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Briefing working track

Joo Ricardo Serra (ie Joo Ricardo Bugalho Transmontano Serra, born in
1975, in Portugal, with a mechatronic BSC, and a computer science BSC as
well, with a German Erasmus) working on ECM/DMS industry more 15 years,
with different roles, projects and markets
This simple sheet of paper, try to resume what he do, when and how in
Government, bank, Health Care and Insurance, was well in was Team Lead,
Project Director or Country Manager, in Europe, Africa and LATAM regions

Actually he do:
Country Manager, in Portugal, of a company who have offices, in Spain,
Colombia, Argentina and Mexico. The roles are:
Business develop for Portugal 2011 - 2018
All Managing areas of the company (RRHH, Projects, Opportunitys,
Financial and Marketing)
Develop the data base opportunities, with the 1000th biggest
companys in Portugal (draw a company profiles, opportunities, proposals
improvements in different areas of business DMS & ECM)
In Spain (head of company, have seat in board council, with the
responsibilitys to improve Business strategies for the 1250 clients to the
Spanish Markets to improve and increase the business opportunitys)
In the company are Internal Auditor for ISO 9001, 14001 and 27001, and
a AIIM professional.
Participate in the project of ISO 30300, MoReq 2010 and the DML Forum
Write and Spoke C2 Portuguese, Spanish and English, A1 in Germany
and A2 in French
The company in Portugal are the 1 st, and the unique that have ISO
27001 certification.

Projects that lead & Participate

Portugal 4 years Social Security
DMS global Project of Social Security that include:

Consulting, As is, To-be, training,

Consolidate 85 archives in all country

Develop a new Nacional Legislation for DMS and ECM for this company
Implementing the preservation plan digital data bases
Develop the procurement paper for buying the national ECM and BMP
Centralized in 3 places the national office for microfilm facilities and all
operation task
Participate on the board of Nacional Archives of Portugal, as external
consultant for Digital Preservation, give this project a Nacional example
Change the ERP / CRM Security Social own software to connect with new
Creative, implement and training of 15% of employees (universe of

Portugal 2 years - Justice & Court Institute

Filenet implementation of the DMS social for all Portugal Courts. The project
name was Cituis
Procedure manual for the 27 Kms of papers, distribuend in 306 different
places, around the country

Portugal 1 year Nacional Archives

Documentum Implementation for the Saint Inquisition, that includes
digitalized the documents, define with the Doblin core the metadatas

Portugal 6 months 3th largest Hospital

DMS project solution and consolidate the physical archive that includes
microfilm, software implementation, training and regenerating procedures

Portugal different types different government departments

Punctual DMS projects, with Documentum, Alfresco, FileNet, Edocs 5
(Slovenian software) and Saperion implementation.

Angola, Mozambique and Green Cape

Integrate a team that develop the ICT guidelines for the government plan of
those countrys

Spain - Nacional defense Ministry

Cant detail, but is in the ECM / DMS classified documents / process Project

Portugal And Spain 4 yeas 3th Largest Bank
Strategies to integrate the Archive (physical and Digital) archive from the
banks buyers (more than 5.000.000 container boxs, and 10 TB of
information) with different softwares: SAP DMS, Documentum Oracle UCM and
HervaBuena (Alfresco)
26Th Business Process (loan, credit, saving account, cash diary, etc)
(Portuguese Place) with implementing a BPO fabric, bring all country
documents in a single place in Portugal, to process It for own DMS system
connect with Altamira Software
Store more than 250.000 box with physical documents in a different type of
storage facilities: Normal, and a high protect place Faraday Vault

SPAIN 3 years Same Bank

Implement similar process, developing and contextualized processes with the
Spanish market.

Portugal 1 year - Factoring, controlling and Leasing department

DMS and ECM / BP project

Portugal / Spain 1 year InvestBank

ECM Project with Captiva Software. BPO proceed in Inhousing

Spain 1 year Centralized open saving accounts

ECM / BMP / BPO project connect all the stakeholders in a single framework.
Responsible for the working team

Colombia Start project 2014 (4th Trimester)

Full vision of a DMS / ECM / BPM physically and digital process. 350 offices in
the country. Bring the project from Mexico. The same Bank

Spain 1 year
BPO, in-housing process with ECM project.

Iberian Company 2 years

Car crash BPO Process BPO and Documentum ECM and Oracle DataBase
All process from the begin until the end (to the Crash manager)

Portugal - 2 years
All no life insurance process, with Captiva and Documentum. Centralized
Nacional Process

American Company Iberian Project

All tasks: DM, Clains, POS, Undewrtting BMP transformation. Integrate a
Mailroom, with a BPO team in / out house
ECM in Documentum
DAM project with centralized Contact Center Files. More than 1,2 Millions, with
enterprise search
DVDs calls MP3, store in a Faraday Vault

Portugal begin in 2015

Life, and no live insurance company
All the process transformation / new vision with Captiva and FileNet software

OIL & Gas

Portugal 1 year
BPO Centralized process to digitalize the contracts. Integrate with SAP DMS.
Captiva scanning process

Iberian Company - 2 years

Collect in all petrol stations the documents. Process in Central unit, digitalized,
custody and integrate with SAP

Portugal 3 years
Microfilm all the documents, with a internal team
The procedure manual develop with hospital employees

Other relevant project

International Mailroom for Latam market
Developing a partnership with a local companys to make a global mailroom to
one of the largest Supermarket Company in Portugal

DAM platform
For store CCTV files, and create a BPM alerts to a bank company

Offshoring leading
Project leader for a Project with Offshoring programming Teams (India and

Methodology used:

Mike 2.0
ECM Maturity Model
BMP Maturity Model
ISO 15489
ISO 22500
ISO 31000
BPM CBOK (not a certified professional)
PMBok (not a certified professional)

Participate / assist Events

Cebit, DMS, Demat, Scurity Essen fair, PRISM, AIIM Europe

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