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Spain, Mexico, Central and South America,
West Indies, Philippines, etc.
A lew 01 the earlest editons are printed in black-letter. All the rest are
in roman or italc character.
All the Bibles contain the Apocrypha, unless the contrary is statcd.
The purest lorm 01 Spanish is known as Castilian. The Spanish notc
spoken in Amerca differs somewhat Imm that current in Spain.
Under this secton occur the 10llowi1UJ dialects : A. Asturian.
B. Catalan.
C. Curayao.
Another sub-division is req~ired lor:J udreo-Spanish.
Under this heading , Judao-Spanish ' aTe grouped .art-'')e edt'tum printed
in Hebrew character. Sorne 01 these are mere tra1isliterations, wh~le others
cxhibit dialectcal differences Irom ordinar'!f S'panish.
NOTE.-For the history of the Spanish MS. Bible see S. Berger, Le8 B1:bles
CastillaneB . . ., in Romania, xxvili (1899), pp. 360 to 408 and 508 to 567; and the
earlier work oC J. M. de.. Egnrn, Memoria deBcriptiva de loB ctfdicC8 nota.bIeB conservados en lOB archivo8 eccleBiBticoB de Espaa (Madrid, 1859). For the versions
oC the Sps.nish Reformers see E. Boehmer, Bibliotheca' Wiffeniana (Strassburg and
London-, 1874,83, 2 vols.). Vol. 2 of tbis work- U;c1udes an appendix entitled 'Specimens of various BibJe-translations in Spanish, with notices about the history oC the
Spanish Bible', which contains a summary account of the MS. copies and printed
editions of all tbe principal Sps.nish versions, with references to the bibliograpbies
of N. Antonio, J. Rodrguez de Castro, and others. (A third voJume of tha Bibliotheca
Wiffeniana appaared in 1904.)

Liturgical Gospels.)

.Antonio de Centenera: Zamora. 1490. fn. :fS.


N. Antonio (Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus, 1788, ii. 330) records tbis edition o tbe Liturgica
Gospels for a portion of tbe eccIesiastical year (' Los Evangelios desde Adviento basta la
Dominica in Passione '), transls.ted by Juan Lopez, a Dominican.
Hain gives tbis edition tha number 6646 in his ReperloriumBibliographicum. It is No.
366 in K. Haebler's Bibliografw Ibtlrica del siglo XV (1903-4), according to whicb tbe
book contaDs 112 leaves (not numbered), of which the last two are blank. Printed in
double columns, witb 42 lines to tbe column. Tbe colopbon is dated 22 May 1490.

E. Boebmer states tbat 'a Spanish tmnslation of tbe Gospels for tbe Mohamedans,
probably those of Granada, is said to have been issued at the end o the 15. century " and
cites De prima typographim Hispanicm mtate specimen auctore Rg,ymundo Diosdado
Caballero', Rome, 1793, p. 84 f.

(Harmony of the Gospels.)

.AlcaZa de HenareB.



:13. 1. J

A Gospel Harmony, translated by Ambrosio de .Monlesi,o, a Franciscan, from tbe Latin

Vita Christi compiled by Ludolpbus de Saxonia.
Other editions appeared at


eville in 1530-1, 1537, 1551, 1623, 1627.

4 y



An dition of the Liturgical Epistles and Gospcls "as prin d at Seyill(' in 1GOl..
A1l tb~ e earJ versions mn t Laye beeD mnde from the Lnlin \ul!ate.


(Liturgical Epi tles RDd Gospels.l




A revised traDslatioD, prepared by Ambrosio de MODtesiDo (see No. 8463).

8464. editions \Vere priDtcd: at Seville, 1540; and at Antwerp, iD 1540, 1543, 1644, 1558.
The work was subsequeDtly (before 15 6) revised by Roman de 1 allezillo, a. BeDedictine, aDd
published, e.g. at Barcelona in 1601 a.Dd 160 ; aod at Madrid, iD 1603 aod 1614-5; bot it
was prohibited by tbe Spanish 10quisitioD. (See E. Boehmer, Biblia/heca. Wiffeniana, ti. 359.)
A version of Job is inclnded in a work eDtitled 'Los Morales dc Sant Gregorio', lrnoslated
by .d lonso A lvarcz, of Toledo, iD 1514, of wbicb a folio edition was printed at Seville io 1527.
N. Antonio record s two erutioDs priDt.ed a.t Seville iD 1513 (?j and 1534.
R. D. Ca.bal1cro (see not.e nfter :1\0. 8462) record s no uodated qual'to editioo of tbe PsaHer,
which contains a Royal Portuguese prioting liceose dated Lisbon, 13 Sept. 1629, and was
tberefore probably printed at Lisbon in 1529 or 1530.

Certain portions of the O. T. were traoslated from the LatiD by Fernando (or Hemando)
Jarava, who is sometimes confllsed with JURD de Jarava, a pbysician aDd trllDslator o some
of Cicero's works. Tbe following editions appear to have becD published :-(1) Selections
from Job, with certain Psalms used in tbc' Oficio de Difuntos " in 1640 and 1550; (2) Thc
Seven Penitentiltl Psalms, tbe Fifteen Soogs of Degrees, and Lamentatioos, in 1543,1546 and
1556. All these were printed at Antwcrp.


El Nueyo Testamento de nuestro Redemptor y Saluador Iesu Christo,

traduzido de Griego en Jengua, por Frs.n~isco de Enzinas, dedicado
a la Cesarea. Magestad. Mierdmanno: Enu-ere3.



The earliest editioD 01 the New Testa.meDt iD Spanisb.

Translat.ed from tbe Greek by F"anzisco de Enzinas (otberwise known as Dryander, or
sometimes as I>u Chesne, or Eiclmum, c.1520-1552), a young Spanish student at Wittemberg,
in the house of bis tutor !lnd !riend Melaochthon, 1541-3.
The book was priDted at the cost of the translator by S. MieTdma'~ at Antwerp, with a
dedicatioD to tbe Emperor Charles V. The origiDal drslt of tbe titIe contained the Spanish
equivaJent of the words 'The 'ew Testament, that is the New Covenant of our Redeemer
aod only Saviour Jesus Christ .. .', but, as the t.erm 'Covenant' was considered te savour of
Lutheranism and 'ooly' was deemed provocative, the translator removed the ofiensive words.
The pl'inting W!lS complet.ed OD 25 Oct. 1543, and a littIe later, before any copies were
oircu1a.t.ed, Enzinas determined to the imperial sanction. But already tbe Emperor, who
h!ld been informed that a Spanish Testament was in the press at AntlVerp, had on Nov. 13th
isslled an arder to the PresideDt of Bmbant, prohibiting the priDting !lnd distribution of the
book. A oorresponding order was transmitted to tbe Margrave of Antwerp, who had had
the translation examiDed nnd pa.ssed as prs.ctica1Jy unobjectioDs.ble by certaio Franciscans,
but on the receipt of the imperial message he immediat.ely sllppressed the edition. A few
days, on Nov. 24th, Enzinas obtaiDed aD audieDce of tbe Emperor s.t Brllssels and
preseDted a. copy, wbicb Cbarles graciously aceepted, promising his sanction il tbe trans1ation
proved to be satisfactory. It was examined by tbe Emperor s confessor, Pedro de Solo, who,
alter a slight deJay, had Enzinas suddeoly arrestad, and cast ioto prison on Dec. 13th. Tbe
transla.tor's relatioDs witb MelaDchthoD seem to ha~e aroused suspicioD, !lnd exoeption was
taken to tbe fact that certain words, referriDg to justifica.tion by faith, in Romans ili were
priDt.ed in capitals. Aiter over a year's imprisonment Enzinas escaped on 1 Feb. 1545,
and fied to Antwcrp, whence he travelled to Wittemberg. Three years he came to
EDgland, where Archbishop Cranmer obtained for him a professorship of Greek at
Cambridge. Eventua1ly he returned to Germany, aDd died at Strassburg, 30 Dec. 1552.
Enzinas wrot.e an nccount of his captivity in Latin, whicb was translated into Frencb
s.nd print.ed in 1558 with the title 'De l'Estat du PaysBas et de la religion d'Espagne '.
The La.tin original was oot priDi.ed until 1862-3, wheD it was edi t.ed , togetber with the
Frenoh tra.ns1atioD and notes, etc., by C. A. Campan, at Bru9sels, for La Socit de
I'Histoire de Belgique '. A German translation by H. Boehmer appeared at Bono iD 1893.



Owing to tbe suppres~ion 01 this earliest Spanish New Testameni very fe'" copies baye
Bun'ived, Tbe ollowing uescription iR tA.ken from tbe two copies preserved in tbe Brilisb
Me eum, one of which has tbe words El Rry written in gold on tbe last printed page.
DESCRIPTlOS. TiLle, on verso a citg,iion (rom Deul xvii. lS-20), dedicatioD (Al Im':'
tissimo Monareha. Don Carlos. T'. Empemdar Semper Augnsto, Rei de Espafta dic.
FranQiseo de Enzinas, Gra~ia, Salud, y Paz, dated De Em<eres, primero de Octubre
del Anno ck .1548)-13 pp., Spanish verses (16 liDes, entitled Christo habla con los
hombres 1Il01tal$s)-1 p. Text, 347 tI., cnding witb a citation (from Isa. i. 2) on X 3 a;
ollowed on verso by table o EpisLles n.nd Gospels ( . . . C01Lforme al vso de la Iglesia
Romana . .. ),9 pp. ending on X 7 b witb colophon: Acabose de imprimir este libro en
la insigne fibdad de Enuercs, en casa de ESluan M't.erdmoll-no, imp1'CSSor ck libros a
.25. ck Octubre, en el am10 del 8e1101' de M.D. XLIII; list o errata-1 p., 1 p. blank.
Signatures: [leaves signed 2, 3, 4]", a-z' A-X'; 360 ff. A full page o text conta.ins
33 liDes. Tbe margins cODtain references aDd a few very brief notes.
Besides tbe citatioDs mentioned in tbe description given aboye, a citation from
Josb. i. S occurs on tbe titlepage.
In Rom. iii tbe words por la fee de lesu Cbristo J in v. 22 and tbe wbole of v.2S
are printed in capitals. Similarly tbe words el qual es lesu Cbristo' in 1 Coro i. 11,
la qual es idolatria' in Col. i. 5, and tbe rst sentence in 1 Tim. vi. lO, are printed
in capitals.
Tbe volume contains eigbt full, engravings, including portraits o SS. Mark,
Luke (repeated), Jobn (repeated) Paul, James and Peter.

Tbe Sermon on tbe Monnt, translated from tbe Latin by Conslani1w POllee ck la Fuente,
one o tbe Spanisb Reformers, is included in tbe second edition (Seville, 1545) 01 bis
Summa. de doctrina.', wbich was republished at Antwerp in 1550 (?), and at
Seville in 1551. (Tbis version o the Sermon on tbe Mount wo.s reprinted, with some
variations and witbout tbe translator's, togetber witb Luis de Granada's' Guio. de
Pecadores J, at Lisbon in 1556.) Tbe' J, whicb &1so contains tbe DecaJogne and
Ps. i, was included in an edition of this reformer's works published by Luis ck Us6z i Rio at
Madrid in 1863, as tomo xix o the series' Reformistas llJ1tiguos Espaoles J.
An edition (in black.letter) of the Psa1ter, po.rapbrased by Benito Villa, with the Latin
text, was printed at Burgos in 154S, 4.
An edition of tbe PsaJter, parapbrased, by RaYlLlwio Snoy Gouda/w, with the Latin text,
was printed at Valladolid in 1548, and again at Antwerp in 1555, S". The Antwerp Index
o 1570 probibits Psalterio de Raynerio, en Romance J.
(Some bibliographies mention
an edition of tbe Psalter by Comelio Snoi no.tural de Gouda', printed in 1553; but
E. Boehmer considers tbis to be o. mistake.)
El Psalterio ne David traduzido en Lengua, CastellllJ1a conforme a la verda,d
Sebattian Grypho: Leen. 1550. So.]


An anonymous translation of the Psalter, conformed to tbe Hebrew.

lt has been suggested that the translator was a certain J1UJ,n Ro.ffC1LSe. Tbe Antwerp
lndex o 1570 probibits Pso.lmos de RotIense, en Romn.nce.'
Printed by S. Gnjphiu.s, tbe well-KooWD printer o Lyons.
DESCRIPTION. Title, verso blank; text, ff. ii to clxxviii, ending on Z 2 a, verso blank;
Latin index and Spanish table-9 pp., 1 p. blank, [1 L blank?].
Signa.tures: A-Z'; 184 ff.
A small device of S. Gryphius witb tbe legend Virtul duce comite Fortllna occurs
on tbe titlepage.

A uDiform edition of Proverbs (Los Proverbios ck SalommL declarados en lengua
Caslllana conjonM ti la verdad Hebraica) was printed at Lyons in 1550; 99 ff. E. Boehmer
records similar editions of Job and Ecclesiasticus (translated from tbe Greek), both printed
at Lyons in 1550.


Biblia en lengua, Espaola, traciuzida palabra por paJ.a.bra dela verdad

Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados vista y examinada por el oilicio dela
FeTTara. 1553. fU. :13. 1.



Th( firs!. euition of tbe Old Te;lJl.menl in Spani;h, knmm as tIJe ' FeJTara niLI~ '.
Tbis version, in tended mainly 101' panisb,spCl\king Je\Vs who bad been dri,'en 11'001
Spaio and Portugal, appcara 1.0 be a re\'ision ol nn old Jewish versioD, mll,oe Irom the
Hebrew and bitberto existing only in mnnuscript (see No. 8G57). Accordiog to t.b prela e,
tbe version \Vas macle 1.0 reproducc as closely a possible tbe menniog 01 tbe Hebrew original,
. O, 610 ).
witb tbe help 01 the Latin traoslllotioo nnd 'Tbesaurus ' 01 anctes PagDiDns (.
Tbe editor's words nre: . . . a.ssi procuree que esta muslra Biblia. por ser en lengua. Ca.stel. juesse la. m.M llegada a la. verdad Hebrn.yea. !lite ser plldiesse (como fu,ente y vudadera
origen do todos sacar011) hrr.ziCdo sll!llLir pero erl todo lo posible la Ira.sla.daGion del Pagnino
11 su Thesauro de la lengua Sonda por Se?' de verbo tan c01tforme a la letra Hebrayea. y ta7t
acepta 11 estimada. ii la Curia 1 omalla.
Tbe work wns edited by Abra7ulm L'squ,l' (otberwise Duartc Pinel), a Jew froro Portugal,
and publisbed at tbe expense 01 I'011t Tob Atiab (otberwiae Jer011imo de Vargas), ti Jew
!rom Spain. (Tbe Dnme given in brackets in eacb case lloppears to be tbe CbristiaDized Dame
o[ tbe Jew iD question.)
lt wa produced undcr tbe protectioD ol Ercole d'Esle 11.,
lourtb Duke 01 Ferrara, aDd tbe titlepage bears tbe words: C011 priuillcgio del Yllustrissimo
Seriar Duque de Furara.
DESCRIPTIOS. TiUe (wiibin woodcut border), 00 verso dedicatioD (Al yllustrissimo y
e=clcntissimo Sefwr el Sefwr Don Hucole da Este el segundo: quarto Duque de
Furara, signed Criados dc Vuestra Euelencia leronimo de Vargas y nuarte Pinel),
pre[ace (Allelor)-1 f., table (Tabla, iDc1udiDg list 01 books and sum01aries 01 chapters
in GeDesis-Judges, 1 Samuel-2 Kings, 1 and 2 CbroDicles, Ezra aDd Nebemiab, aod
n.n llolpbabetical table ol tbe Psalter)-9 pp., cbronological tnble-3 pp. Text, 400
(really 401) ff.; lollowed by table o tbe Hapbtarotb -3 pp., and atable 01 years
(Numero dclos aos en los !luales se ayuntan estas parasiolh, from 1553 to 1620)-1 p.;
1 p. bearing register 01 sigoatures and colopbon: A gloria 11 loor dc nueslro Se'-lO/" se
acabo la presente Biblia e lengua EspaflOla traduzida dcla verdadera origen Hebrayca,
po/" muy e=clentes lei1'ados: con yndustria y dcligencia dc Duartc Pinel Partllgues:
estampada en Ferrara a costa y despesa dc IercmilllO dc Varga.s EspaflOl: en primero,
de Marfo dc. 1558, 1 p. blaDk.
Signatu res : ,o', A-L" M' N-Z' AA-PP' QQ' RR-ZZ' AAA-CCC DDD12; 412 ff.
Tbe text is printed iD double columDs, witb 44 lines to tbe lull columD, aDd witbout
versenumbers. The' Parasotb ' are duly marked. No chapter-beadings 01' margiDal
Tbe books are arranged in tbe usual Jewisb order, in five groups :-(1) tbe PeDtateucb,
(2) tbe Former Propbets, (3) tbe Latter Propbets, (4) 'Ketubim' (Psalms, Proverbs,
Job, Daniel, Ezra., Nebemiab, aDd 1 aDd 2 Chronicles), (5) Megillolb' (S. 01
Solomon, Rutb, LamentatioDs, Ecclesiastes, aDd Estber).
Tbe woodcut border occurring OD tbe titlepage eDcloses tbe title (Biblia . Inquisicm) iD an upper panel. aDd tbe privilege (COll pri1illcgio .. Ferrara) in a
lower panel. Tbe device wbicb it cODtaiDs represents a stormtossed galleoD, supposed to symbolize tbe state o the persecuted Jews.
Copies of tbis editioD exhibit variatioDs iD certain parts 01 tbe volurne. Tbe two
maiD varieties may be distioguisbed as val'. A aDd varo B. ID varo A tbe dedicatioD
is addressed to tbe Duke 01 Ferrara aDd is signed by J. de Vargas and D. Pinel (see
DescriptioD' aboye). In varo B tbe dedicatioD is addressed a la. muy ma.gnijia. Seora
Doa. G1'aGia Naci, and is signed by Y01n Tob Atias y Abra7tam Usque. It ia sta.ted,
moreover, tbat in some copies of val'. B tbe colopboD mentions Abraham Usque as tbe
printer, aDd Yom Tob Atias, bo del Levi Atias,' as tbe promoter, and gives tbe date
in tbe Jewisb fashioD eD 14 de Adar de 5313 '.
In some copies Is. v. 14 bas tbe reDdering be lamo',la concibieD '. In otbers tbis
verse has tbe rendering be la virgen cODcibien'. Otber copies, again, give ha la
ALMA coDcibien', tbe word in capitals being an attempt to translitera.te fue
Hebrew i10~ 11' lt is suggested tbat ' roo',la 'is tbe original reDdering, while virgeD '
is a concession to ChristiaD rendera, and 'ALMA' is a compromise. (All BubseqDent
editions of the Ferrara Bible seero to have tbe rendering mO',la '.) Between fo. 48 and
o. 49 tbe printer has omitted a few verBes (Lev. v. 36 to the beginning of V. 7 in
cbap. vi). Thia mistake is conected in sorne copies by meaDS of a ClloDcelleaL
Many copies omit tbe two leaves cODta.ining tbe two appeDded tables.
338 x 237 mm. A specimen o val'. A (see aboye). The reDdering ALMA ' occurs in
Is. v. 14. Fo. 48 ia tbe faulty impression. lo seveDteeDtb-ceotury (?) leather bindiDg,
bearing tbe iDitials D. A.; witb gofiered edges.

J. C. Wo)f records aD editioD 01 tbe Psalter, iD the Fen'ara versioD, priDted at Ferrarll
1553, 12.



1556. El Testamento 1\uouo de nuestro Senor y Salvador ICH\1 CbrisLO. 1\ucua y

fielmente traduzido del original Griego en romance Castellano.
lualfl. Philadelpho: Venecia. [Jean Crispin: Geneva.] 1556. 8.
Tbe secand edition 01 tbe New Testament in Spanisb. Translated by Juan Pere; de
J. Perez de Pineda was born at Montilla, in AndaJusia, about tbe end oI tbe fi.fteentb
century. For a time be was Secreiary to tbe Spanisb Embassy at Rome, and Prior ol tbe
Cbureb at Osma. Subsequently be resided at Geoeva, at FraoklortonMain, and later
at Paris, wbere be died in 1567.
Tbe imprint runs: Eo Venecia, en casa de luan Pbiladelpbo '. Tbis is a pseudooym
lor Jean Orispin, 01 Geneva.

Title, on verso list o books; Epistola. Dedicatm'ia (addressed Al Todo

Poderoso Rey de Cielos y Tierra lesu Ohristo . . .) and Epistola 1m que Sil declara
que cosa sea NuetUJ Testamento, y las Ilat/.SaB que
de traduzirlo en romance, 11 Ji
Text, 746 (really 802) pp.; lolloweo by 1 p. bearing Aviso al lector (relerring to tbe
use ol brackets etc. in tbe taxt) and list o erra/a, and 1 p. blank.

*. *

*', A-Z' Aa-Zz8 Aallr-Dcld', Eee'; 414 Ji. Tbe text is not
divided into verses. Headings are prefrxed to tbe cbapters. Tbe margins eontain
relerenees, alternative renderiogs, and subiectbeadings. Tbe beadlines differ in
various parts ol tbe volume :-(1) in tbe Gospels, tbe name 01 tbe book is given on
the verso of eacb le&1, and tbe chapter.number on tbe recto, wbile the page-numbers
are printed both on recto and on verso; (2) in tbe Acts, ibe name of the book is printed
across the double pago, and the cbapter.number is given on the verso of the leaf, wbile
ibe page-numbers occur only on tbe recto; (3) io tbe rest o the N. T., tbe headlines
are generany as in the Acts, with tbe exception that the chapter.numbers occur on tbe
recto and tbe page.numbers on the verso 01 tbe leaves. Tbe pagination in tbe Jatter
hall o the volume is most irregular.
The device which occurs on tbe title represents a large Y, ibe branebes indicating
tbe narrow way to eternal lile and tbe broad way to destruction, witb tbe legend
Estrecho el Ilam1Ul dela vida, y ancho el dela perdicion.
Two varieties occur, differing slightly in the titleleaf. In val'. A the legend aceom
panying the device reads " .. y aocho .. .'; in val'. B it reads ' . . . y es ancho .. .'.
Variations also occur in tbe last two leaves. lo val'. A tbe headline on Eee 1 b is El
Poely '; in val'. B it is 'El Apoc aly '. In val'. A ihe first line 01 tbe' Aviso al lecior'
ends witb tbe \Vords ' escripias con'; in val'. B it ends witb escriptas co le',
129)( 77 mm. A specimen of val'. A.
sented it to tbe Bible House Library.

With a MS. note by Gmnville Sbarp, who pre

_ . Anoiber copy. A specimen oI varo B.

fish-skin stamped 1 J. L. H.'

ImperIeet; \Vanting V 2 to 7. Bound in

Large numbcrs ol tbe Spanisb ReIormers' books Rnd pamphleis were smuggled into tbe
Peninsula, generally by \Vay of Frn.nkfort and tbe Netberlands, bu! sometimes by way oI
Lyons and across tbe Pyrenees. One 01 the most daring agents in tbis traffic was Julian
Her1La7lod.ez (named Julianillo), who in 1557 suceeeded in eonveying across tbe Netherlands
and landing salely at Seville two great barreIs filled witb copies oI J. Perez' translations ol
tbe New Test:J.ment and the Psalter (see No. 8470). U1timately be paid tbe penalty witb bis

[1556., o declo.racion breve, y compediosa sobre la Epistola de S. Fanlo

Apostol a los Romanos, muy saludable para todo Cb.ristiano. Compuesto por
lnan Va.ldesio pio, y sincero Theologo.
Itan Philad.el1Jho: Venecia. [J. CrisJ1in: Geneva.] 1556. 8.]

Romans, translated lTOm tbe Gl'eek, witb a commenmry, by Juan de T'alds (otberwise
Va/.desio, ValdesitLs, Waldesius etc.), one of tbe Spanisb ReIormers.
About 1530 J. de Valds, wbose celebrated politieal and religious pamphlet entitled
Dialogo de Mercurio y Caron ' had compromisec1 bim wiib tbe ecclesiasiieal autborities in
Spain, left bis own eountry ano settled at Naples, wbere be a sociaied "itb sucb eminent
ltalians as Marcantonio Flaminio, Carneseecbi, Oceino and Peter Martyr Vermigli, wrotc
bis otber works, and died in 1541. Among ibosc infllleneed by his teaching was the fair



G.iullll GODZllgll. wbose lame bad spreBd so Io.r tbn.t in 153;; aD Alrican corsair ntLempled lo
kldDap her for tbe Sultan. Ber benuly was celebrllted by Ario to and other poels, Ilnd n
portmit of ber is pre~erved iD tbe Nationr, GnlJery, LeDdoD. About 1636 sbe wilbclrew to o.
CODvent al Naples and lived in seclusion. J. de Valel. prepared for ber use bis' Alfnbel.O
CbriStiIlDO' and certain Scripture commentarie. lL i~ slmed tbM be intended to complet.c
a comment&ry OD the whole New Testo.ment, but the only prin d portions of wbicb copie~
are known to survive are editious of Romau and 1 Corintbians (see '0.8471). In ereh
case thc commentary is accompaDied by aD miginal Imn lation made from tbe Grel'k.
Bis translation of tbe Psalter, dedico.wd to Giulio. Gouznga. and his translatioD 01 '1.
Matthew's Gospel, .....ith a eommentary, were printed from lUanuseript in 1 O (see
Nos. 8587 and 8588).
Tbe prelace in tbis editioD of Romnus is by J. Perez.
DZ:SCRIPTloK. TiIJe, verso blauk, dedicntory epistle (A la illust"issim(1 Sellom la Scncn'a
Dcnu}. Iulia ilf Gemzaga)-ll pp., prelaee (Al Christiallo Icctor)-13 pp., introductioD
(A"glm~to sobre la Epistola .. ,), 2 pp.
Texl, wiili commcnte.ry, pp. 29 to 33
(realJy 348), folJowed by a passnge omitt d by mistake (between p. 31 and p. 32), endiDg
OD p. 339 (really 349); 1 p. bearing sbort list of n-rata, J l. blaD!;:.
Signatures: A-Y'; 176 fI. Tbe text, wbicb i~ printed iD large type, is di\;decl
into sbort sections (witbout verse.Dumbers), eacb 01 wbicb i 10lJowed by tbe commcntary upon it printed iD smo.l1er type. At tbe bead 01 eneb section given tbe
openiDg words in Latin: e.g. Non enim erubesco EuaDgelium, &e.'
Tbe titlepage bears tbe device of tbe capital Y .....itb tbe legeDd Estrecho el camino
dela vida, y es ancho el dela perdicClI (see No. 8468), belo..... wbieb is giveD a cilation
from Rom. i. 16: El euangelio es polencia de Dios para dar salud a todo creyente'.

This edition and No. 8471 were reprinted as tom. x of the series' Reformistas antiguos
Espaole. '.


Los Psalmos de Dayid con sus summarios en que se declara con breuedad lo
contenido en cada Psalmo, agora nueua y fielmente traduzidos en roman~e
Castellano por el doctor luan Perez, conforme ala verdad dela lengua Sancta . .

Pedro Daniel: Venecia.

[J. Crispin: Geneva.] 1557. 8".]

Tbe Psalter, trllnslated, in eonforlUity wilh tbe Bebrew, by J. Perez.

Tbe imprint runs: En Venecia en casa de Pedro Daniel.' Tbis is a pseudoDym lor
J. Crispin of Gcneva. el. 1\0.8468.
DESClIlPTlOK. TiUe, verso bhulk, Epstola Dedicatoria (..4 la illu.strissima. . . . Sefwm,
Dofta Marw. de Ausirw. . . . RcynQ de Hung"ia, 11 de Bohemia, :c.)-7 ., preface
(DeclaracWn del fruclo y utilidad de las Psalmos pnm lodo, witb four
cilations from the N. '1'. al'pendedj-7 fI. Text, 118 ff.;- fol1owed by a table (Tabla de
los Psalmos)-2 fI., 1 p. bearing a note (on tbe word Sela), 1 p. blank.
Signatures: A-R"; 136 fr. A summo.ry.beading is pl::.eed before eacb Psalm, witb
the Latin Iitle (e.g. Beatus mr). Tbe numbers are given botb according to the Hebre'll"
reekoning and according to that of tbe Latin Vulgate. Tbe margins eontain subject
headings, notes, and referenees.
A eitation from Ps. lxxxv. 7 appears on the titlepage.


Comentario o dec1aracion familiar, y compendiosa sobre la primera Epistola

de San Paulo Apostol alos Corintbios, muy nil para todos los amadores dela
piedad Christiana. Compuesto por luan 'l"Y. pio y sincero Tbeologo.

luan Philadelpho: Venecia.

[J. Criapin: Gcneva.] 1557. 8.]

1 CorinthiaDs, translated Irom tbe Greek, with 11. commentary, by J. de Valds. Uniform
witb No. 846!l.
The dedicatory epistle lUId the prelace are by J. Perez.
DESCRIPTIOK. Title, verso blank, dedicatory epistle (A la S. Maiestad del Screnissimo 11
Chri.stw.nissimo Mazimiliano Rey de Bocmia, Anhidllgue de Austria, &c. Itlan P. S.
11 paz en IMIl Christo)-6 fI. (pp. 3 lo 14), preface (Al Chri.stiano lcclor)-3 fI. (pp. 15
lUId 16, and pp. 9 lO 12) Text. witb commentary, pp. 13 to 450 (really 21 to 358)'
1 f. blank.




Signatures: A-Y' Z'; 180 fr. Tbe pagiDatioD is aulty. Tbe texto notes etc. are
printed as in Ko. 8469.
The deviee on the titlepagc is tbc slm,e as iD 1\0. 8469, "'Dd tbc citation belolV it is
roID Ps. cxix.: La declll.racioD de tus palabras alumbra, y da eDteDdimiento al os


1569. La Biblia, que es, los sacros libros del Vieio y Nueuo Testamento. Trasla.dada
en Espaol.
[T. Guarinus: Basel.] 1569. 4".



ufl 2>~
I 0'23'1


The earliest edition of the complete Bible in Spanisb.

Tra.Dsla.ted by Cassiodoro de Reina (c. 1520-1594), one of tbe SpaDisb Reformers, a.nd
a Dative of Seville.
C. de Reina escaped from Spain about tbe ~'ear 1557, and after the accession of Qneen
Elizabetb came to England and settled in LondoD, wbere he preacheJ to a congregation of
SpaDiards. In 1563 I1Ccusations of heresy and crime, of wbicb be afterwards cleared himself,
compelled him to returo to tbe Continent. He beld for a time a ministry I\,t Antwerp, but
bis true bome was Frankfort.onMain, wbere be died in March 1594.
C. de Reina began to tmnslate tbe Bible SOOD after leaving Spain. His version of the
O. T. is based on tbe Hebrew, for wbich purpose he foUowed mainly tbe Latin trltnslation of
Sanctes Pagninus (tbough he evidently bad a knowledge of Hebrew), and used tbe Ferrara
version (No. 84(7), while consulting other translations and commeDtaries. For tbe N.T. he
seems to have expected lo incorporate a version wbicb in 1567 was being printed at Paris ;
but tills was applU"eDtly suppressed, !LDd he was obliged bimseli to prepare a trnnslation,
basing it on the Greek, witb reference to va,rious versioDs, including Syriae. Tbe printing
was beguD at Basel in tbe latter part of 1568, aDd cOll}pleted in September 1569. Tbe trll.ns
lator presented a copy lo EdmuDd Grindal, Bishop of London, wbo bad saved ills MSS.
from seizure wben he bad to leave EnglaDd. ADotber copy was presented to QueeD
Elizabetb, witb a letter from Jobann Sturm, of Strassburg, explaining that bis friend tbe
translator would have liked to publisb the work under her auspices.
In aD inscription in a copy of tilla Bible presented to the UDiversity of Basel
C. d Reina describes it as ' typis ab hODesto viro Tboma Gnarino cive Basil" excusum,' and
Thomas Guariwus must therefore be giveD as the printer. But the .device on the titlepage is
tbat of Samuel Apiarius (Biener) , wbo was printing at Basel at tbis date, aDd it is more
than likely that be had a band in tbe production of the book, probably printing it for
T. Guarinus, and perhaps in T. GUf\.rinus' own offiee. (S e E. Boehmer, Bibliotheca
W~tfeniana, ii. 235-7.)
A.ecording to the ' Exhorta.tion ' iD No. 8475 the edition consisted of 2,(;00 copies.
Two citations from the decrees of tbe CouDcil of Trent in Latin, witb a Spanisb transla
tion, are printed on verso of tbe ttle. In their Latin form these read as follows; (1) GtLm

experimento mo,nijesium sit, si sacra Biblia vltlgari li?,gua passim sine disclimine pero
m'iUantur, plus in.u ob lunninum icmcritatem detl'iment guam vtilitatis oriri: hac in parte
iu,dido episcopi aut Inquisitoris ste/ur: vt cum consilio parochi vel C<YlLjessarij Bibliorum
a cathoUcis altloribus versor'1L1}l. kciionem in vulgaf'i lingua eis COlteeoo'e possint, quos
intellllXe1'int ex huiusmodi lectione non damnum, sed ji.dei atq; pietatis au,gmentum capere
posse: qltam /acullatem in scriptis habeant. Qlti autem absq; tali facultaie ea legel'e, seu
habere prO!sumps/!.1i/, nisi p1'ius Bibliis ordinario l'edditis, peccatm'um absoluti.lmllm percipere
fWlt possit d':c.; (2) Si quO! ve1'O annoiationes cum hU1/.S1/wdi, qlttll permittuntur, vel'sioniblls
cirC'ltm/e1'lItm', expunc/is loeis suspeciis a facu.ztaie Theologica aliC'ltius Vniuersitatis
CathaliClll, aut Inquisitione generali, pennitti eisdem potm'unt, qltiblloS ce versiones. In his
acldress to the rell.der tbe tl'o,nslator claims lo be a true Catbolic.
The books are an-anged in the order usually followed in contempol'ary editions of tbe
Latin Vulgate, viz. Genesis-2 Chronicles, Prayer of Manasses, Ezra, Nehemiab, 3 aDd
4 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Esther-S. of Solomon, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticns, Isaiah-Lamenta
tions, Baruch, Ezekiel, Mll.I!Lchi, 1 and 2 Maccll.bees, the N. T. Tbe A.pocryphal portions of
Esther and Daniel are included in those books. In the tille to the Prayer of Manasses,
willcb is printed in italies as an appendix to 2 Chronicles, occur the words: lagual por 1t{)
hallarse en el texto Hebreo, se suele contal' con los libros apochryphas; and eacb o tbe two
books 3 and 4 Esdras is designated apochryp7w.
DESCRIPTlOK. Title, on verso two citations from tbe decrees oftbe Councl o Trent
(in Latin a.nd Spanish), 1 f. blank; dedieatory preface (Ad Senmiss. nlustriss.
Gell~WOSOS, Nobiles, Prudentes: Reges, Electores, Prncipes, Comites, Bm'oltCS, Eqltiies,
atq; Magis/ratus ciuitat'll1n CUlJ! totil/S EurOl)O!, tmn in primis S. Ram. Imperij,



l'rU'/a/io His)llmici Sacrorum Bibliorum Interpretis, in qua ex prim~ 1'/' lit'

Ezechi.clis Prophela disserit de ofMio piorUIIl Principum ElUJ,ltgelium Christi vere <fexanimo l/Tojitentium: oc simul vcrsiOllis hll.jtL5 patrociniw1L tt tn/clam, glum/a
potest rcuerelltia a.tq; animi submissionc, eis conunendat, iD La.tiD, sigDc:!. C. n.), 7 ff. ;
prelo.ce to rea.der (AmOlWStaciOll del Interprete . .. al Lector . .. ), 7 ff. Texi divided
iDto three parts :-(1) GeD.-Ecelus. 1438 columns, 1 p. bla.Dk; (2) Isa.-2 544
coll.; (3) N. T., 50 (really 506) eo11.. ending OD q 7 a a.nd followed OD the plIge
by o. lisi of errata, whieb eDds OD q 8 a witb tbe daie: Anno del Seor M.D. LXIX. en
Septiembre., 1 p. blank. AppeDdix (AmlOtatOlleS breves sobre los lugltres mas difMile5
. . .), 3 ff., 1 f. blo.nk.
Signatures; (-)' t 8 *.;' A-Z' An.-y, AA-RE" a_ q 8, a'; 644 fr. Tbe texi is
priDted in double columDs, wiib ehapterbeo.diDgs, n.nd witb marginal subjecibeadings;
sbort Doies aDd refereDces.
In Rom. iii. 2 ibe words 'por e' (' by faiih ') are omitted. Reb. xii. 29 i 1eft out.
The tiile to tbe AmlO/atiolles appeDded to the volume coDcludes witb tbe words ' ...
aJgunas dela.s quales quedaron seilo.ladas en el texto eD sus propios lugares, y dexa.roD
de pODerse por DO auer cabido en la margeD, como auisamos al lector eD Duestra
PrelacioD CII,ste11ana.' Many copies do DOt contain tbese additioDal notes, but iba.!
they properly heloDg to tbe volnme is sboWD by a refereDce to tbem OD the eleventb
page of tbe A'lImICstacO'n ;-' Esto. falta. supplimos COD bazer pODer 11,1 cabo del libro
las annoto.cioDes que DO cupieron eD sus proprios lugares.' A ew copies have them
iDscrted elsewhere tbaD o.t tbe eDd of the volume, e.g. before Genesis, or before the N. T.
All these Dotes, wiib the exceptioD o eigbt, were incorporated into tbe margiDII,l mll,iter
o No. 8475. In 1858 o. limited edition (50 copies) of ibe AnllOtationes WII,S re
priDted from o. copy in ibe possession o B. B. WiffeD, at the expeDse o Luio de
Usoz i Rio.
Tbe device OD the iitle represeDis o. bear eDde:wouring to obtain bODey from a hole
in ihe trunk of a tree, ibe upper part o whicb has been broken off. The hole is partl;"
covered by a large mallet suspeDded from an overhaDging braDch. Bees are fiying
about, or are setiled ou a book, representing ihe Bible, whicb lies on the ground.
Otber details are a spider bo.ngiDg from a web in ibe braDcbes, aDd tbree birds oDe
of whicb appears to be aiiacking ihe hees. A clue to tbe meaDing o ihis elaborate
device may be obtained from ibe legeDds wbich accompany an carlier form of ibe device
used by M. Apiarius (fatber o S. Apiarius) in Ro book prinied by bim in 1539 at Berne,
to wbich place ihe emblem of a bear was pRorticulRorly soiiable. Tbese legends are:
Omnia probate, quod bonum fueril tenete (1 Tbess. v. 21), Quam dulcia faueibus meis
cloguia tila, super mel ori meo (Ps. cxix. 103), Ur~'US insidians el'; csllr.ens, lJrilWCpS
super POPUllll111X1.upcrem (a combiDatioD of Lam. iii. 10 and Prov. xxviii. 15). ID tbe
preseDt case tbe device is accompanied only by a citation 'om Isa. xl. 8 in Rebrew sud
in Spanisb (La Palabra del Dios nucstro pcr11101lCCC pal'O sieml)1e).
C. de Rcina incorporated into bis Prt1Jfatio an explnnntion snd application of
Ezekiel's Vision, based on sn artiele by J. Sturm (see above), and two woodcut illustra
tions occur iD ii.
Two vII,rieties occur o tbe title. In varo A Ro Darrow ornament is placed at ibe top
of tbe page, and tbe words La Biblia . . . Testamento are arranged in jive liDes. ID
varo B tbere is no ornament at tbe top, snd ibe \Vords La Biblia . . . Testamento are
arraDged in six lines.
241 x 172 =. Tbe title is var. A. lmperfect; wanting tbe blank lea ater the titlc
and tbe leaves coniaining ibe ' Annotationes '. In coDtemporary binding of wooden boards
covered with stamped leather, and with brass clasps. Presented by Granville Sharp,
7 Jan. 1805. A copy of tbe reprint (1858) of tbe 'Annoiaiiones 1 (see above) is loosely
__ Anotber copy. Tbe title is varo A. lmperfect: wRonting tbe blank leaf after ibe
title and the 1 Annotationes '. Bears ihe bookplates of Lord Hatherley and F. L. Denman.

Reissued, at Franldort.-on-Main, in 1602 (probably in consequence of tbc publication o
No. 8475 in 1602), and in 1622. In the reissue of 1602, a.ccording to E. Boehmer, tbe
title runs: La Biblia . . . Transladada d<J los fucntes Hebreos en Espaol por Cassiodoro
de Reina . A Francoforte. En casa de Wolfgang. Richtff COll las expensas de los
herederos del transladador. An1w M.DCrI., and the otber preliminnry lcaves have been
reprinted. In tbe reissue of 1622 it rUDS; La Biblia . . . Trasladada en EspaflOl.
Of this reissue two varieties occur. In varo A ibe title bears a device similar to ibat in tbe
original issue, and gives tbe date witbont name of printer or place. ID varo B ihe iitle
bears lI. device of Ro fiying horse, II,nd has ibe imprint: En la libreria, de Daniel y David
Aubrij. y de Clellumt ,Schleieh. M.DC.XXII. For ibese publishers see No. 6204.



El Testamento !\nevo de nuestro Seor le n


R ca rrlo dd Ca 111)10: [Lul/(lon].



Tbe -ew Testament. C. el!' Bcioll's yer,ion, reYised by Ciprill1w de Valcm ..

Cipriano de Yalem, a Spaniard o good family, \Vas born at Seville about 1532, aod
stodjed for six yp.lLrs at tbe University io tbat cily. He entered tbe Monastery o San
Isidro del Cnmpo as a monk. Coming under tbe infiuence of tbe Reformation, be eecaped
from perseculion in SpRu and took refuge in England. At Cambridge be was admiLled to
ibe B.A. degree, elected a Fellow of Magdalene College, and made M.A. in 1563. Be was
incorporatP.d in tbal degree al O.dord in 1565, n.nd afterwards married an Englisb lady, and
lived for many years in London, wbere be produced nomeroos devotionnl and conlrover ial
works. Wben aboul fifty, be began bis great task o revising C. de Reina's version of the
Spanisb Bible, aod de.oted his lasl twenty yenrs to tbis enterprise, wbicb be described as
bis' evening sacrifice.'
Ricardo del Campo is tbe Spanisb equivalent of Richard Field (see Nos. 172 and 199),
a London printer.
DESCRIPTION. 1 f. blank, title, verso blank, preface-ll pp. list o books-l p. Text,
742 pp., ending witb list of errata, 1 f. blank.
A-Z" Aa-Zz' Aaa'; 380 fr. Witb cbapter-beadings, and marginal
Dotes and references.
In Rom. iii. 28 tbe words ' por fe' (' by faitb ') are omitted. Beb. xii. 29 which was
left oot iD No. 8472 is here sopplied.
The device OD tbe titlepage represeDts an anchor beld by a baDd emerging from a
clood, aDd two interlacing branches, with the legend Anchora Spei; wtilln an ornament.aJ frame. Above tills device is a cilaton from Lnke ii. 10.



145 x 95 mm.

Wants the two blank leaves.

Presented by Granville Sbarp.

- - Anotber copy. lmperfect: wanting the last tbree leaves of text (wbich are supplied
in MS., omitting tbe list of errata), and the two blank leaves. Some sbeets are misbound.
Presentad in 1869 by W. l. Knapp, the biographer of George Borrow.


Novnm Testamentum . .




2 yols.

See No. 1430 (Polyglots). Tbis polyglot N. T. contains a Spanisb text reprinted from
C. de Reina's Bible of 1569 (No. 8(72). Tbe editor himseU supplied a translation of
Beb. x. 29, wbich was omitted in No. 8472.

CL Nos. 1431 and 1432.


La Biblia. Que es, los sacros libros del Vieio y Nueuo Testamento. Segunda
Edicion. Revista y conferida con los textos Hebreos y Griegos y con diversas
translaciones. Por Cypriano de Valera.
Lorenyo Iacobi: Amsterda,m. 1602. fOl.

Tbe Bible. C. de Reina's version, revised by C. de Valera (see No. 8(73). Co=only
known as ' C. de Valera's version '.
Tbe Apocrypha are gatbered togetber and placed in one section between tbe O. T. and tbe
N. T. In bis preface C. de Valera deals specia1Jy witb tbe question of tbeir autbority.
Title, verso blank, reviser's preace (Exhortaeion al Christiano Lector a
leer la sagrada Escriptura. En la gual se muestra quales sean los libros Ca1W1J.icos,
o sagrada Escriptura, y quales sean los lib'l'os Apocht'yphos, signad C. de V.)-6 fr.,
translator's preface (AmmUlstacion ... )-9 pp. list o books-l p. Text :-(1) O. T.,
268 fr. (+ 1 f. inserted); (2) Apocrypba, 67 fr.; (3) N. T., 88 ff., eding on v 5 a, and
fo1Jowed on verso by atable of proper names (Interpret.acion de algunas palabras, '!I
1wmbres proprios ... )-2 pp., eDding on v 6 a witb colopbon; Para gloria de Dios
y bien de la Iglesia Espaf.ola esta Biblia se acab() el Septiembre. A1io M. DC. n., list
o errata-l p.


Signatures: i l '
*', A-R" S' T-Z" Aa-li" Kk' Ll', a-s' t' v'; 437 fi. Tbe text is
printed in double columns, with ebapter-headings, and with marginal notes, references,


In Rom. ijj. 28 tbe words 'por fe,' bitlJerLo omitted, ltre no\\" supplied.
Between lo. 139 Rnd fo. 140 is inserted a leRl whieh is numberetl '2 Fo!. 12fl'
(rcaUy 13~) and siglled ' 2 S 3 '.
Tbe device on tbe represents t",o men, onc plRnting nnd tbe otbcr \Vaterin:
(1 Cor. ji. 6); within an ornamentltl lTllm. Below is a citntion from ls. xl. 8.
Some copies hnve a leal inserted IIUer tbe title. Tbis contn,ins an acldress: A los
;nustri.ssillnos y potentiss;mos Estados ik las ]Jrovillcias confederadas, y al Exce/
umtissimo P"incipe de Orange Don MalLricio Nassovio Gavernador ik las dichas
Provincias, :c., dated Amsterdam, 25 Sept. 1602, and signed C. D. Y. B. B. Wiffen
bMl 50 eopies ol tbis leal reprinted in 1858, from a pecimen in tbe possession 01 Luis
ue Uaoz i Rio.
318 x 205 mm. BOUDd in .veIlum.

- - Anotber copy.
- - Anotber copy. lmperecl: waDting the translator's prelace and list of books, and
the ",bole 01 tbc O. T. (pcrbaps removed lor usc as 'printer's coPy'J. Presented by GranviJle



Biblia en lengua Espanola traduzida palabra por palabra dela verdad

Hebrayca. .
Amstertlam. 1611. f".]

Tbe O. T. A new edition 01 tbe Ferrara version (see No. 8467).

Preliminary ma1ter, ineluding title, dedication (to Doa Gracia Naci), prelace, new prelace
(P"ologlLgo al wToso lector, dated 1611), and tables, !l ff. Text, 293 ff. Text printed in
double columns, and (aa ia common in tbe case of tbese Jewiah editions) witbout verse-divisions.
Tbe titlepage beara a representation of tbe Ark, witb tbe Tetragrammaton aboye it.

In 1612 tbere appeared at Alcala a quarto edition of a metrical ver;ion o tbe PsaItcr,
mada Tom tbe Vulgate, v.itb a Latin eommentary from various autbora, and tbe Vulgate
l.ext, by J'UOo1t de Soto, a priest of tbe Auguatinian order. A aimilar diglot edition, but
witbout a commentary, \Vas prepared by Jos dc Va/divieso, !tnd printed at Madrid, 1623, 4'.
10 1623 tbe1'e appeared o.t London a quarto edition ol tbe Book of Commou Prayer of
tbe Cburcb of EngIand, transJated by Ferna.ndo Tc:rcda. According to E. Boeluner, tbe
O. T. passa.ges in tms book, including tbe complete Psalter, secm Lo bave been taken L-om
C. de Reina's BibJe of 1569 (1\0. 847:l), ",hile tbe N. T. passages agree witb C. de Valera's
N, T. of 1596 (No. 8473). Tbe place o printing is given ns 7tg'lLstro T7'inobanttLl1l. Tbc
date ia given as 'CIO. laI. JXlIV', whicb a.pparently stands or 1623.


El Nuevo Testamento que es, los Escriptos Evangelicos, ). Apostolicos.

Revisto y Conferido con el texto Griego. Por Cypriano de Valera.
Henr':o L01'enri: Amsterdam. 1625. 8.

Tbe N. T. A reprint from No. 8475.

PubJisbed with a priviJege for ten years (' con Privileg. de 10. Ann.').
Engraved title, verso bIa.nk. Text, 765 pp., ending on Bbb 7 a, 1 p. blank, 1 f. blank.
No marginal matter.
Tbe engraved title contains figures o Mases and Aa1'on aDel tbe our Evangelists, aud
bears tbe words B/on fecit.
,- 155 x 90 mm. PI'esented by Gro.nvilJe Sbtwp.
- - Anotber copy.

Wants tbe blank lenl.

Presented by E. Reuderson.

E. Boebmer, citing J. Rodriguez de Castro (Biblioteca Espaola, i. 472-3), records an
edition ol the Psalter, apparently in C. de Valera's veraion, printed by Jacob Wachtc1':
.4l11sterdam, 1625, 8n



1628. H lima de Parasioth J .AtbRrotb, iraduzido palabra por palabro ele la verdad
Hebraica en E pailbol . . .
Nenassch brlllsrad: [Al1Ister'am]. 1G2.28. 8".
Thp l'pnlt.teull, ",ilJi tle IJaphtnrof1., iD tJp Ferrnrn yer,;ion.
A:n editioD print.ed por industria J despeza de MeDasseb DeD IRroel.'

Tbe general title is dated A dia Primero de Sebat. Anno 5387', Le. l627 A.D., aDd tbe
tille to tbe Hapbtarotb is dat.ed A dia Primero ele Hesuan Alio 5386', Le. 1G2S A.D.
Tille, verso blank, Prologo ao LectM (signed 101. B. 1.)-5 pp., Adlll.'1ti?lllmtos . . .-1 p.
Pt. 1 (Pentateueb), fr. b to 252 (rell.lly 250). Pt. 2 (Haphtarotb): tiLle (Aflharoth de 10M el
Olio como el vso de el Kaal hados de Sefma.d '11 los de llIas rS"aelitas lJOr sus 1t1l7llCrO&
sifra.das . . .), veJ'so bJanJ; ted, fr. 2 te 7S; foUowed by tables ending on fo. - .
In tbe Pentateuch tbe margins contain references 1.0 tbe Jewisb sections, and notices 01
nll commandmeDts, both positive (indicat.ed by tbe M. A., Le. DJisuab, ou manda
mento afirmo.tiuo ') and negative (indicated by tbe initials M. 11'., Le. misuah, 011 manda

mento negatino '), to which nnmbers are aflixed.

The signatures in pI.. 1 are in eigbts, but in pt.. 2 are in fouf!.
lIJ 150 x 96 mm. Imperfect: 11. few leayes ater Z 4. In contemporary binding.

A similar edition 01 tbe Pentatencb was printed by I1114nuel Benveniste al. Amsterdam,
1643, So. Anotber edition, compuesta por . . . Menasseb ben Israel', was printed a\
Amsterdam, 1655,54, 12.
A J ewish edition 01 tbe PsaJter in very smlill size (16?) was printed by A1waham S'l/ry
al. Amsterdam, 162S. The title runs: Psalterio . . . trasladado con toda fie1idad verbo de
verbo del Hebrayco: y Repartido como se deue leer. En cada dia del mes segun uso de los
Antiguos '. The text is foJlowed by atable and an address to the reader (by A. Sury), ending
on 08 b. The editor gives the transJator's name as Seor Abrabam Abenusque de
Ferrara '.
Other Jewish editions of the Psalter in smaU size wcre printed: e.g. Amsterdam, 1650,
120; Livomo, 1655, 16 ; Amsterdam, 1733, 16.






The O. T. A revision 01 the Ferrara version, ascribed 1.0 Mellasseh ben Israel, the famous
Jewish Rabbi 01 Amsterdam (see No. 5123).
Very similar iu appearance to No. 8476. Tbe dedication aod preface of 1611 are
Prelimin:uy, including title, preface and tn.bles, S fr. Text, 293 JI., ending ",h
colophon: A loor y gloria del Dio f1te ,eforma.da. A 15. de Sebath, 5J90, Emd register of
The titlepage bears a representation of tbc Ark, similar to that in No. 6476.


1646 P Biblia en Lengua Espanola, traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad

GilZis Joost: AlIlsterda71l.

1646 (?).


The O. T. A new edition 01 No. 8479.

The titlepage is dated 5606', which J. C. WolI (Biblwtlteca Hebraa, . 452) considers
to be a misprint for 5406 ' (Le. 1646 A.D.). The B. M. Cata.]ogue gives the date as equivalent to 1602 A.D., but the words on tbe last page of text show that this is a new edition 01
tbe Bible 011630 (No. 8479).
1 f. blank, title (within woodcut border), on verso prelnce, tables-7 fr., Bepa.ri'icioll de la
Biblia . .. (division of the Bible into 54 parts, for reading week by week)-l f. Text,
605 (reo.Jly 603) pp., ending witb the words, A lOO'r Y gloria del Dio 'l/e ref011llada. A 15. de
Sebath. 5890, and register of signatures, ) p. blank.
The title-border contains figures of Moses and Aaron aod representations of tbe Ark and
1be Fati, and is signed Cornelis Mu.ller.
315 x 19S mm. Waots the blank leaL In contemporary binding.


Biblia eu lengua Espaola. Traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdan
Hebrayca . . . y aora de nuevo corregido. . . .
Ioseph lhias: 11lstera<lm. 1661. 8'.


The O. T. Ferrara version, revised aresh by Sa1ntull de Gazeres.

Published by Joscph Athias, the Jewlsb Rabbi and printe.r (see No. 5131). 'Corregida en de Ioseph Athias y por su ord Impresa '.
Title (witbin woodcut border), verso blank, preace (Lector devolo)-3 pp., Reparticion de
In. Biblia . .. -2 pp., tubles-8 pp., 1 p. blank. Text, 1325 (really 1321) pp.; followed by
Tabla de las Parasiot . . . (6 pp.), endjng on 00008 a, 1 p. blank.
The titleborder is like that used for the titles to pts. 2, 3 and 4 in J. Atbias' Hebre",
Bible of 1659-61 (No. 5131).
184 x 110 mm. Imperfect: wanting title and six fol1owing leaves.
Presented by Granville Sharp.

A Jewish edition of tbe Pentateuch, entit]ed Parafrasis comentado sobre el pentateuco
por ... lsbac aboab', was printed by Iaacob dc Gordova at Amsterdo.m, 1681, fo.
Anotber Jewisb edition of tbe Pentateucb, witb the Hapbtaroth, was prioted by David
Ta7'taz, at Amsterdam, 1691, 8".

1695. Los cinco libros de la Sacra Ley. Interpretados en lengua Espaola, con
forme a la Divina Tradicion, y Comento de los mas celebres Expositores. Con
los seyscientos y treze Preceptos, colocados cado. uno junto al lugar donde Dios
los prescrive, y en la forma que ensea la D. Tradicion recebida de Mosseb,
y aprendida de nuestros Sabios de Gloriosa Memoria. Por Yossepb Franco
Serrano ..
Mosseh Dias: 1nslerdam. 1695. 4.
A Jewisb edition of tbe Pentateuch, translated, with o. commentary, by Yosscph Fran~o
Scrrano, Professor de la S. Lengua, en el Kahl Kados de Talmud Torab '.
Title, dedication, approbation, preface, list of the commentators cited, and note on the
names of tbe five books, 8 fr. Text, 708 pp.; followed by comments on certain Preceptos
(11 pp.), a few l\dditional notes, index and list of crrata, ending on Zzzz 2 b.
The notes are printed in small type in tbe margino
231 x 171
Presented by Granville Sbarp.


J. C. Wolf records an edition of the Pentateucb, accompanied by a Jewish Prayer Book,
publisbed by l. de Cordova at Amsterdam, 1705, Bo. Cl. note after No. 84B1.
In 1707 tbere appeared at London an octavo edition of tbe Book of Common Prayer.
Tllougb tbis professes to be Hispanizado' by Felia: Anto7tio de Alvarado, Ministro de la
Palabra de Dios', it is, according to E. Boehmer, merely a revised and enlarged edition of
F. Texeda's version (sce note after No. 8476). In tbe O. T. passages the editor seems to
follow tbe Bible of C. de Valera (No. 8475). whose' Exhortacion', witb certain omissions and
alterations, be adopts as bis own, inserting it in tbe preliminary matter. The edition was
printed by G. [i.e. Guillermo = William] Bowyer, at tbe cost of Fran. Coggan en InnerTemple.Lane '.
W. Bowyer printed a new edition (Bo), Corregida. y augmentada', of tbis Prn.yer Book in
1715. Tbe editor is described in tbe tiLle as 'Felix de Alvarado, Ministro de la. Yglesia
Anglicana '. The Bible House Library possesses a copy of tbis edition.

170S. El Nuevo Testamento

Du. Sebastin de la Enziuo.

Nuevamente Sacado a luz, corregido y revisto por


JMobo Borsfl.o: mslcldam.



Tbe N. T. In spite of tbe assertion on tbe title tbis is practico.lly a reprint of No. 8473,
prepared by Sebastin de la Enzilloll, who is described as Ministro de la Yglesia. Anglicana
y Predicadr a la Ilustre Congrcgacion de los Honorables Seores tratantes en Espaa '.



Title, prefn.ce n.nd lkt of books, 4 fi. Text, 491 pp. Tbc chn.pterbeadingR and mnrgin:d
mn.tter are oJUitted, buL a few refcrences and alternR.tive renderings givcn nt the foot of
Rome pages. In Rom. iii. 28 tbe words ' por fe' are omitted.
, 150 x 94 mm. Presented by W. Blair.
__ Anotber copy. Dscd as printer's copy' for No. 84~1. Tilo list of books is mi,
placed before tbc prefacc.



Los cinco libros de la Ley Divina de Nuevo Corregidos, y BueILos

Sclomoh Proops: Amsterdam.

a Imprimir.
1718. S".

Tbe Pentateucb, witb tbe Hapbtarotb. A revised edition.

Engraved title. Pentateucb, 408 pp.; folJowed by tbe HapbLarotb, witb title (' Apbtarotb
de todo el Ao Sabatotb, Ros-bodes . segun el uzo de nuestro K. K. en Amsterdam . . .')
and tables, ending on p. 628.
Tbe border used for tbe title to pt. 2 contains tbe Englisb royal arms and is like tbat
used for certain Englisb Bibles printed at Amsterdam. See No. 652 etc.
, 151 x94 =.


1726. Biblia . . . Traduzida de la verdad Hebraica . . . Yaora nuevamente imprimida por David Fernandes. Y corregida por Dr. R. Ysbac de Ab. Diaz.
David Fe-rnandes: A?nstc7dam. 172G. 8.
A new edition of No. 8481, "onectad by Rabbi Yshac de Ab. Diaz.
Preliminary matter, ineluding title, dedication (to Ishac de Prado and otbers, signed
David Femandez), preface, tables and approbation (by Selomoh Aylion), 8 f. Text, 1299 pp. ;
folJowed by table ending on Nnnn 4 b.
Tbe title-border is like tbat in No. 848l.
, 224 x 142 mm. A Large Paper copy.



Cinco libros de la Ley Divina nuevamente corrigidos . . .

David de Elisa Pereyra Amsterdam.



Tbe Pentateucb, witb tbe Hapbtarotb. A new edition. Pp. 47G.

Tbe general title is dated 1733, and tbe title to pt. 2 is dated 1732.
, 153 x 100 =. lmperfect: wanting titleleaf. Bound witb a copy of a Jewisb Prayer
Book (' Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas .. .', 1733).


1762. . .. Biblia. En dos colunas Hebrayco y Espaol . . . En la primera

coluna el original Hebraico .. En la segunda coluna la traduccion en la lengua
Espaola . . .
Joscph, Iacob, y Abraham de Saloman Proops: Am8terdam. 1762. f n
Tbe Old Testament. Apparently a revision of tbe Ferrara version. Witb tbe Hebrew
tex.t. See No. 5166.
Tbe prelimina.ry matter ineludes title, preface by tbe publisbers (' Los Hermanos Proops '),
tables, etc.; 6 f. Tex.t: (1) Gen.-2 Rings, 332 pp.; (2) Isa.-2 Cbron., 350 pp. Tbe Hebrew
and Spanish are printed in paralJel columns.
, 408 x 248 mm.


1793. La Biblia. Vulgata Latina traducida en Espaol, y anotada conforme al sentido

de los santos Padres y expositores Catb6licos por el Padre Pbelipe 8cio de San
Miguel .. Dedicada al Rey nuestro Seor Don Crlos IV.
J08eph y Thomas de Orga: Valencia. 1790-3. 4". 10 vals.



The Bible. Transll1ted roro tbe Lrltin \ul/ate by Frlipr Scio de San Miguel, wbo is
describcd on tbe title as ExPro.incia} de la.. Escucllls Pins, Preceptor del Prncipe nue tro
Seiior y de los Seiiores Infantes, y Conesor de la Princesll del Brasil Infantn. de Espaiia',
!lnd at.erwards becllme Bisbop o Segovill. Witb tbe Ln.tin Vulgntc.
The first edition o a Spanisb Bible printed on SpaDisb soil.
Tom. 1-3 01 tbe O. T. are dnted 1791; tom. 4 aDd 5, 179:!; tOID. 6-8, 1793. Tom. 1
and 2 o tbe K. T. are dated 1790.
O. T.: Tom. 1 (Gen.-Lev.), witb preliminars matter includin:; genera! introductioD
(xiv pp.), &Dote on MSS. and versions cited, aDd a list o books; text, 646 pp. Tom. 2
(Num.-Rntb), 591 pp. Tom. 3 (1 Sam.-2 Kings), 578 pp. Tom. 4 (l Cbron.-Job), 699 pp.
Tom.5 (Ps.-Eccles.), 603 pp. Tom. 6 (S. o SoL-Isa.), 649 pp. Tom. 7 (Jer.-DaD.), 669 pp.
Tom.8 {Hos.-2 Ma.ce.) , 480 pp.; chronological t-ables aDd ndex, cxh' pp. N. T.: Tom.1
(Gospels), witb preliminary malter includiog dedicMioD to Cbarles IV. of Spain and Discrtaeicn
Preliminar sobre la Iras/acion M les libros sngrados a la lengua. Ca.s/e/lana (xxxiv pp.); t.ext,
581 pp. Tom.2 (Acts-Rev.), 811 pp. Tbe Spanisb and Latn texts are printed in para))el
columns, witb notes and references bclow; wi tb preaces, etc. A list o
errata is &ppeDded to ncarly every volume. .A. royal privilege for 10 ycars is given a.t tbe
end o tomo 1 o tbe O. T. Tbe rontspiece Rnd bead.pieces are metal engrl\vjngs.
293x 200 mm.

A second and reYised edition Ilppeared al Madrid, 1794-7, 8', 19 vols.

(For a similar
edition, in Spanisb only, see Ko. 8489.) Besides tbe oruinary Vulgate version o tbe Psalter
Rnd F. Scjo's versjon o it tbere is I\lso given Jerome's translation rom tbe Bebrew,
ollowed by a Spanisb p&rapbrnse. Similar parapbrases are aJso given o Job and Lamenta
tions in addtion to tbe ordinary Spanish version o tbose books.
A tbird edition was publisbed at Ml\drid, 1807-16, 4', 15 vols.


Lo. Biblia Vulgata Latina traducida en Espaiiol, y anotada . por el

Segundo. edicioll revista, corregida y aumen
tada por su mismo traductor
Benito Cano: Mad1id. 1794-7. 8. 19 yols.

P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel

Tbe Bible. A revised edition o No. 84 8, wbout tbe Latin Vulgat.e.

Tom. 1 o tbe O. T. is dated 1794; tomo 2-8, 1795; tomo 9-13, 1796; tomo 14 and 15,
1797. Tom.1-4 o ibe N.T. are dated 1797.
O. T.: Tom. 1 (Gen.), witb preli.mina.ry matter (cxlli pp.), 269 pp. Tom. 2 (Exod. and
Lev.), 322 pp. Tom.3 (Num. anu Deut.), 802 pp. Tom.4 (Josb.-l Sam.), 363 pp. Tom.5
(2 Sam.-2 Kings), 357 pp. Tom. 6 (1 Cbron_2 Esdr.), 319 pp. Tom. 7 (Tob.-Job), 289 pp.
'fom. 8 (Ps. -cv), 343 pp. Tom. 9 (Po. cvi~l), 328 pp. Tom. 10 (prov.-S. o SoL), 246 pp.
Tom. 11 (Wisd. and Ecclus.), 271 pp. Tom. 12 (Isa.), 271 pp. Tom. 13 (Jer., Lam., and
Barucb) , 225 pp. Tom. 14 (Ezek. and Dan.), 319 pp. Tom. 15 (Hos.-Mal. and 1 &nd
2 Mace.), 466 pp. No T.: Tom. 1 (Matt.-Luke), 396 pp. Tom.2 (Jobn &nd Acts), 279 pp.
Tom. 3 (Rom.-Beb.), 454 pp. Tom. 4 (Jam.-Rev.), 19 pp.; witb appended tables and
ndex (cexcv pp.). Tbe text is printed in double columns, witb tbe notes below; witb
prefll.ces, chapter.beadings, lists 01 errata, etc. Folding maps are inserted in tomo 1 o tbe
O. T. and tomo 2 o tbe N. T.
184 x 114 mm. Sligbtly imperfect, bo.ving been used as printer's oOPY,' apparently
or Nos. 8496 and 8498.

In 1798 there appcared at Salamanca a qunrto edition of ibe Song o Solomon, translated
from ibe Bebrew, witb annotations, by Luis M Le01l, ao Augustinian aud a professor at
SaJamanca. Tbe Spanisb is accompanied by the Latin Vulgate.
A iranslation o tbe Psalter witb cerlain Canticles, prepared by Jaime Serrano, 00 tbe
basis o a French work by J. P. Lallemant (see note after No. 3774), was published togetbel'
witb tbe Latn texto Tbe Bble Bouse Library possesses o. copy o tbe fitb editon, Madrid,
1802; xxii, 510 pp.

1804. Los Santos Evangelios traducidos a! Castellano con notas sacadas de los
santos Padres y expositores sagrados, por . . . Fr. Anselmo Petite . . . Septima
B. Cano: Madrid. -1804. 15'5 x 10'5 cm.
Tbe Gospels, translated, witb notes selected rom various commentntors, by Anselmo
Petite, wbo is described on tbe title as Difinidor de la Religion de S. Benito, Ex-Abad del
Real Monasterio de S. Millan de la Cogolla '.



Tbe fi1'st edilion was published at Valhuloliu, 17 5, 8.

Title, PrOlogo and table of Gospels, xxxviii pp. Text, 454 pp.; fol1oweu by table of
cbapte1'-hendinss, endins on p. 474 witb a nole referring 10 mistakes iD lbe p'lsination.
Tbe notes Rre printed belo"" tbe texl.

E. Doehmer record s an (ditioD of tbe Epstles, translated from tbe \ulgate, wilb notes,
by Frallcisco Ximcl1cz; Madrid, 1 04.


El 'uevo Testamento de nuestro Seor lesu Christo.

[E. F. E. S.] Samucl RousBeau: [L01Idon].


Tbe K. T., reprinled from No. 8483 under the supervision of ...L Uziclli, an interpreter
resident in Lendon.
An edition of 2,000 copies, intended prima.riJy for the use of Spo.msb prisoners and
refugees in England. Before long, however, demands for Spauisb Scriptures carne from
8pain and Ameriea, and doring tbe next twenty years tbe B. F. B. 8. publisbed many large
editions o tbe N. T.
Pp. 411. Tbe text is printed in doubJe columns, witb long cb&pter-beadings, and witb
alternative renderings at foot of pRge. Tbe words ' por fe' are omitted in Rom_ m. 28.
A citRtion from Luke ii. 10 occurs on the

A separate edition (1,000 copies) was issued o 8t. Mattbew's Gospel; 53 pp. No title
leaL An imprint occurs at the bottom of p. 1, and is repented on p. 53: En Londl'es:

Impresso por 8. Rousseau, Wood 8tl'oot, Spa Fields; Por la Hermandad de las Biblias
Britanicas y Forasteras. 1806.' Tbe Bible House Librar possesses R copy of tbis
A second edition of tbe N. T. appears 10 bave been publisbed in 1807.

1808!' El Nuevo Testamento . . .

[E. F. E. S.] CarloB E1'ightly : Eungay.

18 x 11 cm.

The . T. A reprint of No. 8491 witbout tbe cbapter-beadings.

Tbe date is uncertain, but is between 180 ,wben stereotype plates were made, and 1813,
when a new edition ( o. 8493) was printed.
Pp,3 O.

~":"~': ~...s.. J " ';..l .1 ,,,~

t .;::- v. . a I - . .


\ '.,

El Nuevo Testamento ..
[E. F. E. S.] Diego Potvell: Eenno-ndsey.


Tbe N. T.


13'5 x 11 cm.

A new edition of No. 8492, witb changes in ortbograpby. Pp. 380.

In 1816 Tomas Jos Gonzdlez Carvajal, of tbe Royal Spanisb Academy, publisbed at
Madrid a new trauslation of the Psalter, in verse and prose. He also translated otber poetical
books and passages of tbe O. T., and publisbed tbe whole in 12 volumes, Valencia and
Madrid, 1819-32. His verse-translations were reprinted by Vicenw Salv, as followB :(1) Psalter: Lendon, 1829 j Paris, 1848; (2) Otber poetical books: Paris, 1833 (see No. 8516).

El Nuevo Testamento . . . Nueva edicion, cuidadosamente corregida.

[E. F. E. S.] P. Wh";te: London, 1817. 18 x 11 cm.


The N. T. A new and corrected edition of No. 8493, printed in smal1er type. Pp. 336.
A list of errata is given on verso of tbe ]jst of books.
Tbe name and address of tbe printer, wbich occur on verso of tbe title and on tbe last
page, are printed so low down tbat in many copies tbey have been cut off by tbe binder.


l _


i '~.-<

pr:l b .v- J





t; \,





1819. El ~u 'Y(, Tf'~tJunfntr> . . . traducido do la Biblia Latina en EspailOl

por . . . r,)jpc Scio de S. Miguel . . . Reimproso literal y diligentemente,
oonforme a la sE'gundu edicion hcchn en Madrid, ao de 1797, revista y corregida
por su mi. mo tmdllcwr . . .
A. B. S. EliJm White: Ncw York. HH9. 17 x 10 cm.
'Ihe N. T. F. Seio', "ersion. replinLed lrom thc second edition (sec note ll.fter No. 84R8).
SLereotypc editiol1. T'. il7(j.
Texl prinLed in double colUIDns; wil1Jout cbnpLer.
beadings, note. etc.

OlLen reprinted. Tbe A. B. S. Library Catalogue (1863) records editions of 1822, 1823,
1831. Tbe Bible Hougc Librar; possesses a copy ol tbe' 11tb Edition ' (1835).

1820. El Kuevo Test,amento, traducido al Espaol, de la Vulgata Latina, por ..

Pbelipe cio de S. Miguel . . .
T. Rutt y Hijo: Shacklewell. 1820. 18 x 11 cm.
Tbe F. N. T. Seio's version. An edition ol 5,000 copies, prinLed under tbe supervision
of Jos Blanco, commonly known as Joseph Blanco White (1775-1841), wbo bad lormerly
been a Romo.n Cll.t1Jolic priest in, but, coming te England, be qull1ified in 1814 as a
clergyman o tbe Cburcb ol England, and ultimately became a Unitarian. He is remem
bered as autbor of tbe sonnet Nigbt and Deatb' (first publisbed in The Bijolt, 1828),
wbicb Coll'l'idge declared te be tbe finest and most grandly conceived sonnet in our
No paginn.tion. Text ends on R 6 b. Witb chapter.headings.


1820. El Nuevo Testamento . . . traduoido en Espaol oonforme a la Vulgata

Latina, por . . . Felipe Soio de Sn. Miguel . . .
[E. F. B. S.) Cuid-adano Dorea: Barcelona. 1820. 19 x 12'5 cm.



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\'-. \ ..... u.;,i

1821. La Biblia, el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento traducidos

. por
Soio de S. Miguel . . .
. .
. .
[B. F. B. S.) B. Bensley: LCYTU1JreB. 1821. 22 x 13'5 cm.

~be Bible. F. Scio's version. A reprint published by tbe B. F. B. S. Tbe Apoc~ha

\. ~
1_, are IDcluded.
~...o tI\ \,.v
,L -.Q,~~ ~ l;..\fNt.(':lI..Jw.>-A..
,-v- \, P
Pp. 926, 249. Witb cho.pter-headings.


P.. ~ ~""A..

- --1

The N. T. F. Scio's version. An edition of 10,000 copies, prinLed apparenLIy for the
B. F. B. S., under the supervision of aRoman Catholic priest named - de Mazan, who
obtained tbe consent o tbe Vicar General of Barcelona te its publication. It is probably te
tbis edition tbat the translator of No. 8508 a1ludes in bis prologue to tbe N. T.: En
Barcelona solamente se acaban de imprimir diez mil ejemplares del ~Nuevo Testamento,
por cuenta de una Sociedad Blblica estrangera '.
1, Probably publisbed after No. 8496.
'" Pp. 400. Witb cbapter-headings.




El Nuevo Testamento ..
[B. F. B. S.)

Tbe N. T. F. Scio's version.


J. Smith: Pari8.


A stereotype edition o 15000 copies.

'lO x 120m.
Pp. 366. Witb

Tbe A. B. S. Library Catalogue (1863) record s a similar edition dated 1836.



Phelipe Scjo de S. Migupl ...
1823,21. 16'5 x 10 cm.

La Biblia . . . traducida en Espaol, por

Samuel Bag.ter: Londre..

Tbc Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypba. F. Scio's versjoD. Tbe O. T. is reprinied lrom tbe
Madrid editiOD of '1797', nDd tbe N. T. is repriDted from tbat of '1 15' (see Dote after
No.84 ).
ODe of a series of uniform Bible in severa] languages, publisbed by S. Bagster, and
entitled 'Biblia Polyglotta', tbe otbers being iD Hebrew, Greek, Latin, EDglisb, German,
FreDcb, and Italian. Sea No. 1456 (polyglots).
Tbe general title is dated 1823, and the N. T. title is dated 1821.
Pp. 585, 188. Witbout cbapter-beadings.

Reprinted, sometimes lor tbe B. F. B. S.: e.g. in 1824 (DO name 01 printer) , in 1 'J7
(Bagstcr y Thoms), IlDd in 1858 (S. Bagster). lt W8.S R.1so issued in 1827 interlesved witb a
uDiform edition (1827) 01 tbe Latin Vulgate. Tbe N. T. W8.S issued separataly: e.g. aD
undBted editioD (S. Bagster and Sons). The Bible House Library possesses copies al tbese

1823. El Nuevo Testamento . . .

rB. F. B. S.]

J. Smith: ParB.

The N. T. F. Scio's version. A reprint in small size.


18'5 x 8 cm.

Pp. 796. With chapter.bcadiDgs.

1823. Los Libros Sagrados de los Psalmos, de los Proverbios, del Ecclesiastes, y de
la Prophecia de IsRias, traducidos .. por . . . Pbelipe Scio de S. Miguel . . .
Sacados de BU version de la Biblia entera publicada con real permiso en el ao de

rE. F. B. s.]

J. Smith: Par;".


12'5 x 7'5 cm.

Tbe Psalter, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Isaiah. F. Scio's versioD. A reprint from tbe
ed.itiOD 01 '1790' (see No. 8488). Uniform with No. 8501. Pp. 467.



El Santo Evangelio segun San LUCiloS, y los Hechos dc los Apostoles.

[E. F. B. S.] J. S. Hughe.: Londres. 1823. 12 x 7'5 cm.

St's Gospe! and tbe Acts. F. Scio's versioD.

Uniform with No. 8501. Pp. 219.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1824. The Bible House Library possesses o. copy of this edition.



1823. Lecciones para las Escuelas de Primeras Letras, sacadas de las Sagradas
Escrituras, siguiendo el texto litteral de la traduccion del Padre Scio, sin notas
ni COlllentos. En tres pa.rtes . . .
.d. Paul: Nueva-York. 1823. 18'5 x 11 cm.
A volume of selections from the Bible, in F. Scio's versioD, prepared for tbe use 01 scbools
by Vicente Roca.juerte, a Peruvian.
Pt. 1 contains selections from tbe O. T. Pt. 2 contains se!ections from tbe Bible
illustrating dnty 10wards God and duty 10wards mano Pt. 3 contains selectioDs from the N. T.
Title and dedicatory preface A la. juvel~tud Americana (signed Vicente Roca.juerte), iv pp.
Text, pp. 5 10 233; ollowed by Explicacian M las abreviaturas (1 l.) and Tabla M materias
(2 fl.).
, Presen~d by tbe edHor.


4 z




La Biblia . . .

[B. F. B. S.] A. Applegath: [Lonaon].


22 x 13'5 cm.

Tbe Bible. F. Scio's version. A reprint of No. 8498, in tended cbiefiy for oircu1a.tion 1ll
Sout.l.t Ameriea.
AHbongb tbe Committee of tbe B. F. B. S. bad decided in ] 822 lo discontinue ibe issue
of tbe Apocrypba., tbese books were incJuded (a.ppa.rently by in tbe edition of ] 823-4A new edition, bowever, without tbe Apocrypba., WllS immeclia.tely preplUed and publisbed in
1824 (see 0.8507).
The general title a.nd tbe N. T. title llore dated 1823, a.nd tbe da.te 1824 is given on tbe Pp. 926, 249.



La Biblia Sagrada, a saber: el Antiguo yel Nuevo Testamento, traducidos

. . . por . . . Felipe Scio de S. Miguel . . . Nueva Edicion, a costa de la Sociedad
Americana de la Biblia, conforme . la segunda, que revista y corregida publioo su
mismo traductor el ao de 1797 en Madrid . . .
A. B. S. A. Paul: NUe'Va-York. 1824. 23)( 14 cm.

Tbe Bible, F. Scio'a veraion. A corrected reprint, based on tbe second eclition (see note
after No. 84 8).
Edicion 1 " printed by A. Paul rom stereotype platea by A. Chandler, or tbe
A.B. S.
Pp. 928, 251.


Apps.rently reprinted in 1826; and, witbout tbe Apoorypha, in 1829, 1830, and 1832.

1824. La Biblia .

lB. F. B. S.

London.] 1824. 22'5)( 14 cm.

Tbe Bible, wiLbout tbe Apocrypba.. F. Scio's version. Reprinted from tbe same platea
as No. 505, "itb tbe exception o tbose parts o tbe O. T. wbich were effected by tbe
omission of tbe Apocrypba. In tbe O. T. the pagina.tion is not continued after p.432 (in
Nebemia.b), and tbe text ends on 3 D 6 a.
__ Anotber copy. Witb MS. corrections made by Jos Muoz de Sot-oma.yor.


Repriuted: e.g. in 1828 (Guillermo Clowes) , tbe general title bearing tbe words Hallanse
en esta edicion del Antiquo TesLaru nlo todos los libros contenidos en el orijinl Hebreo';
in 1855 (A. 11 G. A. Spottiswoode); in 1858 (W. CZowes Hijos) ; in 1864 (Spottiswoode 11
Compo;iia); in 1869 (O. J. C/ay: Cambrtgi.a.). The Bible House Librar possesses copies
of tbese editions.


La Sagrada Biblia nuevamente traducida de la Vulgata Latina al Espaol,

aclarado el sentido de algunos lugares con la luz que dan )oa testos originales
bebro y griego, ilustrada con varias notas sacadBl; de los Santos Padres y
Espositores sagrados, por Don Flix Torres Amat ... De 6rden del Rey N. S...
Lean ?lIa,riia: Ma.d'rid. 1823-5. 21'5)( 15 cm. 8 vols.

Tbe Bible. A fresb translation made irom tbe Latin Vulgate, witb tbe
origina! Hebrew and Greek, by Felix Tarres Ama/. Witb notes selected irom various
Tbe translator, wbo underLook bis task at ibe instance o King Ferclinand VIl., is
described 00 tbe title as 'Dignidad de Sacrista de la Santa Iglesia. de .Barcelona, .etc.'
He afterwards beoame Bisbop oC Asterga..
Tom. 1-3 of the O. T. are dated 1824; tomo 4-6, 1825. Tom.1 and 2 .o ibe N. T. sre
dated 1823, witb an nppendix datad 1825.
O. T.: Tom. 1 (Gen.-Num.), witb preliminary matter (32 pp.), ineludiug prefaee, general
introduetion, list of books, and list ol errata; text, 296 pp. .a.'om. 2 (Deut.-1 Xings) , witb
preface (1 .); text,336 pp. Tom. a (2 Ringa-Job), 323 pp. Tom. 4 (Ps.-Ecclus.), witb
prelace, etc. (1 I.) ; text, 32 pp. Tom.5 (Isa.-Ezek.). witb preface (1 L); taxt, 3aO pp. Toro. 6
(Dan.- 2 Macc.), witb prels.ce (1 l.); text, 236 pp. N. T.: Tom. 1 (Matt.-Acts), witb
declication te ibe Ring (1 I.) and prologue (viii pp.); tcxt, 245 pp. Tom. 2 (Rom.-Rev.),



228 .pp. ; 10110wed :by snpplementary ma.tter entitled Notas Generales pue3ta3 en forma.
de diccionario . .. , 76 pp.; ",iLh an appendix (Apndice al Diccionario de Notas
Generales . .), including list o subscribers and indr.x 01 subjects (70 pp.), chronological
table (3 pp.), table 01 EpisUes and Gospels (16 pp.), and general list 01 errata (22 pp.).
The text is printed in double columns, with notes and relerences at the loot 01 the .page.
Witb preaces, chapter.headings, etc.
Bonnd in two volumcs. Tbe pieces in the appendix are not placed in tueir corred
order. Alter the first part 01 the supplementary matter is inserted a copy of an oflicial
document dated 28 Jan. 1826.
- - Another copy. 1mperfect: inclnding tomo 1 and 2 and pt. 1 (tbe Psalter) 01 tomo 4,
in the O. T.; and tomo 1 and 2 (witbont the appendix), in the N. T.

1825. El Nuevo Testamento nuevamente traducido por . Don Flix Torres
Amat . . Edicion revista, formada sobre la que se imprimio en Madrid ao de
Mill8, Jowett, y Mill8: Londre8. 1825. 18 x 11 cm.
The N. T. F. Torres Amat's version. An anonymous revision 01 the N. T. in tbe Bibla
of 1823-5 (No. 8508), withont the notes, etc.
Pp. 432.


El Nuevo Testamento . .
[B. F. B. S.J T. C. Han8ard: Londres.
Tbe N. T. F. Scio's version. Pp. 366.


20'5 x 12'5 cm.


El Nuevo Testamento

[B. F. B. S.] Londre8. 1828. 22'5 x 14 cm.

The N. T. F. Scio's version.

Pp. 450.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1851 (Harri.sOl~ t Hijo), and 1858
Bible House Library possesses copies of these editions.



y Compaia). 'The

El Nuevo Testamento .

[Bag8ter and Thom8: London.]

The N. T. F. Seio's version.


10 x 6'5 cm.

Pp. 460.

1828. Los Libros Sagrados de los Psa1mos, Proverbios, Eecesiastes, y de la Pro
phecia de Isaia.s . .
[B. F. B. S.J Ba,gater y Thom3: Lond're8. 1828. 12'5 x 7'5 cm.
The Psalter, Proverbs, Eeelesiastes, and Isaiah. F. Seio's version. Pp. 420.

F. Seio's version is givan in o. diglot (Spanish-Allno.ra.) edition o Luke, printed in 1829
and reprinted in 1898; see Nos. 1519 !Lnd 1520.
1830 P Seripture Lessons for Schools .
of Scio and Martini

in Spanish and Italian, from tbe versions

[London? 1830 ?J

59 x 44 cm.

.Bee No. 6630.

Tha A. B. S. Library Catalogue (1863) record s a dnodeeimo edition o the N. T. pnblished
at LondoD iD 1832, with the title El Nuevo Testamento, traducido oJ Castellane por CiprinDo
de Va.lera eD 1602, y revisado eD 1831 .. .' This revisioD 01 C. de Valera's versioD, which
was possibly issued by tbe G1asgow Bible Society (lounded in 1811), is evideDtl'y that to
whieh reerenee is ! in the title of No. 8526.
4 z 2



1833. Sagrada Biblia, en Ln.tin y Espaol, con not8:s literales, criticas histricas,
prefacios y disertaciones, sacadas del Comentario de D. Agustin Calmet . . . del
Abad Vence y de los mas clebres autores, para facilitar la inteligencia de la
Santa Escritura. Obra adornada con estampas y mapas. Primera cilicion
Mejicana. enteramente conforme a la cuarta y ultima francesB del ao de 1 20.
Mjico. 1831-3. 24 x 16'5 cm. 25 vols.
A Spn.nish version of a Frencb Bible sometimes known as tbe' Bible de Vence '.
Tbis editioD, prepared by cedain Roman Catbolic priests, a.ppears to be tbe earliest Bible
printed iD Mexico. 1t is bR.sed OD a Bible publisbed iD 25 volumes at Paris in 1820-4, witb
tbe title Sainte Bible, en latin et en fIan~ais, avec des notes littra.les, critiques et
historiques, des prfaees et des dissertlttions, tires du Commentaire de dom Augustin Calmet
. . . de l'abb de Vence, et des Auteurs les plus cl~bres . . . Quatrieme dition .. .', tbe
Frencb version iD wbicb was by L. de Carrieres (see note after No. 3779), while tbe annota
tions were drawn from tbe eommentaries of A. Calmet (s e No. 3794), tbe Abb de Vence
(see note after No. 3779), and otbers. As iD tba Frencb editioD, tbe Latin Vulgate is
incJuded. Tbe preface, addressed A la Iglesia Mejicana', is signed by Mariano Galvan
lIivcra, wbo is described elsewbere as ibe proprietor of tbe translation.
The imprint runs: Mjico. Imprenta de Galvo.n a cargo de Mariano Arvalo, Calle de
Co.dena Num. 2 '.
Tom. 1-7 are dated 1831; tomo 8-19, 1832; tomo 20-25, 1833.
Pp. 503, 554, 440, 444, 440, 4 3, 480, 500, 462, 476, 475, 471, 421, 384, 348, 479, 388, 380,
472,449, 475, 475, 459, 466, 338. The Spanisb and Latin lists are printed iD parallel
columns, witb notes etc. below. Witb elaborate prolegomena, dissertations, prefaces, tables,
etc. Tbe lists ol contents etc. given at tbe end of tbe volumes are noi a.lways included in
tbe pagination.


Los Libros Poticos de la Santa Biblia, traducidos en verso Castellano por

Reimpresos de la. edicion Espaola por
D. Vicente Salv.
Librera Hispano.Americana: Paris. 1833. 11 x 7 cm.

D. Tomas Jos Gonzlez Carvajal.

A small volume, eontn.ining tbe chief poetical books and passages ol tbe Bible, exclusive
of the Psa1ter, translated in verse by T. J. G. Carvajal. Edited by V. Salv.. See note after
No. 8493.
pp. ix, 510.

1835. La Biblia. Vulgata. Latina traducida en Espaol, y anotada. .. por
Felipe Scio de San Miguel
Primera. edicion Megicana, saca.da de la. tercera.
y ltima. de Espaa.
Mgico. 1831-5. 23'5 x 17 cm. 11 vols.
Tbe Bible. F. Scio's version, witb tbe Latin Vulgate. Reprinted {rom tbe tbird edition
(see Dote after No. 8488).
The ea.rliest edition oI tbis version printed in America.
Tbe imprint runs: 'Mgico: en Casa de Cornelio C. Sebring', or ' . . . Sebring y West "
or' . . . Sebring y Compa.ia', Tom. 1-3 oI tbe O. T. are dated 1831; tomo 4-6, 1832 ;
tomo 7 and 8, 1833; tomo 9, 1834. Tom. 1 of tbe N. T. is dated 1834; tomo 2, 1835.
Pp. 563, 484, 826, 539, 644, 574, 499, 5!J9, 575, 678, 694. Tbe Spanisb and Latin texts
are printed in paralleJ eolumns, witb notes etc. below. Witb prolegomena, prela.ces, tables,
etc. An engraved frontispiece occurs in tbe first volnme.


La Sagrada Biblia nuevamente traducida de la. Vulgata Latina. al Espaol

. por Don Felix Torres Amat . . Segunda edicion.
Miguel de Burgos: Madrid. 1832-5. 21'5 x 15 cm. 6 vols.

Tbe Bible. F. Torres Amat's version. A new edition of No. 8508, with the addition of
tbe LatiD Vulgate.
The titles to tomo 2 and 5 bear tbe words De orden del Rey N. 8.' Tbose to tomo 3 and
4 bave ' De orden de S. M. la Reina Gobernadora '.



Tul' FUPl,lcmentnry mnlter is rChrTl,n:ed. The Jisl 01 sub~criLer8 . omil,lld; nn,l .. DI'"
picce Ly lUI: tmnslalor (. Exborl..cioD el ,,1 Obispo el" Ast.orS:I Id clero)' pu<:Llo ele su
di"esl . . . ') is npp nd d.
Tom. 1 nnd b llre d t.ed 1~"2; tolD. 2, 1 3il; lomo 3 nnd 4. 1834; lom. (j. ]35.
'fom. 1 (Gl:n . ] ulL), xXI"i, G(j pp. TODI. 2 (l ~llm.-JoL), 724 pp. Tom. S (h.-ISIL.),
es pp. Tom.4 (Jer.-2 Mncc.), 4, (j 4 pp. Tom. 5 (K, T.). 1, 72(j pp. 'fom. (j (' Nolns
Gi'llcrille. ' etc.), "iii, 102, !lG, 48 pp. The S!'llllisu nnd Latn U'xLs !lre priDted in pnTl,Uel
col U1l1l16 ; "'iLb DOLcs elc., ns iD tbe firsL ediLion (No. 850). Rome pnges nra nol included iD
tUl' p"sinnlioD. EDgmved rODlisJlieees occur iD tomo 1 nnd 6,

A lhird edition, in smRU size, 01 F. 'forres Alllnt's version 01 tLe BiLk ",itbout tb/;
Vulgnle, "'ns reprinted (witb sorne correction) Irom lbe sC('(lIld by J . milu at Pnris lor
1"icenlr Salvd ~ Hijo, 1835-6 (1), 17 vals. 'fLe BiLJI' EouRe LiLmry IKlF~('S8CS n copy 01
tomo 1 onlr, ",hicb ineludes tbe pr liminary mnller (c"ii PIJ.) /lnd G-ncsis (222 pp.).
E. Do I,mer r cords n Dew lrunslntioD :IDd paTlLphm~e 01 tbe Psnher, by Jos 11,.1t~,
Madrid, 1825-37,4 vols.

La. Biblia. . .

.Antonio Bergnca: Bocclona.



}4'5 cm.

The Bible, without tbe Apocrypba. F. Scio's version. Pp. 786, 252.
The pl'inLing 01 tbis edition wns promoled by Jo,mcs N. (ha.ydlm, a.lieutE:Dlmt in the BriLiRb
Nnv)', ",ho, wilbout receiviDg ~ Teguln.r comruissioll roOl any socieLy, carried 00 tbe work
of Dible,distribution in See W. Cnnton, His(Qry of tl~ Briis}. and Forciun mIJZe
Sociely, ii. 23G f.

A scparn.t.e edition
tbis edition.


o tbe N. T.

The Bible House LibTa.ry possesses a. copy 01

1837. El Nuevo Testa.mento . tTa.ducido . por Don Felix Torres Amat , , .

Nlle"a edicion, corregido. y revisada por la. Bociedo.d para promover el conocimiento
S. P. O, K. Ricardo Clay: Lonare,. 1837. 22 x 13'5 cm.

Tbe N. T. F. Torres Am~t's versioD, revised or the S. P. C. K. by Lorenzo Lw:cna, wbo

subsequeDtly tnu::bt 8p::mish at tbe TayJoria.D InstituLo, Oxlord.
Pp. 287. "itbout Dotes or Telerences, but witb cbllpLer-beadiDgs. Tbe titlepa:;e beara
tbe davice 01 tbe S. P. C. K.
-; A prlDted slip contaiDiDg a list of errata is iDserted at tbe eDd of tbe volume. The
LiOlliDS is stamped ",itb tbe device o the S. P. C. K.

Reprintcd iD 1839.

The Dible House Library possesses a copy of tbis ediLion.

El Nuevo Testamento, traducido .. por .. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel ...

F. B. S.] de la Barrera: Madlrid. 1837. 19'5 K 12'5 cm.


Tbe N. T. F. Bcio's version. Pp. 534. PriDted iD long lines, witb cbnpterheadings.
Tbe printiug 01 this edition (5,000 copies) wus pTomoted by Georuc Bon'ow, at tbis date
AgeDt 01 the B. F. B. S. in Spaio. (Soe W. CantoD, Hisletry of tllc Brilish and ForCig'1 BiUlc
Society, . 241 f.) The ti(Jepage beaTs tbe words 'A cargo de D. Joaquin de In :Ullrrera.',
but tbe priDtiog soems to bave been eDtTUsted by Borro,," lo C1uJ.rus Wood, tbe Englisb of tbe SpaDisb paper El Espa,-wl. One of the editors 01 t.hat paper was Luis de
Usz i Rjo (se8 Dote nlter No. 84(5), to wboso rieDdly cooperatioD, especiaDy iD editiDg tbis
SpaDisb New TeslnmeDt, :Uorrow relers in tbe preacc lo The Bible in Spain. (See aJso
cha.p. xix iD tba.t book.)

Tho A. B. B. Library Cata.logue (18G3) record s a.n edilion iD sma.U size (&2 0 ) o tbe N. T.
in F. Beio's veTsion, publisbed by tbe A. B. S. in 1837.
In 1639 the S. P. C. K. puLlisbed at London a revised editioo 01 tbe Book 01
Prayer, prepared by L.Lucenn.,and iotonded prima.rily lor tbe use 01 the Spa!lisL ProtesLaDl
congre!! lion a.t Gibralts.r; 15, 455 pp. The N. T. pnssages in tbis edition nre lllken Iroro Lue
S. P. C. K. revision 01 F. Torres Amnl's venioD 01 tbe N. T. (see No. 8520). Tbe Bible Bouse
Library possosses a. copy o tbis edilioD.

- -


- -




El Nuevo Testamento . . .

L. HacheUe; J. Smith: Paria.


19 x 11'5 cm.

The N. T. F. Scio's V'ersion. A.n edition printed by J. Smith for L. Bache/te, 'lib!ero
de la Universidad Rea.l de Francia '. Pp. 366.

Reprinted;. e.g. in 1847 (W. TI'atts: Londres) lI.Dd 1856 (Ch. Meynteis y C: Pl1ris). Tbc
Bible House Library possesses copies of tbese editions.


The Gospel o Sto J ohn, in Sp:UJish; adapted to tbe Hamiltooian eystem, by

an analyticaJ and interlineal translation . . . By James Ham.ilton ..
W. Aylott ti Ca.: Lon,don. [1840?] 18'5 x 11 cm.

Of. Nos. 3926, 4843,5643 and 6286. The first edition in Spanish appeared in 1825.
vcrsion is that of F. Scio. Pp. xi, 67, 183.


E. Boehmer records an edition 01 the Lile ol Ohrist-A.pparently a Gospel Harmonytranslated from the Vulgate, with notes, by Rafael Jos~ de Crespo; Valencia, 1840.


Los Cuatro Evanjelios traducidos del Griego al Espaol, ilustrados con notn.s
por Don Guillermo Harris Rule . . .
La Biblioteca Militar: Gibraltar. 1841. 21'5 x 15 cm.

The Gospels. A new translation made from tbe Greek by Williant Harris Rule, superintendent of the Mission in Spain (' Presbltero de la Iglesia Protestante MetodistA.,
y Superintendente de su Mision en Espaa 'l. With a commentary.
W. H. 'Rule completed a trllnsJation of the whole N. T., witb a commentary. For the
second and third portions of this work, published respectiveJy in 1877 and 1880, see Nos. 8581
and 8589.
The preliminary matter includes a dedication (' Al Sinodo de la. Iglesia Protestante
Metodista. de la Gran Bretaa y Paises Estranjeros ') and a preface. No pagiuation. Texi
printed in paragraphs, with notes below. An appendix contains a dissertation on the
Christian Ministry. A.n index to the notes concludes the volume,.ending on 4 L 2 b.



Los Santos Evangelios literalmente traducidos al castellano, con notas sacadas

de los Santos Padres y espositores sagrados.
Sociedad Literaria; Wencellao Ayguals de Izco : Madrid. 1844. 27'5 x 18'5 cm.

The Gospels. A new edition 01 No. 8490.

Pp. 522. Tbe notes are placed at the end of each GospeJ. Atable of Liturgical Gospels,
atable of chapter-headings, o.nd o. description of various works publisbed by 'LA. Sociedad
LiterariA.' (dated Madrid, 15 July 1844) are appended.
The illustrations include a
litbogmpbed portrait of our So.viour, RoDd many woodcut engravings.
In sorne copies tbe title is dated 1843.


1845. El Nuevo Testamento, traducido al Castellano por Cipriano de Valera en

1602, y revisado en 1831.
A. B. S. Nueva York. 1845. 17 x 10'5 cm.
The N. T. A revision ol C. de Valem's vcrsion, prepared, according to tbe statement in
the title, in 1831. See note alter No. 8514.
Pp. 343. Without chapter-headings.





AccordiOF Lo tbe pre{ace (dated Au:us! ] 857, and s4inad G. N.). this tTllosls.tioo was
1J~"Un in 1 51 and complHed in 1857. Tbe Gr~ek tul. used "'as a repriot 01 MilPs text
viven iD }ja!8Ler'~ ls.rl!p.type "dition (e. ] 51). ",itb variA.n~ readillgs takeo from tbe edtions
01 GrieshncL, Scblz, Lachmnnn, and TiscLendorl; and tbe previous versions 01 tbe principal
pnni~L tr&Dsl&l.Ors were coD~uh.ed. Tbe names 01 tIJe edil.Ors are Dot givcD, ,..ith tbe
pxceptioD 01 JuaD Cs.lderoD (&ee No. 8-5881. wIJo died (Jlln. 1854) wben th~ work ba.d rCllcbed
LIJe Le!nnD(: 01 Loke. Accordinll 1.0 J. 'r. Betls. lbe ioitials at the end 01 the prelace atand
101' WiUlOJn (Ch,lk-rnw) };orIOll. 01 Eshan , ,urrey. Hy some, bowt!vcr, the editor Lo.s been
id'Dtified witb Gwrgc Jo,'orto'Il, pnnisb in LandOD.
Pp. viii. 29. 543. Unilorm witL 1\0. 53!'. TLa prelimiD"ry mn.tLer includes a t.Il.ble 01
tIJe more impon.aDt varillnt readns 01 Griesbach, Scbolz, L chmaDD. and Tiscbendor,
rendered ioto 8panisb.

1858. El Nuevo Testamento .. 'ersion revista y confrontll.da con el texto Griego,
y con divers~s tmducciones, por Cipriano de Valero..
LB. F. B. S.] W. M. Wattl: LLondon]. 1858. 14)( 9 cm.
Tbe N. T.

C. de Valera's vcrsioD.

A revisioD prepared 101' the B. F. B. 8.

Pp. 545.

Reprioted by W. Clowes alld 8cms: e.g. in ] 860, 1864, 18G5, aod 18G7; 547 pp. Tbe
Bible House LilJrary possesses copiea 01 Lb ese editioDs.
Sep:m.te ediLioDS also cared o the Gospels: e.s. Luke (1863), pp. 115 to 187; Acta
(Spottiswood.e 11 C', 18G1), pp. 243 to 814. Tbe Bible House Librar] possesse& copies 01
tbese editoDs.


Los Salmos de David, traducidos . . . por Cypriano de Valera.

[B. F. B. S.]
Tbe PSl\lter.

C. de Valero.'s verEioD.

W. M. Watt,: LondrCl.


14'5)( 9 om.

Pp. 144.

La Biblia . . . Revista y confrontado. COn los textos Hebreos y Griegos, y con
diverso.s traducciones. Por Cipr:l.DO de Val era.
[B. F. B. S.] W. Clowes and 801l.8: Landre,. 1861. 20'5 x 125 cm.


Tbe Bible, witboot tbe Apoorypba. C. de Valero.'s venioD, revised. Tbe N. T. ol tbis
revision bad o.lrea.dy appeared iD 1M8 (see No. 8545). Pp. G56, 215. No obapter.beo.dings.


La Santa Biblia . . . Antiguo. version de Cipriano de Val era, cotejada con

diversas traduccioncs, y revisada COn arreglo . 108 originales Hebro y Griego.

S. P. C. K.

Imprenta de la Ulliversidad: Ox-ford.



10'5 cm.

Tbe Bible, witboot tbe Apocrypba. A revisioD o C. do Vo.lera's version, witb tbe
ortbograpby and dictioD modernized, by L. Lucena (see No. 8520).
Tbe geDeral title is dated 1862; tbe N. T. Litle is ds.t.ed 1861.
No pngioation. Text eDds OD 8 A 6 a. Text prnted in double coluIDDs, witb marginal
relerences aod dates; eDclosed witbio rules.


La Santa Biblia .

S. P.

a. K.



17)( 10'5 cm.

The Bible, witbout Lbe Apocrypba. C. de Valera's versioD, revised.

No. 8548, wiLb pagioation supplied. Pp. 747.

A reprint ol

Il.eprinted: e.g. in 1865.

Tbe Bible House Librar possesses o. copy o tbis editioD.

nnl" uh 'r No. 8514 nnd No. 85~G). o.Dd W&s produced by the Nnliono.l Bible SociHy 01 Scol.
Iand. Tbe tillr Cortesl'0nds 10 tbat 01 No. A5j5. 'Jt is tbe onl) Sp nisb N. T. print&d iD
And"Jusia, lhl' nntivc counlry of Reino. nnd Valcro. '.
1'1" 400. Text priDted in 10DS lines.
loserted iD tbis 001'1 is a Jotter SivinS pl\l'licuJars 01 tLe prioting 01 tbe editioD.


La Biblia . . . Versjon revistn . . . por Ciprjallo de Valoro..

con alganas emendaciones.

[B. F. B. S.]

Spottuwood-e y Compaia: Londrlll.

Nueva edicjoD

28)( 14 cm.


Tbs Dible, wilbout tbe Apoerypba. C. de Valera's "ersion rcviscd. Tbe O. T.
'o be reprintcd from L. LuccDa'. revision as publisblld by tbe S. P. O. K. (see No. 8548), wbe
tbe N. T. differs somewbat lroro tbat versiOD. Pp. 88G, 282.


AppnreDUy repriDted iD Hl69 (W. M. Walts).


Lo. BiLlin . . .

[E. F. B. S.J

W. CloweI Hijo.: Landre,.

Tbe Bible, wjthout tbe Apocrypba.

8557. Pp. 883.


C. de Valera's version, revised.


12'5 cm.

A reprint of No.

Reprinted in 1869 (C. J. Clall: Camlntgia).
01 tbis edi tion.


The Bible Bouse Librar1 possesses a 1'01'1

El Santo Evangelio segun S. Marcos.

[B. F. B. S.]
Bt. Mnrk's GospeJ.

Harri,on Hijo.: Landre..

F. Soio's venion.


11'5)( 7 cm.

Pp. 63.


El Nuevo Testamento

[8. F. B. S.]
Tbe N. T.

F. Seio's version.

W. ClowllI and SOnl: London.

No pngiDo.tion.


11)( 7 cm.

Text eDds OD 2 A 4 b.

Reprinted; es iD 1895.


The Bible Bousc Librnr posseS8CS a copy al this edition.

Los Salmos de David . .

[E. F. E. S.]

G. M. Watl,: Londro,. 18G8. 11 x 7 cm.

C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 127. A list 01 Lbe books 01 the O. T.

The Psalter.
is gveD on \'OCIO 01 tbe title.


Lo. SllDlo. Biblia .

B. F. B. S.

Jo, Cru,ado: Madrid.


28'5)( 15 cm.

Tbe Bible, witbout the Apocrypho.. C. de Vo.lera's nraion, revised. RepriDted, witb
some v&rio.tioDs, troro tha S. P. C. K. versioD (see No. 8548). Pp. 778, 248.
In 1868 tbe Sp,mish revolution removed many of the hither10 existiDg obstructions to
BibJeciroulntioD in Bpo.iD,and the B. F. B. 8. begaD al ODce to provida larga stocka 01 the

ID special biDdinS, with Roffcred edges.

ADotber copy.

Printed OD thioi: papero


. :.


T,~ ~CI \ gj~en in


l!lis BiJ,le was reprintod in ml\ny


~djLions pulJlisbed by tbe B. F. n. S. ~t

E. lI flln,er re~onls I\not1"'r lIfl\drid f-dition (1-10 T'illr.a ~ HijO! d~ D. F. A~i{'1I:(I), print.ed
in J.'[j!/; 7~i, 2; PI'.


El 1" uevo T06Lllmento

'fhe N. T.

B. F. B. S. J. Cnu,ado .. ]fad,id.
C. de Valerl\" "er.ion, revised. Pp. 4fi2.



]]'5 cm.


El NIl vo Tcsto.lJJcnto . . .

B. F.
Tbe N. T.



J. Crll:ado .. Madr:d.

C. de 'alern's \' 'rson, re\iscu.


12'5)( 8'{) cm.

Pp. 560.

In 1 G!I t!lere al'pc'3rcd 0.1 Madrid IIn !'(lition 010. IWIV yorsion of t!l& J'Fnlt r mn.Uc' from
thl' Bol,rel\' by Allluio .l/aria GI/reia E/DlIC(l, a nmlllln C!ltl'oJic priest, "J,O II'QS I'rof~s~or
of Ii(brew in tll& CenLral nl'ursuy of Mlldrid.


El So.nto El'Ung(-lio . . . lleguD San Mo.leo.

}jo F. B. S. J. Cruzad.(J: Ma.d1id.

1 C9.
8L. Matlhew's Oospel. C. do Vnlern's version, revised. Pp. 89.
A speeimen of tbe separate N. T. poriions publisbed by tbe !:l. F. B. S.

A citation lrom Acta xvi. 31 is prioted

Cristo, y sers salvo t y tu C8.G/\ '.



tbe papel' cover: Cre en el Seiior Jesu.

The BibJe House Libmry possesses copies ol similar, tbougb not

porlions: Mark (1869), (jI pp.; Jobo (1869),72 pp.; Jobo (18G9), 94 pp.


13,9 cm.

xnctl uoiform,

Las Eacrituro.s del Nuevo Pacto, . .

L. M. Palacio3" Barcelona.


]6)( 10'5 cm.

'rbe N. T. A new editon of tbe Bnptist version firsl pllblisbed in 1858 (No. 8544). Tbe
prefnce is shorlened nod tbe table of varinnls is omitled.
A note on tbe last page stales tbnt lbe book was prioted aod bound cergo de Lope
M. Pelllcios . . . Barcelona'; bul the refereoces to tbe A. B. V., New York, Trhner nnd
CO., 1Jondon. nne! T. Constable, Edinburgb, 00 verso of ibe tit]e are retaioed.
Tbe title ia dnt.ed 18C9, but tbe note 00 tbe Inst page ia dat.ed 1870.
Pp. v. 543.

Another editioo (10,000 copies) 6eems to ha ve been prinled, under tbe superintendence of
G. Lllwreoce (see No. 8(91), at Barcelona, in 1871.


LI\ Santa Biblia . . .

n. F.

B. S.

J. Cruzado: Madrid.


28 x 19 cm.

'rhe Dible, ",itbout Ihe Apocrypba. C. de Vnlem'n venioo, revised. Pp. 980, 300.
Witb l' fereoees after tbe vernes, and daten.
'l'he prcparatioo ol tbe refareoces bere giveo was beguo by Georg" Alton, l\ Wesleyno
missiooary in Spaio. Bis \York was revised by E. B. Cawell, SaosuiL Prolessor at
Camhridge, and completed by L. Lueeoa.


La Santa Biblia . .

B. F.


Tbe nihle, witbout Ibe Apocrypha.


J. Crueado .. Madrid.


C. de Valem's versioo, revised.

16'5)(]] cm.

Pp. J 04 '.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1873.

The Bihle BoullO Librnry posnesnes a copy of this edilion.



1846. La Sagrada. Biblia, tra.ducida. . . . por . . . F lipl' Srio dE' RRn M 19l1l'1 .
Nueva. edicion econ6mica re,ris8.da. por . . . Jos', l'aJa,u
Pons y 0".: Barcelona. ] 4C. 17'j x 11 cm. ]0 \O:S.
Tbe BibJe. F. Scio's version. A revised editioo, in smaD ~ize, prepared by Jos~ J'alau.
professor 01 Holy Scripturc in tbe Seminario Tridentino' at BA.rcelonll..
Tbe dedications of tbe O. T. a.nd tbe N. T. in thi edition are addressed to Antonio
Fernando de Ec1uuwve y Zaldivar, Arcbbishop oI Tarrn.gonlt and Primate. Tbe prefA.ce
in tomo 1 contains an aUusion to ibe work of tbe B. F. B. S.
Pp. lui, 410, 572, 451, 5 O, 559, 440, 710, 459, 14G (j 4, 523. Tbe Spanisb a.nd Latin
texta are printed, as usual, io para.llel columns; witb notes below. 'Witb prefa.ceF, indexes e\.c.

1847. El Nuevo Testamento . . . Version cotej8.da cuidado amente con las antiguas
traduciones, y revisa.d8. con a.rreglo aJ origina.l Griego por la. Sociedad para pro
mover los conocimientos cristianos.
S. P. O. K. R. Olay: Londres. 1847. 22'5 x 14 cm.
Tbe N. T.

Apparently a revised edition oI No. 8520. Pp. 287.

1849. El Nuevo Testamento, traducido . . . por Cipriano de Valera en 1602, y revi
sada en lS81 . . .
Gla"gow B. S. W. G. Blackie and Oo.: Gltugow. 1849. 19 x 12 cm.
Tbe N. T. A new edition of tbe revision of 1831 (see note after No. 8(14), poblisbed by
ibe GJa.sgow B. S. Pp. 247.

[1850. La. Biblia Sagrada, traducida en Espanol.
con las lenguas antiguas.

VersioD cotejada cuidadosamente

[A. B. S.]

Nueva York.


Tbe Bible, witboot tbe Apocrypba. A revised vcrsion, prepared by a Spaniard in

conjunction witb one oI tbe Secretaries of tbe A. B. S., and under tbe supen}sion oI ibat
Society's ComIDittee on versions. Tbis version was based on tbose of F. Scio aod C. de
Valera, compared witb tbe Hebrew and ibe Greek texts, and with the Eng1ish A. . and
D. Morlin's French version.
Stereotype edition. Pp. 926, 294.



1850. El Nuevo Testamento . . . Version cotejada cuidadosamente con las antiguas

tr8.ducciones, y revisada con arreglo al originaJ Griego por la Sociedad Americano.
de la Biblia
The New Testament . . .
A. B. S. New Y07k. 1850. 18 x 11 cm.
Tbe 8panish version in this diglot (Spanish-Englisb) N. T. is tLe A. B. S. version (see
No. 8(30).
First edition of tbis duodecimo diglot. Pp. 671. Tbe Spll.nisb and Englisb texs are
printed in pa.raDel columns.


(Tbe Psa1te;.)

[S. P. O. K.


1852.] 17'5 x 11 cm.

This fonos pllrt of a. revised edition o tbe Book of Common Prayer published by the
S. P. C. K. in 1852.
No tiUelear. No pa.gination. Text ends on G 12 b.






1853. La. Santa Biblia . . . Version cotcjada cuidadosamente con las antiguas
traducclODCS, y re"is~ldn con nJ"l'cglo o. lo originalcs Hebreo .'i Griego.
S. P. O. Ji. GillJe1t y Rivington: Londres. 1853. 17 x 10'5 cm.
Toe UiLJle, ",itoout tbs Apocrrphll. F. Torres Amat's ersion, revised by Juaa Caldero n
(1791-18;;4). orlllerJy a Frnncisc:m pricsL iu Spain, ",bo embmccd tbe Jl.cformed aith and prcaeber 1.0 o. coogregntion of Spamisb reugecs in Somers Town, London.
Pp. 856, 278.



Lo. Biblia Sagra.da . . .

[A. E. S.]

Tbe Uiblc, without tbe' Apocrypha.

first publisbed in 1850. Pp. 926, 304.



20 x 12'5 cm.

Futo edition of o. doodecimo stereoLype Bible

1854. Los Santos Evangelios, traducidos al Castellano con notas por . . . Ansclmo
Petitc . . Dcimo. edicion . . .
M. Rivad.cneyra: Mad/rd. 1854.. 12'5)( 8 cm.
Tbe Gospels. A Dew editioD (10th ed., stereotype) 01 No. 8490. Pp. 317.


Lo. Biblia ..
[B. F. B. S.] J. Martin Alegrta: Madrid. 1855. 22)( 14.'5 cm.
Tbe Bible, wiLbout the Apocrypha. F. Scio's version. Pp. 778, 247.
This editioD aod No. 8538 were prinLed at Madrid io order to evade tbe restrictionB
placed OD the importation 01 such books into SpaiD; but. when tbey were ready tbe
o.utborities 10rbade their circulation.

1855. Lo. Biblia de las Familias Co.tlicas, dispuesto. paro. uso de los simples fieles
con vista de las versiones de Can-ieres, Sacy, Martini y los ilustrisimos Scio y
Torres Amat por D. Juan de Villaseor y Acua
Viuda de Palacio. Hijos: Madrid. 1855. 22 x 14'5 cm. 2 vals.
An abbreviated Bible, prepared for tbe use of simple folk by Juan de Villasc1ior y,
",ho ia described in the title as director de la Biblioteca religioso. '. Tbe vcrsion and tite
Dotes appen.r to be based on toose o[ De Canieres (see Dote after No. 3779 and eL No. 8515),
De Sacy (see No. 3756), Martini (see No. 560G), F. Soio and F. Torres Amat. Besides the
pa.ssllgcs which are eDtirely omitted, mnny chapters, and even whole books like sorne of the
Minor Prophets, appea.r only in the form o n summary.
The publishers' Dames are giveo as Angel Calleja: Madrid y Santiago, and A. Calleja
y Compaliia:
Pp. ix, 628, 523. Text printed in double columns, DOt broken up into verses; with notes
below. With ma.ny full-page engravings insertad.

1855. El Nuevo Testamento ..
[B. F. B. S.] J. Martn Alegra: Madrid.
The N. T.

F. Scio's version.

See No. 8536.


16 x 11 cm.

Pp. 442.

1855. Escrituras del Nuevo Pacto. El Evangelio, lo. Bnena' Nuevo. segun Mateo
[Marcos, etc.]. Tra.duccion del original Griego.
American Bible Union. Tomas Oonstablc: Edinburgo. 1855. 15 x 10 cm.
Tbe Gospels. A Baptist version, prepared uoder the auspices o[ tbe American Bible
Union of New York. See the edition of tbe cOJ?lplete N. T. published in 1858 (No. 8541).



Tbe 1ul! iDJprint runs: Obra de la Union Biblica, Nueva York: i publicadll.
en IJondres por Trlmer i Comp:.ia. Impresa eo Edioburgo, por Tomns Coostn.ble . . .'
Pp. 218. Te:a:t printed in pllro.gmphs; witb short lootootes, giving alternative renderiogs aod explaioing special ",ords, etc. :Brackets are used, iostead 01 tbe usual italics, tu
denote words oot oecurring, but implied, in tbe orignn.l Greek. Eacb Gospe] has a sepll.rn.te
title and cbrooological table, but tbe pagination is cootiouous throughout ibe texto


El Eve.ngelio segun Se.n Juan, y los Hechos do los Apostoles

[A. B. S.] New York. 1855. 16)( 11 cm.

Sto Jobn's Gospe] and tbe Acts.

sepn.mto portion issued by tbe A. B. S.
lished in 1854, similar to No. 8550.
Pp. 149 to 248.

Repriuied Irom no edition 01 ibe N. T. pub-

lo 1855 ao edition 01 portioos 01 tbe Book 01 Common Prayer, arreglado por uo Amigo
de Espaa '. was publisbed by Jackson and Walford, Loodon; 96 pp. Tbe Bible House
Library possesses a copy of tbis book.
lo 1856 tbere appesred at Barcelooa so edition in su Tolllmes of tbe Bible in F. Seio's
veraion, with illustraRoos.


El Nuevo Testamento

[B. F. B. S.] Echeverria Hennano3: Bogot. 1857. 21'6)( 14 cm.

The N. T. F. Scio's version. Pp. 293.
Bogot is the capital of the United States of Colombia.



El Nuevo Testamento .

[B. F. B. S.]
The N. T.

W. M. Watt3: Londre3.


14'S)( 9 cm.

F. Scio's version. Pp. 592.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1859 (W. M. Wat13) , io 1866 (Harri.son and SOn&), in 1898, and in
1901. The Bible House Library possesses copies of tbese editions.
Sepa.rate editions o.lso appeared of tbe Gospels. Tbe Bible House Libra.ry possesses copies
o the ollowing: Matthew (1899), 75 pp.; Mark (1901), pp. 75 to 122; Luke (1901), pp. 122
to 201.

1857. El Evangelio . segun San Mateo. Traducido al espaol impreso por la

primera vez en el ao 1602 por . Cypriano de Valera. Reimpreso en 1857
por algunas amigos del Evangelio.
A. Ohaumn: To108a. 1857. lS)( 9'5 cm.
Bt. Matthew's Gospel. C. de Valern's version.
Tolosa is in Guipuzc6a.

Pp. 105.


Las Escrituras del Nuevo Pacto.

Traduccion del original Griego.

Edinburgh. 1858. 16'5 x lO'S cm.

A. B. U.

Tbe N. T. A Baptist version, issued by the American Bible Union of New York. Tbe
Gospels had aIready in 1855 (see No. 8539).
Like No. 8539, this was printed by T. Constable, Edinburgb, and published by Trbner
& Co., London, as well as by ibe A. B. U. in New York.



AllC:0rding to tbe prelace (dated August 1857, o.nd signed G. N.), this transllltion was

~gun.1D 1 51 and completed in 1857. The Greek text used was o. reprint ol MIII's texl

glven 10 Bu.gster's lIuge.type edition (e. 1851), with variant readings taken frOID tbe editions
oi Griesbach, Seb.:>lz, Lachmann, o.nd Tiscbendor!; o.nd tbe previous versions 01 tbe principal
SpllDisb translators were consulted. Tbe names o tbe editors are not given, with tbe
exception 01 Juan Calderon (see No. 8533), wbo died (Jan. 1854) wben tbe work ba<! rencbed
tbe beginning 01 Lnke. According to J. '.r. BeUs, tbc initials o.t tbe end ol tbe preace shnd
lor WiUiam (Guillermo) }.arfon, o Egbam, Surrey. Hy some, bowever, the editor has been
identified witb Gecrge Narl<m, Spo.nisb Consul in London.
Pp. viii, 29, 543. Oniorm witb No. 8539. Tbe preliminary matter includes a table o
tbe more important variant readings ol Griesbacb, Scholz, Lachma.nn, !tnd Tiscbendor,
rendered into Spanish.


El Nuevo Testamento . . . Version revisto. y conIrontado. con el texto Griego,

y con diversas traducciones, por de Vo.lera.
LB. F. B. s.] W. M. WattB: [London]. 1858. 14)( 9 cm.

The N. T.

C. de Valero.'s version.

A revision prepared or the B. F. B. S.

Pp. 545.

Reprinted by W. aZolVes ando Srms: e.g. in 1860, 1864, 1865, o.nd 1867; 547 pp. The
Bible House Library possesses copies ol these editions.
Separate editions also appcared o tbe Goapels: e.g. Luke (1863), pp. 115 to 187; Acta
(Spottiswoode y a o , 1861), pp. 243 to 314. Tbe Bible House Library possesses copies o
tbese editions.


Los Salmos de David, traducidos . . . por Cypriano de Vo.lera.

[B. F. B. S.]
Tbe Psalter.

C. de Valem's version.

W. M. Watt&: Landre.. 1859. 14'5)( 9 cm.

Pp. 144.


La Biblia . . . Revista;j confrontada con los textos Hebreos y Griegos, y con

diversas traducciones. Por Ciprano de Valera.
[B. F. B. S.] W. alowes and Son&: Landres. 1861. 20'5)( 12'5 cm.

Tbe Bible, without tbe Apocrypba. C. de Valem's venion, revised. Tbe N. T. o~ this
revision bad o.lready o.ppeared in 1858 (see No. 85(5). Pp. 656, 215. No cbo.pter.headings.


Lo. Santa Biblia . . . Antigua version de Cipriano de Val era, cotejada con
diversas traducciones, y revisada con arreglo los originales Hebro y Griego.

S. P.

a. K.

Imprenta de la UniverBidad: Oxford.


17 x 10'5 cm.

Tbe Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypbn.. A revision o C. de Valera's version, with the
orthograpby and diction modernized, by L. Lucena. (see No. 8520).
Tbe general title is dated 1862; the N. T. title is. dated. 1861.
No pagination. Text ends on 3 A 6 a. Text pnnted In double columns, wlth IDarglllal
reerences and dates; enclosed witbin rules.

1863. La Santa Biblia . .

S. P.

a. K.



17)( 10'5 cm.

The Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypba.. C. de Valera's version, revised.

No. 8548, witb pagina.tion supplied. Pp. 747.

A reprint ol

Reprinted: e.g. in 1865.

The Bible House Libra.ry possesses o. copj o tbis edition.



1863. El Nuevo Testamento

lA. B. S.l Nue"a-York. 1863.
The N. T. A. B. S. versio;. 'Bourgeois, 18mo.' '9th ed.' Pp. 427.

16 x 11 cm.

1863. El Libro del Profeta lsaas, trnduzido al Castellano segn el texto Hebreo de
Van Del' Hooght. Por Luis de Uz6z i Rio.
Madrid. ]863. 22 x 15'5 cm.
leaiah. tro.nsll\.ted from the Hebrew text of Vll.n der Hoogbt (see No. 51(1), by Luis de
lJs6z i Rio (see No. 8521).
Pp. 105. Text printed in poetical form, with a few footnotes.


El Nuevo Testamento . . .
[B. F. B. S.] W. CZ{)W63 and Son3: LOlldrea.

The N. T.

C. de Valera's version, revisad.

11 x 7 cm.


A. reprint in sma.ll size.

Pp. 367.

8epll.mte editions appeared of ths Gospels; e.g. Luke (1865), pp. 78 to 126.
Honse Librar possesses a copy of this edition.


El Santo Evangelio . segun S. Juan ..

[B. F. B. S.] W. M. Watt3: Londre8.

Sto John's Gospel.

C. de Valera's version, revised.


The Bibls

11'5 x 7'5 cm.

Pp. 18.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1867 (Spottiswoode 'JI Compaia). The Bibls House Library posseBses
a copy o this edition.


La Santa Biblia . . . Version de Cipriano de Valera: revisada y corregida.

A. B. S. Nueva York. 1865. 19'5 x 12 cm.

he Bible, without tbe Apocrypba. A new revisioD of C. de Valera's version, begun in

1861 by Angel H. de Mora, R. Spaniard, R.Dd H. B. Pratt, an AmericR.n Presbytcrian missionary
at Bogot.. The revision o o. smnll pll.rt o the N. T. o.nd of the whole of the O. T. (in wruch
litUe WR.S done beyond modemizing tbe ortbogro.pby) Wo.B completed by the former alone.
Minion 12mo.' 1st Edition.' Pp. 806, 264.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1868 (' 3d Edition '). TheBible House Library possesses a copy of trus
A separnte edition also appeared of the N. T. in 1865. The Bible House Librar possesses
a copy o this edition.


El Nuevo Testamento
[B. F. B. S.] Spottiswoode y Compaia: Londre8.

The N. T.



14 cm.

C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 328.

1865. El Nuevo Testamento . que es, Los Escritos Evangelicos y Apostolicos.
Veraion revista y confrontada con el texto Griego, y con diversas traducciones,
por Cipriano de Valera.
[N. B. S. S.1] I. R. de M. [Malaga.] 1865. 20'5 x 14-5 cm.
The N. T. C. de Valera's yersion, revised.
An edition of 2,000 copies, printed by Ralllon Giral, a printer 01 Malaga, at a cost of
7 ,-eals per copy. According to E. Boehmer, this is a reprint of the revision o 1831 (see



not~ R I.t:r No. 8514 Rnd No. 8626), and was prodaoed by tbe National Bible Socie y 01 Scot
land. TbE' title corresponds te tbat 01 0.8545. 'H is tbe onl) Sp:misb N. T. print&d in
AndliJusia, tbe native country 01 Reina and Valera '.
Pp. 400. Text printed in long lines.
InserLad in tbis oopy is a letLar giving pRrticulars 01 tbe printing 01 the edition.


La Biblia . Version revista . por Cipriano de Valera. Nueva edicion

con algunas emendaciones.
[B. F. B. S.] Spottwoock y Compaia: Londrel. 1866. 28)( 14 cm.

The Bible, without tbe Apocrypba. C. de Valera's version revised. Tbe O. T. appears
to be reprinted from L. Lucena's revision as publjshed by tbe S. P. O. K. (see No. 8548). whiJe
tbe N. T. difIers somewhat from tbat version. Pp. 886, 282.


Apparently reprinted in 1869 (W. M. Watts).


La Biblia . .

[B. F. B. S.J

W. Clowe, Hijo.: Londre,.

Tbe Bible, withaut tbe Apocrypba.

8557. Pp. 883.


C. de Valera's venion, revised.


12'5 cm.

A reprint 01 No.

Reprinted in 1869 (O. J. Clall: Camln19ia).
oftbis edi tion.


Tbe Bible House Library passesses a copy

El Santo Evangelio segun S. Marcos.

[B. F. B. S.] HarTon Hijo,: Londre,.

Bl. Mark's GospeI.

F. Scio's venion.


11'5)C 7 cm.

Pp. 63.


El Nuevo Testamento

[B. F. B. S.]
Tbe N. T.

F. Scio's version.

W. Clowe, and Som: London. 1868. 11)( 7 cm.

No pagination.

Ted ends on 2 A 4 b.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1895.


The Bible Housc Library possesses a copy 01 tbis edition.

Los Salmos de David . .

lB. F. B. S.]

G. M. Watt,: L011cLre..

Tbe Psalter. C. de Valem's version, revised.

is given on veno of the title.

Pp. 127.

1868. 11)( 7 cm.

A. lisl 01 tbe books 01 tbe O. T.

1869. La Santa Biblia
B. F. B. S.

Jo, Crtuado : Madrid.

1869. 23'5)( 15 cm.

The Bible, without the Apocrypba. C. de Valera's veraion, revised. Reprinted, witb
some variations, from the S. P. C. K. version (see No. 8548). Pp. 778, 248.
In 1868 the Spanish revolution removed roany al tbe hitheTto existing obstructiona te
Bible-circulation in 8pain, and tbe B. F. B. 8. began at once lo provide large stocks of ihe
In speciaJ binding, with goffered edges.
- - Another copy.

Printed on thick papero




Tbe i.ert given iD tbia Bible was reprinted in many editioDs publisbed by tbe B. F. B. S. &t

E. Boebmer record s 6not1ler Madrid edition (La Viuda ; Hijo~ d8 D. F. A bienzo) , printed
in 189; 7'47,256 pp.


El Nuevo Testamento . .

B. F. B. S.
Tbe N. T.

J. Cnuado: Ma.dr~d. 1869.

Pp. (02.

16'5 x 11'5 cm.

C. de Valera.'s version, revisad.


El Nuevo Testamento . .

B. F. B. S.
Tbe N. T.

J. Cruzado: Madr:d.

C. de Valern's vcrsion, revised.



8'5 cm.

Pp. 560.

In 18G9 tbere appcnred nt Madrid A.D editioD of a new versiOD of tbe J'salter made from
tbe Hebrew by Antonio Maria Garcia Blanco, aRoman Catbolic priest, wbo \Vas Professor
of Hebrew in the Central Universuy of Madrid.


El Santo Evangelio . . segun San Mateo.

B. F. B. S. J. Cruzado: Madrid. 1809. 13 x 9 cm.

Bt. Mattbew's Gospel. C. de Valern's version, revised. Pp. 89.
A specimen of tbe separate N. T. portions publisbed by tbe B. F. B. S.
,. A citation from Acts xvi. 31 is printed on the pll.per cover: 'Cre en el Seiior Jesu.
Cristo, sers salvo t y tu casa'.

Tbe Bible House Libro.r possesses copies of similar, though not exactly unorm,
partions: Mark (1869), 61 pp.; John (1869), 72 pp. i John (1869),94 pp.


Las Escrituras del Nuevo Pacto .

L. M. Palacios: Banelona. 1869,70. 16 x 10'5 cm.

Tbe N. T. A new edition of the Baptist version first published in 1858 (No. 8544). The
prefaee is sbortened and the table 01 variante is omitted.
A note on tbe last page stntes that the book was printed &nd bound cargo de Lope
M. Palacios . . . Bnrcelona '; but the referenees to thc A. B. U., New York, Trbner and
Co., London, and T. Constable, Edinburgh, on verso of the title are retained.
The title is dated 1869, but the note on the last page is dated 1870.
Pp. T, 543.

Another edition (10,000 copies) seems to have been printed, under the superintendence of
G. Lawrence (see No. 8591), at Bnrcelona, in 1871.

~")..a Santa 'Biblia . . .


B. F .. B. S.

J. Cruzado: Madrid.


28 x 19 cm.

The Bible, without ihe Apocrypba. C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 980, 300.
With relerences after tbe verses, and dates.
The preparation 01 the relerenccs bere given was begnn by George Alfan, a Wesleyan
missiona.ry in Spain. Bis work was revised by E. B. Cowell, SanskrH Prolessor a~
Cambridge, and completed by L. Lucena.


La Santa Biblia ..
B. F. B. S.

Tbe Bible, without ihe Apocrpha.

J. Crueado: Madrid.

1870. 16'5 x 11 cm.

Pp. 1048.

C. de Valera's veesion, revised.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1873.

The Bible House Librar passesses a copy of tbis edition.



1870. El Nuevo Testamento . ,

B. F. B. S.
Tbe N. T.

C. J. Clay: Cambrigia.

C. de Valera's \"ersion, revis(Jd.



14 cm.

Pp. l.Gl.

Reprinted: e.g. iD ] 876 (Madrid l.
Uniform editioDS of ibe Gospels '\Vere print.ed in tbe same lare type as tbis editioD of
tbe~. T.: e.g. Mattbcw (1 75). ~3 pp.; Mark (1875), 47 pp.; Luke (1 75), 77 pp.; Jobn
(187), 58 pp. Matibew was repTlnt.ed by Juan H. Kiiki.: Buellos Aires iD 1878. Luke was
reprint.ed by E11rigue RubiflCs: Madrid in 1 78 (titJepago datcd 1875, but papel' cover
dated 1878) and 1879.
Tbe Bible Bouse Library possesses copies of al! tbese editioDS.


La Santo. Biblia .

B. F, B. S.

J. Cruzado: Madrid.

Tbe Bible, witbout the Apocrypba.

marginal refereDces, aDd dCotes.


17'5 x 11'5 cm.

C. de Valers,'s Tersion, revised.

Pp. 825.



El Nnevo Testamento. , .

B. P. B. S.
Tbe N. T.


(London printed.)

C. de Valem's version, revised.


11'5 x 7'5 cm.

Pp. 484.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1887. Tbe Bible House Library poss68sea a copy of ibis edition.
Separate editioDs appeared of the Gospels. Tbe Bible House Libmry possesses copies 01
ihe follomng :-Luke (1895), pp. 100 te 164; John (1895), pp. 165 to 213.
In 1871 there appeared at Madrid aD -editioD of a metrico.1 Vel'!liOD of tbe Psalter, wibh
notes, by J'USto Barbagero, formerly professor of Hebrew at tbe UniversHy o:f


El Nuevo Testamento. , ,
B. F. B. S,

"Tbe N. T.

J. Cruzado: Madrid.

C. de Valera's venioD, revised.


17 x 11 cm.

Pp. 434.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1875. :rhe Bible House Library possesses a copy of this editioD.


El Nuevo Testamento, , , con notas; y ademas con indices historico, crODO'

logico, de senteDcias sagradas, y de lo.s Epistolas y Evangelios pa.ra todos los
Domingos del ano.
Londre,. 1874. 15 x 10 cm.

Tbe N. T. F. Scio's versioD. A stereotype editioD of 140,000 copies, special1y priDted

for cl'culation iD S. America.
Tbe preliminary matter includes tbe imprimatur of the Arcbbishop of Westminter
(Hanry Edward ManDing) i a letter of Pius VI. to A. Martini dated 1778 (see No. 5606),
in Latin, witb a Spanisb traDsln.tion; and a deeree of the Archbisbop of Santiago, dated
26 Dec. 1873. Text, 397 pp. ; tollowed by tbe tables etc. meDtioned in tbe title, which end
on p. 414. The text is printed in double columns; witb references, alternative reDderings
etc. in a central colUIDD, and notes at the 100t of tbe page. Witb a mlln. a frontispiece and
maDY full-page illustratioDs.
Inserted in this copy is 110 pamphJet referring te tbis edition dated Nov. 1873, and
signed by Kenelm Vaughan, who was respoDsible for the project.

Reprinted in 1896 (?), witb a commendatery letter from tbe A.rcbbisbop 01 Ma.drid to
K. ':J.ughllD, dated Madrid, 14 Sept. 1895. Tbe mo.p a.Dd the il1ustrations are omllted Tbe
titlepage bears the words en la Casa. de la. Propaganda C:lt6lica de hs Sagrada.s
Escrituras'. The Bible HOUSE: Librar possesses a copy of tws edition.


El Nuevo Testamento. .

A. B. S.

Nucva YO'rk.

The N. T. e. de Valera's version, revisad. 'Brevier 24mo.'

witb Indce (table ol contents of cbapters) appended.


18'5 x 9 cm.

'2d Edition '.

Pp. 485 ;

E. Boebmer records an edition of tbe Bible printed for tbe T. B. S. in 1 75 at Barcelona,
lroro stereotype plates prepared in London, tbe text in wbicb is a reprint ol L. Lucena's
revision ol e. de Valera's version (see No. 854 ) i 1059 pp.


A. B. S.

La Santa Biblia ..

Nueva York.


26'5 x 18'5 cm.

The Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypbo.. e. de Valera's version, revised.

Bm. Pica '. '1st Edition '.
Pp. 937, 315. Witb marginfl.l references etc., and index ..

'Royal Octavo,



La Santa Biblia ..

A. B. B. Nueva York.


The Bible, witbout tbe Apoorypba. C. de Valera's venion, revised.

'1st Edition '.
pp. 738, 256. Witb marginal references etc., and indexo

16'5 x 11'5 cm.

'Rer. 16mo, Agate '.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1885 (' 8tb Edition '), in 1890 (' 12tb Edition 'l.
Library possesses copies of tbese editions.


Tbe Bible House

El Nuevo Testamento . . .

[Trinitarian B. S.]

London. 1876. 10'5 x 7 cm.

Tbe . T. e. de Valera.'s version, revised. No pal{ination. Ted ends on G 3 b.

Tbe a.d.dress '96, Newgate Street, E.e.', given on tbe, is tbat of tbe tben oflices
of tbe Trinitarian B. S.



(Tbe Psaltcr.)


A new and independent version of tbe Bible was begaD by H. B. Pratt (see No. 8554), wbo
based his work on C. de Valera's version, compo.ring it witb tbc original texts, tbe Greek
Septuagint, tbe Latin Vulgate, tbe translations of F. Soio and F. Torres Amat, tbe English
A. V., and otber versions. In 1876 he publisbed at Bucara.manga, Colombia, S. America,
tbis edition of tbe Psalter as a specimen of bis version.
According to E. Boehmer, tbe title includes tbe \Vords: ' . . . Traducido del original
Hebreo, y cotejado cuidadosamente con muchas diversas traducciones. Version fundada en
la. antigua de Cipriano de Vo.lera . . . '. Tbe front cover bears a title including tbe words :
, .. Nueva revision. (Edicion de 150 ejemplares, que debe servir como base po.ra otra
revision 'D?as perfecta.) ,
Tbe text, whicb is printed metrically according to tbe Hebrew accentuation " ends on
p. 134 witb sorne' Rectificaciones'; followed by 2 pp. containing Job xiv.



La Sa.nta. Biblia. ..

B. F. B. S.

J. Oruzado: Madrid.


28'5 x 19'5


Tbe Bible, witbout the Apocrypha. C. de Valerll.'s version, revised. Pp. 1582. Witb
marginal references etc.
The references given in No. 8567 bad becn revised and enlarged by - Gladslonc, 01
Madrid, and by R. Gorfield, Agent of tbe B. .F. B. Spain. In this fuller form tbey
appear bere for tbe first time.



(St. Mattbew's GospeI.)



A ne", version, prepared on tbe basis of tbat of C. de Valcra, by H. B.


No. 57 '.
Aocording to E. Boebmer, tbe title refers to tbe complete K T.: 'El Nuevo Testamento
. . . traducido del original Griego, y C'otejlldo cuic1lldosamente con muchas diversas traduc.
cioues. Version fundada en la antigua de Cipriano de VRlern. . . ... A title given on tbe
front cover, bov;ever, mentions only Sto MatLhew's Gospel: 'El Evanp:elio . . . segun San
Mateo. Nueva rt:vision. (Edicion de 150 ejempl~es, que debe servir como base p:1l'a otra
revision mas perfecta.) . . . '.
Tbe text ends on p. 5G, ",itb sorne' Rectificaciones y enmiendas '. Otber corrections,
referring botb to lattbew and tbe Psalter (see No. 857 ), are given on tbe inside 01 tbe back
eover, togetber witb a note dated BUCllramanga, 4 June 1877, and signed by tbe translator.

1877. Los Hecbos de los Ap6stoles y las Eplstolas de San Pablo . los Romanos y
Corintios, traducidos del Griego al Espaol, y anotados por Don Guillermo Harris
Rule . . .

David Nutt: Lndre,.


21'5 x 15 cm.

Tbe Acts, Romans ",nd 1 and 2 Corintbians, translll.ted Irom tbe GrAek by W. H. Rule,
witb o. commeniary. See No. 8524.
'rbe preface is do.ted Croydon, 8 Aug. 1877. No pllgination. Tbe volume enda on Z 5 b.
An appendx to Romans deaJs witb tbe IDeronymian Canon. Anotber to 1 Corintbians
treats of tbe celibacy of tbe clergy in Spain.


El Nuevo Testamento . .

B. F. B. S.
The N. T.



C. de Valero.'s version, revised.



10'5 cm.

Pp. 421.

1878. Libro de los Salmos.
B. F. B. S.
The Psalter.

J. Crullado: Madrid.

C. de Valem's version,.revised.


12)( 8 cm.

Pp. 123.

1878. Los Actos de los Apstoles.

Version de Cipriano de Valera: revisada y


A. B. S.

H. MalamoTo,: [



13'5 x 10 cm.

'The Acts. C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 189.

Tbe address given on tbe titlepage is ' Imprenta de la Sociedad de Amigos'. The place is
not given.

In 1878 J. H. Ridd (see note after No. 8569) pnblished at Buenos Aires a pampblet entitled
Oraoion Comun " whicb contains selections trom tbe Book of Common Prayer; 44 pp.
An enlarged edition, witb an appendix of bymns, appeared at Rosario in 1882; 72 pp. Botb
were edited by Fraru;is N. Lett. The Bible House Libmry possesses copies of tbese editions.

1879. El libro de los Salmos.

Traducido del original Hebreo, y cotejado cuidadosamente con muchD.s y diversas versiones . . .
A. B. S. Nueva York. 1879. 17'5 x 12 cm.

Tbe Psn.lter. H. B. Pratt'8 version (see No. 8578), revised by tbe translator.
with list 01 errata (1 p.) appended.

Pp. 147;




1879. El Santo Evangelio segun el Apstol Juan con notas del traductor y el
editor, "ersion del original Griego por Guillermo Harris Rule. Revisada sobr el
mismo original, comparada con otras versiones y corregida con algunas enmiendas
por J. G. :H. editor.
E. Orozco y Compaia: Mxico. 1879. 17'5 x 11'5 cm.
S1. John's GospeL W. H. Rule's versioD (see No. 8524), revised by J. W. Butler.
MaDY of the notes are by the reviser.
Pp. 159. Text print.ed iD pa.rngrapbs; with notes below, signed G. H. R. or J. G.
[Guillermo] B. Atable of cbapter-contents is appended.

1880. El Salterio traduzido del Hebreo en Romance CasteUano por Juan de Valds.
Ahora por primera vez impreso.
Carla. Georgi: Bonn. 1880. 23 x 14'5 cm.
Tbe PsaJter, translnt.ed by 1. de Valds. See No. 8469.
Edited from o. MS. preserved in tbe Court Library at VieDDa, by Edward Boehmer,
Professor of tbe RomaDce Languages at Strassburg, and editor of Biblwtheca lVffeniana
(see p. 1425).
Pp. 196. Tbe text, wbicb is uno.ccompanied by o. comruentary, ends on p. 163, and is
followed by part of tbe original preface (Passos de la introduc07~ de Jmm de Valdes al
salterio traduzUUJ en Castellano. . A la illustrissima seora la seora Julia de Gonzaga ...)
nnd appeDdix by tbe editor (dated from Licbtental, and signed Ed. Brehmer).

[1880. El Evangelio segun San Mateo, declarado por Juan de Valus. Ahora por
primera vez publicado.
. .J. Cruzado: Madrid. 1880.]
81. Mattbew's Gospel, transl8oted, witb a co=enta.ry by J. de Valdes (see No. 8469).
Edil-ed from tbe MS. preserved in tbe Court Library at Vienna by E. Boehmer.
Pp. vi, 537. Tbe text, wbjcb is not divided into verses, is printed in sections, eacb of
wbich is followed by tbe corresponding portion of tbe commenla.ry.

1880. Las Epistola.s de San Pablo . los G.latas, Efesios, Filipenses, Colosenses y
Tesalonicenses, . Timoteo, Tito, Filemon y los Hebreos; las de los Santos
Jacobe, Pedro, Juan, y Jdas; y la Revelacion de San Juan. Traducidas del
Griego al Espaol, y anotadas pOr Don Guillermo Harris Rule . . .
D. Nutt: Lndres. 1880. 21'5 x 15 cm.
GaJatta.ns-Revelation, transl80ted from tbe Greek by W. H. Rule; witb a co=enta.ry.
See Nos. 8524 and 8581.
No pagination. Tbe volume concludes witb an index to tbe notes in tbis book and
No. 8581, ending on NN 1 a. An appendix to 1 Timotby deals with MSS. and variant
readings. Anotber to Hebrews treats of citations from tbe O. T.

A set of short, giving the Spanisb eqnivalents of tbe original Hebrew or Greell:

words in certllin passages, w80s prepared tor F. Seio's Bible by W. H. Rule, and complet.ed in
1881. These notes appea.r in editions of tbat version pnblisbed by tbe B. F. B. S. atter


El libro de los Psalmos . . .

[B. F. B.


Bueno, Aire,.

Tbe PsaJter. F. Scio's version. No pagination.

VOL. 11.

1881. 21'5

18'5 cm.

Text eDds on E 4 a.

5 A




a Biblia. Antigua version traducida . por Casiodoro de Reyna,
evisada y cotejado. con diversas iraducciones por Cipriano de Valero. y otros.
(El Libro de los Salmos, segun lo. tra.duooion de H. B.; la Profeca do, segun lo. de Luis Usoz y Rio.) . . .
George LawrenclJ: Barcelona. 1883. 80)( 21 cm.

Tbe Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypba. A new editiou of C. de Reyun's versiou, as revised by
C. de V...Jera aud otbers; prepared by Gcorgc Lawr61lU, wbo had superrised for tbe T. B. B.
tbe printing ol many Bible-editions in Spain.
According to E. Boebmer, the T. B. S. began to produce this editiou in 1876, and tbe first
two books ol tbe O. T. and baII ol tbe N. T. were printed at its expense. In 1878
G. Lawrence bougbt tbe macbincry, plant and stock which tbe T. D. S. had at Barcelona,
and continuing the work, directed by him from the besinning, completed it nccording to his
own views. lo the Psa.lter bc substituted H. B. Pratt's version (see No. 8585), aDd in baiab
that ol Luis Usz i Rio (see No. 8551), for C. de Reyua's traDslo.tion.
Tbe work is entiLled Edicion popular, con Cims p:u-alelo.a.claratorias y Notal textuales',
a1lUdiDg to the relerences to parallel pn sages and tbe notes which are printed in a central
column between the two columns of texto
Pp. 796, 2~O. On tba before tbe text IS given a shorl preface Al Lector. On tbe pnge ol tbe O. T. occurs o.list of Propbecies referring to Cbrist the Messiab ; nnd on tbe
pase beforc Mattbew occur a list of rmendatioDs of ccrtnin passnges in tbe N. T., and lista of
the names, titles, etc. npplied to Cbrist, o.nd of types o.nd figures ol Christ.

In 1883 tbere appeared at Barcelona an edition in four volumes of tobe Bible in F. Torres
Amat's veraion, witb copious Dotes (not tbose which USUll.lIy helong to editions ol this
version), and G. Dor's illustre.tions. The Vulgate text is given in very smo.ll type at tbe
end of eacb volume.


The New Testa.ment .

El Nuevo Testa.mento

B. F. B. S.


(Oxford printed.)


15'5)( 11 cm.

Tbe N. T. in Englisb and Spanisb, tbe latter being C. de Valera's version, revised.
Pp. 760. Tbe teIta are printed in para.llel oolumns.

Reprinted at Cambridge in 1902.


The Bible House Library possesses a copy 01 ihis

El Libro de los Salmos .

The Psalter.

[A. B. S.J

N'I./,IJ'Va York.

C. de Valera's version, revised.

pp. 489 to 604.

1885. 18'5)( 9'5 om.



El Evangelio segun San Mateo traducido del Griego y comparado con las
mejores ediciones antiguas y modernas de Reina, Scio, Amo.t y otros.
Librera Nacional y Extranjera.; J. Orruado: Madrid. 1885. 12'5 l( {10m.

Sto Mattbew's Gospel. A new version. In 1880 a com.mittee of Evangelic&l pastors

bad met in Madrid to prepare a fresh translation, but tbe task was abandoned. One 01
tbe members, bowever, F., a. Lutberan, continued tbe work on bis own a.ccount,
translating from tbe original text, witb tbe belp 01 tbe beSL llncient Bnd modern versions in
Spanisb. In tbis manner be prepared tentative versiOl:s o tbe Gospels and tbe Acts,
editions of wbicb were printed at Madrid, 1885-9; wliile a similBr version of Romans and
1 &Dd 2 Corinthiaus appeared in 1895.
Pp. 126. Text printed in pBragrapbs. With an inde~. Bnd B note dealing witb tbe plan
el tbe version.




1886. El O~nesis, nue...amente traducido del original Hebreo, y gue reproduoe, 10

mejor que se puede, el propio estilo dc M oills.
A. B. S. Nueva J'or]. 1886. 18'5 x 18 cm.

pp. 61.


A Dew version prep red by H. B. Pratt. C. Nos. 857 ,85 O, and 85 5.

Text printed iD paragrapbs Bond doeble columns. wilb varioes rcnderiDgs etc. at

1886. El Evangelio segun San Lucas, traducido del Griego y comparado con las
mejore ediciones .
Librcria. Naci01'lal y Extranjera; J. CruzMO: Madrid.
Sto Leke's Oospel, translated by F. Fliedner.

1 86.

UDiform witb No. 8594.




Pp. 12a.


~ (St. Luke's Gospel.)

B. F. B. S.



revision of C. de Vll.lern's version, prcpared by E. Reeves Palmer, ARent of
tbe B. F. B. S. in Spain. This vcrsion was based on tbe Grcek Tex/w Receplus, witb
reference to tbe reaclings o TischeDdorf, AlCord, and tbe Greek t.ed underlying tbe EDglisb
R. V. j and tbe various current versions in Spanisb were cODsulted.

1887. El Nuevo Testamento
B. F. B. S.
'Ibe N. T.

J. Oruzado: Madrid.

C. de Valera's version, revised.

pp. 562.

1887. 16'5

11'5 cm.

Witb marginal reCereeces.

1887 '1]
A tentative revision ol C. de Valera's version, prepared by E. Reeves Palmero

[1887 P (The New Testament.)

B. F. B. S.


No. 8597.

[1887 P (Genesis.)

B. F. B. S.


1887 '1]

A tentative revision o C. de Valera's version, prepared by E. Reeves Palmero

Nos. 8597 and 8599.


1887. El Evangelio segun San Marcos traducido del Griego y comparado con las
mejores ediciones . .

Libreria. Nacional y Extranjera; J. Cruzado: Madrid.


13 x 9'5 cm.

St. Yark's Gospel, trnnsls.ted by F. Fliedner. UniCorm with No. 8594. Pp. SO. With
de !os Padres de 1110 19lesia gue s.nimo,D los fiele~ ~ ~stQdio,r lo, Escritur~ , a,ppended.

! pasajes

1888. El Nuevo Testamento
B. F. B. S.
The N. T.

J. Crueado: Ma4rid.




11 cm.

C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 446.



Libro de los Salmos.
B. F. B. S. - J. Crullado: Madrid.

Tbe Psalter.

e: de Valerll's version, revised.


12 x 8 cm.

Pp. 144.


Los Salmos . . .

Tbe PSlllter.

B. F. B. S. J. Cruzado: Madrid.
C. de Valerll's version, revised. Pp. 197.


21'5 x 14'5 cm.


Los Salmos . . .
B. F. B. S. J. CruzaUo: Madtrid.
Tbe Psalter. C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 239.

1889. 17 x 11'5 cm.

Reprinted : e.g. in 1894.

Tbe Bible Hoose Librory posseEses o. copy of tbis edition.

Los Santos Evangelios y los Hechos de los Apstol~s . . .

B. F. B. S. Madrid. 1889. 21 x 14 cm.
The Gospels o.nd tbe Acts. C. de Vo.lero.'s version, revised. Pp. 364. Texts printed in
pllragrapbs o.nd sections, with beo.dings to tbe sections.



El Evangelio .. segun San Mateo . '.

[A. B. S.] Nueva York.

Sto Mattbew's Gospe].

C. de Valera's version, revised.



9'5 cm.

Pp. 64.

Similar editions appeared of tbe otber Gospels: e.g. Mark (1890), pp. 65 to 101 i Lule
(1892), pp. 102 to 165; Jobn (1892), pp. 166 to 214. The Bible Hoose Library possesses
copies of tbese editions.

1889. El Evangelio segun San Juan traducido del Griego y comparado eon las
mejores ediciones . . .
" Libreria Nacional y Extranjera; J. Cruzado: Madrid. 1889. 13 x 9'5 cm.
St:Jobn's Gospel, translated by F. Fliedner. Unilorm with No. 8594. Pp. 96. A Spanish
translation o the collect 'Blessed Lord, who hast cansed a11 boly Scriptnres .. .' is given
on p. 94.
1889. Los Hechos de los Apstoles segun San Lucas traducidos del Griego y
cOII)parados con las mejores ediciones ..
Librera Nacional y Extranjera; J. Cruzado: Mad,-id. 1889. 13 x 9 cm.
Tbe Acts, translated by F. Fliedner. Uniform witb No. 8594. Pp. 128.

The Bible Honse Librar also possesses a set of copies of Nos. 8594, 8601, 8596,8608, and
8609 bound together io one volnme.

1890. La Santa Biblia. . .

B. F. B. S. Madtrid. 1890. 23 x 15 em.
.-Tbe Bible, withoot too 'Apocrypha. C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 998. Text
printed in paragraphs and sectioDs, with bea.dings to tbe sections. A table o sectionheadings is appended.




El Nuevo Testamento .

J. Cruzado: Madrid.

B. F. B. S.


22)( 14 cm.

Tbe N. T. C. de aIerats version, revised. Pp. 595. Text printed in paragrapbs and
sections, witb beadings to tbe sections. A table o secuon-beadings is appended.

A Bimilar edition of tbe Gospels and Acta was also issued separately ; 854. pp.

El Nuevo Testamento ..
B. F. B. S.

J. Cruzado: Madrid.


16'5)( 11 cm.

Tbe N. T. C. de VaIera's version, revised. Pp. 551. Texi printed in paragrapbs and
seotions, witb beadings to the sections. A table o sectionbeadings is appended.

1893. La Santa Biblia: constando del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento; traducida
de las lenguas originales, y cotejado diligentemente con muchas y diversas
traducciones. Version Moderna.
.A. B. S. Nueva York. 1893. 21)( 180m.
Tbe Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypba. A new version, prepared mainly by H. B. Pratt, wbo
bad already pubJisbed editioDS o tbe PsaIter (see Nos. 8578 and 8585), MatLbew (see No.
8580), and Genesis (see No. 8595).
In 1888 H. B. Pratt attended a missjonary conference in tbe city of Merico, aud a
co=ittee al revision was appointed to assist bim in bis task o preparins a new version of
tbe Bible. Tbe work was tino.lJy completed early in 1893, and during tbe same year tbe
A. :B. S. printed an edition of this' Version Moderna '.
Pp. 84.9, 256. Witb references etc. at tbe foot al the page.


La Santa Biblia .
B. F. B. S.

F. Marqu/JI: Madrid.


17)( 11'5 cm.

Tbe Bible, witbont the Apocrypba. C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 1164. Ted
printed in paragrapbs and sections, witb beadinga to Lbe sectionE. A table o sedion
beadings is appended.



El Evangelio segun San Mateo.

B. F. B. S.

F. MarqiJ.8 : Madrid.


24'5)( 19 cm.

Sto Mattbew's Gospel. A new revision of C. de Valem's version.

After tbe publiCll.tion o No. 8599 a committee of Spa.nisb a.nd Ioreign scbolars was formed
to n~vise tbat tentative version; but, witb tbe retirement of E. Reeves Palmer from tbe
Agency of tbe B. F. B. S., tbe work was suspended in April 1888. In 1889, bowever, it was
renewed under tbe new Agent, J. Ja,mesori, and ultimately a central committee was cbose~,
which included J. B. Cabrera (afterwards Bisbop), of tbe Reformed Episcopal Cburch of
Spain, C. Tcmws, of tbe United Presbyterian Cburcb of Scotland, F. Fliedner (see No. 8594),
A. R. Fenn, of tbe Brethren, and J. Jameson, as chief reviser, witb sssessors in tbe promees. In 1893. tentative editions (printed on large paper, witb wide margins) appeared of
tbe Gospels and tbe Acts, tbougb only tbe first two Gospels bad besn duly passed by tbe
pp. 60. Alternative renderinss etc. sre given at fue foot of some pages.


El Evangelio segun San Marcos.

B. F. B. S.
8i. Mark's GospeL A new revision.


Uniform witb No. 8615.

1893. 25)( 19'5 cm.

Pp. 38,




El SauLo Evangelio segun Lcas.

B. F. B.' S.
-Sto Luke's Oospe!.


A new revision.

25 x Hl-5 cm.

Pp, 71.


El Santo Evangelio segun Juan.

Sto Jobn's GospeJ.

A new revision.


A new revision.


UniIorm witb No. 8615.

Hechos de los Santos Ap6stoles.

B. F. B. S.

Tbe Acts.



Uniform wHb No. 8615.

B. F. B. S.




Uniform wiLb No. 8615.


19'5 cm.

Pp. 55.


1898. 25 x 19'5 cm.

Pp. 71.


La Santa Biblia . . .

B. F. B. S.
Tbe Bible, witbout tbe Apociypba.
marginal references, etc.

F. Marqus: Madrid.

1895. 80 x 20'5 cm.

C. de Valera's version, revised. ,.Pp. 1398. Witb


La Epistola del Apostol Pablo 108 Romanos [Corintios], traducida del

Griego con ayuda de las mejores versiones . . .
Librer.a Nacional y Extranjera; F. Marqus: Madlid. 1895. 13 x 9 'cm.


Romans, a,nd 1 and 2 Corintbians, translated by F. Fliedner. Uniform witb No. 8594.
Eacb Epistle bas its own titleleaf, but tbe pagination is continuous tbrougbout. Pp. 142.



Libro do los Salmos.

B. F. B. S, F. Marqus: Madrid.
Tbe Psalter.

C. de Valera's version, revised.

1896. 11'5

rp. 149.

8 cm.


1896. El Santo Evangelio .. segun San Marcos.

El Sembrador: Orizaba.


22 x 16'5 cm.

8t. Mark's Gospel. lssned as a supplement to El Sembrador, a religious periodical,

pub1isbed at Orizaba, Merico. Title given on paper cover. No pagination.


1897. El Nuevo Testamento ..

B. F. B. S. F. Marqus: Madrid.
The N. T.

C, de Valern's version, revised.

Pp. 485.



Witb section-beadings.

11'5 cm.


Reprinted: e.g. in 1902, and in 1905. Tbe Bible House Library possesses copics of tbe66




Estudios criticos y aclaratorios sobre la Santa Escritura fundados en la

version moderna por H. B. Pratt . . . Tomo 1. El Gnesis . . .
Ame'ican Tracl Society. Nueva York. 1902. 19'5 x 13 cm.

GenesiB, witb an elo.borute commeotary by B. B. Prntt. Tbe text foJJows tbe "ersion
Moderoa' (see No. 8(13).
Pp. 50n. A portrait of tbe edit.or is ioserted as a frontispiece.

The Bible Honse Library also possesses a copy of part of the work (lOS pp.) issued
separateIy in Jan. 1901.
A oew editioo, revised aod conected, appeared io 1905.
Similar editions oi Exodns aod Leviticus also been published.

1903. La Santa Biblia . . .

B. F. B. S.

F. Marqus:

The Bible, without the Apocrypha.

marginal references etc.


1903. 29 x 21'5 cm.

C. de Va.lera's versioo, revised.

Pp. 1343. With


El Libro de los Salmos.

A. B. S.

New York.


13'5 x 9'5 cm.

Tbe Psa.lter. Uoiorm witb No. 8625. Pp. 267.

A specimeo of the O. T. portions issued by the A. B. S.

The Bible House Library possesses a copy of a unilorm editioo of Proverbs (100 pp.).

1905. La Santa Biblia .

B. F. B. S.
The Bible, without tbe Apocrypha..

l. Moreno: Madrid.

1905.. 17 x 11'5 cm.

C. de Valera's versioo, revised. Pp. 1056.



r;;;;;J El Antiguo TMiAmootO , . . V.min d. Ciooo<o d. Boin. 00 1569, ,,,'",,,,o

U .'

por Cipriano de Valera en 1602, y abora. nuevamente revisada por UlUI,

Comisin de ministros Evanglicos Espaoles.
B. F. B. S. 1. Moreno: Madrid. 1905. 28'5 x 20'5 cm.

The O. T. A new revision oi C. de Valera's version, prepared maioly by J. B. Ca.brera.

a.nd C. Toroos, and proiessedly limited to the conectioo of obvioDs enors and tbo sobstitu
tioo of modero for antiquo.ted forms of expression. See No. 8615.
Tbe lLCCOmpo.oying refereoces were prepared by Segundo Sabio, ",ho was pastor of the
Presbyterian coogregation io Zaragoza, aod afterwards employed by tbe B. F. B. S. at
Madrid, theo becomioll professor of Freoch in tbe Instituto cr Guadalajam, Spaio.
Pp. 1141. With mo.rginn:I references etc.


Traduccin clsica de los Evangelios por Fr. Juan de Robles, O. 8. B.

Comentarios por Fr. Maximino Llaneza, O. 1'. Variantes y mapas.
Madrid. 1906.]

Tbe Gospels, trauslated, witb a commentary, by Jua.'IL de Roble$ (d. 1572), n Benedictine,
abbot oi the Monl\stery of Sa.n Pedro de Montes. Edited froro a MS. (B. i. 4) in the Escorial
Librn,ry by }'fa:cimino Llaneza.
Pp. xli, 323, 4, 280. An appendix iocl udes lists o variaots, aod briei notices of otber
MSS. oi BibJeversions. Two maps are inserted after p~. 1 ( and Mark).





Asturias, N. W. Spain.

El Evangelio segun San 111 ateo, traducido al dialecto Asturiano de lfi version
Castellana de Don Torres Felix Amat, por un presbtero natura.l de Asturias; con
la cooperacion del Principe Luis Luci.&no Bonaparte.
Londres. 1861. 14 x 11 cm.

St. Mattbew's Gospel, translated from tbe Spanisb version of F. Torres Ama~ by a prie6~
wbo was a native of Asturias, working in cooperntion with L. L. Bona.partc.
Pp. 127. With a sbort Dote on tbe pronuncia~ion of tbe Asturian z. Ooe 01 Prioce
L. L. Bonaparte's publications. Only 250 copies printed.



Oatalonian, Valencian,

E. and N.E. Spain, Balearic Islands,

and Alghero (Sardinia).

According to S011le authorities, Oatalan belongs to the Occitanic group oj

Rom.ance languages, which ncludes Provenr;al and similar dialects. P,-ince
L. L. Bonaparte, however, term.~ it 'non-Occitanic '. It is spoken to-day by
about 4,000,000 people, mainly in the eastem and north-eastern provinces oj
NOTE.-For ao early version of the Scriptures in Catalao, represented with variations by
several MSS., soo S. Berger, Nouvelles recherches sur les Bibles pr(]Ven~ales et catalanel, in
RmnG.n,ia, xix. 505 fi. Tills version appears to be no~ older tban tbe fourteenth century, and
was made in aU probability by a native of Catalonia, educated by the University of Paris. A
note in one MS. defioitely ascribes the translation of tbe Psalter to Rcnneu Sabruguera
(d. 1313), a Dominican. who s~udied at Paris, aod he may have been respoosible for other
books. Tbough based mainly on the Latin. this early Catalan version shows strong tracesof
French influence.


(Tbe Holy Bible.)

AlfO'Tlso Fernl1lndez and Lannbert Palmart: Valencia. 1477-8. fo. :13.1,]
A trans1ation from Lbe Latin into the Valencian fono of CatsJan, known as Limosin,
made early in the fifteenth century by Brmifacio Ferrer (d. 1419), with the aid o other
scholars, at the Carthosian Monastery o Porta.celi. Bonifacio is said to have received
assistaoce from bis brotber Vicente Fener (1355-1419), the famous apostle and preacher,
who visited many coun tri es of Europe-incloding tbe British Isles-in tbe first two
deca.des of tbe fif~eenth century. and was canonized in 1455. The trans1a.tion was revised
by Jaime Borrell i aod printed between Feb. 1477 and Mar. 1478 at tbe expense of a. merilhant named Felipe Vizlant, by Alfrmso Fernandu, of Cordova., and Lambert Palomar
(Palmart), a German, at Valencia, where printing had been begnn in 1474.
C. de Valera aUudes to this Bible in the E:;1wrtacirm prefixed to his Spanish Bible of
1602: Los libros impressos en Espaol que yo he visto, srm los siguwntes: La Biblia en.
lengua Valenciana. con lU1locia de los Inquisidores. ti cu.ya trasla.cirm. assisti S. Vincente
Ferrer: que ha mas de eientos y tantos aos que se imprimi in folio de papel real
Rain 3159. No. 49 in K. Ra.ebler's Bibliografa Ibrica, where it is described as
Biblia en lemosin.'

The last two leaves of a. copy of this lost edition were discovered in 1645 a.mong the
church archives ~~ Valencia, and were fOi" a time preserved in the monastery of Porlaceli.



Tbey seem now to have disappeared, but fortunaLely not before tbey ba.d been cine
fully described by J. n. Civera 'Bud {ltber writers. Tbe long colopbon, wbicb gives
practically 0.11 thn.t is now known about ibis Bible, is wortb quotiDg: . . . Acaba la
biblia molt vera, e catolica: treta de 'Vn8 biblia del noble moasen bereguer viues de boil
caualler : la qual fon trelladada de &(juella propria que ion arroman~8da en lo monestir
de port.a.celi de lensuo. lo.tina en la nostra "nlenciana per lo molt reuerend mjeer boniiaci
ferrer doctor en cascun dret, e en facuJtat de sacra tbeologia: e don de tota la cartoxa :
germa del benauenturat sanct "icent ferrer de larde de pricadors: en In. qual translacu,
foren, e altres seglars bomes de sciencia. E o.ra derreramet n,questa es stada diligentment
corregida, vista., e regoneguda per lo reueret mestre jaume borre)) mestre en tbeologia
del arde de pricadors: e inquisidor en regne de Valccia. Es stada empremptada en la ciutat
de valencia a despeses del magnificb en pbiJip vizlant mercader de la vilo. de jsne de alta
Alemiiya: per mestre Alionso ferniidez de Cordouo. del Reg' de co.steJla, e per mestre
lambert palomar alamay mestre en arts:- come~ada en lo mes de febrer del any mil
qul\trecenls setiita set: e acabada en lo mes de Mar~ del nny Mil CCCCLXXVIll '. (Cited
from K. Haebler.)


[o. 1480.

(The Psalter.)


[Nicolao Spindeler: Barcelona. c. 1480.J 4.

Aa edition of tbe Psalter, apparently reprinLed from No. 8646. Hain 13528. Appnrently
identical wit.b tbe edition of tbe Psalter described by Le Long in bis Bbliolheca Sacra,
i. 862. No. 660 iD K. Haebler's Bbliografia Ibrica.
Of tbis rare book a single copy survives, wbicb was disconred by Dr. Guardia in the
Mazarn Library. (8ee S. Berger, Nouvsllcs J'ccMrches sur les biblcs pr01lC1l yalcs et
catalanes, p. 629.)
Tbe volume conta.in8 no noLe ol printer, place, or date; but accordiDg to K. H aebler it
was priDted by Ncolas Spindeler at Barcelona. about 1480. F. 108. The first and last
leaves are blank. A iull page contaDs 271ines.

A Gospel Harmony, transln.teu from the LatiD work of Ludolphus de Saxoma (cl. No. 8463)
by Juan Ruiz de COTella, \Vas publisbed at Valencia iD a folio bl8ckletter edition, 14951~02 (?) beiDg issued in four parts wbicb are dated respectively 1496, 1500, 1502 (?), and
1495. See Hain 10300, and Nos. 374-7 iD K. Haebler's Bibliografia Ibrica.


Los set Salms de la Penitencia novo.ment traduils en Catala,

d'uue anima penitent, sobre los VII Psalms de David.

o sentiment

An anonymous version of tbe Penitential Psalms, witb prayers, etc.
Perpignan. Pp. 40.

PriDted at



[1809. Los set 8alms de la Penitencia

A new edition of No. 8648.



Pp. 36.


1832. Lo Nou Testament de nostre Senyor Jesu Chrst; traduhit de la. Vulgata.
Llo.tina en llengua CataJana, ab presencia del text ongina!.

B. F. B. S.

Samucl Bagster: Londres.


19-5 x 12'1) cm.

Tbe New Testament, translated from tbe LatiD Vulgate, witb reference
origiDal, by J. M. Prat, a Catalan by birtb.
Pp. 391. Ted priDted in double columns, witb chapter-bcadiDgs.


tbe Greek




Lo Nou Testament

B. F. B. S. Richard Watta: Londrcs. 1835.

Tbe N. T. Second edition 01 No. 8650. Pp. 389.
Another copy. Omitting mention 01 the B. F. B. S. on the tme.

18'5 x 11 cm.

1836.. Lo.Nou Testament , ,
B. F. B. S. ..4.nton Bcrgnu: Barcclona..


22 x 140m.

The N. T. Third edition 01 No. 8650. Pp. 344.

The printing 01 tilla edition was promoted by J. N. Gra],'dan (see No. 8519) ..


Lo Non Testament ..
B. F. B. S.

Jos Cruzado: Madrid.



14 cm.

The N. T. FourLh edition oC No. 8650, with the orthogrnphy revised by E. Recves
Palmu, Agent of tbe B. F. B. S. in, aod Pedro Sala. l'p. 399.

1897. Carta. del Apstol Sant Pan a' lB Christians de Romo..
original grec per F. Co.stells.)

(Traducci6 directo. del


82 x 22 cm.

Romans, translated by F. de P. Castells, a Catalan by birth, and Agent 01 the B. F. B. S.

in Central Americo.. Published as a sopplement te El Eco de la Verdad, a Barcelona
religions paper, in eleven weekly numbers.
The text is printed in paragraphs.
One number only, conto.ining ch. vii-xi; 4 pp.



Curassao, Papiamento, Creolese.

Curayao, West Indies.
A dialect 01 8panish, som.etimes called Papiamento, spoken by the negro
population 01 Curayao, an island belonging to the Dutch in the Lesser .Antilles,
off the coast 01 Venezuela.
1844. Ewo.nhelie di San Matheo, poeblikado aba.n di diJ'eksjon di Domini C.
Conradi, Minister di Sto Ew:mhelie.
A. L. S. Muller ti J. F. Ne'lJ,1nan : Curayao. 184.4. .22 x 15'5 cm.
Sto Matthew'B Gospel, tmnslo.ted by - Lrmffer, o.nd edited by G. Ganradi.
The NetherJo.nds Bible Society contributed 300 guildcrs towo.rds printing thiB ediLion.
Pp. 75. The text ia printed in P. 75 conmins the Deca.logue.

1865. Evangeli segoen Marko.
Creolese language.

The Gospel according to Mark, translated into the

..4.. B. S.

New York.


17 x 11'5 cm.

Sto Mark's Gospel, translated by S. tlan Disscl, of the Netherlands Reformed Misson

Pp. 68.



El EVlUlgelio .


segn San Mateo.

A. B. S.

New York.


Mattbew's Gospel. Pp. 99. Text printed in pllragrapbs.

A specimen o tbe N. T. portions issned by tbe A. B. S.


13'5" 9'5 CID.

on pn.per cover.


Tbe Bible House Library possesses copies al unHorm editions o Mark (63 pp.). Luke
(108 pp.), Jobn (80 pp.), Acts (109 pp.).

1899. El Santo Evangelio . . . segn San Mateo.

B. F. B. S. San Jos de Costa Rica. (London printed.) 1899. 11'5" 7'5 cm.
Sto Mattbew's Gospel. C. de Valera's version, revised. Pp. 9\1.
A specimen o editioos al tbe o-ospels speci:illy printed lar circulation in S.~eri~

Tbe Bible House Library possesses copies al similar editions al Mark (63 pp.), Luke
(105 pp.), aod Jobn (79 pp.).


El Evangelio segun Lucas.

St Luke's Gospel. Pp. 78.

Traducido del original Griego.

Guadalafara, M;r;ico. 1899. 17 x 11'5 cm.
Texl printed in paragraphs. TilJe given on paper cover.


El Nuevo Testamento ..

Tbe N. T.

B. F. B. S.

C. de Valera's version, revised.




16 cm.

Pp. 379.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1905. The Bible House Library possesses a copy al tbis edition.
Separate edltions also appeared al tbe Gospels and Acts. Tbe Bible House Library
possesses a set al tbese, dated 1909.


El Nuevo Testamento

B. F. B. S. I. M. Cruzado: Madrid.
Tbe N. T.

C. de Valera's version, revised.


12 x 8'5 cm.

Pp. 484.

Reprinted: e.g. in 1903, and in 1907.

Tbe Bible House Library possesses copies al tbese

1901. .. El Evangelio segun Mateo .

Los Angeles.


14'5 x 10 cm.

Bt. Matiliew's Gospe1.

An underscored edition' (. Edicion subrayada'), published by tbe Los Angeles Bible
Institute,' Los Angeles, Oalifornia. Certain words and entences are marked in black or red
ink, witb symbols added in tbe margins.
Pp. 58. Text printed in paragrapbs. A list al thc books o tbe O. T. aod N. T. is given
on the verso ol the titlc.
,. Insertad is o. leallet oontaioing ao explaoo.tion al tbe symbols used.



La Santa Biblia .

B. F. B. S.
The Bible, witbout tbe Apocrypha.

F. Marqus: Ma.drid.


C. de Valera's version, revised.


16 cm.

Pp. 1078.



Reprinted. Tbe Bible Honse Library possesses o. copy el o.n edition dated 1904
genera.! tille &Dd 1900 on tbe N. T. title.






TU?'key, etc.
The ea.rlier editions are mere transliterations into Hebrew character of the
class of Spa.nish versions represented by the Ferrara BibZc, and, like them,
were ntended for the use of the Jewish exiles from Spain, knou'n as
Sephardim', who had settled in Turkey, ltaly and Holland. From the
beginning of the nineteenth century onwards practically all the 'Judr.eoSpanish '
editions have been prepared for the Spanish-speaking Jews of Turlcey, ?WW
numbering 70,000, and represent a fo'm, of Spanish which differs dialectically
from that current in Spain.
All thr. editions are printed in Hebrew (generally Rabbinic) character.

(Polyglot Penta.teuch.)

E. B. G. Soncino: Oonstanfi'llopltJ.



See No. 14]8 (Polyglot~). Tbis polyglot contains a Judmo-Spanisb verson.

. Tbe Spanisb f.ext bere givcn is belicved to reproduce tbat foond in tbe MS. knO\VIl as
ibe Dolle o Alva's Dible', whicb was prepared on the basis o a still earlier trans1ation by
Rabbi Mases Arragel (Le. 'tbe Expert '). 1422-30, at tbe expense o Luts de G'Ilzman,
Master of tbe Order of Calatrava. H closeIy rasembles tbat incorporated in tba Ferrara
Bibla (No. 8467).


(Isa.iah a.nd Jeremiah in Hebrew a.nd Judreo.Spa.nisb.)




According te J. C. Wol1, tbe Spanisb version in tbis diglot generally agrees witb tbe
Ferrara version, but difiers somewbat in its vocabulary, occasionally introducing voces
obsoletiores '.




(The Psa.1ter.)



Appa.rently a revision of the Ferrara version.

According te E. Boebmer, ' an unlmown Jew wrote' a trans1ation into Spanisb of all words
wbicb are .. a little difficult" te tbe general Je\\'1sb rea.der of tbe Bible, of whicb be ollo\\'s
the order from chapter te cbapter'. This work, wbicb was called ilOSr.:t Dr.:tn (' Desire o
Solomon '), was printed at Venice in 1588,4, &Dd again at Venice in 1617.40 J. C. Wolf
states that tbe Hebrew pbrase in eacb case is printed in sguare Hebrew. cba.racter
witbout vowel.points, a.nd is followed by tbe Spanisb transIation printed in Rabbinic
chara.cter. The translation generally agrees witb the Ferrara version. Spanish glosses,
appa.rently taken from tbis work, I1re given in tbe margins o certain Hebrew Bibles, e.g. in
tbe Venice editions of 1635 and 1639.



(The Song o Solomon.)

1664. 8.]

ApparenUy a revision of tbe Ferrara version.


. Otber editions appeared at Amsterdam in 1683. 1701, 1712.


(Tbe P8a.1ter.)

ApparenU,r a new editioD 01 No. 8659.






(Tbe Old TeBtament in Hebrew a.nd Judreo.SpaniBh.)
Constantinople. 1739-43.




Vol. 1 (1739) : title, etc., 2 fI. ; text (Pentl1teucb), 342 fI., ending on recto of last leaf, and
followed on verso by o.n appendix (5 pp.) Vol. 2 (1743), Josbuo.-2 Kings, 276 fI. Vol. 3
(1743), lsaiab-Malacbi, 348 fI. Vol. 4 (1743), Psalter-2 Cbronicles, 376 tI. Vol. 5 (1743),
Megillotb, 104 fI.


(The Old Testament in Hebrew and JudlCo.Spanish.)

Georg Bolzinger .. Wien. 1813-6. 25


19'5 cm.

4 vols.

Edited by aTtm Pollak, witb introductions by Israel bcn Cha.yim of

This edition includes Rashi's Commentn.ry, and also the Ro.bbinicocritical Commentary
known as Shai (see No. 5150), and two Targums-one o whicb is tbe Targum
Sheni (see No. 2403)-on Estber.
Vol. 1 (1813): (1) Gen., 69, 13, 12 fI.; (2) Exod., 60, 9, 16 f.; (3) Lev., 40. 5, 18 f. ;
(4) Num., 52, 8, 12 fI.; (5) Deut., 50, 7,19 f. Vol. 2 (1814): (1) Megilloth, 65,7,8 fI.;
(2) Josb.-2 Kings, 289, 21 fI. Vol. 3 (1815): ISllo.-Mal., 242, 30 fI. Vol. 4. (1816):
Ps.-2 CLIon., 269, 35 fI.
Tbe Hebrew llud JUdlllOSpl1nish texts are printcd in parn.llel colnmns, the JudreoSpanisb
btliog phtced inside; witb Rusbi's Commentary below. Vol. 1 includes tbe Hnphtarotb.
After eacb section is suppljed tbe corresponding portion of the MinGhath Shai. Two
Targums nre appended to Esther.
Tbe parttitles bear various dates between 1813 o.nd 1816.
,. Bound in two volumes.


[B. F. B. S.

(The New Testament.)

Corju.] 1829.

21'5 x 13 cm.

Translated from tbc Greek in 1822-6 by a Jew named thias Leone, under tbe supervision
of H. D. Leevcs, Agent of tbe B. F. B. S. at Constantinople. Tbe M8. was prepared for tbe
press by John Evangelis Cohen, afterwards o. missionary of tbe L. J. S.; and an edition of
3,000 copies was printed 1101 Corfu, under tbe direction of Isaac Lowndes, secretary of tbe
lonian B. S.
Pp. 616.


(The Psa.lter in Hebrew and JudreoSpa.nish.)

[A. B. S.J

Cons1lntinopZe. 1836. 21 x 15'5 cm.

Tbe JudreoSpanish version of tbe Psalter wo.s revised by Wilhelm Gottlieb Scha.uificr
(see No. 9485), a missionllry of the A. B. C. F. M.; and it was printed, togetber witb the
Hebrew text, at Constantinople in 1836, with the aid of a grant of 111,000 from tbe A. B. S.
Pp. 196. The two texts are printed in parallel columns.


(The Old Teslo.ment in Hebrew a.nd Jndreo.Spanish.)

[A. B. S.] Smyrna. 1838.

26 x 21 cm.

2 vols.

After publishing tbe Psalter (see No. 86(5). W. G. Schauiller continued his revisioD,
basing it mainly on the Ferrnra Bible, a.nd completed the O. T., an edition o wbich, togetber
witb lhe Hebrew text, was printed at Smyrna in 1838, a.t tbe expense of tbe A. B. S.
Vol. 1, with preliminary matter inoluding two prefaces, sigoed by Jewisb rabbis; ~xt,
Gen.-2 Kings, 389 fI. Vol. 2: Isa.-2 Chron., 359 fI. Tbe two texts are printed in parallel
,. Bound in one volume.
__ Another copy.

Vol. 10nly.




(The Pcntateuch in Hebrew and Judreo-Spanish.)

A. B. S.



A reprint from No. 86GG, intended for ibe use of schools.

Reprinted al. Vienna in 1845.

[1842 ji

(Tbe O. T. in Hebrew a.nd Judreo-Spanish.)

A. B. S.


1842 ?]

A new edition of No. 8666. (Tbe date 1841 given in tbe note No. 192 appears to
be wrong.)
Tbe B. F. B. S. purcbn.sed and circula.t.ed copies oI tbis edition.

Reprinted al. Vienna in 1847 (?).

[E. F. B. S.] AthcnG. 1844. 17 x 11 cm.

(The New Testament.)
A new edition of No. 8664., revised by H. D. JJeeves and J. E. Coben, wit.b tbe assist.ance
01 a rabbi named Sim Tob.
Pp. 787. Pp. 781-7 contain a list. o elrata.


In tbe snme year, 1844, an edition of tbc Book of Common Prayer, trnnslated by J. E.
Caben for tbe L. J. S., was print.ed al. Smyrnn.

1852 P (St. Luke's Gospe!')






According to a MS. note in tbe Bible House Library copy, tbis was prepared by A. Ben
Olisl, and publisbed in 1852 or 1853.
Preface and list of abbreviations of titles of books, 4 pp. Text, 111 pp. Witb references
al. foot of page.


E. Boebmer records an edition of tbe Psalter (probablya reprint of W. G. Scbauffler's

revision), printed al. Smyrna in 1853.


(The Old Testament in Hebrew and Judll'o-Spanish.)

[A. B. S.]



22 x 14'5 cm.

2 vols.

Tbis edition contains a revision o W. G. Scbauffler's version (see No. 8666), prepared
by Jam<JS Chri5tie, a missionn.ry 01 tbe Cburcb 01 Scotland. In bis revision, wbicb amounts
practically to a new translation, J. Christie workl'd from tbe Hebrew text, witb reference to
tbe revised version of C. de Valera's Spanisb trauslation publisbed by tbe A. B. S. See
No. 8554.
Vol. 1 : Gen.-2 Kings, 560, 560 pp. Vol.2: Isa.-2 Obron., 630, 630 pp.; followed by
table o Hapbtarotb, ending on p. 635. Tbe two t.exts are printed on opposit.e pages.

Separate editions of tbe Pentateuob (1872) and tbe Psalter (1873) in Judreo.Spanisb ouly,
were isslled wbile tbe complete O. T. in Hebrew and Judreo-Spanisb was passing tbrougb
ibe press.



(St. Matthew'a Gospel.)

[B. F. B. S.J




13 cm.

A revision of tbe version given in No. 8669, prepared for tbe B. F. B. S. by J. Cbristie.
Pp. 81 i witb references al. foot o page.


1876. (Romana and Hebrews.)

[B. F. B. S.]
~vised bl

J. Cbristie.


Uniform witb No. 8672.


18 x 12'5 cm.

Pp. 36, 29.





(The New 'Testament.)

[B. F. B. S.1 C0n3fantinople. 1877. 18'5 x 13 cm.
'Ibe complete N. T., revised by J.Christie. UniforII\ witb Nos. 8672 and 8673. Pp. 664.


[A. B. S.]

('Ibe Psalter.)

ConBtantinople. 1878. 14'5 x 11'5 cm.

Chrislw. 'Ibe text difiers sligbtly!rom

A Dew editioD 01 tbe Psalter, prepared by J.

that giveD in No. 8671. Pp. 217. 'Ied printed so as to exbibit tbe parallelisms 01 ibe original.

Reprinted in 1885.


See also

o. 8679.

('Ibe Gospels and the Acts.)

[B. F. B. S.)





13'5 x 9'5 cm.

Reproduced by pbotograpby, in smalJer size, fro1DtNo. 8674. Pp. 314.

Tbe title is a reproduction 01 tbat in No. 8614, reerring to tbe N. T., and giving tbe
plnce-DRme Constantinople, and tbe date 1877.
- - Anotber copy. Tbe title described aboye is cancelled, Rnd anotber is substituled,
wbicb reers to tbe Gospels and tbe A.cts, and gives tbe place-name London, and tbe date 18U1.


(The New Testament.)

[B. F. B. S.]

Constantinopla. 1894. 14'5 x 9 cm.

-A revision o No. 8674, prepared by D. B. Spenu, o tbe Cburcb 01 Scotland Mission, witb
tbe belp 01 two Jews and .d. Thomson, o tbe B. F. B. S. al Constantinople.
Pp. 784. Witb relerences at oot o page.


(The Pentateuch in Hebrew and Judreo-Spanish.)

[A. B. 8.]
A Dew edition o


portion 01 No. 8671.



21'5-x 14'5 cm.

Pp. 297, 297.


[A. B. S.]

(Tbe Psalter.)

A reprint o No. 8675.



15 x 11 cm.

Pp. 217.


(St. Matthew's Gospel.)

[B. F. B. S.]
A reprint fram No. 8677. Pp. 128.



13'5 x 9 cm.


(The Old Testament in Hebrew and Judmo.Spanish.)

[A. 13. S.]

A Dew edition of No. 8671.

Constamtinopla. '1905.

21'5 x 14'5 cm.

2 vols.

Pp. 560,560; 630,630, followed by table endiDg OD p. 634.


(Tbe Old Testament.)

[A. B. S.]


The JudlllOSpauisb ted of No. 8681 issued separataly.


21-5 x }4'5 cm.

pp. 560, 630.


LUZ071, Philippi11c ]slanlh.

J (ll1?a~17.'lll t}r langu.opc 01


dislricl in X. Tr. LllZ01,


d is


ijlU,(Jl'( pW)llG.

1887. Sa.y maslloDtos
nen S. Lucilos.



Evangelio na Cntaoan tin J el5u Cristo, ed onug na dinemuet

B. F. B. S.




10'5 cm.

Sto Lule's Oospel. translated from tbe Spanish version of C. de Valera by Manrt.quc
Alonso, wbo had formerly been a Dominican frilu, firsi at Ocaa in Spain, 11nd afterwa.rds in
tbe Philippincs.
Pp. 128.


Say masantos a Evangelio . . . ed onung na dinemueL Den San MaLeo.

B. F. B. S. Madrid. 1888. 15'5 x 10'5 cm.

M. A.lonso completed a version o ibe N. T., and editions o the rema.ining Gospcls and o
the Acts were published nt Madrid in 1888.
S1. Mattbe\Y's Gospel. Pp. 128.


. .. San Marcos.

Si. Mark's GospeJ.

B. F. B. S.

Unorm wiLb No. 7238.




10'5 cm.

Pp. 82.


. .. San Juan.

81. Jobn's Gospel.

B. F. B. S.

Unorm witb No. 723.




10'5 cm.

Pp. 104.



Say olit na Agaoa day Apostoles.

B. F. B. S.

Tbe A.cts.




15'5 x 10'5 cm.

Unilorm witb No. 7238. Pp. 133.

. .. S. Lucilos.

Sto Luke's Gospel.

B. F. B. S.




15'5 x 10'5 cm.

A reprint o No. 7237. Pp. 128.



. .. San JUlloD.

Sto Jobn's Gospel.

B. F. B. S.


1 99.

15'5 x 10'5 cm.

A reprint o No. 7240, similar to No. 7242. Pp. 104.


(St. Luke's Gospel.)

B. F. B. S.



A revision o O. 7237, pr pared by H. P. Male,', B. F. 13. S. Kgeut at Manila, with tbe

aid o[ a native schoolmaster.



(St. Jobn's Gospcl.)

A rcvision of No. 7240, similar to No. 7244.

B. F. B. S.






Say Nilapag na Apostol Santiago.
B. F. B. S.



12 cm.

ID 1903 M.. ~ODSO'S trn.n~latioD of tbe Epistles (see No. 7238) was revised, and in 1904
tbe preseDl edl~on of ~be Epls~e of James was printed as a specimen.
Pp. 10. Wltb section.beadings, aDd a few notes explaining special f.erms.


Say Evangelio nen Cristo Dnong na insulat nen Apstol Mateo.

B. F. B. S. Manila. (Kobc prini,ed.) 1907. 18 x 12 cm.

SL. Mattbew's GospeJ. A Dew versioD prcpared by - Beniicz, of tbe American Metbodist
Episcopal MissioD.
Prinled by tbe FukuiD PriDting Oo., L'l.d., Robe.'
Pp. 91. Witb sectioD.beadings, aud a few Dotes explo.iniug specia] terms.


. .. Marcos.
B. F. B. S.


Sto Mark's Gospe], translated by - Benitez.

(KolJc prinled.)

18 x 12 cm.


pp. 93 lo 149.

Uniform witb No. 7247.


Saray Gaoa na saray Apstoles.

B. F. B. S. Manila.

(Kobc prinled.)

Tbe Aets, translaLed by - Benitez, witb tbe aid of Mission. Uniform witb 0.7247. Pp. 317 lo 399.


18 x 12 cm.

Baswncillo, a member of tbe same

[1908. Say Masantos ya Evangelio ono maong balita na Cataoan tayon JesuCris
onong na insula.t nen Lueas.
B. F. B. S. Manila. (EtJbc prinlcd.) 190.]
Sto Luke's Gospel, trans]ated by - Basconeillo. Uniform witb No. 7247.


161 lo 243.

1905. Say Masanto'lJ E"ange1io na Ca.laoao ti'u JesuCrisio onong na insulat
nen JUlln.
B. F. B. S. Manila. (Kobc prinled.) 1908. 18" 12 cm.
I:::t. Jobn's Gospel, trmslated by -

Benitez. Uniform wilb No. 7247.

Pp. 246 io 316.

Editions of Nos. 7:147-51 were also printed for ibe use of tbe Pbilippine Ageney of tbe
A. B. S. Tbese bear ibe name of tbe A. B. S., and omit all mention of tbe B. F. B. S. and
tbe Robe printing.firm. Tbe Bible House Librn.ry possesses copies of Mattbew, Mark, Luke,
aud John, issued in tbis formo

1905. Say Blon Sipn dino el

gaban si Jesu-Cristo.
B. F. B. S.

uevo Testamento nen Catawan tayon Mana.n


(Kobe prinled.)


18 x 12 cm.

For ibis edition of ibe complete N. T. tbe trans!ation of ibe Epistles and Hevelation
originally prepared by M. Alonso (see No. 7238), and partiaIJy revised in ~903 (see No..72~6),
was earefully revised nnder tbe supervision of Harry Former, of tbe Amencan M. E. MISSlon.
Tlle Gospels and tbe Acts are tbe same as in Nos. 7247-51.
uiform wi~h No. 7247. 1'1" 684.




1900. . The New Testa.ment . translated from lbe original Greek

Zimmermann. New edition, revised.
B. F. B. S. Balel. 1900. 22

by J.

l cm.

Revised by tbe Basel missionaries, and edited for tbe press by J. Schopj.
Pp. 290. Witb references, taken from tbe revised German Bible, alter eacb verse.




1829. El Evangelio de Jesu Cbristo segun San LuelloS en Aymar y Espaol.

Traducido de la Vulgata Latina. Al Aymar por Don Vicente PazosRanki ..
Al Espaol por el P. Pbelipe Scio de San Miguel .
B. F. B. S. J. Mayea: Landre8. 1829. 18'5 x 11 cm.

St. Luke's .Gospel, translated from tbe Vulgate, by V. pazos Kanki; witb tbe Spanisb
version of P. Scio de San Miguel.
V. Pazos Ka.nki, of Cuzco, wbose motber was an Aimara native, translated most of tbe
N. T., but only this Gospe] was printed.
Witb Advertencia. Ted, Aimara and Spanisb io parillel columns, 130 pp.



El Evangelio de Jeso Cbristo segun San Lucas en Aymar y Espaol . . .

B. F. B. S. Londre8. 1898. 18 x 11 cm.

A reproduction by pbotoprocess of the edition of 1829. Publisbed at tbe request of tbe

Bev. P. Lantaret, of Rosario, for a settlement of over 1,200 Aimarn Indians at Jujuy.



Yezo, Japan.


A. Mattew orowa no asa.nge Pirika Orushpe. i-ix.

B.F.B.S. Tokyo.


19 x 12'5 cm.

Translated by John Batc"Mlor, wbo setUed as o. C. M. S. missionary among tbe Amu in

1883, o.nd is tbe sale translo.tor of tbe Scriptures ioto tbeir language. A tentative version of i-ix. Pp. 28.



Ra.mui fushko eka.mbakte-i.

Tbe book 01 Jono.h.

Pp. 7.

Yana Orushpe.
B. F. B. S. Tokyo.


19 x 12'5 cm.


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