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Traditional Cornish Witchcraft

Self Dedication Rite to the Horned One Rite

Things you will need: - Four bowls with symbols of the elements (Earth- Some soil, Air- feathers, Fire- a candle
and Water-spring/river or well water) in them. Four stones collected from a crossroads, a Staff (Gwelen), Knife,
and Cup/Drinking Horn with some wine or other drink in it and a cord. The cord should be the same length as
your body made up of three cords (Red, Green and Black) plaited together, it should have a loop at one end and
tassel at the other and nine knots between and A clean and if possible new set of clothes. You will also need a
lamp to give light to work by.
The Rite should be conducted alone at midnight on the night of the New Moon in a woodland clearing, hill top
or other place far from the habitations of men were you know you will not be disturbed during the rite. The
important thing is that it must be a place of power, you will know the place when you find it, seek and you will
find. Only conduct this rite if you are sure, what is done cannot be undone done!
When you have found this place, have all the things you will need and you know you are destined to conduct this
rite, go there.

Ye shall go far from the habitations of men,

Ye shall tell no one where and why you go,
Ye shall go neither clothed nor unclothed,
Ye shall go neither walking nor flying
Ye shall go not in haste but spirit led,
Ye shall go neither blind nor seeing,
And ye shall go in the Old One's name.

You should be at your place of power at least an hour before midnight. Thrust your Staff into the ground, this
will be the centre of your compass. Place the four bowls with their elemental symbols in each of the compass
points (Air-East, Fire-South, Water-West and Earth-North) equally distanced from your staff, then take the
four stone and place them in the points between (north-east, south-east, south-west and north-west). You
should now have a circle of bowls and stones with your staff at its centre. Make sure you will have enough space
to work in. Facing north dig a small hole in the ground at the foot of the staff i.e. just to the south of its base.
Place your knife and drinking horn on either side of the hole. Take your cord made up of three cords platted
together and form it into a circle around the base of the staff, the hole and your knife and drinking horn (see
figure below). Place your lamp in such a way as to illuminate your working area, and finally place your
clean/new set of clothes to the north well outside this compass.[9/12/2014 5:36:53 PM]

Traditional Cornish Witchcraft

Now think on what you are about to do, be sure of your path.
At the stroke of midnight take off all of your clothes, and walk into the compass made of bowls and stones. Take
up your staff and take it to the northern edge of the compass. Slowly walk deosil around the compass's edge
three times with the chant:

Black spirits and White,

Red spirits and Grey,
Come ye, Come ye, Come ye that may.
Throughout and about, around and around,
The circle be drawn, the circle be bound.
When you have been around three times deosil and have returned to the north, raise your staff and call out "
Bucca Gwydder". Now turn and Slowly walk widdershins around the compass's edge three times with the same
chant as before. When you have been around three times widdershins and have returned to the north, raise your
staff and call out "Bucca Dhu".
When this is done return to the centre of the compass, face north and thrust your staff back into the compass's
Be still for a moment, feel the presence of the Horned One all around you. Walk to the East and take up the
bowl of feathers, face outwards and call out:

O Horned One, I dedicate my Breath to thee,

I shall walk with thee and thee shall walk with me,
For we shall walk together.

Then take the bowl of feathers to the centre of the compass and empty the feathers into the hole at the base of
the staff.
Walk to the south and take up the bowl with the burning candle in it, face outwards and call out:

O Horned One, I dedicate my Spirit to thee,

I shall walk with thee and thee shall walk with me,
For we shall walk together.

Then take the bowl with the burning candle in it to the centre of the compass and place the candle in the hole.[9/12/2014 5:36:53 PM]

Traditional Cornish Witchcraft

Walk to the west and take up the bowl with water in it, face outwards and call out:

O Horned One, I dedicate my Blood to thee,

I shall walk with thee and thee shall walk with me,
For we shall walk together.

Then take the bowl with water in it to the centre of the compass and empty it into the hole.
Walk to the north and take up the bowl with soil in it, face outwards and call out:

O Horned One, I dedicate my Body to thee,

I shall walk with thee and thee shall walk with me,
For we will walk together.

Then take the bowl with soil in it to the centre of the compass and empty it into the hole.
Walk to the north-east, south-east, south-west and north-west and take up each of the stones, face outwards
stand in silence a moment. Then take each stone in it to the centre of the compass and place each one into the
hole. Kneel before the Staff and hole facing north (i.e. just to the south of them). With your knife cut hair from
your head and body and place them in the hole, spit into the hole, cut yourself with your knife and let a few
drops of your blood fall into the hole. Arouse thyself and then add your sexual fluids to the hole.
Now place your right hand on top of your head and your left hand on the soles of you feet and call out:

O Horned One, Great Bucca

Ancient providence which was from the beginning
And is for all eternity both male and female,
The original source of our path,
All knowing, all seeing, all pervading.
I dedicate my whole self to thee!
That I may be as thee some day Leader of all spirits![9/12/2014 5:36:53 PM]

Traditional Cornish Witchcraft

Take the cup/drinking horn, stand up, raise it into the air and call out:

Behold! There is nothing of myself which is not thine.

I am of thee and thou art mine,
Thout a thout, thout, throughout and about,
In thy name O Horned Bucca, great mystery of the three in one.

Drink some of the wine or other drink from the cup and then pour the rest into the hole, put down the cup and
fill in the hole. Take up the cord and tie it around your waist, then walk over to your new clothes and put them
on. Move your staff to a safe place and build a small fire over the site of the hole, stay with the fire until sunrise,
you are born anew and now walk among the followers of the Old One.[9/12/2014 5:36:53 PM]

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