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This document is a general overview of how the Point Of Sales terminal works.
Check for links to other Point Of Sales documentation currently available.
Change Log

May 15, 2006 Updated comments on how to run simultaneously

May 1 2006

Updated for opentaps version 0.9

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Point of Sales (POS) Terminal
The Point Of Sales terminal is designed to run independently on a specialized touchscreen
terminal with an attached barcode scanner and printer. The POS terminal is based on JavaPOS
and is web-enabled, so it can run with its own internal database of products, orders, and
customers and periodically synchronize with a department, store, or corporate server. Thus, it
can received updated product information and pricing and send orders back to a central server
over the Internet, while continuing to operate should the connection go down.
Starting the POS Terminal
To start the POS terminal, type the following at the command line from the opentaps/ directory:
$ java jar ofbiz.jar -pos
Using the POS terminal
Click on one of the buttons to add a product to the order. Alternatively, you can add a product by
SKU: [SKU] <sku> [ENT] # where <sku> could be, say, 123
<sku> [SKU]
Change quantities of an item:
<qty> [MOD]
will add this <qty> to the item
Manager Functions
Opening the register: click [MGR] and then click [Open] to open the register with an initial cash
amount. The [MGR] tab is used for the following functions:
TOTALS - prints totals on the printer, for closing and reconciling
SKU - find product by SKU
End of day checkout: use TOTALS to print a receipt and reconcile against what's in register.
Give item a discount:
<amount> [ITEM DISC]
will give the item a discount of <amount>. Repeated use of this button adds to the discount of the
Give whole order a discount:
<amount> [ORDER DISC]
The total discount could be limited.
clear away all discounts:

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Change the price:
<amount> [Change Price]
changes price on that item
Running POS and Web Server Simultaneously
You can run POS and the main server simultaneously on the same computer with the same
database, if you are using a database like MySQL and PostgreSQL that accepts multiple
connections. Derby and HypersonicSQL will not allow this.
This is all automatic now. On older versions (before opentaps 0.9), it is possible to run a separate
POS instance and server instance off the same database by making the following changes:
1. Change the base/config/pos-containers.xml by changing the beanshell port to be different
than that in base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml
2. Run "java -jar ofbiz.jar -pos". The terminal will now run in a separate instance but with the
same database
3. When you shut down the terminal now, the web server will still run.
Alternatively, you can also run the POS and the server both from one instance by doing the
1. Copying the "catalina-container" into from base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml to
2. Run "java -jar ofbiz.jar -pos" and the POS system will load up along with the web server.
Then you can access the web server.
3. When you shut down the terminal, both the POS and the server will shut down.
Setting Up SKUs
To define an SKU, go to the Catalog Manager web applications product ID screen by clicking on
[Catalog] > [Product] > [IDs] and enter an SKU for the item. Data is put into GoodIdentification
entity in the database.
Defining More Buttons
All the buttons on the screens are defined in XML files in the
applications/pos/screens/default/menu/ directory. The main menu with the product buttons are
defined in posmain.xml

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