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1) Uses of this and super Keywords in java.

(2) Explain about User-defined Exceptions. Steps for generating User-defined Exc
(3) Difference between String and StringBuffer class.
(4) What is Object Serialization and How Object Serialization is possible.
(5) What is JDBC? Explain, how the sql statements are executed?
(6) Describe about all types of drivers in JDBC.
(7) What is Thread? How many ways to construct the Thread in java?
(8) What is Thread Synchronisation? How it avoid deadlock situation?
(9) Describe the Life Cycle of Applet. How paint(), repaint() and update() metho
ds work in java?
(10) Describe FlowLayout, BorderLaylout, GridLayout and CardLayout.
(11) What is delegation model or 1.2 model of java and describe all the 11 Liste
ners present in delegation model?
(12) Define Inheritance. Describe all types of Inheritance, that java supports.
(13) Compare Overloading and Overriding by giving good example.
(14) What is Dynamic Method Dispatch? Give a good example.
(15) What is package and advantages of using package?
(16) Explain Basic architecture of RMI and explain the layers of RMI.
(17) What is Exception? Describe the hierarchy of Exception and explain try, cat
ch, throw, finally throws.
(18) What is Buzz words in java?
(19) What is the use of String Tokeniser?
(20) How many cursors used in Collection?
!! Short questions !!
(1) Difference between instance variable and static variable?
(2) What is annonymous inner class? Advantage of annonymous inner class?
(3) Uses of final keyword?
(4) Uses of synchronized keyword?
(5) Uses of native keyword?
(6) What is static member? Uses of static member?
(7) How to block thread in java?
(8) Explain importance of wrapper class in java?
(9) What is autoboxing and unboxing in java?
(10) Difference between checked and unchecked Exception?
(11) What is Reflection in Java?
(12) What is Object cloning? Kishore Chandra How to clone Object?
(13) Difference between InputStream and Reader class?
(14) Difference between OutputStream and Writer class?
(15) Describe Write once run anywhere feature of java?
(16) Difference between interface and abstract class?
(17) Uses of interface?
(18) Uses of abstract class?
(19) Restriction of Multi catch statement in java?
(20) Difference between final,finalize & finally keyword?
(21) What is unicode?
(22) Can a top level class is private and protected?
(23) Is java support operator overloading?
(24) Describe String is immutable?
(25) How we create thread in java?
(26) Difference between Applet and Application?
(27) What is java bean? Name two event supported by java bean?
(28) Importance of Serializable?
(29) Importance of Externalizable?
(30) What is JAR file?
(31) Describe JTable?
(32) Difference between light weight and heavy weight component?
(33) What is stub and skel class in RMI?
(34) Difference between bind() and rebind() method of RMI?
(35) Why Applet class is declared as public?

(36) How many shift operator used in java?

(37)What is the task of == operator in String class and equals() of String class

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