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Exponential Functions
5.2.1 Definition o f an Exponential Function
5.2.2 Derivative of an Exponential Function
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
5.3.1 Differentiating the Natural Log Function
5.3.2 Differentiating the General Log Function
Hyperbolic Functionls
5.4.1 Definitions and Basic Properties
5.4.2 Derivatives of Hyperbolic Functions
5.4.3 Derivatives of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
Methods of Differentiation
5 5.1 Derivative of xr
5.5.2 Logarithmic Differentiation
5.5.3 Derivatives o f Functions Defined in Terms o f a Parameter
5.5.4 Derivatives of Implicit Functions

Exponential functions occupy an important place in pure and applied science. Laws of
growth and decay are very often expressed in terms of these functions. In this unit we
shall study the derivatives of exponential functions. The inverse function theorem which
was stated in Unit 4 will then help us to differentiate this inverse, the logarithmic
functions. In particular, you will find that the natural exponential function in its own

Further we shall introduce and differentiate hyperbolic functions and their inverses since
they hold special significance for physical sciences. We shall demonstrate the method of
finding derivatives by taking logarithms, and also that of drfferentiating implicit functions.

With this unit we come to the end of our quest for the derivatives of some standard,
frequently used functions. In the next block we shall see the geometrical significance of
derivatives and shall use them for sketching graphs of functions.

After studying this unit you should be able to :
find the derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions
define hyperbolic functions and discuss the existence of their inverses
differentiate hyperbolic functions and inverse hyperbolic functions
use the method of logarithmic differentiation for solving some problems
differentiate implicit functions and also those functions which are defined with the
help of a parameter.


Our main aim, here, is to find the derivatives of exponential functions. But let us first
recall the definition of an exponential function.
Derivatives of Some
5.2.1 Definition of an Exponential Function Standard Functions
A function f defined on R by f(x) = ax, where a > 0, is known as an exponential function.
Now to find the derivative of i:we shall have to take the limit:

ax+b a" may not be defined for all

lim - ax ah - I
= a x . lim - ... x if a<O. For example, (-2)"'
h h-,O h
i s not defined In H.
ah - I
SO, if we put : !A - k, we get
h k =
a - I
lim -
h-to h
a' = k . a'. We can also Interpret k as the derivative of a" at x - 0. In Fig. 1 you can
see the graphs of exponential functions for various values of a.

A Y d
= - (a") I I -- 0

Fig. 1

All these curves pass through (0, 1) as a0 = 1 for all a. Now from all these curves, we shall
choose that one, whose tangent at (0, 1) has slope = 1. (We assume that such a curve exists).
The value of a corresponding to this curve is then denoted by e. Thus, we have singled out
the exponential function : x + ex, so that its derivative at x = 0 is 1. Thus,
e h -1
lim --- 1
h->O h
This also means that
dex - ex el'-~
- - - lim - . e x .lim -= e
dx h->O h h+O .h
That is, the derivative of thls function is the funct~onitself.
Thls special exponential function IS called the natural exponential function.

5.2.2 Derivative of an Exponential Function

In Unit 1, we compared the graphs of natural exponential function ex and the natural

logarithmic function Inx and found that they are reflections of each other w.r.t. the line
y = x (see Fig. 2). We concluded that ex and lnx are inverses of each other. This also
means that el"" x y x > 0. -

big. ?
Elements o f Differential
CnIcuIus F om this we can write ax = elna' , or ax = exlna,where a > 0.
h a b = blna

ex In a d
- (x In a) by chain rule
= e x In a I n a
= ax In a.

Remark 1 If we compare this result with (1) which we derived at the beginning of this
section, we find that

In a = lim -,
ah - 1
Thus, we have
- ex = ex, and

Example 1 Let us use these formula to find the derivatives of

ex + e-X
ii) - --
ex -e-X
. ill) asin-' r

9 Let y - , . Then, by chain rule

(ex -e-') (ex - -- (e' +e-') (r' -+-e-

e-X) ----.- -X)
(e\ - e-' ) =

i) W s dpp " x
'he chain rule again to different~atc,""

bc. vou can solve these exercises now

E E 1, I- ur the derivatives of :
Derivatives of Some
Standard Functions

E 2) How much faster is f(x) = 2x increasing at x = 112 than at x = O?


In this section we have defined e as that real number for which h+o = 1.
Alternatively, e can also be defined as a limit:
lim (1 + lin)", or as the sum of an infinite series: e 1 1
e = h+O = 1 + - + - + ....
l! 2!

But all these definitions give the same value, e = 2.718281828 ... e is an irrational number.
In many situations the rate of growth (of human beings, or bacteria or radioactive
particles) is proportional to the present population. That is, if x(t) is the population at
time t, then -.c x. In such situations the exponential function is of great relevance
since - (e') = et
Now let us turn our attention to logarithmic functions.


In Unit 4, we studied the inverse function theorem, (Theorem 1, Unit 4) and used it to
find the derivatives of various functions such as sin-'x, cos-'x, and so on. Here, we shall,
yet again, apply this theorem to calculate the derivative of the natural logarithmic

5.3.1 Differentiating the Natural Log Function

Consider the function y = lnx. This is the inverse of the natural exponential function, that Inx is defined on 10 -[
is, y = lnx if and only if x = eY.

From Fig. 2, you can see that the natural exponential function is a strictly increasing
function. (You will be able to rigorously prove this result by the end of this course).
Further, the derivative of the function x = eYis
Elements o f Differential
Calculus d) d
= - (ey) = e' , 0 for all y E R.
dx dx
Thus, all the conditions of the inverse function theorem are satisfied. This means we can
conclude that the derivative of the natural logarithmic function (which is the inverse of
the natural exponential function) exists, and
dy -
d (Inx) = ---- -
1 1 -
-- - -1
dx dx dxldy eY x

Thus, we have

Let's see how we can use this result.

Example 2: Suppose we want to differentiate y = In (x" 2x + 2).

Note that x2 - 2x + 2 = (x - I ) +~ 1 and hence, is non-zero for all x.

Therefore, ln(x2- 2x + 2) is well-defined.

Example 3: If we want to differentiate y = In I 1,

1 + x2
j-;i I x I t 1. we will have to
consider two cases: i) I x I > 1 and ii) ( x ( < 1

since ( x I > 1 makes 1 - x2 negative. So in this rase.

I-x 4 , after simplification.

ii) whe111 x 1 < 1, 1-1 1 + x2

1 + x2
and so.

- -4x
1- x 4

a' i s a constant function for

a = I Hence, 11 does not dy 4x
have any lnverse The log So. wc see that = ---
-- 4 for all x such that 1 x 1 # l
dx I - u
functions are thus defined
a-Qtra+ I Now, let us turn our attention to logarithmic funct~onswith n1171traty bases

5.3.2 Differentiating the General Log Function

Let us consider any positive number a # 1. We say logax = y if and only if x
Obviously. the natural logarithm~cfi~nctionInx can be written as logex.
- a'

Further, we know that logax = loc~,c Inx This rule gives a connection between the natural
and general Iogar~thm~c function, ' v c <hall usc thls relat~onshipto find the derivative of
loga x
So if v = logax = logae lnx.
Derivatives of Some
d 1 Standard Functions
-(log, x ) = log,e .-
dx x
If we put a = 3 in this, we get our earlier result:

dy d lnx 1
- = log,e - = log,e -
dx dx x
Thus, we arrive at
-(log, x) = log, e - .1
dx x
If we put a = e in this, we get our earlier result:
d 1
- lnx = - , since logee = 1
dx x
Example 4 Let us differentiate y = log,tan3x
- = log, e
d 3
- (tan x)
dx tan3 x dx
= log, e
tan3 x 3 tan2 x sec2 x
sec2 x
= 3 log, e -
tan x
If you have followed the solved examples in this section you should have no difficulty in
solving these exercises.

E E 3) Find the derivatives of :

a) log, 2x b) 71oglI (5x2 + 2) c) e-"lnx
Elements o f Differentlal
In applications of mathematics to other sciences, we, very often, come across certain
combinations of eXand e-'. Because of their importance, these combinations are given
special names, like the hyperbolic sine, the hyperbolic cosine etc. These names suggest
that they have some similarity with the trigonometric functions. Let's look at their precise
definitions and try to understand the points of similarity and dissimilarity between the
hyperbolic and the trigonometric functions.

5.4.1 Defitlitions and Basic Properties

ex + e-'
Definition 1 The hyperbolic sine function is defined by sinh x = for all x E R.
The range of this function is also R.

- e-X
Definition 2 The hyperbolic cosine function is defined by cosh x = for all x E
R. The range of this function is [ I , -1.
You will notice that
+ e-(-~) + e-X

sinh (-x) = -- =
2 2
=- sinh (x), and
- e-(-~) - e-X
cosh (-x)= -
- - = cosh x
2 2

In other words, the hyperbolic sine is an odd function, while the hyperbolic cosine is an
even function. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show the graphs of these two functions.

Fig. 3 : Graph of (a) sinh x (b) cosh x

We also define four other hyperbolic functions as

- e-(-~) e x - e-X4
tanh x = e-X , coth x = ex + e-' '

sech x = ex + e-x , cosech x =

e x - ,-x .
E E 4) Verify that a) cosh2x - sinh2x = 1
sinh x
b) tanh x =
c) 1 - taih2 x = sech2 x.
Derivatives o f Somr
S t a n d a r d Functions

E E 5) Derive an identity connecting coth x and cosech x.

You must have noticed that the ider~titiesinvolving these hyperbolic functions are similar
to those invo!ving trigonometric functions. It is possible to extend this analogy and get
some more fc.~nulas.

sinh (X h y) = * cosh x sinh x

sinh x cosh y
cosh (x h y) = cosh x cosh y * sinh x sinh y
tanh x + tanh y
tanh (x y) =
1 k tanh x tanh y

Since we have seen that cosh2t - sinh2 t = 1, it is obvious that a point with coordinates
(cosh t, sinh t) lies on the unit hyperbola: x2 - y2 = 1. (Hence the name, hyperbolic
functions). We have a similar situation in the case of trigonometric functions. The point
(cost, sint) lies on the unit circle: x2 + y2 = 1. That is why trigonometric fbnctions are
also called circular functions.

There is one major point of difference between the hyperbolic and circular functions,
though. While t in sint, cost, etc. is the measure of an angle, the t which appears in
I sinht, cosht, etc. cannot be interpreted as the measure of an angle. However, it is
sometimes called the hypberbolic radian.

5.4.2 Derivatives of Hyperbolic Functions

Since the hyperbolic functions are defined in terms of the natural exponential function,
whose derivative we already know, it is very easy to calculate their derivatives, For
Elements of Differential
Calculus - e-X
sinh x =
. This means,

d d (ex ;e-') + e-"

- (sinh x) = - - = cosh x
dx dx 2

ex + e-"
Similarly, cosh x = gives us
d - e-X
- (cosh x) = = sinh x
dx 2
(ex - e-")
In the case of tanh x =
(ex + e-') , we get

d (ex + e-') (ex + e-') - (ex - e-') (ex - e-')

- (tanh x) =
dx (ex + e-X)2

= 1 - tanh2 x = sech2 x

We can adopt the same method for finding the derivatives of coth x, sech x and
cosech x. In Table 1 we have collected all these results.

Table 1

Function Derivative

sinh x cosh x
cosh x sinh x
tanh x sech2 x
coth x - cosech2x
sech x - sech x tanh x
cosech x - cosech x coth x

Example 5: Suppose we want to find dyldx when y = tanh (1 - x2)

See if you can solve these exercises on your own.

E E 6) Fhd f(x) when f(x) =
4x +1 #

i ~ ) tanh - b) sinh e2" C)coth (llx)

d) sech (ln x) e) ex cosh x
Derivatives of Some
Standard Functions

5.4.3 Derivatives of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

We shall try to find the derivatives of the inverse hyperbolic functions now. Let us start
with the inverse hyperbolic sine functions.
From Fig. 3(a) you can see that the hyperbolic sine is a strictly increasing function. This
means that its inverse exists, and

We have used the formula

for finding the roots of a
quadratic equation here. Note
that if eY - m,
x -
then eY < 0, which is
Thus sinh-'x = In (x + J1 + x2 ), x E ] - m, m [. In Fig. 4, we have drawn the graph of impossible. Therefore we
ignore this root.
sinh-lx. Now,

d 1 1
Thus, - (sirh-' x) =i. -- -
dx - ,I=
Again we ignore the root
In the case of the hyperbolic cosine function, we see from Fig. 3 (b), that its inverse will
exist if we restrict its domain to [0, -[. The domain of this inverse function will be [ l , w[,
eY = x - f i , because
then eY < I , which is
and its range will be [0, w[. impossible since y > 0.

ey + e-y
Now y = cosh-' x o x = cosh y= ,
Elements of Differential
Calculus ~ h u cash-'
s x - ~n (x * \ I / ), x 2 1.
Fig. 5 shows the graph of cosh-'x.
d = -----1 d
Further - (cosh-' x)
dx x+1 dx ( x + ,,LEI

Note that the derivative of cosh-' x does not exist at x = 1.

Fig. 6 (a), (b) and (c) show the graphs of tanh x, coth x and cosech x. You can see that
each of these functions is one-one and strictly monotonic. Thus, we can talk about the
inverse in each case.

Arguing as for sinh-' and cosh-'x, we get

Fig. 6

y = cosech-'x - x

= cosechy w y = in [i
' I

Since sech x = -
cosh x '
we shall have to restrict the domain of sech x to [0, m[ before
talking about its inverse, as we did for coshx. ~ech--'xis defined for all x E 10, I], and we

can write sech-' x = In [ l + ( y ) , O < x s l

Now, we can find the derivatives of each of these inverse hyperbolic functions. We
proceed exactly as we did for the inverse hyperbolic sine and cosine funcitons and get
L.erivntives o f Some
Standard Functions

Let us use these results to solve some problems now.

Example 6 Suppose we want to find the derivatives of

I -
(a) f(x) = sinh-'(tanx), and
(b) g(x) tad-'(cos ex).
Let's start with f(x) = s i c ' (tan x).
-1 d
f (x) = - (tan x).

-- 1 sec' x = 1 sec x 1
- Iec
Now if g(x) = tad-' (cos ex), this means that

- - -ex =- ex cosec ex
sin e x
We are now listing some functions for you to differentiate.

E E7) Differentiate the following functions on their respective domains.

a) cosech-' (5 & ) b) [sech-' (cos2 x)]"~

C) coth-l e ( ~+5x-6)
2 d) t a d - ' (coth x) + coth-' (2x)
e) sinh-' & + cosh-' (2x2)
Elements o f Differentlrl


In this section, we shall study different methods of finding derivatives. We shall also see
that the problem of differentiating some functions is greatly simplified by using these
methods. Some of the results we derived in the earlier sections will be useful to us here.

5.5.1 Derivative of X'

In Unit 4 we have seen that -
(xr ) = rxr-' when r is a rational number. Now, we are in a
AS we have mentioned in Unit position to extend this result to the case when r is any rea1,number. So if y = xr, where
4, if x < 0, xr may not be a x > 0 and r E R, we can write this as
real number. For example,
-3%- ,m E R = eln x r ,,r Inx , since the natural exponential and logarithmic functions are inverses of
each other.

- re'.'"x -1 - rxr - r-', l
This proves that
- (xr1 = for x > 0, r E R.
We are surd, you will be able to solve this exercise now.

E E 8) Differentiate
a) x~ b) xe
5.5.2 Logarithmic Differentiation Derivatives o f Some
Standard Functions
Sometimes we find that the process of taking derivatives becomes simple if we take
logarithms before differentiating. In this section we shall illustrate this point through some
examples. But to take the logarithm of any quantity we have to be sure that it is non-
negative. To overcome this difficulty, let us first try to fmd the derivative of In ( I x I ).
Now you can check easily that 1 x I = 0.
Therefore, In ( 1 x 1 ) = ln G ,and

We get,

Using chain rule we can now conclude that if u is any function of x, then -In (1 u 1)
- -1 -
u ' dx
Let us see how this result helps us in simplifying the differentiation of some functions.

( x +~ 119 (X - 31314
Example 7 To differentiate
(X - 5)213 ( x +
~ 2~ + 1)-113
( x +~ 1)9 (X - 31314
we start by taking y =
(X - 51213( x +
~ 2~ + 1)-113

Then taking logarithms of both sides, we get

Differentiating throughout we get,

9 3 2 2x+2
1 dy
-- - 2x + ----- - - +- -
ydx x2+1 4(x - 3) 3(x - 5) 3(x2 + 2x + 1)

~ x a m ~8l Suppose
e we want to differentiate x""', x > 0.

Let us write y = x ~ ' ' ' ~Then

. y > 0 and so we can take logarithms of both sides to the
base e and write

Iny = lnx""" = sin x.ln x

Differentiating throughout, we get.

- -sin x + cos x In x
Elements of Differential sin x'
CSICUIUS heref fore 3
=y (T + cosx lnx

Example 9 Ta differentiate xCoSX + (cosx)' let f(x) = xCoSX and g(x) = cosxX.To ersure that
f(x) and g(x) are well defined, let us restrict their domain to [0, ~ 1 2 1 .
y =x + ( c o ~ x=
) ~f(x) + g(x) 0 for x E [o, ~ / 2 ] ,
Let us differentiate both f(x) and g(x) by taking logarithms. We have,
f(x) = xW"
Therefore lnf(x) = cosx lnx.

1 1
Thus, -
f (x) = - sin x lnx + casx -

_ xcmx (- sin x In x + cos x


• - X~~~ - I (cos x - sin x In x)

Similarly, g(x) = (cos x)' and so Ing(x) = x ln cos x
g' (x) = In cos x + - (- sin x)

cos x In cos x - x sin x

-- (COSX)'- (cosx In cosx - x sin x)

Hence, - = f (x) + g' (x)
- '
- xcow - 1 (cosx - xsinx lnx) + cosxX- (cosx lncosx - xsinx)
If you have followed these examples you should have no difficulty in solving these
exercises by the same method.
E E 9) Differentiate.
Derivatives o f Some
Standard Functions

5.5.3 Derivatives of Functions Defined in Terms of a Parameter

Till now we were concerned with functions which were expressed as y = f(x). We called x
an independent variable, and y, a dependent one. But sometimes the relationship between
two variables x and y may be expressed in terms of another variable, say t. That is, we
m i y b a p k a f m x = t$ (t), y = w (t), where the functions t$ and yj have a
common domain. For example, we know that the circle x2 + y2 = a2 is also described by
the pair of equations, x = a cost, y = a sint, 0 It I 2%.
In such cases the auxiliary variable t is called a parameter and the equations x = t$(t).
y = JIJ (t) are called parametric equations. Now, suppose a function is defined in terms of
a parameter. To obtain its derivative, we need only differentiate the relations in x and y
separately. The following examples illustrates this method.

i dy
Example 10 Let us try to find - if x
= a cos 8 and y =b sin 8
(Here the parameter is 8)
We differentiate the given equations w.r.t. 8, and get
- = b cos 8, and
- = a sin 0
do do
, dy dy Id0 b cos 0 ---
cot 0
a Z-

Try to apply this method now.

E E 10) Find ;
i; if
a) a cos 0, y = a sin 8
,at2, y = 2at
C) x = acos3 8, y = bsin3 8
d) x = a(8 - sin 8), = a(l - cos 8)
Elements o f Differential

5.5.4 Derivatives of Implicit Functions

It is not always necessary to express y explicitly in terms of x (as in y = f(x)) to find its
derivative. We shall now see how to differentiate a function defined implicitly by a
relation in x and y (such as, g(x, y) = 0).
Example 11 Let us find - if x and y are related by
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0.

Differentiating throughout with respect to x, we get

dy - (ax + hy + g)
or - =
dx ,(hx+by+f)

See if you can find - for the following implicit functions.

E E 11) Find - if x and y are related as follows:
a) x: + y2 = I
b) y =4ax .
c) x~~~+ x2y2+ xy + 1 = 0
d) cosx cosy - y2sin-'x + 2x2 tanx = 0
Derivatives of Some
Standard Functiens

In this unit we have
1. obtained derivatives of the exponential and logarithmic functions, hyperbolic
functions and their inverses. We give them in the following table.

Function Derivative Function Derivative

ex ex 1
sinh-' x
lnx 1
cosh-' x
ax aXlna , / - - 3

1 1
log, X - log, e tanh-'x 1-x 2 , I x l < 1

sinh x cosh x 1
I coth-'x I-x 2 ,lx('>l
cosh x sinh x
tanh x sech2x 1
sech-'x xJm?"<x<l
cotb x -cosech2x
sech x -sech x tanh x 1
cosech x -cosech x coth x

2. extended the result - (xr ) = rxr-' to all x E R and x > 0.

3. illustrated
logarithmic differentiation,
differentiation of functions involving parameters and
differentiation of functions given by implicit relations.
Elements o f Differential

e) 22X+ 1n2 '

f) 7wSX(- sinx) In7
E2) f(x)=2"1n2f(O)=In2

Hence f increases times faster at x = 112 than at x = 0.

- -

G - 54 sin3 x cos x

cos ec h2 (i] d) - sec h lnx tanh lnx . -X
e) ex (sinhx + coshx)

- [sec h-' (cos2 ~ ) 1 - ~ ' ~
2 c o s x sin x
C) Then f (x) = sin xX(ln sinx + x cotx ) and gf(x) = cosxh Derivatives of Some
Standard Functions
(sec2x ln cos x - tan. 2 x) \dY
- = f (x) + gf(x)

~ , = x("'), x > o
d) Let f(x) = ( x ~ )g(x)
If y = xX,lny = xln

) + xXln x (1 + ln x)]
(x) = x ( ~[xX-'
3 g'
Answer = f ' (x) + gf(x)
= (xX)"[ h X+ x(1 + h ) ] + x(=) [$-I + xx-' 1m (1 + lnx)]
d In sin x
e) -(sin x)InX= (sin x)InX(ln x cot x +
dx x
--(xX)= xX(l+Inx)
In sin x
Answer = (sin x)'"" (I" X Cot x + --
X )+ x X ( l+ l n x )
dx dx
E 10) a) -
= - a sin 8, - = a cos 8

b) z---
- -
2a 1
2at t

dy 3bsin28cos8 = - - tang
c) - --
dx -3acos2 8 sin8 a
d~ a sin8 - sin 8
d) - --
dx a(1- cos 8) (1 - cos8)

dy . dy YL
d) - cosx sin y - - sin x cosy - 2y - sin-'x - + 4x tan x
dx dx
+ 2x2 sec2x = o

sinx cosy + - \r-T

Y - 4x tanx - 2x2 sec2 x
- = (1-x
dx - (cos x sin y + 2y sin-' x))

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