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HRM is both a philosophy and a technique.

As a philosophy, it squarely confronts the

labour force as a potential partner in the work process. It obliges owners and managers
to look at employees as individuals who can be brought to bear as committed players in
achieving organisational goals. This is best done by taking on board employees own
interests when charting overall, corporate objectives, making sure that the profits landed
by firms are also accompanied by significant rewards tothose who labour to make them
happen. Critical among such rewards are programmes that flexibly address the
education, training and development needs of personnel generally, at all levels of the
organisational hierarchy. This is the technique of HRM, premised on the understanding
that a customized approach to the needs and aspirations of each employee constitutes a
tangible form of commitment to that persons well-being and job satisfaction, which in
turn should readily translate into a winning, synergetic partnership with managers and investors.
Employees are viewed as subjects with the potential for growth and development; such potential is
to be identified and developed in line with the adaptive needs of the organisation;

Baldacchino, G. (2001). Human resource management strategies for small territories:

An alternative proposition. International Journal of Educational Development, 21 (3),
205215. doi: 10.1016/S0738-0593(00)00029-8


Sikora, D. M., & Ferris, G. R. (2014). gStraice humn oresc pati mnleo: Th crital oe f line mgat. Human Resource Management Review, 24(3),
271281. doi:

Another question is whether different HRM strategies will produce

different effects on organizational performance

In other words, in addition to interactive effects resulting from its
combination with competitive strategy, HRM strategy seems to exert

an independent effect on organizational performance.

Effective HRM strategy systematically coordinates all individual HRM
measures and implements them so as to directly influence employee
attitude and behavior in a way that helps a business to achieve its

competitive strategy.
Businesses adopting utilization strategy recruit their employees
chiefly from the external labor market. The selection of their
employees should focus on the ability to begin work immediately and

minimizing training expense. The job content of such workers is

definite, career development focuses on specialization, performance
evaluation emphasizes the short-term and the individual, pay is based
on external equity with other workers, and bonuses and other
monetary incentives are rare. Because worker recruitment emphasize
technological ability and organizational requirements, job security is

poor (Dowling and Schuler, 1990).

Those businesses adopting a quality-enhancement strategy must
make frequent changes in the production process in order to

continuously upgrade product quality.

This type of strategy requires a high level of employee involvement
and flexibility. Employees are required to engage in predictive and
repetitive behavior, to cooperate closely with others, to emphasize
product quality, and to make a strong commitment to organizational

Huang, T. C. (2001). The effects of linkage between business and human resource







Human resource management (HRM) has to change as the business environment

changes. It has to do this as a mixture of responding to changes in that
environment and if predicting such changes and making proactive decisions
about the nature of HRM. The future is unpredictable and it is hard to determine
what it will bring. It is important to be flexible and to acquire as much
knowledge as possible to help cope with these uncertainties. Human resource
(HR) managers need to synthesize issues relating to their core personnel
functions with the general economic and business issues, whilst remaining in
touch with technological development. Successful HR managers and

departments have a significant strategic impact on their organization.

Successful companies invariably attract and retain productive employees.
Competition for talent was high. Managers needed to hire quickly or risk losing
a potential employee. In the current environment, this has changed. A company
receive a large number of resumes. Of course, this give different problems.
Selection becomes a much more important issue, since there is a bigger poor to

select from.
The role of HR department is to impose discipline on the selection process
both to offer a fair deal to all candidates and to ensure that the organization
really does get the best person of the job.

Successful companies or organization will be those that are able to attract and
retain highly skilled employees. In order to do so, they must be able to match
what the employee wants with what the employer is willing to give. This
partnership approach to HR comes from a realization among HR directors and
executives that if you take care of your people, they will take care of you. Many

companies are taking care by offering innovative and flexible benefits.

Companies need to first identify what their employees need. This is not
necessarily simple. For example, companies with more than one location should
not assume that all employees at all sites have the same needs. This is
particularly true for global organizations since employee needs may be a

reflection of socio-economical or cultural influences.

HR professionals need to be aware that employee needs are not static; they are

constantly evolving and changing.

Retaining a current employee is almost always a cheaper option than recruiting

and training a new employee.

Employees in post also need appropriate training and development, since most

jobs change over times especially as new technology is introduced.

Another important benefit of reducing cutbacks is the retention of high
employee morale and efficiency. By maintaining a continuous staff level, morale
is maintained. Indeed if the workforce is aware, or made aware of, the market
conditions, morale may be boosted. High efficiency.

Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh. (2003). The future of human resource management. Work

Study, 52(4), 201207. doi:

How do human resource decisions influence organizational perfor-mance? In the simplest terms,
they must either improve efficiency or contrib-ute to revenue growth.

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