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2014 (P2) Kertas 2
1. (a) i. CuO + H2 Cu + H2O
ii. CaCO3 CaO + CO2
iii. MgO + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2O
iv. Zn + CuSO4 ZnSO4 + Cu
v. Ba(NO3)2 + Na2SO4 BaSO4 + 2NaNO3
(b) Number of mole of Zn(NO3)2 = 3.78/189 = 0.02
1 mole of Zn(NO3)2 produces
1 mole of ZnO
Mass of ZnO = 0.02 81
= 1.62 g
2. (a) i. 1
ii. The metallic bonding between the atoms of rubidium is weaker as its atomic radius is
bigger than that of potassium. Thus, the melting point of rubidium is lower.
iii. Rubidium reacts vigorously with cold water, catching fire and even exploding.
iv. 2Rb(s) + 2H2O(l) 2RbOH(aq) + H2(g)
(b) i. Because all the elements in Group 18 have filled outer shells of electrons, which are
either a stable duplet or octet electron configuration
ii. Density =
= 1.67 g dm3
iii. Fractional distillation of liquid air, as noble gases occupy 1% of the atmosphere.
3. (a) A: Ionic bond
B: Metallic bond
C: Covalent bond
D: Covalent bond
(b) Magnesium chloride.
Substance A has physical properties assemble the ionic compounds, such as high melting
point, soluble in water and good electrical conductivity when in molten form but not in solid
(c) Substances C and D are covalent compounds. The intermolecular forces between the
covalent molecules are weak. These forces are easily broken. Hence, they have low melting
(d) Substance B is a metal. It conducts electricity in both solid and molten states, as it has
mobile electrons that move freely throughout the metal.
Substance A is an ionic compound. It conducts electricity in molten state but not in solid
state. When substance A is in solid state, the ions are fixed in the lattice.




However, the ions are mobile and can move throughout when in liquid state.
4. (a) i. X = Copper electrode;
elektrod kuprum
Y = Zinc electrode, and
elektrod zink, dan
Z = salt bridge
jambatan garam
ii. X = Cu2+ + 2e Cu and Y = Zn Zn2+ + 2e
iii. Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu
iv. To allow the movement of the ions in order to complete the electric circuit and also to
prevent the two electrolytes from mixing
Untuk membolehkan pergerakan ion dalam memastikan litar elektrik yang
lengkap dan juga mengelakkan kedua-dua elektrolit dar bercampur
(b) i. Anode = Lead; Cathode = Copper
Anod = Elektrod Plumbum; Katod = Elektrod Kuprum
ii. Pb + Cu2+ Pb2+ + Cu
5. (a) I: Chemical energy to electrical energy
II: Electrical energy to chemical energy

(b) copper

(c) (i) Copper atoms dissolves to form copper(II) ions, oxidation.

(ii) Grey metallic silver deposited on silver electrode.

(d) anode : Ag e + Ag+

cathode : Ag+ + e Ag

(e) (i) higher voltage

(ii) Zinc is higher than copper in the electrochemical series.
6. (a) (i) Neutralisation/Peneutralan
(ii) HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
(iii) Pink to colourless.
Merah jambu ke tak berwarna.
M = 0.125 mol dm3

(b) X: Sulphuric acid




Asid sulfurik
Y: Hydrochloric acid/Nitric acid
Asid hidroklorik/ Asid nitrik
(c) Pour 2 cm3 of sulphuric acid into a test tube. Add in 1 cm3 of hydrochloric acid and 2 cm 3
of barium chloride solution. A white precipitate is formed.
Tuang 2 cm3 asid sulfurik ke dalam satu tabung uji. Tambah 1 cm3 asid hidroklorik
dan 2 cm3 larutan barium klorida. Suatu mendakan putih terhasil.
7. (a) i. One mole of a substance is the amount of the substance that contains the same number of
particles as the number of atoms in exactly 12 grams of the isotope 12C. [1 m]
ii. The number of particles in one mole of any substance is a constant known as Avogadro
constant and the value is 6.02 1023 mol-1. [1 m]
(b) i. Number of moles

= 0.025 moles
[1 m]
Number of molecules X
= 2 0.025 6.02 1023
= 3.01 1022 [1 m]
ii. Volume of gas X
= 0.025 22.4 = 0.56 dm3
[1 m]
(c) i. Zn + 2HNO3 Zn(NO3)2 + H2 [1 m]
ii. Number of moles

= 0.077 moles [1 m]
Number of Zn atoms
= 0.077 6.02 1023
= 4.635 1022 [1 m]
iii. 0.077 mole [1 m]
iv. 2 0.077 6.02 1023
= 9.27 1022 [1 m]
v. 0.077 24 dm3 = 1.848 dm3 [1 m]




8. (a) Empirical is a chemical formula that shows the simplest ratio of the number of atoms for
each element in the compound. [1 m]

Empirical formula: CH [1 m]
Relative molecular mass of (CH)n = 78 [1 m]
[12 + 1]n = 78
13 n = 78
n = 6 [1 m]
Molecular formula: C6H6
[1 m]
(c) Procedure:
1. Clean magnesium ribbon with sand paper. [1 m]
2. Weigh crucible and its lid [1 m]
3. Put magnesium ribbon into the crucible and weigh the crucible with its lid . [1 m]
4. Heat strongly the crucible without its lid. [1 m]
5. Cover the crucible when the magnesium starts to burn and lift/raise the lid a little at
intervals. [1 m]
6. Remove the lid when the magnesium burnt completely. [1 m]
7. Heat strongly the crucible for a few minutes. [1 m]
8. Cool and weigh the crucible with its lid and the content. [1 m]
9. Repeat the processes of heating, cooling and weighing until a constant mass is obtained.
[1 m]
10. Record all the mass.




Empirical formula: MgaOb /MgO


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