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Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

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Creep and shrinkage of recycled aggregate concrete

A. Domingo-Cabo a, C. Lzaro a, F. Lpez-Gayarre b, M.A. Serrano-Lpez b,*, P. Serna a, J.O. Castao-Tabares a

ETSICCP, Polytechnic University of Valencia. Camino de Vera, s/n. 46071 Valencia, Spain
EPS Engineering, Dep. Construction, University of Oviedo. Campus de Viesques, 33203 Gijn, Spain

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 10 October 2008
Received in revised form 31 January 2009
Accepted 8 February 2009
Available online 13 March 2009
Recycled concrete
Recycled aggregate concrete
Creep and shrinkage

a b s t r a c t
This paper presents the results of experimental research into concrete produced by replacing the natural
aggregates with recycled aggregates coming from construction waste and concrete work demolitions. The
main aim of this work was to determine creep and shrinkage variations experienced in recycled concrete,
made by replacing the main fraction of the natural aggregate with a recycled aggregate coming from
waste concrete and comparing it to a control concrete. The substitution percentages were 20%, 50%
and 100%. Fine natural aggregate was used in all cases and the amount of cement and watercement ratio
remained constant in the mixture. It was possible to state that the evolution of deformation by shrinkage
and creep was similar to a conventional concrete, although the results after a period of 180 days showed
the inuence of the substitution percentage in the recycled aggregates present in the mixture. In the case
when 100% coarse natural aggregate was replaced by recycled aggregate there was an increase in the
deformations by creep of 51% and by shrinkage of 70% as compared to those experienced by the control
2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Under the National Plan of Construction and Demolition Waste
(PNRCD 20012006) carried out in Spain, different studies were
made with the purpose of being able to reuse construction waste
in concrete production.
Currently in Spain several groups of researchers are working
jointly in the development of specic rules that regulate the use
of these materials in concrete production [1,2]. Following these
objectives, with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Environment and coordinated by the Structures and Materials Head Ofce
Laboratory of the Cedex (Training and Experimentation Center for
Public Works), the experimental project of regulatory context
RECNHOR was developed. Our work team participated in this project together with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the University of A Corua and the University of Cantabria. Specically,
the team was in charge of evaluating the inuence of recycled
aggregate on the deferred properties of the concrete. It was important to determine these parameters in order to confront the design
of reinforced concrete elements prepared with recycled aggregates
in a safe way.
Snchez de Juan [3], Ammon [4] and Gmez-Sobern [5], who
have worked previously in this line of investigation, presented several conclusions. Shrinkage values between 15% and 60% were obtained by Snchez de Juan [3], higher in recycled aggregate
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 985 181947; fax: +34 985 182055.
E-mail address: (M.A. Serrano-Lpez).
0950-0618/$ - see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

concretes as compared to those containing natural aggregate. Similar values to the ones obtained for concretes made with aggregates
coming from slag were presented in [4]. In [5] it is concluded that
due to a higher absorption of recycled aggregate, the shrinkage and
creep of the recycled concrete increased. The higher the percentage
of recycled aggregate added, the greater the increase.
2. Experimental program
2.1. Components
The primary concrete components in this work were:
 Cement: CEM I 42.5 N/S. The chemical composition is shown in Table 1.
 Aggregates: ne aggregate FNA (0/4 mm), coarse aggregate CA (10/20 mm),
coarse aggregate CA (4/10 mm), coarse recycled aggregate RCA (4/20 mm).
 Additive: superplastifying Sikament 500.
The coarse recycled aggregate is similar in appearance to the natural crushed
aggregates although its texture is rougher due to adhered mortar waste [6,7], presenting a greater absorption than natural aggregates (Table 2). Another important
factor is the lower density of recycled aggregates due to the presence of mortar adhered to the aggregates [6,7].
Recycled aggregates generally fulll adequate granulometric analysis for concrete production [7]. This granulometric analysis was carried out according to the
European Code UNE-EN 933-1. Fig. 1 shows the granulometric analysis and the
granulometric modulus of the aggregates used.
The aggregates used in the study show a continuous granulometric curve, and
the percentage of declassied material present in the coarse recycled aggregates
is lower than 5%, making them suitable for use.
The most important property that differentiates natural aggregates from recycled ones is the percentage of adhered mortar, determined according to the test


A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

Table 1
Chemical composition of cement.

CEM I 42.5 N/SR

Loss on ignition









Insoluble residue











Table 2
Densities, absorption and LA wear coefcient of aggregates.

Dry density

Density SSD

24 h (%)

coefcient (%)

CNA (10/20 mm)

CNA (4/10 mm)
RCA (4/20 mm)
FNA (0/4 mm)





procedure established in [8]. This method involves applying stresses to the adhered
mortar in order to cause its detachment from the rocky matrix. The sample is
weighed and immersed in water. Next, the sample is heated up in a furnace and,
subsequently, a thermal crash is produced by dipping it again into cold water. Finally, the sample is sieved using a 2 mm sieve. The mortar that is still adhered is removed by hitting the sample with a rubber mallet. Once the cleaning has been
done, the sample is weighed again. The weight difference represents the adhered
It can be observed (Table 3) how a greater percentage of adhered mortar is concentrated in the nest fractions.

The consistency of the concrete was measured by the Abrams cone method,
according to the code UNE-EN 12350-2: 2006, obtaining results (Table 5) that show
how a greater presence of recycled aggregate decreases the workability of the concrete. That is the reason why it is necessary to use saturated recycled aggregate [9]
or a greater amount of superplastifying additives.
Following the European Code UNE-EN 12390-2 to carry out the strength tests,
samples in cylindrical specimen of 15  30 cm unmolded the following day were
prepared so as to be cured for 7 days in a chamber at a constant temperature of
20 C and a humidity of over 95%. On the 8th day, the specimens of mixture A were
left in the humidity chamber until day 28, whereas the specimens of mixture B
were taken to a climatic chamber that presented a drying atmosphere of 65% RH
and a temperature of 23 C, where the creep and shrinkage tests were carried out.

Table 3
Adhered mortar in recycled aggregates.
Fraction (mm)

Aggregate (%)

Adhered mortar (%)




2.2. Mixtures

Table 4
Mixture composition.

The dosage rate of the tested concretes can be observed in Table 4. A control
concrete with 40 MPa of compressive strength was used. The recycled concrete
was produced by substituting 20%, 50% and 100% of the natural coarse aggregate
with the recycled aggregate.
Two mixtures (A and B) were prepared for each percentage. Each one was cured
in a different way in order to study the behaviour of its mechanical properties. The
mixture was prepared according to the following procedure: rst, the coarse aggregates and 1/3 of the water were added, giving the mixer a few turns. Later the sand,
the cement and another third of the water was added, mixing it for 3 min and leaving the mixture to rest for another 3 min, covering it to avoid evaporation. Finally,
the remaining third of the water and the additive were added, mixing it for 2 more
minutes, after which the mixture was ready.


Cement (kg)
Water (kg)
FNA (0/4 mm) (kg)
CNA (10/20 mm) (kg)
CNA (4/10 mm) (kg)
RCA (4/20 mm) (kg)
w/c Ratio
Additive (%)

Fig. 1. Aggregates granulometric analysis.

Coarse recycled aggregate substitution










A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

Table 5
Physical and mechanical properties of the recycled and control concretes.



Density 7 days

Density 28 days

fc 7 days

Coefcient of
variation (%)

fc 28 days

Coefcient of
variation (%)

Elastic modulus

Coefcient of
variation (%)

H40 A











H40 B









2.3. Hardened concrete

Tests on three samples were carried out for both mixtures following the codes
UNE-EN 12390-3 and UNE-EN 83316 in order to determine the compressive
strength and the elastic modulus, respectively.
2.4. Test preparation
The test was carried out according to ASTM C512-02 [11]. In order to carry it
out, rigid frames with a capacity to withstand a nominal load of up to 500 kN were
designed. The frames made it possible to test simultaneously three cylindrical specimens of 150  300 mm arranged in series. The frames with the specimens were
introduced in a climatic chamber at a controlled temperature of 23 1 C and RH
of 65 10%. Since the specimens are not sealed, the deformations measured are
shrinkage (autogenous and dried) and creep (basic and dried).
The frame designed to conduct the test included a hydraulic manual-action jack,
making it possible to test concretes up to 80 MPa with a 0.35fc load level. This load
is maintained over long periods of time by means of a hydro pneumatic accumulator of 1.5 dm3 nominal capacity and nitrogen preload of 110 bar.
The measurement system was made up of electronic devices that measure and
register the deformation, load, temperature and humidity values. The deformation
measurement due to creep and shrinkage was made by means of three strain
gauges, arranged in three equidistant generatrix. The load was measured by means
of pressure transducers with a capacity up to 400 bar. Inside the chamber an electronic transducer measured the humidity and temperature. All the instruments
were connected to data acquisition modules, with eight channels per module, so
as to periodically register the measurements in real time.

3. Experimental results
The mortar present in recycled aggregate causes a greater wear
rate in the Los Angeles machine (Table 2). Comparing the natural
coarse aggregate to the recycled one, a wear increase between
26% for the CNA (4/10 mm) and 44% for the CNA (10/20 mm)
was observed.

As it was indicated above, Table 3 shows the results of the tests

for adhered mortar in the recycled aggregates.
Table 5 shows that the density of the samples decreases when
the substitution level of recycled aggregate in the mixture is increased, and that the curing process in the climatic chamber causes
a slight decrease in density due to the drying process of the samples. The density of the concrete was obtained by testing three
samples following the procedure established in the European Code
UNE-EN 12390-7.
Table 5 also shows the compressive strength values for the different substitution percentages and curing times. In the case of
mixture B only the test after 28 days was carried out.
For all substitution levels, it was observed that strength after
7 days exceeded 80% of the compressive strength reached by mixture A on day 28. It was also noted that when the substitution level
of recycled aggregate was increased, an increase in the compressive strength was obtained, contrary to what was established in
other studies. This was possibly caused by the fact that greater
absorption of recycled aggregates produced a smaller effective
watercement ratio, although it could also have been caused by
the effects of the additive used.
On the other hand, the elastic modulus obtained experimentally
showed a clear decrease (Table 5) as the substitution percentage of
recycled aggregates was increased. These results were in agreement with other studies carried out [10].
The results obtained for the elastic modulus are acceptable,
with levels of substitution between 20% and 50% of the coarse
aggregate, if they are compared (Fig. 2) with those given by the
proposed equation in [10].
Nevertheless, when the substitution level exceeded 50%
there was a decrease in the value of the elastic modulus. In these

Fig. 2. Elastic modulus vs Japanese Architecture Institute estimation.


A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

situations the experimental results disagree with those proposed

by Kakizaki et al. [10]. From these values the inuence of the recycled aggregates can be observed. Their higher porosity caused an
important decrease in the elastic modulus when the replacement
level was 100%.
In order to verify whether indeed the compressive strength was
higher as a result of the greater absorption of recycled aggregates,
it was decided to prepare a group of mixtures in which the effective watercement ratio remained constant, that is to say, adjusting the amount of water in the mixture to take into account
absorption. Table 6 shows the obtained values of consistency, compressive strength and elastic modulus for mixture A.
It was observed that when the effective watercement ratio was
maintained constant, the slump, the compressive strength and
elastic modulus values were the same, so the substitution of natural aggregate by recycled aggregate did not have a signicant effect. The recycled aggregate used in the study presented very
good quality.
The total extended deformation in a specimen under compression stress r along with the temperature increase DT(t) for a period
of time t is determined using the superposition principle in the

where U is the creep coefcient dened by the relation between the

creep deformation and the initial deformation. Since the temperature remained constant during the test, its effects were not taken
into consideration.

et esh t; t0 Jt; t0 ; t0  r a  DTt

3.2. Creep

The creep function that denes the total elastic deformation of the
concrete under a uniform compression load after 28 days is expressed by:

Jt; t 0 ; t 0

1 Ut; t 0 ; t0

Table 6
Concrete properties, correcting the mix water by effect of aggregate absorption for
mixture A.
Percentage recycled

Slump (cone cm)

fc (MPa)

E (MPa)





3.1. Shrinkage
Shrinkage began to be measured after 7 days of curing, registering values (Fig. 3) that clearly showed the inuence of the percentage of recycled aggregates. There was greater deformation by
shrinkage as the percentage of recycled aggregate substitution
Shrinkage in the recycled concrete with a substitution percentage of 50% was around 20% higher than that of the control concrete,
whereas with a substitution percentage of 100% the shrinkage increase reached 70% after a period of 180 days.
It could also be observed that increases in the chambers relative humidity caused the shrinkage to diminish. In Fig. 3, it can
be seen that the shrinkage curves fell after around 77 days, coinciding with the maximum values of relative humidity in the chamber (Fig. 4).

Creep data (Fig. 5) were obtained by deducting the deformation

due to shrinkage and instantaneous deformation caused by the
compression load from the total deformation. It can be observed
that the creep deformation of recycled concrete with a 20% substitution percentage was found to be 35% higher than that of the control concrete. For a 50% substitution level, the creep deformation
was 42% higher, whereas for the 100% substitution level the increase in the creep deformation was 51%.
When the total creep deformations are compared with the elastic deformations under the applied load, the creep coefcients may
be obtained (Fig. 6). It is of great importance to know these coefcients as they are very useful when estimating the extended deections in concrete structures.
The obtained results made it possible to determine the total
deformation, but they did not allow a profound comparison of

Fig. 3. Shrinkage deformation vs concrete age.

A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

Fig. 4. Temperature and humidity data in the climatic chamber.

Fig. 5. Total deformation due to creep effect.

Fig. 6. Creep coefcients.



A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

Fig. 7. Specic creep deformation vs load time.

the creep potential in the different mixtures since the recycled

concretes and the control concrete showed different compressive
deformation values. In addition, the load applied to each one was
different in order to maintain the 35% compressive strength level.
For that reason it is better to carry out the comparison with the
specic creep (Fig. 7).
The substitution percentage of recycled aggregate also affected
the creep deformations. The specic creep of recycled concrete
with a 20% substitution percentage was found to be 25% higher
than that of the control concrete. In recycled concrete with a 50%
substitution level, the creep deformation was 29% higher and for
concrete with a 100% substitution level the increase in the creep
deformation was 32%. This behaviour considerably exceeds the
estimations that could have been made according to Snchez de
Juan [3], who concluded that the increase in creep deformation
was already taken into account in the decrease of the elastic

4. Result analysis and contrast with prediction models

4.1. Control concretes
The experimental results were compared with the values obtained analytically by using prediction models such as the ACI
[10], the CEB-FIP [12], the one recommended by RILEM [13] and
a model developed by Gardner and Lockman [14].
The variables used in the models are those related to the control
mixture, and the parameters of each model are those recommended by their authors, since there were no specic deformation
values for the aggregates used.
Fig. 8 shows the total deformations anticipated by different
models, in the case of the control concrete. It can be observed
that after 7 days the drying process subsequent to the curing
process started and, as a consequence, deformations by shrinkage

Fig. 8. Extended deformations predicted by models.

A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553


Fig. 9. Experimental shrinkage vs prediction models for H40 control.

Fig. 10. Specic experimental creep vs prediction models for H40 control.

At 28 days a uniform compressive load was applied to the specimen, causing an instantaneous elastic deformation and later creep
deformations appeared as the concrete got older. The values of the
shrinkage and creep deformations for the control concrete can be
observed in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively, for comparison with the
results from their prediction models.
As can be seen in the previous gures, the values obtained experimentally for both types of deformations are overestimated by the
prediction models. This trend suggests that the control concrete
in fact presents less extended deformations than predicted and that
estimations based on these models would be conservative.
4.2. Concrete with recycled aggregates
A comparison of the experimental results was also carried out
for the recycled concrete in order to evaluate whether use of the

prediction models was possible and thus to be able to predict the

extended deformations of this concrete. If the comparison is not
appropriate, an adjustment of the parameters is needed so as to
know their inuence on creep and shrinkage when aggregates with
special characteristics are included.
It was observed that extended deformations measured for
recycled concrete with a 20% substitution level (Fig. 11), although
higher than those predicted for the control concrete, were overestimated by the prediction models used. Nevertheless, when the
substitution level of the recycled aggregate was 50% (Fig. 12), the
extended deformations basically matched the values predicted by
the CEB-FIP model.
Finally, for 100% substitution levels, the models used in the
comparison usually reect the behaviour of the concrete tested
better than in previous comparisons (Fig. 13). It is, however, interesting to point out that in some cases (after 150 days), the defor-


A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

Fig. 11. Extended deformations of H40-20% concrete compared with prediction models.

Fig. 12. Extended deformations of H4050% concrete compared with prediction models.

Fig. 13. Extended deformations of H40 100% concrete compared with prediction models.

A. Domingo-Cabo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 25452553

mations actually reached were slightly underestimated, which

could be detrimental when applied to the global behaviour of the
5. Conclusions
The shape, texture and greater absorption characteristics of
recycled aggregates result in an increase in their consistency. In order to maintain their workability, the content in superplastifying
additives must be increased proportionally to the substitution level
increase in the recycled aggregates.
Based on the experimental tests carried out, it is possible to
conclude that the recycled aggregate used in this study presents
a high quality, without signicant differences of behaviour when
compared to equivalent mixtures with natural aggregates.
The test was shown to be valid for assessing the creep of recycled concrete, obtaining satisfactory results, making it possible to
compare them with those obtained for other concretes.
When completely dried recycled aggregates are used, due to
their higher absorption rate, the effective watercement ratio
diminishes and the compressive strength of the recycled concrete
increases. Furthermore the superplastifying additive used contributes to increasing the compressive strength of the recycled concrete. These two factors cause the compressive strength of the
elaborated recycled concretes to increase slightly as the substitution percentage of recycled aggregates rises.
On the other hand, the elastic modulus of the elaborated recycled concretes diminishes as the substitution percentage increases,
due to the greater porosity of the recycled aggregate.
The shrinkage in the recycled concretes increased after 28 days.
The recycled concretes elaborated with a substitution level of 20%
showed a similar shrinkage to the conventional concretes in the
early stages. For a period of 6 months, the shrinkage in these recycled concretes was 4% higher. In the case of a substitution level of
50%, the shrinkage increase was 12% greater than that of the conventional concrete after 6 months.
Those concretes elaborated with a substitution level of 100%
showed shrinkage and a creep which were considerably higher


than those of conventional concretes, being, respectively, 70%

and 51% higher for a period of 180 days.
The shrinkage trend in the recycled concretes elaborated with
substitution levels of the coarse aggregate lower than 50% is similar to that shown by the conventional concrete.
Based on the experimental results it can be concluded that the
prediction models used in this research to determine the deferred
deformations in the recycled concrete can be considered conservative with the exception of the CEB-FIP model for substitution levels
higher than 20%.
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