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his sun sign:

While other signs are given to flights of fancy and daydreams, Capricorns always have their feet on the
ground. One of the most stable signs in the zodiac, Capricorns are capable of exercising enormous
discipline when they need to. Capricorns are also great listeners, and because they are enormously
patient they can spend long hours listening to the stories and lives of others. This special Capricorn trait
gives Capricorns great insight into other people's lives, traditions and personal histories. Capricorns tend
to be very cultured and knowledgeable about the world and culture as a whole.
Capricorns care a great deal about their personal appearance and how they are perceived. They are
usually very neatly dressed, or very stylish -- often with a keen sense of fashion and style.
Capricorns have "big" personalities. They tend to be generous, interesting and tactful. They are always
patient and have an air of wisdom about them.
Capricorn at Work: Capricorns are very ambitious people, and with their innate people-skills, immaculate
presentation and natural smarts, they tend to do well in the workplace. Because they are immensely
patient and restrained, Capricorns tend to perform especially well in high-stress environments that would
be difficult for other signs to handle.
Capricorns also do extremely well in management roles, where juggling multiple personality types, and
exercising extreme patience are required.
Capricorn in Love: While Capricorn is very pragmatic in most areas of life -- this is sometimes less true
in matters of the heart, where Capricorns can exhibit unusual jealousies. Capricorns make great lovers. In
relationships they are very attentive, and very patient at all times. But suggest to a Capricorn that the
relationship may be in trouble, and that Capricorn jealousy will bubble up to the surface and begin to boil.
Domestically, many Capricorns are "neat freaks", always insisting on cleanliness and perfection.
Depending on who a Capricorn is partnered with, this can make for a perfect home, or lots of

This highly emotional and dramatic influence gives the individual ruled by the Scorpio Moon a flair that is
rarely seen in any other person. Individuals so governed are usually the absolute rulers of their personal
lives -- making for what many would call "a benevolent dictatorship". This influence also bestows this
person with a preternatural memory and intuitive senses, which are highly beneficial in both their personal
and business lives.

The Scorpio Moon influence can also bring a gift of assessing the inner makeup of a person at a glance a quality that others may find both disconcerting and attractive at the same time, depending on the
situation. People with something to hide won't last very long around a person with a Scorpio Moon
placement, as these keenly perceptive individuals delight in ferreting out details and will not stop until they
uncover everything about a person or a situation.

The Scorpio Moon influence can also make the individual brooding and moody, especially when they don't
get their way. They can (in some cases) also be the epitome of "drama queens", and they may not be
happy unless they are dealing with an emotional situation of one kind or another. They can be
uncompromising and obstinate until they get their way, at which point they return to being happy and even
accommodating. Despite their potential for emotional drama, those born under a Scorpio Moon make
excellent romantic partners as they actively seek out and nurture meaningful relationships. They can also
be very "in tune" with their partners, and may intuitively know what their partner needs.

Scorpio Moons can bring jealousy to a chart, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. These
people may also be vengeful if wronged and will often retaliate in some fashion if they are crossed in any
way. Their dominant nature can drive away some potential partners almost immediately -- even after their
sensuous nature attracts them initially. They can be almost too good at hiding their feelings from their
friends and families, to the point where even those in a long-term relationship with them may not be able
to say that they actually know them that well; most like to keep it that way.

This influence leads those under it to live a very experiential existence, particularly when it comes to the
realm of their personal lives. They may live in multiple locations and have an overriding wanderlust that
supersedes any stable forces that they may have in their lives.

Mercury in Capricorn

Ever responsible, and always reserved, Capricorn has a profound effect on this fast-moving ruler of
communication and travel. The Mercury in Capricorn placement frequently indicates an ability to analyze
even the most complex subjects and situations with a progressive, methodical approach. For those born
under this placement, most of their actions are taken after cautious deliberation and careful planning. At
times, this placement can appear to impart 'immobility', when in fact what it imparts is a heightened sense
of responsibility and awareness of consequences.

Also indicated here are specific habits of learning and study: A methodological approach will prove
successful, and slow and steady will rule the day.

The appearance of Mercury in Capricorn is also a common indicator of skepticism and distrust in others.
While this 'doubting' trait is often an excellent survival skill, it can at time become a barrier between
people that prevents deeper communication. Fearing ridicule, most born under Mercury in Capricorn will
shy away from anything involving public speaking.

Venus in Aquarius

The Venus in Aquarius influence imparts eccentricity in matters of love. This placement may be an
indication of some form of alternative relationship, or of sexual behavior which is seen as especially
adventurous, alternative or outside social norms.

A person born under this influence may be somewhat aloof in romantic matters, and may be unaware of
the advances of others, unless they are extremely overt and obvious. Venus in Aquarius encourages
romantic attachments to be brief, and may be a factor which stands in the path of long term relationships
-- especially with partners who do not understand them.

Once those born under this placement find someone that will actually give them the space that they
require however, they will usually be able to form long term relationships. In general, this influence is
experiential and eccentric rather than traditionally romantic.

Mars in Sagittarius

So what do we get with aggressive mars residing in Sagittarius? Sagittarius' deeply intellectual and
liberated nature typically has a 'countering' effect on belligerent, conflict-oriented Mars. This placement
brings a tendency to avoid conflict to those born under it. Conflict avoidance may take many forms, but
typically this placement indicates a desire to "take the high road", and to seek diplomatic resolutions to
confrontations. In other instances -- this placement may indicate a desire to distance oneself from
conflicts entirely.

The key to understanding this placement is the somewhat extreme contrast between aggressive-Mars,
and liberated, intellectual Sagittarius. There are vast ideological differences between these two forces and
how they effect one another is both complex and subtle. For the most part, it is Sagittarian intellect that
prevails. However, it should be noted that in some instances, Mars will play upon Sagittarian 'directness'
and result in a behavior of extremely directed and focused aggression and competition. So, while this
placement typically represents an avoidance of conflict -- there are times when conflict cannot be
avoided. In which case, this placement indicates an intensely directed will to win.

Jupiter in Cancer

Jupiter's position in Cancer often imparts a firm code of morality and an affinity for friends and family. This
position also indicates a willingness and need to care for others -- and lends itself to professions such as
health care and therapy.

Jupiter in Cancer also imparts benevolence and a concern for those in need. A strong tendency to
volunteer and give charitable aid is also frequently encouraged by this influence. There is also a very
strong spirituality indicated by this placement which typically encourages a quiet type of very personal

Financial security can be very important to this placement; Jupiter in Cancer works hard to maintain this

Saturn in Capricorn

Capricorn is the natural home of Saturn, and as such all of the core traits of Saturn are inherent here.
Career and finance will usually be the focus of this placement -- frequently to the detriment of all else.
This placement is highly desirous of power and will often go to great lengths to achieve it.

This position is not likely to be conducive to teamwork or cooperation. There is sometimes a ruthlessness
in this placement that will help in a career, but it may be detrimental to making a lot of friends.

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