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Sara Hkansson


Malm Hgskola
ComDev Spring 2014
Degree Project- Project Plan

Focus Groups & Communication for Development

Brief Presentation of the Theme
With the increasing popularity of Communication for Development (C4D) projects, there is also
an increasing need to be able to properly be able to monitor and evaluate the impact of these
initiatives. Unfortunately, evaluation timing and methods are often dictated by the donor
June Lennie and Jo Tacchi, who have carried out extensive research on the topic, states that the
main challenges organizations face in carrying out evaluations are connected to the skills and
resources available to the organizations. The organization might not have the necessary skill set
or resources to hire those with the needed skills, to successfully evaluate its program.
In addition, donors often request data of success in too quick of a time frame, underestimating
that the majority of C4D projects that strive to create a behavioral change, need a longer time
span to show result. Moreover, the donor community at times request data that might not
necessarily speak to the success or challenges faced by the project.
On the contrary, evaluations often become a tool to justify spending of money and future
allocation of funds, while instead being used as a tool to improve projects. This stress on
showing results, often force organizations away from using the best method to evaluate their
A frequently used method for monitoring and evaluation, is the focus group. It is in general seen
as a time and cost efficient way to carry out monitoring and evaluation.
With this backdrop, this degree project will more closely examine the focus group as a method
for evaluating the impact of C4D initiatives.
Aim of study
This degree project will closely examine the strengths and weaknesses of the focus group as a
monitoring and evaluation tool.
Research question
The main research question of this study will be:
What strengths and challenges does the focus group as a monitoring and evaluation tool
I will use a combination of methods to gather the data for the degree project.
Literature review
I will do a thorough literature review including; books, online journals and online forums for

Sara Hkansson

Malm Hgskola
ComDev Fall 2013
Research Methodology

Qualitative interviews
I will interview a number of practitioners who have themselves either coordinated or
implemented focus groups to see what challenges they have faced. The interviews will be of a
qualitative nature.
Quantitative content analysis
I will also consider carrying out a quantitative content analysis of evaluation reports that are
based on focus groups for their methodology. This will be to see whether the focus groups
systematically miss out on certain type of information or tends to bring certain types of findings
Case study
I will carry out an evaluation of Search for Common Grounds TV project in the Great Lakes.
The evaluation methodology will include focus groups, to test findings derived from the
literature review and the interviews. I have already made contact with the Search for Common
Ground office in Rwanda to be able to do so.
I currently have the project documents and their requirements in terms of evaluation work.
Limitations of study
I will only carry out focus groups for one project, while I will arrange for several focus groups
they will all look at the same setting. The findings would of course be stronger if multiple case
studies were used.
Key literature
Cottle, Simon and Anders Hansen et al (eds) (1998) Mass Communication Research Methods.
Basingstoke: Macmillan
Creswell, John W. (2003) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods, third
edition. Sage Publications
Deacon, David, Michael Pickering, Peter Golding & Graham Murdock (2007) Researching
Communications. A Practical Guide to Methods in Media and Cultural Analysis.
Hesse-Biber, Sharlene J. Nagy and Leavy, Patricia Lina. (2005). The Practice of Qualitative
Research. Sage Publications, Inc.
Kettl, Donald. (2005) The global public management revolution.
Kumar Ranjit (2010) Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners, second edition.
Sage Publications, London
Kvale, Steinar, 1996. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Intervieweing.
Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

Sara Hkansson

Malm Hgskola
ComDev Fall 2013
Research Methodology

Lennie, June and Jo Tacchi (2013) Evaluating Communication for Development A framework
for social change.
Nigel King and Christine Horrocks, (2010), Interview in qualitative research, Sage London
Pickering, Michael (ed. 2008) Research Methods for Cultural Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press
Power, Micheal (1998) The Audit Society - Ritual of verification. Oxford Press.
Somekh, Bridget and Cathy Lewin (eds) (2005) Research Methods in the Social Sciences.
London: Sage
Strathern, Meril (2000) Audit cultures. Routhledge
Time plan

- Literature review
- Schedule interviews with key
informants and create interview guide
for qualitative interviews
- Familiarize yourself with Search for
Common Grounds project
- Write up the focus group guide
- Hire and train research assistant
- Start writing the theory section
- Key informant interviews
- Continuation of literature review
- Focus groups for Search for Common
- Quantitative content analysis
- Write the basis for methodology section
- Write up evaluation report for Search
for Common Ground
- Compile and analyze findings from
case study, literature review and key
informant interviews
- Writing up, editing and proof reading
- Prepare for presentation and defense of
degree project




Sara Hkansson

Malm Hgskola
ComDev Fall 2013
Research Methodology


Lennie, June and Jo Tacchi (2013) Evaluating Communication for Development A framework for social change.
New York: Routledge

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