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Soal teknologi pulp

a) Industri pulp dan kertas pada era sekarang ini harus mencari bahan baku
baru (raw material) selain kayu, non-wood merupakan alternatif bahan baku
yang baik baggasse ,hemp, kenaf,straw,linseed flex merupakan jenis non
wood yang sangat baik coba saudara sebutkan
(kekurangan,kelebihan,teknologinya serta kertas yang dapat dibuat dengan
non wood tersebut?) (gambar non wood)



Gambar di atas adalah contoh efek dari boil-out bahan kimia, coba saudara
jelaskan langkah-langkah atau prosedur dari boil-out pada boiler?

1. Clear the boiler for firing by taking the standard precautions.
2. Inspect all internal waterside surfaces, including tubes, and remove any debris. It may be
necessary to use a high pressure hose to flush out inaccessible areas.
3. Fill the pressure vessel with clean water until the top tubes are covered. Bond Water
Technologies recommends that the temperature of the fill water be greater than 70 degrees F.
4. Add the recommended amount of BOND 8050 Boil-out Cleaner. Never pump the cleaning
chemical into the boiler before adding water.
5. Fire the boiler intermittently at a low rate sufficient to maintain the solution at the boiling
point. No steam pressure should be generated. Continue this step for at least three to five days.
6. After the boil-out period, allow a small amount of water to enter the boiler to create a slight
overflow condition. Continue to boil and overflow until the water clears.
7. Shut the burner down.
8. Allow the boiler to cool to 120 degrees F. Drain the boiler using caution to insure that the water
is discharged safely and in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines.
9. Remove the hand hole plates and wash the waterside surfaces thoroughly using a high pressure
10. Inspect all waterside surfaces. If they are not clean, the procedure must be repeated.
11. If the boiler is to be put into service immediately, fill with water and boiler treatment, fire
until the water is heated to a least 180 degrees F.
12. If the boiler is not going into service, refer to the Bond Water Technologies Boiler Shutdown
and Lay-up Procedures.

Soal chemical recovery

Pada dasarnya, recovery boiler dapat dibagi menjadi 6 bagian sebutkan dan
jelaskan keenam bagian tersebut?

(1) furnace - where the black liquor is burned;
(2) waterwall - where saturated steam is produced;
(3) screen - where saturated and superheated steam are produced;
(4) boiler bank - where the water that arrives from the economizer is
distributed and saturated steam is separated;
(5) superheater - where saturated steam is transformed into superheated
(6) economizer - where the feed water is heated.

Nilai viskositas dapat dipengaruhi oleh? Serta apa dampak dari niali viskositas
tersebut? (gambar dapat dijadikan acuan)
Yang mempengaruhi viskositas:
Total solid content and temperature
Wood species & cooking condition
Residual alkali/ph

Impact viscosity

Evaporator design affected greatly by viscosity

Heat transfer coefficient (U value)
Power usage in units with recirculation pump
Evaporator capacity can be affected by changes in viscosity, e.g wood
Viscosity up 5 fold, U down 50%

Note buat vita: vit itu aku bikin 2 soal pilih satu aja yang
menurut vita bagus jawabannya pake bahasa inggris
ntar vita yang translatinnya thx. Trus kalo kalimat atau
jawabannya ga sesuai dibenerin juga (terserah vitalah
yang penting bagus) ok


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