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__D__ 1. It is the duty of the family to take care of its elderly members while the state may design
programs of social security for them, to motivate and encourage the senior citizens to
contribute to nation building. This law is called:
A. RA 8172
C. RA 7876
B. RA 8976
D. RA 7432
__A__ 2. This is an act creating the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
(PITAHC) to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care in the
A. RA 8423
C. RA 7875
B. RA 8976
D. RA 7719
__A__ 3. Generics Act of 1988 is also called:
A. RA 6675
C. RA 7875
B. RA 7600
D. RA 8504
__B__ 4. This law provides basic health insurance for all Filipinos and establishes the PHIC:
A. RA 7600
C. EO 102
B. RA 7875
D. EO 105
__A__ 5. An Act promoting voluntary blood donation, provision for an adequate supply of safe blood
and regulating blood banks is:
A. RA 7719
C. RA 7160
B. RA 7875
D. RA 7277
__D__ 6. This law phases out leaded gasoline and reduces aromatics and benzene in unleaded
gasoline, otherwise known as Clean Air Act of 1999.
A. RA 5946
C. RA 7875
B. RA 7160
D. RA 8749
__C__ 7. RA 7600 is the:
A. Health Maintenance Organization Code of 2001
B. Asin Bill
C. Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
D. Phil AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
__D__ 8. The National Health Insurance Program covers the following, EXCEPT:
A. Employed sector
C. Non-paying members
B. Individually paying members
D. Optional retirees
__D__ 9. The services that Phil Health does not compensate include/s:
A. Optometric services
C. Nonprescription drugs
B. Normal delivery
D. All of the above
__D__ 10. Under the NHI Program, benefit/s include/s:
A. Room and board for inpatient hospital care
B. Diagnostic and other medical examination services for in and out patient care
C. Emergency and transfer services
D. All of the above
__D__ 11. Criteria of a good research problem include/s:
A. Researchability
C. Feasibility
B. Significance
D. All of the above
__A__ 12. A researcher wrote this statement: Coffee drinking does not cause coronary artery
disease. What type of hypothesis is he stating?
A. Null hypothesis
C. Two-tailed alternative hypothesis
B. One-tailed alternative hypothesis
D. None of the above

__D__ 13. The research objective is essential for the following reason/s:
A. Indicates relevant variables to be considered in the study
B. Guide researcher in the choice of research design
C. Tell the researcher what data to collect and how to analyze them
D. All of the above
__C__ 14. The statement To determine the effectiveness and safety of Vaccine A against Disease X.
is a:
A. Null hypothesis
C. General objective
B. Alternative hypothesis
D. Specific objective
__A__ 15. In a cause-effect relationship study of cigarette smoking and lung cancer, cigarette
smoking is the:
A. Independent variable
C. Confounding variable
B. Dependent variable
D. Control variable
__D__ 16. After being exposed to an infectious agent, the class was divided into 2 groups. Group 1
was given an immunomodulator while the other group was given placebo. They were
assessed after 1 week. What type of research design was employed:
A. Cross sectional study
C. Cohort study
B. Case Control Study
D. Experimental Study
__A__ 17. A method of selecting a number of subjects from a universal population such that every
member has an equal chance of being drawn into the sample:
A. Simple random sampling
C. Cluster sampling
B. Systematic sampling
D. Multi-stage sampling
__C__ 18. A study on the hand washing practices of doctors assigned in the out patient clinic was
anticipated. The most appropriate data collection method to use is:
A. Review of documents
C. Observation
B. Querry
D. Laboratory examination
__D__ 19. Sources of inaccuracies when there is lack of objectivity of the test used:
A. Inter-observer variation
C. Biological variation
B. Intra-observer variation
D. A and B
__A__ 20. A profile study of victims of violence uses this tool for data analysis:
A. Frequency distribution
C. Odds ratio
B. Chi-square test
D. t test
__B__ 21. A Rural Health Physician wants to collect data on malnutrition among preschoolers in a
particular Barangay. The only weighing scale available is the bathroom scale. He tested the
scale for repeatability or consistency in weights it gives in three separate measurements.
The Rural Health Physician is interested in what quality of data:
A. Accuracy
C. Validity
B. Precision
D. Adequacy
__C__ 22. A physician wants to determine the prevalence of parasitism among school children in an
urban area. There is great variability in the economic status in that locality. On one hand,
most children in private schools come from affluent families, and o the other hand, most
children from public schools come from poor families. The most appropriate type of sampling
methodology to use in this situation is:
A. Simple Random Sampling
C. Stratified Random Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling
D. Multi-stage Sampling
__C__ 23. In estimating/projecting population size, the method/s that assume/s that population size is
changing continuously at every infinitesimal amount of time is/are:
A. Arithmetic Method
C. Exponential Method
B. Geometric Method
D. Both B and C

__A__ 24. A measure of central tendency that is affected by outliers:

A. Means
C. Mode
B. Median
D. B and C
__C__ 25. A measure of variability, it is defined as the average squared deviation from the mean:
A. Range
C. Variance
B. Standard Deviation
D. Coefficient of Variation
__B__ 26. The distribution of childhood illnesses is an example of data that has this type of
A. Normal Distribution
C. Skewed to the left
B. Skewed to the right
D. None of the above
__D__ 27. The area between +/-3 standard deviations in a normally distributed data covers about this
much percentage of the total area:
A. Close to 90%
C. Close to 98%
B. Close to 95%
D. Close to 100%
__C__ 28. Suppose that systolic blood pressure (SBP) among non-hypertensive males is normally
distributed with a mean SBP of 110 mm Hg and a standard deviation of 10. About 68% of
non-hypertensive males have SBP within +/- 1 standard deviation. Thus 68% of nonhypertensive males have SBP that ranges from:
A. 90-130 mm Hg
C. 100-120 mm Hg
B. 95-125 mm Hg
D. 105-115 mm Hg
__A__ 29. 20% (p=0.20) of men and 15% (p=0.15) of women are acrriers of a particular genetic trait.
Suppose that this trait can only be inherited by a child if both parents are carriers. What is
the probability (p) that their child is born with this genetic trait?
A. 0.03
C. Either 0.20 or 0.15
B. 0.35
D. None of the above
__A__ 30. A research is made to determine the relationship between emotional quotient (EQ) and
academic performance among medical students. After controlling for confounding variables,
results of the study shows that the relationship is statistically significant at p-value=0.06. The
researcher thus concludes that there is a relationship between the EQ and academic
performance. A type of error that the researcher may commit in this instance is:
A. Type I error
C. Beta error
B. Type II error
D. None of the above
__C__ 31. An evaluation or appraisal of present conditions and existing resources is:
A. Planning
C. Situational analyses
B. Assessment
D. Implementation
__D__ 32. Demographic factors in planning includes description of:
A. Existing health services
B. Working health systems
C. Socio-economic-environmental conditions
D. Age gender composition and distribution
__D__ 33. Health status evaluation includes the following, EXCEPT:
A. Infant mortality rate
C. All of the above
B. Hospital services utilization
D. None of the above
__B__ 34. A gap between what is and what should be:
A. Idea
C. Priority
B. Problem
D. Condition
__D__ 35. In the Primary Health Care approach, focus group discussion and community assembly
are strategies for:
A. Appropriate technology
C. Establishing support groups
B. Networking and linkages D. Community participation

__B__ 36. Working together with the people, learning their language and eventually establishing a
herbal-medicinal garden for people consumption is an example of:
A. Establishing support groups
C. Networking and linkages
B. Appropriate technology
D. Community participation
__C__ 37. An example of establishing support groups for program continuity:
A. Committing civic, religious, non-government organizations to actively participate
B. Putting up a Botika sa Barangay with the help of the Municipal council
C. Creation of an organization of asthmatic patients in the early identification and proper
referral of asthmatics
D. Consultative meetings with community leaders for the creation of latrines in certain
__B__ 38. Among the list, the program that would benefit the greatest number of people:
A. Provision of food and drugs
B. Accessibility to safe water
C. Health education
D. Proper waste collection and disposal
__D__ 39. In the course of implementation, when the quality of service is not at
par, management should:
A. Review established standards
B. Reprimand staff concerned
C. Measure difference in output
D. Modify activities/objectives
__A__ 40. During an evaluation procedure, complaints against nurses have been recorded and
analyzed. In making decisions, management should be reminded of:
A. Error of practical significance
B. Statistical data as evidence based materials
C. Opinions of co-managers and staff
D. Generalization based on records at hand
__A__ 41. A 75 year old diabetic patient with gangrenous foot refused to be amputated knowing all
the risks and benefits. She said she is too old to live without a leg. The doctor agreed.
What is your ethical evaluation of the doctors decision?
A. Right. Patients autonomy is respected.
B. Wrong. Theres harm to the patient.
C. Right. Patient accepted an additional burden.
D. Wrong. Patients ability to decide is questionable.
__C__ 42. A patient told his doctor that he do whatever is best for him. This is not a violation of the
principle of autonomy because of the following reason:
A. Accepts an additional burden
C. Delegate authority
B. Gives up what is due
D. Looses right to what is due
__D__ 43. The following are true EXCEPT:
A. Truth telling of harm overrides confidentiality
B. In emergency situation informed consent can be waived
C. Unplugging of life-sustaining machines is justifiable if and when they are no longer
useful to the dying person
D. Clinical research need not involve animal experimentation
__A__ 44. The principle of totality is the governing principle in the following situation:
A. Plastic surgery and mutilation with due cause
B. Voluntary organ donation
C. Confinement of mentally ill against their will
D. Conflict of interest

__B__ 45. Hospitals cannot be held liable for patients who go home against medical advice because
A. Gave up what is due
C. Accepted an additional burden
B. Lost right to what is due
D. delegated authority
__C__ 46. Which among the following situations is a nonviolation of the principle of justice?
A. Kidneys for transplant are scarce. You decided to buy from indigent patients.
B. Allocating more of the government funds to kidney transplant program than to the
free immunization program for children under six.
C. Following a typhoon, health care is given to the victim who will die without an aid.
D. Compulsory tubal ligation in government hospital.
__B__ 47. Which among the following patients vying for one available respirator would gain the most
from using the respirator?
A. Trauma victim with severe brain damage. Only few brainstem functions remain. He is
unlikely to recover.
B. Patient with infection of the nervous system that rendered him paralyzed from the
trunk down. He is, however, progressively improving and is expected to recover.
C. Patient with complete and irreversible spinal injury that has left her paralyzed from
the neck down. She is able to talk but totally dependent on the respirator.
D. Cancer patient undergoing palliative treatment.
__C__ 48. A poor patient needing care agrees to enroll in a research study so as to be admitted in the
hospital for free treatment of his medical problem. Was an informed consent obtained in
this case?
A. Yes. Information is understood by subject. No evidence of constraint on subjects
B. No. Lack of competence.
C. No. Questionable voluntariness due to subjects personal circumstance.
D. No. Probable incomplete disclosure and deception.
__B__ 49. An employee was discovered to be sick during the annual physical examination sponsored
by the company. His health would be adversely affected if he continues with his job. He
pleads not to tell his employer. What should the physician do?
A. Maintain confidentiality at all times.
B. Break confidentiality for the best interest of the patient.
C. Break confidentiality for the best interest of innocent third party.
D. Wait and observe.
__A__ 50. Which among the following is NOT a condition to stop treatment in a dying patient?
A. Life is preserved by ordinary means
B. Patient and/or family consents
C. Irrefutable evidence that biological death is imminent
D. Treatment will not prolong life for any significant time
DOH Programs -__B__51. One of these statements corresponds to the epidemiologic criteria of
SARS diagnosis:
A. Severe respiratory illness
B. Close contact within 10 days of onset of symptoms with a person known or suspected
to have SARS
C. Radiographic evidence of pneumonia
D. Co V in specimens obtained more than 3 weeks after onset of illness
__A__52. The DOH responsibility on the National Rabies Control Program
consists of:
A. Dog vaccination
B. Enforcement of ordinance on dog control measure
C. Management of dog bites
D. Officially designating canine rabies diagnostic laboratories

__B__53. This is the most effective control approach in Dengue Hemorrhagic

A. Adulticide
C. Thermal fogging
B. Elimination of larval habitats
D. Space spraying
__D__54. The leprosy situation in the Philippines according to demographic
surveys showed:
A. 60% of new cases are MB
B. 8% of new cases are below 15 years old
C. 3% of new cases have grade 2 deformity
D. 10 0f the 16 regions achieved the elimination goal
__D__55. The elimination objective of Filariasis is:
A. Decrease prevalence rate in endemic municipalities to 2/1000
B. Decrease prevalence rate by 1/1000 population
C. Decrease prevalence rate by less than 1/1000 population
D. Zero case in previously endemic municipalities
__A__56. This is a new advocacy campaign of DOH in collaboration with heart specialty societies
aimed at preventing /controlling CVD:
A. Mag HL Tayo
C. Yosi Kadiri
B. Love your heart, let it beat
D. Walk for your life
__D__57. Reason/s for failure of TB Control efforts:
A. Inadequate political commitment and funding
B. Over reliance on BCG

C. Inadequate organization of services

D. All of the above

__A__58. Intervention methods in ARI:

A. Expanded Program on Immunization
B. Vitamin A supplementation

C. Good nutrition
D. Antibiotics intake

__A__59. The top leading types of cancer in men in the Philippines:

A. Lung & liver cancer
C. Liver & prostate cancer
B. Lung & prostate cancer
D. Liver & stomach cancer
__B__60. The most common lifestyle factor associated with lung cancer:
A. Alcohol drinking
C. Frequenting night clubs
B. Cigarette smoking
D. Drug abuse
__A__61. Breast Self Examination belongs to what level of prevention?
A. Primary
C. Tertiary
B. Secondary
D. A and B
__C__62. The drug of choice for Pneumonia as recommended by the WHO:
A. Benzathine Penicillin
C. Cotrimoxazole
B. Amoxycillin
D. Chloramphenicol
__C__63. The principal killer of HIV positive people:
A. Moniliasis
C. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
B. Kaposis Sarcoma
D. Pneumocystis carini
__B__64. A child having diarrhea with sunken eyes, thirsty and skin pinch goes
back slowly is classified as:
A. Very severe dehydration
C. Some dehydration
B. Severe dehydration
D. No dehydration
__A__65. Long term goal/s of the AIDS control program:
A. Prevention of complications
B. Mandatory testing for AIDS
C. Wide use of condom
D. Disclosure of the results of HIV testing among visa applicants

FAMILY MEDICINE -__C__66. The De la Cruz couple, Pedro and Juanita have been married for two months. Which of the
following would be the main emotional issue at their stage of the family life cycle?
A. Balancing careers
C. Committing to the marriage
B. Maintaining couple functioning
D. Planning for a child
__D__67. After one year, the couple above have their first born, Louie. How would you classify their
A. Bilateral
C. Extended
B. Blended
D. Nuclear
__C__68. In constructing their genogram after 6 months have elapsed, a zigzag line is seen joining
husband and wife. This would denote which of the following?
A. Coalition
C. Discord
B. Withdrawal
D. Separation
__D__69. When Louie turned 2, he was confined for diarrhea. A genogram at this point would show
him to be the index patient. Which symbol is used?
A. Diagonal
C. Broken line
B. Arbitrary
D. Arrow
__A__70. If you wanted to measure this familys functionality, which tool would be most useful?
B. Lifeline
D. Ecomap
__C__71. If you wanted to check the available resources to respond to the illness of Louie, which tool
is used?
__B__72. As Louie becomes a teenager, the family life cycle stage assumes a new developmental
task, which is:
A. Developing autonomy
C. Renegotiating couple bond
B. Expanding boundaries
D. Starting mid-life transition
__B__73. In family systems theory, the coming of children to a married couple implies changes in the
roles of both father and mother. What do you call this kind of change?
A. First order
C. Third order
C. Second order
D. Pervasive
__C__74. This paradigm was developed by Engel who proposed that physiologic dysfunction is tied
up with environmental stress and internal issues.
A. Life-span perspective
C. Biopsychosocial model
B. System approach
D. Cross-cultural transaction
__D__75. Which of the following theories is useful for preventive care because it helps the clinician
anticipate key transitions and educate family members about changes?
A. Social support
C. Psychoimmunology
B. Intergenerational
D. Developmental
__D__76. Epidemiology can be defined as the study of:
A. The etiology of disease in humans
B. The frequency of causes of death in humans
C. The determinants of frequency of disease in humans
D. The distribution and determinants of frequency of disease in human populations

__B__ 77. The time interval between entry of an infectious agent into a host and the onset of
symptoms is called:
A. The communicable period
C. The preinfectious period
B. The incubation period
D. The noncontagious period
__A__ 78. Primary prevention may be best undertaken during the period of:
A. Pre-pathogenesis
C. Resolution or sequelae
B. Pathogenesis
D. Any of the above
__D__ 79. In the study of the cause of a disease, the essential difference between an experimental
study and an observational study is that in the experimental investigation
A. The study is prospective
B. The study and control groups are of equal size
C. The study and control groups are selected on the basis of history of exposure to the
suspected risk factor
D. The investigators apply an intervention to influence the outcome of the study, for effective
methods of treatment, prevention, or clinical management
__B__ 80. The occurrence of a group of illnesses of similar nature at a rate above the expected
number is called:
A. Hyperendemic
C. Endemic
B. Epidemic
D. Pandemic

__D__ 81. To determine whether maternal deficiency of folate is a cause of congenital defects of the
neural tube, the mothers of 100 newborns with congenital neural tube defects and 200
newborns without congenital neural tube defects were questioned about intake of
multivitamins and folate during pregnancy. What type of study is this?
A. Clinical trial
C. Cohort
B. Cross-sectional
D. Case-Control
The following two-by-two table represents the findings of the study.

(+) folate deficiency in

the mother
(-) folate deficiency in
the mother

Mothers of
Newborns with
Neural Tube

Mothers of
Newborns without
Congenital Neural
Tube Defects










__A__ 82. The correct calculation of the parameter to measure the association between exposure and
outcome is:
A. [15 x 190]/[85 x 10]
B. [15 + 85]/ [15 + 85 + 10 + 190]
C. [15 + 10]/ [15 + 85 + 10 + 190]
D. [15/(15 + 85)]/[10/(10 + 190)]
__A__ 83. The above-mentioned study revealed an odds ratio of 3.35 (95 % Confidence Interval=
1.35-8.42) associated with maternal deficiency of folate. If the study described is accurate,
which of the following statements is true?
A. Results suggest that a baby whose mother had folate deficiency is about 3.35 times as
likely to be born with congenital defects of the neural tube as a baby whose mother did
not have folate deficiency and the association is significant (p<0.05).
B. Results suggest that the odds of giving birth to newborns with congenital defects of the
neural tube among mothers with folate deficiency is 3.35 as compared to mothers who
do not have folate deficiency and the association is significant (p<0.05).
C. Results suggest that the risk of giving birth to newborns with congenital defects of the
neural tube among mothers with folate deficiency is 3.35 times as compared to mothers
who do not have folate deficiency and the association is significant (p<0.05).

D. The results provide no evidence that maternal deficiency of folate is associated with
congenital defects of the neural tube in the offspring.
Lou Stewells, a pioneer in the study of diarrheal disease, has developed a new diagnostic test
for cholera. When his agent is added to the stools, the organisms develop a characteristic ring around
them (He calls it the Ring-Around-the Cholera [RAC] test). He performs the test on 100 patients
known to have cholera and 100 patients known not to have cholera with the following results:
No Cholera
(+) RAC test
(-) RAC test
__A__ 84. The sensitivity of RAC test
A. 91/[91+9] x100%= 91%
B. 88/[9+88]x100%= 91%
C. 91/[91+12]x100%= 88%
D. 88/[12+88]x100%= 88%
During the investigation of an outbreak of food poisoning at a summer camp, food histories
were obtained form all campers as indicated in the table below.
Consumed Food
Did Not Consume Food
Food served


Ice cream



Specific Attack
6/10 = 60%
7/10 = 70%
8/18 = 44%
13/18 = 72%
2/10 = 20%

__D__ 85. The incriminated food item is most likely to be:

A. Hamburger
B. Potatoes
C. Ice cream
D. Chicken



Attack Rate
4/8 = 50%
2/5 = 40%
2/4 = 50%
1/8 = 12.5%
4/8 = 50%

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