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Work Effort Application Overview

This document is a general overview of the workeffort application.

Change Log

May 1 2006

Updated for opentaps 0.9

Work Effort Application Overview

A work effort is a very generic concept of a task or event which could be performed. Examples of
work efforts include events and tasks in the CRM application, steps in the Manufacturing
applications production run, and possibly other tasks associated with orders, returns, quotes, and
The Work Effort application is used to create and assign tasks and sub-tasks, manage calendars,
and manage timesheets and invoices from timesheets. It presents a context-neutral, generic
interface to working with work efforts. Thus, you could use the Work Effort application to replicate
the functions of other applications such as Manufacturing or CRM, but a production run or a
customer meeting would be handled exactly the same way.
Task Lists
Task list shows work efforts of the type TASK (under Assigned Tasks) and ACTIVITY (second
two sections) associated with the user (through WorkEffortPartyAssignment entity.)
TASK is something the user has scheduled for himself.
ACTIVITY is a workflow assigned activity.
20060112: Seems like the status or expiration date does not really matter.
The Calendar
The calendar shows work efforts of the type EVENT.
My Time
Shows your timesheets. You can create a timesheet (even quick create one for the week) and
then enter time on your timesheets. Quick time entry seems to enter a time entry for the first
current timesheet.
Request List
Outstanding customer requests (of the CustRequest entity.)
Work Effort
The main part of the application. For creating work efforts, associating them with various things,
etc. etc.
Creating and managing timesheet. Probably has more functionality than My Time.
Creating Work Efforts
Most of the fields are not used.
Just fill in type of work effort (Activity vs. Project vs. Event), some descriptive information, status,
and purpose, and a range of dates for estimated begin and end time.
parentWorkEffortId does not seem to do anything.
How to Log a Communication Event
Create a work effort, then go to the Communication tab, and associate it with a
communicationEventId, or enter a communication below.

Work Effort Application Overview

How to Create Sub Tasks
workEffortIdTo is the workEffortId of the parent. workEffortIdFrom is the workEffortId of the child.
The type of the association doesn't seem to matter (have tried ROUTING_COMPONENT,
Associating Work Effort with Things
In the various tabs of the Work Effort tab in appheader.
Assigning Work Efforts
Assignment changes the status of the party assigned to the work effort. It can be done either on
the front page or through the Work Effort > Parties tab.
(Assignment of Work Efforts to parties is stored in the WorkEffortPartyAssignment entity.)

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