E. Obtain lab work on the mother
47. On the next day, the mother calls
the nurse because her baby develops
rash. It is red, macular, papular and
most prominent on the face and trunk.

The mother is wonder if the baby

allergic to her milk. What will you say?
A. It is a staphylococcus infection
B. It is erythema toxicum
C. The baby allergic to the baby lotion
D. Should change to soy formula
E. Have to make lab test first to know
the causes

52. Mechanism of Combined oral

A. Supressed ovulation
B. Myometrium not ready for
C. thin cervical mucus
D. Delayed ovum transportation
E. Decrease cilia tubal motility

48) A 30 years old woman, with fourth

week of prepirenium but the fundus
uterus still above the symphisis. what
are the diagnosis?
a) Uterus subinvolusion
b) Hypotonic Inertia Uterus
c) Placenta Rest
d) Milohaditidosa
e) gastroenteritis

53. Contraindication for implant :

A. Cervical carcinoma
B. Abnormal uterine bleeding with
defined cause
C. Hypertension
D. Smoking
E. Unknown vaginal bleeding

49. When will the height of

postpartum uterine returns to its
normal state:
A. 4 weeks
B. 24 days
C. 5 weeks
D. 6 weeks
E. 20 days
50. Which of the following ethod is not
effective to protract the inverted
A. plastic surgery
B. Stimulation of nipples
C. Piercing of nipples
D. Breast shells
E. Backeroff technique
51. Women 28 years old, Gravida 3,
Para 3, All her baby weight is 4000g.
She complain continuous urinary
drainage 6months after delivery.
Injection methylene blue into bladder.
Show urine becomes blue. What is
differential Diagnose?
A. vesicovaginal fistula
B. Uretero-vaginal fistula
C. Urethrovaginal fistula
D. Vesicocervicovaginal fistula
E. Urethra-vaginal fistula

54. Side effect of implant is

A.Irregular bleeding
E.Infection in implant site
55. A couple with husband's history of
GO want to delay the pregnancy. The
exact contraception method?
A. Condom
B. Spermicide
C.Pperiodic abstinence
E. Tubectomy
56. Contraception can be used in
woman with postpartum period and
breasrfeeding. also she is suffering
from varices and living in remote area.
best used contraception method is:
A. spermicide
B. periodic abstenince
C. condom
E. DMPA injection
57. IUD prevent pregnancy by:
a. thickening of cervical mucus
b. prevent implantation in uterine
c. prevent ovulation
d. kill sperm cells

e. slow tubal motility

58. as a contraceptive device, IUD
should not be used in patient with a
history of
A. multi para
B. varices
E. husband works in another city
59. Do occlusion in fallopian tube
A. Vasectomy
B. Tubectomy
D. Salphyngophorectomy
E. Hysterectomy
60. A woman, 35 years old, gravid 36
weeks, she is smoking 2 stick
cigarette/ day. A main complaint that
her fetus decrease in movement. A
physical examination shows that BP is
150/120 mmHg. USG examination, the
baby is having distress and must be
delivered immediately. Then the
ceaserian section must be done. The
baby has 2.2 kg BW and is having
infection at his ears, and within
24hours the assessment revealed the
baby is having yellow lower
What is the main cause that give the
baby having yellow extremities?
a. Hypertension
b. Jaundice
C. Tobacco effects
d. Fetal distress
e. Premature birth
61. What components in cigarettes
that can cause low birth weight?
answer: D. nicotine and carbon
62. Which substance in tobacco is
A. Tar
B. Nicotine

C. Amoniac
D. Nitrogen Oxide
E. Carbon monoxide
63. Women who drink alcohol 6-7
drinks/day exhibit fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS). Characteristic of FAS?
A. Limb & skeletal defect
B. Low birth weight & miscarriage
C. micronagthia & midface
D. microcephaly & microphthalmia
E. Oral cleft & spina bifida
64. Side effect of carbamazepine??
65. source of MTCT HIV:
b.umbilical circulation
c.maternal blood
d.mucous membrane
e.GI tract
66. Effect of HIV to pregnancy
a. intra uterine fetal death
b. ocular defect
c. neural deafness
d. microcephaly
e. hidrancephaly
67. For how long we provide ARV
prophylaxis for infant for hiv + mother
who had been given ART?
A. 4 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 8 weeks
D. 3 months
E. 6 months
68. Virologic diagnosis of HIV infection
in infants born to HIV-positive mother,
have to be performed for the first
A. HIV PCR test at 2 weeks of age
B. HIV PCR test at 4 weeks of age
C. HIV PCR test at 8 weeks of age
D. HIV PCr test at 16 weeks of age
E. HIV PCR test at 24 weeks of age

69. A 37 years old woman, complains

of frequent intermenstrual bleeding for
years. Examination: pelvis firmly
fixed,little mobility of organs. Perform
endometrial biopsy:frequent giant cell,
caseous necrosis and granuloma
formation seen. women condition:
A. Syphilis
B. C.trachomatis
C. Tuberculosis
E. L.monocytogenesis
70. diagnosis of latent tuberculosis is
A. posterior anterior chest x-ray
B. interferon gamma quantitative
C. multiple sputum sample for
microscopy and culture
D. sputum smear for acid fast bacilli
E. site specific investigation for nonrespiratory TB (X-ray, CT scan, MRI)
71. TB puerperium treatment is also
given pyridoxine (B6) supplement. The
function of pyridoxine is to decrease
A. renal toxicity
B. lung toxicity
C. liver toxicity
D. gastrointestinal toxicity
73. Pathologic changes in liver during
pregnancy before delivered
A. hemoglobin
B. uric acid titer
C. clotting factor
D. bile duct contractibility
E. albumin concentration and total
74. The prevention of the neonatal
hepatitis B as follow:
A. immunoglobulin 12 month of age.
B. simultaneous vaccination.
C. vaccination at 1 and 6 month of
D. (tak ingat. sorry)
E. (tak ingat. sorry)

A woman, 37 years old, moderate

obcess, 20 weeks of pregnancy with 2
days history of painless right leg
swelling. She told that she elevate her
leg several days after severe ankle
sprain. No prior medical history, recent
surgery, or weight loss. She is nonsmoker. Examination noted for right
ankle splint and pitting edema in right
calf, which is 1.5cm larger than left.
75. The type of DVT in this case
a. Superficial thrombophelitis
b. Calf deep vein thrombosis
c. Proximal/Ilio-femoral DVT
d. Pulmonary emboli
e. Venous various
76. Patient in case 1 elected to be
followed clinically. She returned to
clinic 3 days later with persistent
swelling, but no new symptoms. She
was to return the following week, but
instead you are called to Emergency
Room 10 days later after she present
with acute onset of dyspnea and
pleuritic chest pain.First treatment to
be given?
A. oral anticoagulant
B. heparin
D. surgery
E. stocking
77. A woman 24 years old, unmarried,
complained of fishy odour, thin and
homogenous vaginal discharge, no
complaining of itching. and doctor
diagnose as bacterial vaginosis.
which one not included in Amsel
criteria :
A. characteristic hematogenous white
B. vaginal fluid pH >4,5
C. found diplococcus (-) gram
D. release fishy amine odour when
10% KOH addedE. presence of clue

78.A women 25Y.O married came with

complaint of lump in the vulva area
appearred about 2month ago, physical
examination found edema in red on
the vulva and no pain.what is the
A.sebacous cyst
B. epidermal cyst
C. Discontagenik cyst
D. Fibroma
E. Bartholin cyst
79.etiology of this disease (Q.78) is :
A.congenital disease
B.ductus obstruction
80. Woman, 27 years old with chief
complain yellowish vaginal discharge.
Physical exam redness and swelling of
the genitals. from gram staining found
diplococcus gram negative bacteria.
A. Vulvovaginal candidiasis
B. Trichomoniasis
C. Bacterial vaginosis
D. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
E. Non ureteritis gonorrhoeae
A couple doesnt have child. PE the
husband shows no hair axillary hair.
His penis is shortening and testes are
decrease. XXY chromosome:
Klinefelter syndrome.
81. Which principal androgen
responsible transforms
undifferentiated external genitalia in
fetus into male external genitalia?
a. testosterone
b. androstenedione
c. androsterone
d. dihydrotestosterone (DHEA)
e. mullerien inhibiting factor
82. In this case which of the following
ductus is develop uncompletely
a. mullerian dct
b. wollfian dct

c. genital ridge
d. epididymis tube
e.vas deferens duct
83. Congenital anomaly that is
characterized by hematocalpos during
puberty is
A. agenesis
B. congenital hematocolpus
C. Hymen imperforata
D. Uterus
E. Uterus bikornis
84. Sign and symptom that can ocur in
congenital anomaly of female genital
A. Alvi incontinence
B. Menstrual disorder
C. Infertility
D. Dispareunia
E. No symptoms
85. Failure of development of Mullerian
A. Agenesis of vagina, uterus, and
fallopian tube
B. Agenesis vagina
C. Agenesis of vagina and uterus
D. Agenesis of uterus
E. Agenesis of uterus and fallopian
86. Ms. Gayatri 22 years old, last day
of menstrual cycle at 15th march
2012. She has regular menstrual cycle
of 31 days with 6 days interval.
Menstrual quantity is normal (4x
dressing changes per day ).
Question: During what day
folliculogenesis / ovulation phase
A. Day 13
B. Day 14
C. Day 15
D. Day 16
E. Day 17
87. Ovulation for Ms. Ira on the
menstrual cycle?
A. 31 march 2012

B. 1 april 2012
C. 2 april 2012
D. 3 april 2012
E. 4 april 2012
88. A 16 years old girl has no
menarche. Examinations show
absence of breast development and
small and otherwise normal female
pelvic organ. Which of the following
diagnostic test most useful in
determining the etiology of
a. serum FSH
b. serum estradiol
c. serum testosteron
d. MRI in the head
e. ovarion biopsy
89. What hormone below is increased
after ovulation
A. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
B. luteinizing hormone (LH)
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
E. prolactin
90. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
(DUB) is usually associated with
A. uterine cramping
B. common in prepubital girls
C. usually associate with steroid
producing ovarian tumor
D. unpredictable vaginal bleeding
91. A women 28 years old came to the
hospital because unable to conceive
during the last 5 years. her pelvic was
normal, ovulation ok, semen ok,
menstrual cycle ok. What is the nest
asessment to do?
A. Asessment of endometriosis
B. Asessment of tuba factor
C. Asessment of ovulation
D. Asessment of sperm
E. Asessment of chromosomal
92. The following statement is true
about sperm analysis

A. The normal value of sperm

concentration is = 40 million/ml
B. The proportion of normal
morphology is 30%
C. The proportion of normal motility is
D. In azospermia, the concentration of
seprm is 20 million/ml
93. Which is the following the correct
definition of amenorrhea
A. primary amenorrhea is 16 years old
girl with absence of menses with
normal breast development
B. primary amenorrhea is 14 years old
girl with absence of menses with no
breast development
C. secondary amenorrhea is a woman
with absence of menses after 3
months of previous menstrual cycle
D. secondary amenorrhea is a woman
with absence of menses after 3 cycles
of previous normal menstrual cycle
E. secondary amenorrhea is a woman
with absence of menses after 6
months of normal previous menstrual
94. What is cause frequent menstrual
disorder in compartment 1?
A) Asherman syndrome
B) Chromosomal disorder
C) Congenital absence of uterus
D) Uterine tuberculosis
95. PCOS criteria:
a. obesity, infertility, hyperandrogen
b. characteristic ovarian morphology,
c. characteristic ovarian morphology,
hyperinsulinemia, obesity
d. oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea,
obesity, hyperinsulinemia
96. Definition of pre-menopause
A. >65
B. 40-49
C. 49-52
D. 52-65

97. What condition can cause

Precooks (praecox) menopause?
A. Radiation
B. Uterine myoma
C. Ovarian tumour
D. Acute appendicitis
98. Estrogen after pre-menopause
period is the conversion of:
a) adrostenedione
b) estradiol
c) progestin
d) estron aromatation
e) Na.pregnandiol

99. Estrogen metabolism in liver is

substituted by:
A. 17-b aldehyde
B. 17-a alkyl
C. Pregnenolon
D. Na.pregnendiol
E. Androstenodione
100. Which of the following is not
the contraindication for
hormonal replacement therapy?
a. vaginal bleeding without unknown
b. acute hepatitis
c. hereditary hyperlipidemia
d. acute thromboembolism

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