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Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton functional group in a

blocked valley (Brazil).

N A B O U T1 , 2 , J . C . & N O G U E I R A1 , I . S .

Departamento de Biologia, Laboratório de Limnologia, ICB1, Universidade Federal de Goiás,
C . P. 1 3 1 , C a m p u s I I – G o i â n i a - G O , B r a s i l . C E P. 7 4 0 0 1 - 9 7 0 . e - m a i l : n o g u e i r a @ i c b . u f g . b r
P r o g r a m a d e D o u t o r a d o e m C i ê n c i a s A m b i e n t a i s , U n i v e r s i d a d e F e d e r a l d e G o i á s , C . P. 1 3 1 ,
C a m p u s I I – G o i â n i a - G O , B r a s i l . C E P. 7 4 0 0 1 - 9 7 0 . e - m a i l : n a b o u t j c @ h o t m a i l . c o m

ABSTRACT: Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton functional group in a blocked valley (Brazil).
Lake Tigres is a blocked-valley lake, formed by tributary obstruction from sediment
deposition during flooding in the main course of the river. Few studies have treated
phytoplankton dynamics in blocked-valley lakes. The aim of this study was to investigate
the temporal and spatial patterns of phytoplankton biovolume, to detect and describe the
dominant phytoplankton functional groups in Lake Tigres during the dry season and the
beginning of the rainy season in 2004. The mean phytoplankton biovolume was
<0.4mm 3 .L - 1 , characterizing Lake Tigres as oligotrophic. During the entire study period, 18
functional groups were found, with a predominance of phytoflagellate functional groups
(Y, W1, W2, Lo) and some diatoms (N, P, D). Because of limnological differences in each
sampling period, the functional groups were different in each month and principally between
the dry and rainy seasons, which was shown by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).
The CCA indicated that in the dry season, the predominant functional groups Y, W1, W2,
and Lo were favored by higher nutrient concentrations and high oxygen content. At the
beginning of the rainy season, the predominant functional groups P, S1, S, T and N were
favored by surface drainage and high water temperature. The dry-season biovolume samples
were characterized by nanoplankton species (C-strategists), suggesting that small size is
an optimal strategy for nutrient absorption. However, during the early rainy season, biovolume
was dominated by microplankton species (SR-strategists).
Key words: Lake Tigres, dry and rainy seasons, tropical environment.

RESUMO: Dinâmica espacial e temporal de grupos funcionais fitoplanctônicos de um vale bloqueado

(Brasil). O lago dos Tigres pode ser caracterizado como um vale bloqueado, formado atra-
vés da obstrução de tributários e pela deposição de sedimentos durante a inundação a
partir do curso principal. Poucos trabalhos abordaram a dinâmica fitoplanctônica em vales
bloqueados, para tanto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi reconhecer os padrões de distribui-
ção temporal e espacial do biovolume fitoplanctônico e detectar os grupos funcionais
fitoplanctônicos dominantes e descritivos do sistema lago dos Tigres durante o período
de seca (junho a setembro) e início de chuva (outubro e novembro) de 2004. Os valores de
b i o v o l u m e f i t o p l a n c t ô n i c o , e m m é d i a , f o r a m i n f e r i o r e s a 0 , 4 m m 3. L -1, c a r a c t e r i z a n d o o
sistema lago dos Tigres como oligotrófico. Durante todo período de estudo foram encon-
trados 18 grupos funcionais, sendo que o predomínio foi de grupos funcionais de
fitoflagelados (Y, W1, W2 e Lo) e de algumas diatomáceas (N, P e D). Devido às diferenças
limnológicas em cada período de amostragem os grupos funcionais foram relativamente
diferentes em cada mês e principalmente entre os períodos de seca e chuva, o que ficou
evidenciado pelos escores derivados da análise de correspondência canônica (ACC). A
ACC indicou ainda que, na estiagem os grupos funcionais Y, W1, W2 e Lo foram beneficia-
dos pela maior concentração de nutrientes e elevada saturação de oxigênio, enquanto
que durante o período de elevada precipitação os grupos funcionais predominantes foram
P, S1, S, T e N, favorecidos pelo escoamento superficial e elevada temperatura da água. Na
seca o biovolume dos períodos de amostragem foi caracterizado por espécies
nanoplanctônicas, (C-estrategistas), sugerindo que no sistema Lago dos Tigres o pequeno
tamanho seja uma estratégia para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Por outro lado
durante o período de elevada precipitação o biovolume foi caracterizado por espécies
microplanctônicas (SR-estrategistas).
Palavras-chaves: ambiente tropical, Lago dos Tigres, estações chuvosa e seca.

Acta Limnol. Bras., 19(3):305-314, 2007 305

Introduction in the aquatic environment (Huszar, 2000).
The aim of this study was to recognize the
Taxonomic groups of phytoplankton are temporal and spatial patterns of
composed of species with very different phytoplankton distribution, and detect the
physiologies, so the analysis of dominant and descriptive phytoplankton
phytoplankton functional groups can better functional groups in this blocked valley
reveal the physiological, morphological, and (Lake Tigres system) during the dry season
ecological responses of the phytoplankton and the beginning of the rainy season of
community to environmental conditions 2004. We attempted to answer the following
(Reynolds, 2006). Functional groups of questions: (i) Was there any temporal change
phytoplankton are polyphyletic groups that in functional groups, mainly between the
respond similarly to a determined set of dry season and the beginning of the rainy
environmental conditions (Reynolds et al., season? (ii) Wa s t h e r e a n y s p a t i a l c h a n g e
2002; Reynolds, 2006). Their analysis in phytoplankton functional groups,
provides a better understanding of predominantly between the lotic and lentic
phytoplankton dynamics than describing the regions of the Lake Tigres system? (iii) Which
dynamics of taxonomic groups (Kruk et al., limnological variables were associated with
2002; Reynolds et al., 2002; Reynolds, these spatial and temporal changes in
2006). Presently, 31 phytoplankton phytoplankton functional groups? (iv) Do the
functional groups are described (Reynolds phytoplankton functional groups provide a
et al., 2002). good description of the limnological
Initially the functional groups were characteristics of the Lake Tigre system?
studied in temperate environments;
however, this concept appears to be Material and methods
appropriate for tropical environments as
well. Currently, phytoplankton functional The source of the Lake Tigres system
groups are receiving much attention, and is the Água Limpa River. It is located in the
have enhanced descriptions of the Britânia district of western Goiás state, cen-
dynamics of the community of taxonomic tral Brazil, in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin,
groups (Reynolds, 1997; Kruk et al., 2002; a t r i b u t a r y o f t h e Ve r m e l h o R i v e r ( F i g . 1 ) .
Reynolds et al., 2002; Nabout et al., 2006). Lake Tigres is large, 24.5 km long with a
Analysis of functional groups has been 60.83 km perimeter, and is a popular tourist
shown to be appropriate for tropical regions. destination.
However, no studies have focused on There were 11 sampling stations, three
phytoplankton functional groups in blocked- i n l o t i c r e g i o n s ( Á g u a L i m p a a n d t h e Ver-
valley lakes. This type of lake is formed by melho River) and eight in lentic regions
sediment deposition obstructing the (Lake Tigres), near preserved and
tributary during flooding of the main course deforested areas and a popular tourist
(Kalff, 2002). This characteristic of Lake Ti- region.
gres results in different dynamics from other Samples were collected in the dry
season (June, July, August, and September)
fluvial lake types. An important difference
and the beginning of the rainy season
between blocked-valley and other fluvial
(October and November) of 2004.
lakes (oxbow, meander scroll, and others)
Subsurface 100 mL samples were collected
i s t h e i r h y d r o l o g i c a l c o n n e c t i v i t y. T h i s
for quantitative study; they were placed in
connectivity has a great impact on dynamics
dark bottles, fixed with lugol-acetic solution
and biodiversity, because it affects the
(Vollenweider, 1974), and stored in the dark.
exchange of energy and matter (organisms)
The density of the phytoplankton was
between the river and its floodplain (Bini et
estimated by the Utermöhl method
al., 2003).
(Utermöhl, 1958), with a Leitz inverted
The study of spatial and temporal
microscope, at a magnification of 450x. The
variability is fundamental to understand the individuals (cells, colonies, cenobios, and
structure and function of the phytoplankton filaments) were counted in random fields;
community and also to understand the about 100 individuals of the most frequent
dynamics of aquatic ecosystems. species were counted, with less than 20%
Phytoplankton fluctuations can be predictive error, at a confidence limit of 95% (Lund et
and make it possible to recognize changes al., 1958).

306 N A B O U T, J . C . & N O G U E I R A , I . S . Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytophankton functional ...

51° 1 7’ 00’’
51° 06 ’ 00’’
15° 1 0 ’ 0 0 ” 15° 10’ 0 0”

0 4250 Km ri v

elh o

Ver m
e lho
10 9
lake 8 7
Bo 6
4 5 Arco-Iris Stream


s tr
2 Luanda Stream


Li m
riv e r

Ág ua
ld o

1 5° 21’ 0 0 ’’ 15° 21’ 00’’

51° 1 7’ 00’’ 51 ° 06’ 00’’
Scale 1:250.000
2.500 0 2.500 500 0m

Figure 1: Location of area study, indicating the sampling station

Algae biovolume was approximated Floristic dissimilarity between months

according to Hillebrand et al. (1999) and was measured by the Bray-Curtis index. The
expressed in m m 3. L - 1. Phytoplankton functional group data and matrix were used
functional groups were determined from to form the dendrogram, using Bray-Curtis
species that represented more than 5% of dissimilarity and the UPGMA connection
the biovolume of at least one sample unit method (Sneath & Sokal, 1973). The
(Kruk et al., 2002). The phytoplankton cophenetic coefficient of correlation (r) was
functional groups were defined according calculated to evaluate matrix and
to Reynolds (1997) and Reynolds et al. (2002). dendrogram dissimilarity.
Limnological characterization of the Relationships between abiotic and
lake was based on chemical and physical biovolume data were evaluated by canonical
water information, measured at the same correspondence analysis (CCA; Ter Braak,
depth as the phytoplankton sampling at 1986). The null hypothesis of absence of
each collection station. Variables measured relationship between matrices (biotic and
were: water temperature, pH, conductivity, abiotic) was tested with Monte Carlo
total dissolved solids, and oxygen saturation procedures. The lines of environmental data
using a HORIBA U-21 water multianalyzer. matrixes were randomly allocated and the
Water transparency and depth were CCA was calculated. The entire procedure
measured by Secchi disc. The euphotic was repeated 1000 times. Species of algae
zone was calculated as 3 times the depth and environmental data were previously
of Secchi disc disappearance (Cole, 1994). transformed (Log(n+1)). All calculations were
Water samples were also collected from done with the PC-ORD program (McCune &
each site for total nitrogen and phosphorus Mefford, 1997).
analysis. They were fixed in the field with
0.5 mL absolute sulfuric acid. Collection Results
procedures and laboratory processing were La k e T i g r e s i s a b l o c k e d - v a l l e y l a k e ,
adopted from Mackereth et al. (1978), s h a l l o w a n d w i t h l o w t r a n s p a r e n c y. The
Carmouze (1994), and Clesceri et al . (1992). limnological variables showed spatial

Acta Limnol. Bras., 19(3):305-314, 2007 307

(between lotic and lentic regions) and tem- At the beginning of the rainy season
poral differences (between the dry season (November), water temperatures were higher
and the beginning of the rainy season) (Tab. (Nabout & Nogueira, given in publication).
I). In the dry season, the samples revealed These temporal variations demonstrated the
higher nutrient concentrations (June, July, and strong influence of the hydrological cycle on
August) and oxygen saturation (September). limnological variables.

Table I: Limnological variables measures registered at the lake Tigres. The mean and standard deviation
(SD) are calculated for six samplings in Lake Tigres.

Limnological variables June July August September October November

SD 1.23 1.06 0.99 1.02 1.21 1.10
Mean (m) 3.93 3.02 2.75 2.24 2.21 2.70

SD 0.13 0.10 0.16 0.06 0.07 0.07

Mean (m) 0.49 0.52 0.51 0.40 0.45 0.32

SD 0.38 0.31 0.49 0.19 0.22 0.20

Euphotic Zone
Mean (m) 1.46 1.57 1.52 1.21 1.34 0.96

SD 0.88 0.70 2.05 1.84 1.38 2.23

Water temp.
Mean (°C) 25.32 25.94 26.19 28.17 30.45 32.01

SD 14.08 7.51 5.84 9.21 13.74 8.86

Conductivity -1
Mean (µ ) 46.25 31.82 22.62 28.64 46.21 30.91

SD 6.20 6.86 7.98 29.12 9.93 12.19

Ox. Saturation
Mean (%) 100.88 111.00 131.64 168.91 134.54 155.82

SD 0.46 0.66 0.25 0.40 0.61 0.28

Mean 7.30 7.51 6.95 6.81 7.61 7.20

SD 99.86 69.97 68.76 68.68 35.08 54.25

Total Nitrogen -1
Mean (µg.L ) 230 148.18 94.55 68.18 81.36 139.89

SD 46.60 57.68 76.66 48.79 53.73 25.19

Total phosphorus -1
Mean (µg.L ) 52.50 52.27 58.18 50.00 37.73 29.95

The phytoplankton biovolume showed Because of limnological differences in

different horizontal patterns in the lake over each sampling period, the functional groups
six sampling periods, mainly between the were relatively heterogeneous in each
dry season and the beginning of the rainy month. Species that contributed at least 5%
season. During all sampling periods, algae of the total biovolume at each sampling
biovolume was low (Fig. 2), from 0.035 station were represented by 18 functional
mm 3.L-1 (Station 1 - November) to 1.64 mm 3 .L - 1 groups over the entire study period.
( S t a t i o n 4 - S e p t e m b e r ) . To t a l b i o v o l u m e However, there was a general predominance
tended towards higher values from of phytoflagellate functional groups (Y, W1,
September onward. W2, and Lo) with some diatoms and
During the study period, mean desmids (N, P, and D) (Fig. 3).
biovolume values were less than 0.4 mm 3.L-1. During June, groups P and D were
Therefore, Lake Tigres is an oligotrophic dominant in the lotic region (stations 1, 10,
environment, using Reynolds (1984) and 11), whereas phytoflagellates (functional
biovolume values for trophic state groups Y, W2, and Lo) were dominant at all
characterization. The highest phytoplankton other (lentic) sampling stations.
biovolume values were recorded at Station In July and August, functional group Y
4 in September (F i g. 2D; Euglena sp.) and was abundant at almost all Lake Tigres
Station 10 in November (Fig. 2F; Aulacoseira sampling stations. Also in these months
granulata var. angustissima). Cyclotella sp.1 (functional group A) was

308 N A B O U T, J . C . & N O G U E I R A , I . S . Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytophankton functional ...

abundant at Station 11 (lotic region), total biovolume in July and August,
comprising 23% and 79% of this station’s r e s p e c t i v e l y.

F i g u r e 2 : B i o v o l u m e o f t h e p h y t o p l a n k t o n c o m m u n i t y ( m m3. l -1 ) o f t h e l a k e T i g r e s i n a l w a y s m o n t h s o f
sampling station. The letters above the bar indicate the representative functional groups,
according to Reynolds et al. (2002).

Figure 3: Relative contribution (%) of representative phytoplankton functional groups of Lake Tigres in
sampling period of 2004.

Acta Limnol. Bras., 19(3):305-314, 2007 309

During September at Station 1, Functional groups Y and Lo predominated
functional group D (Cocconeis placentula ) in these two months (F i g. 3). October and
had a total biovolume of 35%. Stations 10 November were distinguished from the
and 11 were abundant in Cyclotella sp.1 with other months by the presence of functional
53% and 62% of the total biovolume groups N, P, and Lo. September showed a
respectively. Flagellates were always more distinct phytoplankton community
present, with high biovolumes at most than other months, probably because of
stations, with Station 4 having group W1 elevated biovolumes and a predominance
(Euglena sp.) as dominant with 83% of the of functional group W1.
total biovolume. The first two axes of the canonical
In October and November in the correlation analysis (CCA – Fig. 5) explained
beginning of the rainy season, a change in only 20.5% (12.1% axis 1; 8.3% axis 2) of total
dominant functional groups was observed. data variability. The Monte Carlo Test (Table
In October the functional group S1 had II) indicated that the first three canonical
elevated biovolumes, being dominant at correlations were significant (p<0.05).
Stations 1, 7, and 8 with 25%, 54%, and Environmental variables positively
5 7 % o f t h e t o t a l b i o v o l u m e , r e s p e c t i v e l y. correlated with the first axis were
In N o v e m b e r, functional group N transparency, total phosphorus, and oxygen
(H a p l o t a e n i u m m i n u t u m ) w a s d o m i n a n t a t saturation; whereas those negatively
Stations 7 and 9. In the same month, correlating with the second axis were
functional group P (Aulacoseira granulata oxygen saturation and electrical
var. angustissima) was dominant in the lotic conductivity. CCA ordination of
region (Stations 10 and 11), with 75% and phytoplankton functional groups suggested
48% of the total biovolume, respectively. that groups Y, W2, Lo, N, and D were
Dissimilarity analysis based on correlated with low nutrient concentrations
phytoplankton functional group data at most stations in June, July, and August.
( F i g . 4 ) showed that the phytoplankton These functional groups (or at least one of
community was formed by similar functional them) were always abundant in at least one
groups in the months of July and August. sampling station.







0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.6

Bray Curtis Coeficient

Figure 4: Dendrogram of the dissimilarity coefficient, when phytoplankton of the lake Tigres was obtained
on basis of the functional groups with more than 5 % of the total biovolume of each sampling
station. (r=0.78).

310 N A B O U T, J . C . & N O G U E I R A , I . S . Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytophankton functional ...

Figure 5: Scores derived from the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) applied to the biovolume
dominant phytoplankton species and environmental variables. The numbers represent the station
sampling and the letter the phytoplankton functional groups according Reynolds et al. (2002).
Codes for the environmental variables are CND, electrical conductivity; OX, oxygen saturation;
TRA, water transparency; TN, total nitrogen and TP, t o t a l p h o s p h o r o u s .

Table II: Statistical data of Monte Carlo test—species–environment correlations for Lake Tigres. Species–
environment correlation, canonical correlation; Mean, canonical correlation average obtained
with the aleatory data; Minimum, minimum value of the canonical correlation obtained with the
aleatory data; Maximum, maximum value of the canonical correlation obtained with the aleatory
data; P, significance level.

Axes Species – Mean Minimum Maximum P

1 0.798 0.615 0.355 0.854 0.012
2 0.662 0.467 0.243 0.710 0.007
3 0.495 0.370 0.179 0.685 0.032

Discussion Functional group Y was important in

terms of biovolume in June, July, and
In floodplain lakes, flooding is a factor August (dry season). These small organisms
regulating phytoplankton species biovolume are found in practically all aquatic
in tropical regions, e.g., in the Paraná River environments, principally tropical lakes.
(Thomaz et al., 1997; Train & Rodrigues, According to Klaveness (1988) and Sommer
1997), the Amazon floodplain (Melo & Huszar, (1981), they prefer mixing of the water
2000), and the Pantanal floodplain (Oliveira column by wind, because they have greater
& Calheiros, 2000; Junk et al. 2006). adaptability to turbulent water column
However, in blocked-valley lakes, the mixing and low transparency conditions. The
climate regime and consequent increase in ideal environment for this group is
water column are also important factors. moderately nutrient-rich water, because they
The Lake Tigres system showed changes are well adapted to low light levels
in the biovolume and phytoplankton (Reynolds et al., 2002).
composition during the beginning of the CCA for Lake Tigres (Fig. 5)
rainy season (Fig. 2). demonstrated that functional group Y was

Acta Limnol. Bras., 19(3):305-314, 2007 311

correlated with stations that showed higher locations where total nitrogen was higher
nutrient contents (phosphorus) and lower and water transparency lower than in other
transparency. In functional group Y, areas in Lake Tigres. These species mainly
Cryptomonas erosa, C. marsonii, and C. occurred at Stations 1 (Água Limpa River),
obovata were responsible for the highest 1 0 , a n d 1 1 ( b o t h i n t h e Ve r m e l h o R i v e r ) .
biovolume values. These species were Because these were lotic region stations,
characterized by Olrik (1994) as C-strategists, they showed high turbulence and probably
with high surface/volume ratios, facilitating high silica availability, since the sediment
rapid growth by rapid nutrient absorption. was sand or clay.
Functional group Y was also abundant in Analysis of dissimilarity (Fig. 4)
Lake Castelo in the Paraguay River (Olivei- demonstrated that the beginning of the
ra & Calheiros, 2000), in lakes of the Upper rainy season provoked differentiation in
Paraná River during the dry season (Train & phytoplankton functional group
Rodrigues, 2004), and in floodplain lakes composition. Physical and chemical analysis
of the Middle Araguaia River, mainly during of Lake Tigres water (Nabout & Nogueira,
low-water periods (Nabout et al. 2006), given in publication) indicated high
where sampling characteristics were simi- temperatures and low transparency in
lar to those found in Lake Tigres during October and November. Detailed analysis
June, July, and August. In the Araguaia River of phytoplankton functional groups in these
lakes, as well as a predominance of months showed a predominance of different
Cryptophyceae, biovolume values also phytoflagellate and diatom groups.
tended to be oligotrophic, as observed in During October and November,
t h i s s t u d y. L a k e s D u m b a z i n h o , L a n d i , a n d functional groups S and N were abundant
Japonês (Nabout et al., 2006) were also at some stations. These groups are to be
classified as blocked valleys by Morais et found in turbid and mesotrophic
al. (2005); when information from Lake Ti- environments (Reynolds et al., 2002). The
gres was compared with these lakes, there class functional group S has been reported
were some similarities in phytoplankton as being at home in environments with
functional groups, such as dominant group elevated temperatures (Shapiro, 1990) and
Y in the 2000 dry season and dominant high turbulence (Ganf, 1983). Functional
group W1 in Lake Japonês in the 2000 rainy group N was reported as being quite well
season. adapted to low-light and high-turbulence
Phytoplankton functional groups W2 environments (Happey-Wood, 1988). Groups
( Tr a c h e l o m o n a s s p . 4 a n d S t r o m b o m o n a s S and N are SR-strategists, which can
verrucosa ) a n d L o (Peridinium umbonatum minimize grazing (Olrik, 1994), mainly
and P. corillionii) were also abundant in June, because of their size or cell shape.
July, and August. All these groups were Analysis of dissimilarity (Fig. 4) and CCA
cited by Reynolds et al. (2002) as being (Fig. 5) demonstrated that September
adapted to moderately nutrient-rich waters. differed from all the other months. CCA
In this study, the CCA demonstrated that showed that sampling stations in this month
these functional groups were correlated showed correlations between high oxygen
with more-concentrated nutrient saturation values and a dominance of
environments. Functional group Lo was also functional group W1 (Euglenophyceae). In
abundant in the Middle Paraná River (Garcia the Araguaia River floodplain lakes,
de Emiliani, 1993). Functional group W2 was functional group W1 was co-dominant with
also abundant during low-water periods in group P during the high-water period
some Araguaia River lakes (Nabout et al. (Nabout et al., 2006). According to Reynolds
2006). et al. (2002), this functional group can be
In June, July, and August, the found in shallow environments, with
Bacillariophyceae comprised functional vegetation or other sources of organic
groups A (Cyclotella sp.1) and D matter, and requires high dissolved oxygen
(Gomphonema parvulum and Cocconeis contents.
placentula). Functional groups A and D In summary, phytoplankton biovolume
(Baccilariophyceae) require turbulence and responded to the climate rhythm, being
low light levels, and have a tendency to different in each period. The dry and early
grow in eutrophic environments (Sommer, rainy seasons showed different
1988). Both functional groups, according to phytoplankton dynamics; CCA highlighted
t h e C C A ( F i g. 5 ) , w e r e c o r r e l a t e d w i t h the importance of the hydrological cycle for

312 N A B O U T, J . C . & N O G U E I R A , I . S . Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytophankton functional ...

phytoplankton dynamics. There was spatial the Paraná River floodplain, Argentina.
differentiation between lotic and lentic Hydrobiologia, 264:101-114.
environments. The predominant functional H a p p e y - Wo o d , C . M . 1 9 8 8 . E c o l o g y o f
groups at the lotic stations were P, A, and freshwater planktonic green algae. In:
D; and at the lentic stations were Y, W1, Sandgren, C.D. (ed.) Growth and survival
W2, and Lo. Therefore, analysis of the strategies of freshwater Phytoplanktonic.
phytoplankton functional groups provided Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
a good description of the Lake Tigres p.175-226.
system, better representing the spatial and Hillebrand, H., Dürselen, C.D., Kirschtel, D.,
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Acknowledgements 424.
Huszar, V.L.M. 2000. Fitoplâncton. In: Bozelli,
R.L., Esteves, F.A. & Roland, F. (eds). Lago
We are grateful to Secretaria de Ciên-
Batata: impacto e recuperação de um
cia e Tecnologia do Estado de Goiás
ecossistema amazônico. IB-UFRJ/SBL, Rio
(SECTEC-GO) for financial support of the
project, to the CNPq for their grant of the de Janeiro. p.91-104.
DTI scholarship for J.C.N. (Proc. 507274/ J u n k , W. J . , C u n h a , C . N . , W a n t z e n , K . M . ,
2004-0), and to the Agência Ambiental de Petermann, P., Strüssmann, C., Marques,
Goiás for analysis of physical-chemical data. M.I. & Adis, J. 2006. Biodiversity and its
We also thank Dra. Vera L. M. Huszar (Mu- conservation in the Pantanal of Mato
seu Nacional/ UFRJ), Dr. Luis M. Bini (Uni- Grosso, Brazil. Aquat. Sci., 68:278-309.
versidade Federal de Goiás) for critical Kalff, J. 2002. Limnology: inland water
comments on our manuscript, Dr. Edgardo ecosystems. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle
Latrubesse (Universidade Federal de Goiás) River. 574p.
for geomorphological characterization of Klaveness, D. 1988. Ecology of the
Lake Tigres, Dr. Janet W. Reid for the revision C r y p t o m o n a d i d a : a f i r s t r e v i e w. In:
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