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Glycogen phosphorylase:
a). Rate limiting enzyme in glygogenesis
b). Glycogen
c) .Cation produced glucose-1-phosphat from glycogen
d) .Activated by inculin
e). Fosforilated form is the active form
2.Blood sugar increase by:
a). The action of epinefrin
b). Glycogenolisis
c). Gluconeogenesis
d). Ketolisis
e). Breakdown of muscle glycogen
3.In which form does acetyl coA leave mitochondria to sitosol:
a) Acetoacetate
b). Fatty acyl CoA
c) Malonyl CoA
d). Sitrate
e) .Palmitoyl coA
4.Fatty acid sintesis
a) .It occurs whenever there is calories excess in diet
b) The process require cytosolic acetyl coA
c) Acetyl coA carboxylase is the rate limiting enzyme
d) Palmitade is end product
e) Chief source of NADPH is the HMP
5.Metabolisme boleh dikawal dengan cara:
a) Mmeningkatkan kumuhan metabolic akhir metabolisme
b) Compartmentasi
c) Tindakan hormone mengubah amaun enzim
d) Mengubah nisbah ADP/ATP dalam sel
e) Mengubah aktiviti pemangkinan secara modifikasi kovalen
6.During starvation,ketone body provide to:
a) .RBC
b) .Cardiac muscle
c) Brain
d) Liver
e) Skeletal muscle

7.Abnormal glikogen storage menyebabkan kekurangan

a) Muscle glycogen phosphorilase
b) Glycokinase
c) Glycerol-6-phosphate dehidrogenase
8.Pengawalaturan ekspresi gen dalam eukariot
a) Memberikan penghasilan protein dalam sesuatu masa
b) Memberikan fungsi spesifik pada sel
c) Protein repressor merangsang penghasilan enzim
d) Promoter mengawal beberapa gen
e) Melakukan pemotongan alternative pada keratin hujung mRNA
a) A mineralcorticoid hormone
b) Inhibit ACTH from being release by anterior pituitary
c) Promote Na+ reabsorption from renal tubule
d) Inhibit protein synthase in muscle
e) Is secreted from adrenal medulla
10.Covering of testis includes
a) Tunica vaginalis
b) Internal spermatic fascia
c) Tunica albugenia
d) Tunica vasculosa
e) Cremaster fascia
11.Clear fluid diet
a) Includes milk
b) Is mainly composed of water and electrolit
c) Is ordered to post-operative patient
d) Should be used for a short duration
a) Supplied by basilar artery
b) Transverse fibers on basilar part
c) Trigeminal nerve exits on its anterior surface
d) Tegmentum has medial lemniscus
e) Facial nerve nuclear underlies facial colliculus
a) Kalium ECF mengekalkan polarisasi membrane sel
b) Rembesan kalium ke lumen berlaku secara pasif
c) Insulin merencat kemasukan kalium ke dalam sel
d) Katekolamin rangsang kemasukan kalium ke dalam sel
e) Dalam keadaan asidosis,kurang kalium dirembes dalam urin

14.Effective filtration pressure in the glomerular decrease with

a) An increase in bowmans capsular pressure
b) A decrease in Glomerular oncotic pressure
c) Increase in pores size
a) Clearans of glucose are depend on Tm
b) Clearans of urea are > than clearans of inulin
c) Clearans of natrium is zero
16.True or false
a) Smooth endoplasm reticulum involve in drug detoxification
b) Glycolisis occur in endoplasm reticulum
c) Lipid digested in smooth endoplasm reticulum
17.Regarding Ketone body
a) Increase product lead to acidosis
b) Require special transport
c) Acetone oxidation for energy production
a) Perlu penghasilan mRNA dari DNA
b) Ujian saringan bagi mengenal pasti klon sasaran
19.Polyunsaturated fatty acid
a) Has more than 8 carbon chain
b) Use in synthase cholesterol
20.Regarding the nervous tissue
a) Nissle granules are absent in the dendrites
b) Spinal ganglia have pseudounipolar neuron
c) Multipolar is in autonomic ganglia
21.The cell membrane
a) Is a dynamic fluid structure
b) Is selective permeability
c) Has involved in cell to cell interaction
d) Nucleolus disappear during prophase
e) Chromatin at each chromosome separate during anaphase
22.Regarding mitosis
a) Replikasi DNA berlaku pada peringkat akhir profasa
b) Colchicine inhibit in metaphase

23.Regarding fibres of connective tissue proper

a) Collagen microfibril are assembled into the cytoplasm of fibroblast
b) The core of the elastic fibers surrounded by fibrillin microfibrils
c) Fibrillar protein determined the tensile properties of the tissue
d) Type 1 collagen presents in cartilage
e) Reticulocyte fibres are desmontrated by silver staining
24.Regarding glands
a) Include the goblet cell
b) Sebaceous glands is holocrine glands
c) Mammary gland derived from sweat gland
d) Pancreatic acini is tubulo-aveolar glands
e) Parotid gland are mucous gland
25.Elastic cartilage
a) Rich in collagen fiber in its matrices
b) Is found where flexibility is required
c) The cell is located in the lacunae
d) Covered by perichondrium
e) Chondrioblast are mature cell
26.Regarding thick skin
a) Lack sebaceous gland
b) Lack arrector pili muscles
c) Lack sweat gland
d) Has a distinct stratum lucidum
e) Poor dermis papillary
27.Merujuk otot licin
a) Mempunyai tubul-T
b) Mempunyai sacromere
c) Mempunyai jalur nipis
d) Bersifat hypertrofi
e) Mempunyai interkalet diska
28.The umbilical cord
a) Develops from the connecting stalk
b) Contain two arteries
c) Contain two veins
d) Developes from extraembryonic mesoderm
e) Consists of whaytonis jelly

29. Antara yang berikut yg mana memerlukan UV light utk proses degradasi protein
a) Tyrosine
b) Lysine
c) Glutamate
d) Guanine
e) Alanine
30.Essential amino acid are
a) Polyunsaturated
b) Long chain
c) Sintesis prostaglandin
d) Sintesis bile acid
31.Primary cartilaginous joint
a) Unites at the lower end of tibia & fibula
b) Present between dyaphysis & epiphysis
c) Between teeth & jaw
d) No movement
e) Ossifies later in life
32.Berdasarkan cecair tubuh badan
a) Cecair intrasel lebih banyak nutrient berbanding cecair ekstrasel
b) Ion natrium byk terdapat dalam cecair ekstrasel
c) Ruang intrasel lebih banyak berbanding ekstrasel
d) Ion Cl- paling banyak dalam cecair ekstrasel
e) Hasil bersih anion & kation yg bergerak adalah sama bg cecair intrasel dan ekstrasel
33.Semasa sintesis protein
a) Amino-asil tRNA bergabung dgn rRNA
b) RNA polymerase sebagai promoter
c) Nukleotisda diterjemahkan satu persatu
d) GTP diperlukan
34.Proses transkripsi
a) Melibatkan pembentukan ikatan fosfodiester
b) Utk memulakn proses RNA polymerase mesti bergabung pada promoter
c) Kedua-dua benang disalin
d) Menggunakan dioksiribonukleotida sbg substrat
35.The muscles supplied by femoral nerve include
a) Sartorius
b) Piriformis
c) Rectus femoris
d) Gluteus maximus
e) Vastus medialis

36.Regarding cytoskeleton:
a). Mikrofilamen are made of actin and have roles in cell movement
b) Desmin intermediate filament are present in epithelial cell
c). Cytokeratin intermediate filament are present in muscle cell
d). Intermediate filament are made of protein which vary between different cell types
e) Microtubules are made of tubulin and have roles in intracellular transport
37.Cellular component of connective tisu
a). Are grouped into 2 categories fixed and transient
b) Transient cell include pericytes,lymphocytes,plasma cell
c). Myofibroblast are modified myocytes
d). Adiobcytes are non-differentiated cell of connective tissue proper
e). Most cell arise from bone marrow stem cell
38.Regarding body fluid
a). Human body contains more than 50% water
b). ICF is the biggest fluid compartment in the body
c). ECF comprises of interstitial fluid and plasma
d). [protein] in ICF is less than in plasma
e). Sodium is predominant cation in ICF
39.Glucose is produced in the body by
a). Glycogenesis
b). Glycolisis
c). Gluconeogenesis
d). Glycogenolisis
e). B-oxidation pathway
40.Berkenaan proses komunikasi intrapersonal dan diri kendiri
a). Ia penting kerana individu akan berinteraksi dengan orang lain
b). Imej public sama dengan persepsi diri sendiri
c). Persepsi individu mempengaruhi prejudis
d). Nilai diri rendah mempengaruhi hubungan dengan orang lain
e). Ia melibatkan komunikasi tak verbal

41. The tributaries of the azygos vein include

a) Posterior intercostals vein
b) Right superior intercostals vein
c) Left superiorintercostals vein
d) Hemizygos vein
e) Mediastinal vein
42. The contents of the superior mediastinum include
a) Arch of aorta
b) Ascending aorta
c) Superior vena cava
d) Inferior vena cava
e) Left brachiocephalic vein
43. Regarding the histology of trachea,
a) Mucosa is lined by pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelium
b) Presence of elastic membrane
c) Presence of hyaline cartilage
d) Mixed glands are absent
e) Presence of goblet cells.
44.Content of broad ligament
a) Mackendrots ligament (lateral cervical ligament)
b) Uterine artery
c) Round ligament of artery
d) The ligament of ovary
e) Internal iliac artery
45.Regarding female reproductive system
a) Fimbria end of fallopian tube open into pelvic cavity
b) The cervical canal extend from internal os to external os
c) Uterine artery is a branch from internal iliac artery
d) The uterus is lined by simple columnar epithelium
e) Mammary gland is modified sweat gland
46.Regarding female repro system
a) The right ovarian art is direct branch from aorta
b) Broad lig. contain ureter
c) Normal position of uterus are anteverted and anteflexed
d) Vagina is lined by stratified squamous

47.At the time of birth

a) The fetus weight about 3500gm
b) The C.R length is about 30cm
c) The sex character are pronounce
d) The male fetus has testis in inguinal canal
e) The fetus has wrinkled skin
48.The definitive yolk sac in the human embryo
a) Contribute to the primitive gut tube
b) Is the site of primodial germ cut production
c) Is devoid of haemopoietic activity
d) Appears during the second week of development
e) Stores nutrients through out the pregnancy
49.Primitive streak
a) Appears in 4th week
b) Primitive pit at cephalic end
c) Gives rises to mesoderm germ layer
d) Endodermal in origin
e) Regresses at end of the 4th week
50. Bilaminar germ disc
a) Consists of apiblast & mesoblast
b) Is derived from inner cell mass of the morula
c) Form the embryo proper
d) Form HcG hormone
e) Attached to amnion
51.Derivatives of eectoderm include
a) Cartilage
b) Lens of eye
c) Cornea
d) Retina
e) Dentin of teeth
52.Regarding liver function
a). Convert alcohol to acetate
b). Liver synthesis immunoglobulin
c). Decarboxylation of cholecalciferol occurs in liver
d). Liver utilizes ketone bodies to produce energy
e). Liver store glycogen

53.Factors that affecting BMR

a). Thyroxine
b). Age
c). Climate
d). Sex
e). Fever
54.Faktor-faktor yg menyebabkan kejadian malpemakanan primer dalam kalangan warga
tua termasuk :
a) Pasangan social
b) Malpemakanan
c) Penyakit kronik
d) Gangguan mental
e) Ketidakupayaan fizikal
55.Part which lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium :
a). Bronchi
b). Trachea
c). Ureter
d). Epididymis
e). Pulmonary alveoli
56. Derivatives of endoderm include
a). Cartilage
b). Dermis of skin
c). Parenchyma of liver
d). Epithelium of urinary bladder
e). Epithelium of renal
57. Regarding endocrine system
a). Merocrine exocytosis
b). Holocrine cell disintegration
c). Apocrine secrete partly
d). Salivary gland are tubulo-alveolar gland
e). Goblet cell is unisel glandular
58.Regarding spinal nerve
a). Ventral root of thoracic spinal nerve contain preganglionic sympathetic fibers
b). Their dorsal root contain spinal ganglion
c). 32 pairs of spinal nerve
d). Contain dorsal motor fibres
e). They have somatic efferent fibres

59.Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
a) Is produced by APC
b) Is also known as T cell growth factor
c) Is not specifically bound to its receptors
d) Acts predominantly in an autocrine fashion
e) Has a long half life
60.Clearance value of
a) Creatinine is dependent on food intake composition
b) Glucose is dependent on transport maximum
c) PAH is equal to renal blood flow
d) Urea is higher than inulin
61.Mengenai fungsi plasma protein
a) 1-antitripsin : perencat protease
b) Seruloplasmi : pengangkut kolestrol dan fosfolipid
c) 2-makroglobulin : perencat protease
d) Albumin : sumber asid amino endogenous
e) Orosomukoid : pengangkut kuprum
62.Regarding haemoglobin synthesis
a) It starts with condenlation of glycine and succinyl CoA
b) Each molecule of heam combines with 2 globin chains
c) Protoporphyrin combines with iron in then Ferric sate (Fe3+)
d) B12 is a coenzyme in this reaction
e) aminolaevulinic acid synthesis is a rate limiting enzyme

1.Thoracic duct-orgin,couse and tributaries
2.Myotatic reflex
3 .Aff and eff tract of cerebellar peduncle
4. With diagram,describe blood supply to stomach
5 .Prolong fasting -the metabolisme that happen

6.Vitamin C-Fungsi,kekurangan,toxic
7.Kelaskan fosfolipid.Berikan contoh-contoh fosfolipid dan
huraikan fungsi-fungsinya.
8.Namakan 2 proses di dalam sel yang menghalang berlakunya
mutasi DNA.
9.Gariskan proses penyerapan vitamin B12.
10.Huraikan mekanisme pontensi membran istirehat pada
11.Nyatakan 1 perencat dan 1 uncoupler bagi proses
fosforilasi oksidatif dan terangkan mekanisme tindakan setiap
satu contoh.
12.Terangkan Segitiga Femoral beserta sempadan dan

13.a. Takrifkan RDA


Bincangkan peranan RDA bagi menampung keperluan

pemakanan pada
14.Terangkan cerun oksigen dan ceritakan faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi .
15.Dengan bantuan gambarajah,terangkan bekalan darah dan
sistem limfa pada gaster

16.Describe interstine phase of pancreas.

17.Describe the role of fibre nutrition
18.Replikasi virus
19.Klearans farmakokinetik dan aplikasinya
20. Berdasarkan gambar rajah berlabel, terangkan prinsip
eksperimen berikut dan berikan contoh (setiap satu) untuk
diagnosis dalam makmal
a. ELISA sandwich b.ELISA indirect
21.Huraikan peranan platelet dalam pembekuan darah
22.Dengan bantuan gambarajah terangkan peranan
microenvironment dalam granulopoiesis
23.Ceritakan LDL metabolisme dan kesan jika ia berlebihan.
24.Nyatakan 5 jenis komunikasi tak verbal serta contoh dan
25.Describe the histology of cervix and vagina
26.Write notes of
a) Notochord b) Amniotic cavity
27.Describe the uterus with regard to its
a) gross features b) relations & blood supply
28.Describe the important role of vitamin A

Uterus & Uterine tube identify 2 characteristics of each slide
Ovary 2 functions
Cervix 2 important relations
Retrouterine pouch
1. Model kaki
a. Struktur A, B, C, D

common fibular nerve

popliteus muscle

tendon of semitendinosus muscle

b. Fungsi otot popliteus

2. Model abdomen
a. A, B, C, D
A xiphoid process
B transversus thoracic muscle
C serratus anterior muscle
3. Nyatakan pensarafan struktur B Model kolon
a. Nyatakan struktur A, B, C, D
A taenia coli
B haustra
C vermiform appendix
b. Struktur yang terdapat pada taenia coli
c. Blood supply vermiform appendix
4. Model perineum lelaki
a. Struktur : - prostate
- ductus deferens

- seminal vesicle
- epididymis
b. Mula dan tamat ductus deferens
5. Diberi graf osmosis
a. Tentukan sama ada isotonic, hipertonik, hipotonik
6. Ujian Dipstick tentukan ketone bodies dan glucose
7. i) Name of the reflex, what happen to left eye ? - sensual eye reflex
ii) Name structure A, B, C, D
A ciliary ganglion

C Edinger Westphal nucleus

B lateral geniculate body

D pretectal area

a) Nyatakan pewarnaan gram +ve
b) Bahan yg digunakan (ikut urutan)
c) Nyatakan ciri-ciri yg dapat dilihat
d) Namakan mikroorganisma staphylococcus aureus
Stesen aktif : - kepatahan kaki
- kaedah bantuan pertolongan cemas
12. Graf ECG
13. Diberi pH

(julat normal)
(julat normal)

[HCO3-] (julat normal)

Satu situasi diberi, pesakit mempunyai nilai pH, pCO2 & HCO3- tertentu.
Nyatakan keadaan pesakit samada
metabolik asidosis, alkalosis
respiratori asidosis, alkalosis
Nyatakan kompensatori telah berlaku @ tidak
Nyatakan alasan.
. Kirakan julat terapeutik ;
Drug manakah yg lebih poten..??
Drug manakah yg lebih efektif..??

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