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Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

November 2013, Vol.12, No. S11, Supplement, 229-232

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania


Extended abstract
Gian Marco Revel1, Marco Arnesano1, Filippo Pietroni1, Jrgen Frick2, Manuela
Reichert2, Markus Krger3, Katrin Schmitt4, Jochen Huber4, Martin Ebermann5, Luc
Pockel6, Ariane Khanlou7, Antonia Ekonomakou7, Johann Balau8, Carmine Pascale9,
Francesco De Falco9, Roberto Land10, Umberto Battista10, Jay Stuart11

Universit Politecnica delle Marche , Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Science, Ancona, Italy
University of Stuttgart, Materials Testing Institute Stuttgart, Germany, 3TTI GmbH TGU Smartmote, Stuttgart, Germany,
Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, Freiburg, Germany, 5InfraTec GmbH, Germany, 6R.E.D. srl, Italy
S&B Industrial Minerals S.A., Greece, 8SCHWENK Putztechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Hindenburgring, Germany, 9Consorzio TRE,
Italy, 10STAM Srl, Genova, Italy, 11DELAP & WALLER ECOCO LIMITED, Dublin, Irelanda

New and refurbished buildings in Europe have to meet requirements concerning thermal insulation and air
tightness, as well as primary energy demand for heating, illumination, ventilation and air conditioning. In future net
zero energy buildings will be the state of the art. The refurbishing to an energy efficient standard leads to tight
buildings (whole envelope: windows, walls etc.) and affects the indoor climate. In case of refurbishing the
inhabitants or users are not adapted to this new situation. Therefore the air exchange rates could be lower than
required if no mechanical ventilation is installed or the system performance is not optimized. Then, in trying to
increase the energy performance of buildings, the indoor environment quality is often degraded due to the lack of
exchange with the outdoor environment.
People in Europe spend more than 90% of their time indoors (living, working and transportation). In more
than 40 % of the enclosed spaces, people suffer from health- and comfortable related complains and illness. Already
in 1984 the WHO reported an increased frequency in buildings with indoor climate problems. The complexity of
the problem and the fact of building related symptom clusters were later described as Sick Building Syndrome
(EPA, 2009). Major symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome observed are allergy, lethargy, headaches, dry eyes, throat
and skin. Office indoor air may also be associated with productivity and sick leave of the office occupants (Mendell,
2007). Improving the health and comfort of the European population in those spaces consequently create a huge
potential of economic and societal benefits, manifested in increased productivity, reduced sick leave and medical
costs, but also by the prevention of potential liabilities. The FP7 European project called Cetieb (Cost-Effective
Tools for Better Indoor Environment in Retrofitted Energy Efficient Buildings is moving towards
this objective. The modular system for the monitoring has been developed in order to measure several parameters
such as VOC (Volatile Organic Compound), RGB (Red, Green and Blue) luminance and CO2. In addition, the
system includes the measurement of environmental variables as the thermo-hygrometric comfort using an innovative
sensor for retrieving the PMV index (Predicted Mean Vote). The control of the air quality relies on active systems for
actuating the mechanical ventilation, with or without bio-filters, starting from monitored variables. Moreover, the
development of passive technologies for the control of indoor environments completes the tools set with the use of
photo-catalytic plasters for the air cleaning or light materials with low thermal conductivity. The aim of the paper is
to present the main research lines of the CETIEB (begin October 2011 - end September 2014) project in this context
with a focus on the innovative aspects of the expected results.

Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed: e-mail:

Revel et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12 (2013), S11, Supplement, 229-232

The main objective of the project is to develop and integrate innovative solutions for better monitoring the
indoor environment quality and to investigate active and passive systems for improving it. The focus lies on costeffective solutions to ensure a wide application of the developed systems:
Development of monitoring systems (wireless and/or partly wired) to detect indoor environmental comfort and
health parameters. A modular version will be developed to allow end users a quick check of the indoor air quality.
Development of control systems to optimize the indoor environment quality and energy efficiency. Measures are
innovative passive plaster materials using photo catalytic and phase change materials, plant based bio-filters, and
active air flow controlling components. Provision of alarm values for action, if automatic control is not sufficient.
Modeling of indoor environments for the assessment and validation of monitored data to optimize the control
parameters and systems.
Monitoring and measurement tools
The CETIEB project is aimed to deliver a cost efficient wireless or partly wired system especially designed
for monitoring indoor environment parameters. The monitoring and measurement technologies developed within the
project will be a step forward in terms of: (i) provision of cost-effective and simple to use monitoring systems that
allow for monitoring of a large variety of indoor environmental factors; (ii) provision of advanced sensor
technologies to better measure and assess indoor environment factors with respect to human health and well-being;
(iii) Provision of data collection and analysis software that could be used to better monitor, assess, evaluate and
control the indoor environment.
Short and long-term monitoring systems require the application of specific sensors. Although a lot of
commercial sensors for determining air quality and comfort are available, there is a demand to develop sufficient
sensors that are optimised for the monitoring task. This could be with respect to cost-effectiveness or higher
accuracy, precision or reliability. Such sensor technologies could be either integrated into the portable wireless
monitoring system or could be integrated into active control systems for permanently improving the indoor
environment. Several types of sensors are being developed within the project, e.g. VOC (with medium and high
sensitivity), CO2, thermal image sensors (infrared sensors for multi-point temperature analysis), and indoor light
1. Detection of VOC
One key challenge within the project is the detection and monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC) for the assessment of health related parameters. Actually, there is an increasing demand to obtain more
spectral information in many gas sensing applications, particularly with regard to the analysis of multi-component
mixtures, reducing cross-sensitivities between adjacent and overlapping absorption bands and to lower detection
limits. Infrared absorption spectroscopy as a broadband and selective measuring principle potentially fills this gap.
Based on substance-specific absorption spectra the discrimination between the components of a mixture and a
quantitative measurement of their concentrations is possible. In particular the wavelength ranges of 3 5 m and 8
12 m (mid and long wave infrared) are of interest. The hybrid integration of a bulk micro machined high finesse
Fabry-Perot Filter and a pyroelectric detector results in a very compact spectrometer module. Existing instrument
designs can be easily adapted to such a tuneable detector. InfraTec has developed such devices for the spectral range
of 3 5 m and 8 11 m (Ebermann at al., 2010).
As a VOC representative acetaldehyde (CH3CHO, peak absorption at 3.65 m) was measured in nitrogen in
the concentration range from 0 to 25 ppm (Fig. 1). The achieved resolution is better than 5 ppm. From literature the
maximum values of single VOCs like acetic acid (CH3COOH) could be up to 2.3 ppm (5698 g/m3) in new
showcases or up to 1.9 ppm in storage cabinets (average 4.7 mg/m3). Therefore the real-time detection of single
VOCs is visible if the detection range could be further improved.
2. Illumination
The region of light the eye can see (visible region) consists of light with a wavelength between
approximately 380 nm to 780 nm. The obvious way to measure this would be with a spectrophotometer, which
measures the light intensity in function of the wavelength at intervals of e.g. 5 nm.
An alternative way is the use of a so called RGB sensor. These sensors are silicon based photo-sensors
measuring radiation from 300 nm to 1100 nm overlapping the photonic response of the human eye. The unwanted
radiation (IR and UV) needs to be filtered. In addition, Red, Green and Blue filters based on the colour matching
functions defined by the CIE are reproducing the RGB values as if they were observed by the human eye. Now,
instead of hundreds of values coming from the measurement of the spectrum by a spectrophotometer, only four
values are given by the sensor: clear (only filtered for IR and UV), Red, Green and Blue. These values can be
transformed into XYZ values in the CIE colour space. Obviously, the filters of the sensors do not match completely
the colour matching functions of the CIE and need to be calibrated. Within the CETIEB project such a low-cost
sensor solution for light intensity and light spectra was realized. The sensor has been developed to determine the
Colour or Correlated Colour Temperature of white light with the objective to simulate the natural colour
temperature of daylight in function of the time of the day and the latitude of the location. It can be integrated in the


Advanced tools for the monitoring and control of indoor air quality and comfort

monitoring system described above, in turn driving the illumination system. This low cost RGB based colour sensor
consists of a packaged optical sensor (TAOS TCS3414CS), diffuser, IR filter and housing. The sensor has been
tested providing RGB and total light values when requested to the monitoring software on the PC. These are the
necessary values to determine the total illumination level (lux) and the colour temperature of the light.
3. Comfort measurement
Another innovation of the CETIEB project is the development of a low-cost infrared system for real-time
measurement of human thermal comfort performed by Universit Politecnica delle Marche. The monitoring device,
including a set of sensors in a bulk unit, can be installed on the ceiling of the occupied room. The system measures
on indoor surfaces and environment to derive comfort parameters (as Predicted Mean Vote PMV) for several
positions in the space. Since the measurement is not a single-point one and is not only based on temperature, the
HVAC control strategy can be improved which offers potentials of energy savings. PMV is the average comfort vote,
using a seven-point thermal sensation scale, predicted by a theoretical index for a large group of subjects when
exposed to particular environmental conditions. As indicated in Eq. 1 the PMV is affected both by environmental
parameters (air temperature ta, relative humidity RH, mean radiant temperature tr, air velocity va) and subjective
parameters such as the metabolic rate M and the clothing insulation Icl.
PMV = f(ta, RH, tr, va, M, Icl)


Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT, tr) appears to be one of the most influential parameters in order to
provide a good estimation of PMV (metabolic rate and insulation can be set constant). Therefore a measurement
system for a good estimation of this parameter is needed. The system is adopted to provide real-time measurement of
thermal images of the indoor environment and derive comfort parameters. Basics of the system are shown in (Revel
et al., 2012). Advanced signal processing algorithms allow the calculation of thermal comfort parameters by taking
into account all sources and thermal loads in the room (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Sensor developed (left) and measurement of acetaldehyde in N2

from 0 to 25 ppm in 5 ppm steps (right)

Fig. 2. Principle sketch of thermal

comfort measurement system scenario

The thermal image sensors find several fields of applications, from industrial to sanitary, public and
residential, where providing an adequate comfort condition to occupants is essential. The system could be of special
interest also for museums and cultural heritage buildings with respect to energy savings and protection purposes.
Active and passive methods for indoor environment improvement
Ventilation has important energy consequences. In case heating or cooling is required, the energy penalty is
the most important reason to minimise the amount of ventilation. In most climates, the supply of outdoor air has an
influence on the energy use for heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. In case of additional energy
use from fans or HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), this will result in additional outdoor pollution.
However, ventilation can also reduce the energy need, e.g. in case of an efficient strategy of night-time
ventilation/cooling. In a study (JRC, 2003) on ventilation and its effects on energy and indoor air quality (IAQ), the
Joint Research Centre estimated that ventilation can constitute up to 50% of energy use in buildings. Considering
energy-efficiency isolated, natural ventilation is often a preferred strategy compared to mechanical or fan-forced
ventilation (JRC, 2007). According to Seppnen (1998), the developing technologies of natural ventilation and free
cooling can improve energy efficiency for a given IAQ up to 60%. The main innovation of the active system will be
to enable controlled natural ventilation and thus the conditions for drastically improved IAQ and optimal air flow
control in buildings. Combined, the two benefits of improved energy efficiency and controlled natural ventilation
will effectively decouple the negative correlation between thermal properties and IAQ. In addition, the HVAC
control system under development includes a control loop which takes in account not only the merely air temperature
as comfort parameter, but the PMV, which, as explained above, is an index obtained from six different variables of
the environment and of the occupant.
2. Thermal insulation
Another goal of the project is the development of mineral-based thermal insulating lightweight mortars by the
use of phase change materials (PCM) in combination with expanded perlite. With the addition of PCM, the heat
capacity of mortars will be increased and walls will adsorb or release energy (heat) from the indoor environment


Revel et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12 (2013), S11, Supplement, 229-232

creating much easier a comfortable environment for humans. It is expected that due to expanded perlite and the
decreased variation between maximum and minimum indoor temperature, smaller weight percentages of PCMs will
be needed to keep the temperature in a range of 24-26 C than the 20-40 % reported in the literature leading to a cost
effective multifunctional (and also machine processable) building material.
3. Photocatalytic plaster
In the photo-catalytic plaster the ability of titania TiO2 to degrade harmful substances will be utilized. To
reduce the high costs of the catalyst it will be combined by a special procedure with perlite microspheres which
enhance the effect by scattering the light. Various tests have been performed to find the most promising
compositions. Measurements on the plaster layer were performed with NOx as test analysis, whilst measurements
with VOC are still on-going. A mortar containing a new modified TiO2 catalyst which can be activated already by
light in the visible region is under investigation.
Improved assessment, modeling and simulation
Standards for energy efficient buildings lead to new thermal indoor environment conditions compared to the
building standards nowadays. Because of the high insulated outside walls and windows, there will be inside surface
temperatures which are closely to the indoor air temperature. In front of the cold surfaces there will be no cold
airflow anywhere. Because of the reduced heating loads of energy efficient buildings often heating systems with low
system temperatures like floor heating systems are installed. High air tightness of new and refurbished buildings
limits the natural air exchange of the room to a minimum near zero. Natural ventilation by manually opening
windows highly depends on the users of the room as well as on the physical parameters wind and temperature
difference between inside and outside. Thus a minimum air flow rate for the hygienic air exchange cannot be
Investigations regarding the air flow pattern in such rooms have to be done. In a first step the simulation of
this new situation is a good tool to know more about the new indoor air flow pattern. To determine the distribution of
air pollutants inside a full 3D-Simulation has to be done. Normally only thermal comfort parameters are investigated
by such 3D-simulations. New in this project is the full integration of air pollutants including sources and sinks into
normal 3D-room-simulations. These models could be used for a combined simulation of thermal and hygienic
Concluding remarks
This paper presents a set of tools developed with the CETIEB project for an improved building retrofit which
aims at optimal living environments with the lower energy consumption. This requires monitoring technologies
which are modular and able to measure all possible parameters to evaluate the indoor air quality and comfort. Data
retrieved are used from one side to assess the environment (before and after the retrofit) and from the other side to
actuate a better control of the ventilation systems. This control is performed by innovative algorithms able to balance
natural and mechanical ventilation, indoor air quality and thermal comfort with a consequent energy saving.
Moreover the main objective of the project is supported by the introduction of new materials with increased
performances such as bio-filter, photo-catalytic plasters and light-weight insulating mortars which make the envelope
as an acting system to ensure better indoor air quality and thermal response. The development is at the final stage and
three systems integrating the tools are being installed in real cases to demonstrate the feasibility.
Keywords: Indoor Environment, measurement, thermal comfort, thermal insulating mortar, VOC sensor.
The work is part of the FP7 number 285623 European Project CETIEB (Cost Effective Tools for Better Indoor Environment in
Retrofitted Energy Efficient Buildings) co-founded by the European Commission.

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JRC, (2003), Impact of Ozone-initiated Terpene Chemistry on Indoor Air Quality and Human Health, Report no. 26, Urban Air,
Indoor Environment, and Human Exposure. Environment and Quality of Life, European Commission Joint Research Centre
Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, On line at:
Mendell M.J. (2007), Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: a
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Seppnen O., (1998), Ventilation Strategies for Good Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency, 2nd PALENC Conference and
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